

Normal and intruder configurations in $^{34}$Si populated in the $β^-$ decay of $^{34}$Mg and $^{34}$Al

R LicaF RotaruMjg BorgeS GrevyF NegoitaA PovesO SorlinAn AndreyevR BorceaC CostacheH De WitteLm FrailePt GreenleesM HuyseA IonescuS KisyovJ KonkiI LazarusM MadurgaN MargineanR MargineanC MihaiRe MihaiA NegretF NowackiRd PageJ PakarinenV PucknellP RahkilaE RapisardaA SerbanCo SottyL StanM StanoiuO TengbladA TurturicaP Van DuppenN WarrPh DessagneT StoraC BorceaS CalinescuJm DaugasD FilipescuI KutiS FranchooI GheorgheP MorfouaceP MorelJ MrazekD PietreanuD SohlerI StefanR SuvailaS TomaCa Ur



The structure of $^{34}$Si was studied through $\gamma$ spectroscopy separately in the $\beta^-$ decays of $^{34}$Mg and $^{34}$Al at the ISOLDE facility of CERN. Different configurations in $^{34}$Si were populated independently from the two recently identified $\beta$-decaying states in $^{34}$Al having spin-parity assignments $J^\pi = 4^-$ dominated by the normal configuration $\pi (d_{5/2})^{-1} \otimes \nu (f_{7/2})$ and $J^\pi = 1^+$ by the intruder configuration $\pi (d_{5/2})^{-1} \otimes \nu (d_{3/2})^{-1}(f_{7/2})^{2}$. The paper reports on spectroscopic properties of $^{34}$Si such as an extended level scheme, spin and parity assignments based on log($ft$) values and $\gamma$-ray branching ratios, absolute $\beta$ feeding intensities and neutron emission probabilities. A total of 11 newly identified levels and 26 transitions were added to the previously known level scheme of $^{34}$Si. Large scale shell-model calculations using the {\sc sdpf-u-mix} interaction, able to treat higher order intruder configurations, are compared with the new results and conclusions are drawn concerning the predictive power of {\sc sdpf-u-mix}, the $N=20$ shell gap, the level of mixing between normal and intruder configurations for the 0$_1^+$, 0$_2^+$ and 2$_1^+$ states and the absence of triaxial deformation in $^{34}$Si.
