G. Cannata
Amperometric Biosensor and Front-End Electronics for Remote Glucose Monitoring by Crosslinked PEDOT-Glucose Oxidase
Focusing on the interplay between interface chemistry, electrochemistry, and integrated electronics, we show a novel low-cost and flexible biosensing platform for continuous glucose monitoring. The amperometric biosensing system features a planar three-electrode structure on a plastic substrate, and a wireless near-field communication-powered electronic system performing sensor analog front-end, A/D conversion, digital control, and display tasks. The working electrode is made of electropolymerized poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) film onto a polyethylene terephthalate/gold electrode followed by immobilization of cross-linked glucose oxidase by glutaraldehyde. The advantages offered by such…
The reference frequency distributions of daily relative sunshine from different locations
Abstract In some applications the relative sunshine distribution curves are very usefull. The present work tends to provide the above frequency distributions for the Italian area, using the daily data of eleven stations. A preliminary compatibility test is applied in order to verify if a dependence on location exist and it is deduced that the area referring to the various locations is statistically compatible with a few exceptions. Therefore, it is possible to give generalized frequency distributions curves which can be considered reference curves for all Italian locations. The empirical distributions are also compared with the calculated ones by the method of Bendt et al. and a good agreem…
Monthly reference distribution of daily relative sunshine values
Abstract In this paper it is shown that for a given location the monthly distributions of the daily relative sunshine depend only, within statistical errors, on their monthly averages and are independent of the month of the year. Furthermore it is put in evidence that a reference distribution of the daily relative sunshine values for every month of the year can be found by the knowledge of the average deduced from data of some years.
Diffuse solar radiation statistics for Italy
Abstract In this paper diffuse radiation is correlated with usually measured or more easy computable quantities in order to have a larger number of data available for the various applications of solar energy. Here are used two types of correlation: (a) diffuse radiation as a function of global and extraterrestrial radiation; (b) diffuse radiation as a function of ralative sunshine and extraterrestrial radiation. On the basis of the above correlations, empirical equations have been proposed and their coefficients have been calculated by fitting the experimental data of three Italian stations. The degree of accuracy of the fit has been estimated by a coefficient introduced and called by us “r…
Pruritus characteristics in a large Italian cohort of psoriatic patients
Background: Psoriasis (Ps) is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease associated with pruritus in 64–98% of patients. However, few modestly sized studies assess factors associated with psoriatic pruritus. Objective: To investigate factors associated with Ps pruritus intensity. Methods: Psoriasis patients 18 years or older seen in one of 155 centres in Italy between September 2005 and 2009 were identified from the Italian PsoCare registry. Patients without cutaneous psoriasis and those with missed information on pruritus were excluded. Results: We identified 10 802 patients, with a mean age 48.8 ± 14.3 years. Mild itch was present in 33.2% of patients, moderate in 34.4%, severe in 18.7% and ve…
Efficacy of switching between tumor necrosis factor-alfa inhibitors in psoriasis: results from the Italian Psocare registry
Background: Some studies have shown that switching patients from one tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alfa inhibitor to another may be beneficial when they have an inadequate response or an adverse event. Objective: We sought to assess the variables predicting the efficacy of the second TNF-alfa inhibitor in patients discontinuing the first TNF-alfa inhibitor. Methods: Data from all 5423 consecutive patients starting TNF-alfa inhibitor therapy for psoriasis between September 2005 and September 2010 who were included in the Italian Psocare registry were analyzed. Results: In 105 patients who switched to a second TNF-alfa inhibitor who had complete follow-up data, 75% improvement in the Psoriasis …
Correlation between relative sunshine and state of the sky
Abstract It is possible to construct a sunshine map referring to a large zone, lacking in a widespread network of recording stations, correlating the relative sunshine with the “state of the sky”, defined by the monthly mean number of the clear, mixed and overcast days, whose data are more largely available. In the correlation here proposed climatological and meteorological factors are introduced in order to express the helioclimatic characteristics of every location. The application to Italy, using the data of the period 1973–1977 provided by the 31 stations of ITAV, has suggested the classification of these stations in seven “helioclimatic groups” characterized by different values of the …