An Andreyev
First beta-decay spectroscopy of In-135 and new beta-decay branches of In-134
Laser-assisted nuclear decay spectroscopy of Au-176,Au-177,Au-179
ispartof: PHYSICAL REVIEW C vol:104 issue:2 status: published
Identification of the crossing point at N=21 between normal and intruder configurations
R. Lica et al. -- 6 pags., 3 figs. -- Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 4.0
Fine structure in the α decay of 218At
An α-decay study of 218At was performed at the CERN-ISOLDE facility. Laser-ionized beams of 218At were mass separated and implanted into an α−γ detection setup. Coincidence α−γ data were collected for the first time and a more precise half-life value of T1/2=1.27(6) s was measured. A new α-decay scheme was deduced based on the extracted reduced α-decay widths for fine-structure decays. The results from this work lead to a preferred spin and parity assignment of Jπ=(3−); however, Jπ=(2)− cannot be fully excluded.
Normal and intruder configurations in $^{34}$Si populated in the $β^-$ decay of $^{34}$Mg and $^{34}$Al
The structure of $^{34}$Si was studied through $\gamma$ spectroscopy separately in the $\beta^-$ decays of $^{34}$Mg and $^{34}$Al at the ISOLDE facility of CERN. Different configurations in $^{34}$Si were populated independently from the two recently identified $\beta$-decaying states in $^{34}$Al having spin-parity assignments $J^\pi = 4^-$ dominated by the normal configuration $\pi (d_{5/2})^{-1} \otimes \nu (f_{7/2})$ and $J^\pi = 1^+$ by the intruder configuration $\pi (d_{5/2})^{-1} \otimes \nu (d_{3/2})^{-1}(f_{7/2})^{2}$. The paper reports on spectroscopic properties of $^{34}$Si such as an extended level scheme, spin and parity assignments based on log($ft$) values and $\gamma$-ray…
A triplet of differently shaped spin-zero states in the atomic nucleus 186Pb
Understanding the fundamental excitations of many-fermion systems is of significant current interest. In atomic nuclei with even numbers of neutrons and protons, the low-lying excitation spectrum is generally formed by nucleon pair breaking and nuclear vibrations or rotations. However, for certain numbers of protons and neutrons, a subtle rearrangement of only a few nucleons among the orbitals at the Fermi surface can result in a different elementary mode: a macroscopic shape change. The first experimental evidence for this phenomenon came from the observation of shape coexistence in 16O (ref. 4). Other unexpected examples came with the discovery of fission isomers and super-deformed nuclei…
Fast-timing study of the l -forbidden 12+→32+ M1 transition in Sn 129 FAST-TIMING STUDY of the l -FORBIDDEN ⋯ R. LICǎ et al.
© 2016 authors. Published by the American Physical Society.The levels in Sn129 populated from the β- decay of In129 isomers were investigated at the ISOLDE facility of CERN using the newly commissioned ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS). The lowest 12+ state and the 32+ ground state in Sn129 are expected to have configurations dominated by the neutron s12 (l=0) and d32 (l=2) single-particle states, respectively. Consequently, these states should be connected by a somewhat slow l-forbidden M1 transition. Using fast-timing spectroscopy we have measured the half-life of the 12+ 315.3-keV state, T12= 19(10) ps, which corresponds to a moderately fast M1 transition. Shell-model calculations using the CD-…
Fine structure in the alpha decay of At-218
New beta-decaying state in Bi-214
13 pags., 7 figs., 3 tabs.
Laser Spectroscopy of Neutron-Rich Hg-207,Hg-208 Isotopes: Illuminating the Kink and Odd-Even Staggering in Charge Radii across the N=126 Shell Closure
(208)po populated through EC/beta(+) decay
The structure of 208Po resulting from the EC/β + decay of 208At was studied at CERN’s ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS). The high statistics afforded by the high yield of 208At and the high efficiency HPGe clusters at the IDS allowed for greater insight into lower intensity transitions and thus significant expansion of the 208Po level scheme. Furthermore, investigation into the isomeric state yielded a new half life 377(9) ns in addition to uncovering new transitions populating the state.