Giulio Piva
Characterization and development of different methods to extend shelf life of fresh cut fruit. Case study: novel controlled release system by layer-by-layer assembly
The research project aimed at the investigation of different methods for the storage of fresh-cut fruit. This case study relates to the proposal of an innovative controlled release system to improve the shelf life of ready-to-eat fruit. The methods applied during three research years included the application of active molecules from natural substances, some widely used in commerce and other tested for the first time; first analyzed in vitro and then applied in vivo. The under consideration methods concerned dipping, coating and the layer-by-layer assembly. The analysis carried out on the fruit have monitored pomological traits performances (soluble solids content, titratable acidity, pH, co…
Effects of gellan-based coating application on litchi fruit quality traits
The use of gellan-based coating formulation on litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn. ‘Wai Chee’) fruit was investigated in order to determine its ability to improve color conservation and to maintain the overall quality. Fruits were treated with gellanbased coating (0.5% w/v) and glycerol (3% w/v) after dipping in ascorbic acid (1.5% w/v) and then stored at 5°C and 90% relative humidity for 15 days. Changes in peel color, soluble solid content, tritatable acidity, weight loss, antioxidant activity and phenolic content, were measured. Formulations containing gellan-based coating exhibited slightly improved water barrier properties and showed their active role in maintaining color characteristics an…
Sensory analysis integrated by palynological and physicochemical determinations plays a key role in differentiating unifloral honeys of similar botanical origins (Myrtaceaehoneys from southern Spain)
Summary Myrtaceae honeys produced in Sierra Morena (southern Spain, Andalusia) are obtained from both Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Myrtus communis, and honeys can be easily confused when classified as they come from the same botanical family. The characterisation was intended on the basis of their physicochemical, sensory and palynological properties. Cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PCA) allowed us to make a distinction between two honey profiles. The first one corresponds to the European sensory profile described for Eucalyptus unifloral honeys. The second profile, which sensory characteristics are absolutely different, has not been previously described. Classificat…
Development and application of a new Edible Coating on fruits and fresh-cut fruits.
Il progetto di ricerca ha come scopo il miglioramento della gestione post-raccolta dei frutti (interi e di IV gamma), intervenendo sull’estensione della shelf-life; valutando l’utilizzo di composti provenienti da materiali di scarto delle filiere produttive agroalimentari o risorse alternative da utilizzare come nuovi rivestimenti commestibili (edible coating: EC). La novità riguarda lo sviluppo di un edible coating a partire da residui vegetali di Posidonia oceanica, pianta acquatica mediterranea ampiamente diffusa sulle coste siciliane, responsabile di accumulo di biomassa sulle spiagge. Per soddisfare, in maniera efficace, l’obiettivo iniziale si vorrebbe creare una interazione tra 1-MCP…
Cellulose Nanocrystals from Lignocellulosic Raw Materials
Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) are unique, renewable top-down nano particles from which coatings with improved gas barrier properties and new functionalities can be prepared. In this paper, the potential for obtaining such high performing nanocrystals from low-cost lignocellulosic by-products or raw materials is proved by a comparison study on CNCs obtained both from cotton linters and kraft pulp, by means of the ammonium persulfate (APS) process. Morphological and chemical characterization of the nanocrystals obtained, as well as the main functional properties of the poly(ethylene terephthalate) coated films, showed quite similar characteristics and performances of CNCs obtained from pure c…
Protecting from Oxygen (and from other gases)
As mentioned in previous chapters, the benefits provided by innovation in the paper and board business are connected with the possible chemical modification of fibres, with coupling with other materials (composites), as well as with special surface treatments. Today paper and board can substitute polymers by virtue of their enhanced ability to act as barriers to gases, while displaying an active, antimicrobial, photocatalytic, etc. behaviour. The desired barrier effect is primarily against oxygen. Considerable interest was aroused in the past by substances like artificial or natural antioxidant additives, capable to act as a barrier to oxygen by preventing its action, as well as by solution…
Effetti sulla shelf-life e sulla qualità dei frutti di Nespolo del Giappone (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) sottoposti a frigoconservazione e trattamento con 1-MCP
Posidonia Oceanica And Green Tea Extract As Active Agents For Shelf Life Extension Of Fresh Cut Peach
Nowadays the reduction of food waste and the availability of food all over the world areas are priority keys for society. In this context, the shelf life extension of fresh products in a sustainable way may represent one of the main goals. The aim of the present research work was to extend the shelf life of fresh cut peach slices by using extracts of Posidonia oceanica (POS) and green tea (GT), and compared to the control. Total polyphenols content was assessed by Folin-Ciocalteu method and the antioxidant capacity by DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl) assay. Antimicrobial activity of the two extracts was initially carried out in vitro by determining the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (…
The obtainment of Cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) from different cellulosic sources recently gained a great attention due to their physical and mechanical properties. CNC can be extracted from variety of bio-based and renewable sources, such as wood, cotton, bacterial cellulose, tunicate cellulose and softwood cellulose and used as reinforced nanocomposites, functional materials and oxygen-barrier layers. The most important factor affecting the nanocellulose production is the relative proportion of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin in the source material. The extraction of CNC from cellulosic materials started with a pre-treatment of biomass involving the complete or partial removal of hemic…
Fruit chemical and sensory characteristics of five loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl) cultivars.
La frutta di IV gamma è un prodotto altamente deperibile, con una shelf-life molto corta (5-7 giorni) influenzata dalle numerose variabili che entrano in gioco accelerando la senescenza del prodotto. Il suo alto valore aggiunto può giustificare l’utilizzo di soluzioni di conservazione più o meno costose. I metodi attualmente esistenti sono numerosi, spaziano dal dipping in sostanze naturali o sintetiche, all’utilizzo di packaging attivi, all’impiego di atmosfere modificate, ecc. Queste metodiche di conservazione incidono in maniera diversa sui costi finali del prodotto ma soprattutto sulla conservazione dello stesso e sul mantenimento della sua qualità lungo tutto il periodo di shelf-life. …
Qualità post-raccolta di frutti di mango (Mangifera indica. L) della cultivar Keitt coltivati a Tenerife (Canarie-Spagna)
Producing green, sustainable and renewable materials is one of the major challenge nowadays in the food-packaging sector. In this context, the aim of our study is to develop an active cellulose-based packaging, cellulose in fact is one of the most plentiful polymer on the earth. Tetrahydrocurcumin (THC), a derivative of curcuma, chosen as antioxidant and antimicrobial natural substance, was added into a cellulose matrix (1.5% w/w) and the resulting material was then studied. In addition to this active compound, the paper also contained chitosan and carboxymethylcellulose, to improve the retention of THC and the mechanical properties. Mechanical, chemical and microbiological analyses were do…
Profilo sensoriale di frutti di mango (Mangifera indica L.) coltivati in Sicilia.
Stato attuale e potenzialità di mercato del Mango (Mangifera Indica L.) coltivato in Sicilia
Qualità pomologica e sensoriale di 10 varietà di mango (Mangifera indica L.) coltivate in Sicilia
Il mango (Mangifera indica L.) è una pianta arborea originaria della regione Indo-Burmese, che appartiene botanicamente alla famiglia delle Anacardiaceae, principalmente coltivata nei paesi a clima tropicale e subtropicale ed oggi, complice il cambiamento climatico, diffusa anche nel bacino del mediterraneo. In Italia il mango viene coltivato solo in Sicilia dove areali della costiera tirrenica hanno fatto registrare produzioni di pregio e una crescente diffusione di nuove cultivar provenienti dai luoghi di origine. Limiti vegetazionali piuttosto stretti, soprattutto in termini di minime termiche stagionali, hanno, in passato, causato l’insuccesso di numerosi nuovi impianti basati sull’intr…
Fruit quality can be evaluated by combining chemical-physical and sensory analyses. In this trial, both instrumental and sensory analyses were carried out on fruit of 5 loquat cultivars (âNespolone di Trabiaâ, âSanfilipparaâ, âVirticchiaraâ, âMarcenA²â and âGolden Nuggetâ), with the aim of assessing their commercial quality. Fruit weight, transversal and longitudinal diameter, total soluble solid content (TSS), and titratable acidity (TA) were measured. In addition, a sensory profile of each cultivar was defined by a trained panel, which generated 16 attributes. The highest fruit weight was found in âGolden Nuggetâ and âSanfilipparaâ; the latter exhibited also th…
Comparison of cellulose nanocrystals obtained by sulfuric acid hydrolysis and ammonium persulfate, to be used as coating on flexible food-packaging materials
Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs), extracted from trees, plants, or similar cellulose-containing materials, can be used in combination with other materials to improve their performance or introduce new applications. The main purpose of this study was to compare and understand the potentialities, as coatings for Poly(ethylene terephthalate) films, of CNCs obtained starting from the same cotton linters by two different processes: sulfuric acid hydrolysis and a less common treatment with ammonium persulfate (APS), able to provide also a cellulose oxidation. The results showed that CNCs produced through the APS treatment showed higher charge densities, due to the carboxylic groups formed during the…
Cellulose Nanocrystals from Lignocellulosic Raw Materials, for Oxygen Barrier Coatings on Food Packaging Films
Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) are unique, renewable top-down nano particles from which coatings with improved gas barrier properties and new functionalities can be prepared. In this paper, the potential for obtaining such high performing nanocrystals from low-cost lignocellulosic by-products or raw materials is proved by a comparison study on CNCs obtained both from cotton linters and kraft pulp, by means of the ammonium persulfate (APS) process. Morphological and chemical characterization of the nanocrystals obtained, as well as the main functional properties of the poly(ethylene terephthalate) coated films, showed quite similar characteristics and performances of CNCs obtained from pure c…
Evaluation of the antioxidant/antimicrobial performance of Posidonia oceanica in comparison with three commercial natural extracts and as a treatment on fresh-cut peaches (Prunus persica Batsch)
Abstract This research aimed at extending the choice of natural antimicrobials/antioxidants for food applications. Four plant extracts, Posidonia oceanica (PO), Green Tea (GT), Grape seeds (GS) and Grape skin (GK), were analyzed to determine their total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and in vitro antimicrobial performance. PO extract showed the highest total phenolic content (711 mg gallic acid/g extract) and antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum . The highest antioxidant (3.81 mg/L EC 50 ) and antibacterial activities (bactericidal against Gram positives and bacteriostatic against Gram negatives) were found for GT extract. The best performing ext…