Luciano Gristina
Diffusive degassing of CO2 from soil and its relation whit different soil management
Valutazione di popolazioni di lenticchia di diversa origine geografica
Soil organic matter (SOM) changes affect the CO2 atmospheric levels and is a key factor on soil fertility and soil erodibility. Fire affects ecosystems and the soil properties due to heating and post-fire soil erosion and degradation processes. In order to understand fire effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) balance research was undertaken on a fire-prone ecosystem: the Mediterranean maquia. The spatial distribution of SOC was measured in a Burnt site 6 months after a wildfire and in a Control site. Samples were collected at two different depths (0–3 and 3–10 cm) and SOC was determined. The results show that 41·8 per cent of the SOC stock was lost. This is due to the removal of the burnt ma…
Così la pratica dell'inerbimento migliora la qualità del vino
Sicilian herbaceous cropping systems.
Root growth and soil carbon turnover in Opuntia ficus-indica as affected by soil volume availability
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of soil volume restriction, i.e. root confinement, on below-and-above ground growth of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill) as well as the effect on root architecture and turnover, and soil carbon turnover. In May 2014, 1- year-old cladodes were planted in five different pots size (50, 33, 18, 9 and 5 L). Soil samples were collected from each pot and dried before SOC and δ13C determination. Roots of each plant were divided visually into three groups depending on their diameter, and then measured and weighed. Results indicated a significant effect of soil volume and sampling dates on total root length, root dry mass and δ13…
Durum wheat growth analysis in a semiarid environment in relation to crop rotation and nitrogen rate
SUMMARY – A research on durum wheat growth analysis was carried out at Sparacia farm (37°37’N-13°42’E) during the 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 seasons in a typical semi-arid environment. The objective of this research was to determine the effects of crop rotation (continuous wheat and wheat-pea rotation) and N fertilizer rates (0, 60 and 120 Kg ha-1) on growth of four durum wheat varieties, characterized by different productive ability and adaptation. A split- split-plot design with three replications was used. The study highlighted the role of the CGR index in order to enable a better knowledge of the relationship among crop techniques and wheat yield response
Speciale orzo: un'annata al limite della perfezione.
L'andamento climatico favorevole ha consentito rese medie che non si registravano dal 2000. Il Nord torna alla ribalta dopo lo stop del 2011. Risultati eccellenti anche in termini di pesi ettolitrici.
The impact of Carpobrotus cfr. acinaciformis (L.) L. Bolus on soil nutrients, microbial communities structure and native plant communities in Mediterranean ecosystems
Background and aims: Carpobrotus spp. are amongst the most impactful and widespread plant invaders of Mediterranean habitats. Despite the negative ecological impacts on soil and vegetation that have been documented, information is still limited about the effect by Carpobrotus on soil microbial communities. We aimed to assess the changes in the floristic, soil and microbial parameters following the invasion by Carpobrotus cfr. acinaciformis within an insular Mediterranean ecosystem. Methods: Within three study areas a paired-site approach, comparing an invaded vs. a non-invaded plot, was established. Within each plot biodiversity indexes, C and N soil content, pH and microbial biomass and st…
Risposta bio-agronomica e qualitativa della favetta (Vicia faba L. var. equina) alla concimazione fosfo-azotata.
Valutazione bioagronomici e qualitativa di germoplasma autoctono di Avena sativa L. in Sicilia
Protein and β-ODAP content and their association with yield contributing traits in selected grass pea lines
Eight selected grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) lines were evaluated over three different growing seasons (2005-2008) at the experimental field at the ‘Sparacia farm’ (Cammarata-AG) in Sicily. A randomized complete-block design with three replicates was adopted. 35 viable seeds/m2 of each line were placed at the end of autumn in rows distant 50 cm. After one summer ploughing, 90 kg ha-1 di P2O5 were filled during two harrowing before sowing; later two manual weeds control were performed. Harvest was executed at full maturity of pods (end of the spring). Temperature values and effective rainfall for each season were recorded. Information are presented on the variability in storage seed protei…
Improving local soil carbon inventories, IPCC coefficients tuning for vineyard improved management in semi-arid environment
Influenza della diversa gestione di due cover crops sui bioindicatori della qualità di un suolo a vigneto
Soil carbon accumulation after agricultural abandonment. A Mediterranean case study.
In the last decades, in Europe large agricultural areas have been abandoned. In absence of disturbance factors, renaturation of these areas is rapid due to secondary succession of vegetation communities. In the Mediterranean region, in the last years have been conducted studies on soil carbon accumulation after agricultural abandonment. Soil has to be regarded as the most considerable carbon (C) sink on a global level. CO2 emission compensation is guaranteed also by C uptake by plants and by organic matter accumulation in soils. The present study analyzes organic carbon stock in some soils of Southern Italy, in the Madonie Mountains in Sicily, where large areas are subject to secondary succ…
Spatial variability of ecophysiological performances and invasive potential of alien acacias (Acacia spp.) in Sicily and Lampedusa island (Pelagie Archipelago)
Acacia spp. are among the most widespread and prominent invaders within Mediterranean-type ecosystems, where have already shown the capability to deeply change the characters and the functioning of invaded ecosystems (like in Portugal or S Africa: e.g. Holmes & Cowling, 1997; Hellmann et al., 2011). In Sicily, just in the last few years, two Australian Acacias, notably Acacia cylops A. Cunn. ex G. Don and A. saligna (Labill.) H.L.Wendl., started to regenerate abundantly within different areas (especially afforested sites). However their naturalization process has not been studied up to now.
Effectiveness of incentives for agri-environment measure in Mediterranean degraded and eroded vineyards
The evaluation of the economic damage caused by soil erosion assumes great importance. It serves to increase awareness of the problem among farmers and policy makers. Moreover, it can promote the implementation of conservative measures at the field and basin level by spurring the development of more sustainable soil management practices. In the present study we have developed a new approach to evaluate the incentive for the adoption of Agri-Environment Measure (AEM) in Mediterranean degraded and eroded vineyards. In order to estimate this incentive, the replacement cost and the loss of income are calculated under two different soil management such as Conventional Tillage (CT) and Cover crop…
Effetti delle tecniche di interramento di due cover crop sui flussi di carbonio del suolo in ambiente Mediterraneo
Risultati delle prove nazionali: Le varietà di triticale per le semine 2008
Esperienze di monitoraggio a Salaparuta e nella R.N.O. “Grotta di Santa Ninfa” (TP, Sicilia Occidentale): effetto di pratiche di agricoltura sostenibile sulle componenti abiotiche e biotiche
Cropping system influence on soil CO2 fluxes in a semi arid mediterranean environment
Sustainable vineyard floor management: An equilibrium between water consumption and soil conservation
Abstract Sustainable vineyards soil management can help to mitigate the negative effect of intensive agriculture on soil ecosystem for the achievement of the sustainable development goals. Cover crops use as cover management in vineyard could be considered as nature based solution for soil restoration and proper water management. Cover crops (CC) provide many ecosystem services through carbon sequestration and climate change regulation, water purification and soil protection. However, a holistic approach is needed to understand the maximum potential ecosystem service that can be provided in different soil and climatic condition also considering vineyard needs. The current knowledge of CC ma…
Long-term organic farming on a citrus plantation results in soil organic carbon recovery
[ES] Se ha demostrado que el manejo del suelo bajo agricultura ecológica puede aumentar el contenido de carbono orgánico en el suelo moderando el incremento de los gases de efecto invernadero, pero hasta la fecha las evaluaciones cuantitativas basadas en mediciones a largo plazo han sido escasas, especialmente bajo condiciones mediterráneas. En esta investigación se examinaron los cambios en el contenido de carbono orgánico como respuesta a la agricultura ecológica con cobertura vegetal en una plantación de cítricos en el área mediterránea, utilizando una base de datos de 21 años. El incremento de contenido de carbono orgánico en el suelo fue más evidente tras cinco años desde el cambio del…
La gestione agronomica del vigneto in ambiente semiarido è spesso caratterizzata sia dalle frequenti lavorazioni del suolo che dall’apporto di fertilizzanti inorganici, in particolare azotati. Tale gestione, congiuntamente alle caratteristiche pedo-climatiche tipiche dell’ambiente semiarido, causa spesso un depauperamento del contenuto in sostanza organica del suolo e, dall’altro lato, incrementa il rischio di dilavamento di nitrati dal suolo. Al fine di controbilanciare tali effetti indesiderati, sono state introdotte nella gestione del suolo a vigneto tecniche di agricoltura conservativa, quali l’introduzione delle cover crops e l’interramento, previa trinciatura, dei residui di potatura,…
During 2005/2006 a vineyards, located in south-west of Sicily (37° 60’ N – 12° 30 E), were subjected to five different soil managements: “conventional” ( T ) soil management using up to eight soil plowing with a five furrow plow; natural cover cropping ( N ), vetch cover cropping ( V ) (Vicia sativa L.); subclover cover cropping ( S ) (trifolium subterraneum var. Clare); medic cover cropping ( M ) (medicago polymorpha var. Santiago). In the layer 0-25 cm, soil moisture, total N, NO3, NH4, and soil organic matter were determined. Fresh and dry biomass weight, and total nitrogen percentage were determined on nine one square meter subplots for each thesis. Soil erosion was measured, using a Ge…
Energy potential and CO2 budget of residual biomass in the Menfi wine district, Sicily
Soil Carbon Budget Account for the Sustainability Improvement of a Mediterranean Vineyard Area
Sustainable viticulture is suggested as an interesting strategy for achieving the objectives of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction in terms of mitigation and adaptation. However, knowledge and quantification of the contribution of sustainable vineyard management on climate change impact are needed. Although it is widely assessed by several authors that the agricultural stage has a great impact in the wine chain, very few studies have evaluated the greenhouse gas emission in this phase including the ability of soil to sequester carbon (C) or the off-farm C loss by erosion. This work aimed to provide a vineyard carbon budget (vCB) tool to quantify the impact of grape production on…
Energia pulita dagli scarti della produzione vitivinicola
Comportamento bioagronomici di genotipi di triticale in due ambienti mediterranei. Bioagronomic behaviour of triticale in two Mediterranean Environments
Tra i cereali minori il triticale, occupa un posto di primaria importanza sia per gli aspetti agronomici e sia per gli usi possibili della coltura. L’ibrido, nato dall’esigenza di associare in un individuo alle buone caratteristiche produttive dei frumenti, la resistenza della segale potrebbe rappresentare, infatti, una valida alternativa colturale negli ordinamenti asciutti degli ambienti marginali. L’intenso lavoro di miglioramento genetico ha consentito la costituzione di varietà, migliorate sia per l’utilizzazione animale che per l’alimentazione umana. Inoltre, l’accresciuta consapevolezza dei consumatori, degli effetti benefici derivanti dalla diversificazione dei cereali nella dieta, …
No-Till Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Patterns as Affected by Climate and Soil Erosion in the Arable Land of Mediterranean Europe
No-tillage (NT) has been considered an agronomic tool to sequester soil organic carbon (SOC) and match the 4p1000 initiative requirements of conservative soil management. Recently, some doubts have emerged about the NT effect on SOC sequestration, often because observations and experimental data vary widely depending on climate and geographic characteristics. Therefore, a suitable SOC accounting method is needed that considers climate and morphology interactions. In this study, the yearly ratio between SOC in NT and conventional tillage (CT) (RRNT/CT) collected in a previous study for flat (96 samples) and sloping (44 samples) paired sites was used to map the overestimation of SOC sequestra…
Scenario analysis of Agro-Environment measure adoption for soil erosion protection in Sicilian vineyard (Italy)
Most of the challenges in designing land use policies that address sustainability issues are inherent to the concept of Agro-Environmental Measures (AEM). Researchers, farmers and mainly policy makers need to evaluate the impact of new and existing policies for soil protection. In Europe, farmers commit themselves, for a minimum period of at least five years, to adopt environmentallyfriendly farming techniques that undergone legal obligations. On the other hand, farmers receive payments that provide compensation for additional costs and income foregone resulting from applying those environmentally friendly farming practices in line with the stipulations of agri-environment contracts. In thi…
Green manuring as sustainable management for southern Italy extensive cultivated areas
In the extensively-managed agricultural areas of Sicily, rainfall is often so limited that economically effective annual productions are not feasible. Bare fallow, the most extreme dry-farming technique, seems to be, under such conditions, the only suitable strategy. The introduction in these cropping systems of an annual legume to put early into the soil, as an alternative to bare fallow, may represent a technique able not only to prevent soil erosion, but also to improve the low soil organic matter reserves, with a direct benefit on the following yields and on the whole environment. The trial was aimed to verify the bioagronomical and qualitative behaviour of durum wheat managed under dif…
Soil fraction and carbon labilità as affected by tillage and cropping systems.
Studio della variabilità bioagronomica di alcune popolazioni di lenticchia in un ambiente caldo arido mediterraneo
Phosphate-Nitrogen fertilizatio effect on faba bean bioagronomic response
Dinamica delle riserve di carbonio organico del suolo in ambiente mediterraneo
Wheat (Triticum aestivum) yield stability and reliability in the Mediterranean semi arid environment
Impact of woody encroachment on soil organic carbon and nitrogen in abandoned agricultural lands along a rainfall gradient in Italy
Land use changes represent one of the most important components of global environmental change andhave a strong influence on carbon cycling. As a consequence of changes in economy during the last century, areas of marginal agriculture have been abandoned leading to secondary successions. The encroachment of woody plants into grasslands, pastures and croplands is generally thought to increase the carbon stored in these ecosystems even though there are evidences for a decrease in soil carbon stocks after land use change. In this paper, we investigate the effects of woody plant invasion on soil carbon and nitrogen stocks along a precipitation gradient (200–2,500 mm) using original data from pa…
Modelling soil carbon fate under erosion process in vineyard
Soil erosion processes in vineyards beyond water runoff and sediment transport have a strong effect on soil organic carbon loss (SOC) and redistribution along the slope. The variation of SOC across the landscape determines a difference in soil fertility and vine productivity. The aim of this research was to study erosion of a Mediterranean vineyard, develop an approach to estimate the SOC loss, correlate the vines vigor with sediment and carbon erosion. The study was carried out in a Sicilian (Italy) vineyard, planted in 2011. Along the slope, six pedons were studied by digging 6 pits up to 60cm depth. Soil was sampled in each pedon every 10cm and SOC was analyzed. Soil erosion, detachment …
Cover crop management and water conservation in vineyard and olive orchards
Abstract Sustainability in orchard crops is an important goal for farmers, decision-makers and consumers. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals emphasize the importance of the soils in the Earth System to achieve sustainability and accomplish the Land Degradation Neutrality Challenge. Within the world agriculture land, olive and vineyards are within the eldest crops in the world, and they are also the ones with the highest degree of soil degradation. Cover crops (CC) are widely accepted as sustainable crop management that reduces soil and water losses, restores organic matter, increases biodiversity and fertility in degraded agriculture soils. The agriculture land must shift into…
Towards More Efficient Incentives for Agri-environment Measures in Degraded and Eroded Vineyards
Evaluating the economic damage caused by soil erosion is important. In addition to increasing the awareness of the problem among farmers and policy makers, evaluation of the economic damage caused by erosion can promote the implementation of more sustainable soil management practices. In the present study, we describe a new approach to evaluate incentives for the adoption of agri-environment measure (AEM) in degraded and eroded vineyards. To estimate this incentive, the replacement cost (RC) and the loss of income are calculated when the vineyard is managed with conventional tillage versus a cover crop (AEM). Our findings show that the incentive could range from the loss of income due to AE…
Turnover and availability of soil organic carbon under different Mediterranean land-uses as estimated by 13C natural abundance
Summary Soil organic matter (SOM) is an important factor in ecosystem stability and productivity. This is especially the case for Mediterranean soils suffering from the impact of humans and degradation as well as harsh climatic conditions. We used the carbon (C) exchange resulting from C3-C4 and C4-C3 vegetation change under field conditions combined with incubations under controlled conditions to evaluate the turnover and availability of soil organic C under different land-uses. The 40-year succession of Hyparrenia hirta L. (C4 photosynthesis) after more than 85 years of olive (Olea europaea L.) tree (C3 photosynthesis) growth led to the exchange of 54% of soil organic C from C3 to C4 form…
Report on Sicily
Azioni di contenimento dei fenomeni erosivi, di salvaguardia e restauro degli habitat nell’ambito del Progetto LIFE “MACALIFE - Preservation and extension of priority habitats damaged from agriculture activity”: un modello per le zone aride della Sicilia
In Sicilia, come del resto in gran parte del Mediterraneo, l’impatto millenario delle attività antropiche ha profondamente modificato la struttura e la funzione degli ecosistemi naturali, con evidenti ripercussioni sulla stabilità dei suoli e sull’andamento diffuso dei processi erosivi. L’accresciuta consapevolezza di que-sto rapporto causa-effetto ha posto sempre più in risalto la necessità di mettere in atto adeguati interventi di recupero e di ripristino ambientale, in particolare a favo-re di ecosistemi più esposti e vulnerabili, perlopiù concentrati in corrispondenza delle aree costiere e umide, spesso profondamente trasformati a seguito dell'azione combinata di diversi tipi di disturb…
Guida alla scelta delle migliori varietà di triticale
Effect of Standard Disk Plough on Soil Translocation in Sloping Sicilian Vineyards
Tillage is the main force of soil redistribution in agricultural land use and has been seen as more critical than water erosion. This study aims to evaluate the effect of tillage with standard disk in vineyards. A representative study area with grapevines was selected, and 39 inter-rows were selected to test the effect of slope and forward speed. In each inter-row, a strip of soil was collected, and mixed with 2 kg of coloured sand used as a tracer, then replaced in the strip, and shallow soil tillage was performed by means of a standard disk plough. Three soil subsamples were collected along the slope every 0.30 m from the coloured strip and the sand tracer was separated from the soil and …
Speciale orzo. Risultati delle prove nazionali 2009-10. Le varietà di orzo a uso maltario.
Le caratteristiche produttive delle varietà da malto disponibili rendono l'orzo da birra una produzione interessante sia al Centro-sud sia al Nord, anche per il sostanziale deficit nella produzione di orzo da birra italiano.
la cicerchia
Nitrogen input effectiveness on carbon sequestration in rainfed cropping system
The combined effect of total N and C/N ratio had a large influence on the decomposition rate and consequently on potential soil organic carbon sequestration. The aim of the work was to evaluate Carbon sequestration potentiality under three mineral N fertilization levels in interaction with two cropping systems characterized by addition of N input due to leguminous species in the rotation. The study was carried out in the semiarid Mediterranean environment in a 18years long-term experiment. Is well know that in the semiarid environment the excess of N fertilization reduces biomass yield and the consequent C input. On the contrary, both N and C input determine high difference in C/N input rat…
Turnover and availability of soil organic carbon under different Mediterranean land-uses as estimated by13C natural abundance
Summary Soil organic matter (SOM) is an important factor in ecosystem stability and productivity. This is especially the case for Mediterranean soils suffering from the impact of human degradation as well as harsh climatic conditions. We used the carbon (C) exchange resulting from C3-C4 and C4-C3 vegetation change under field conditions combined with incubations under controlled conditions to evaluate the turnover and availability of soil organic C under different land-uses. The 40-year succession of Hyparrenia hirta L. (C4 photosynthesis) after more than 85 years of olive tree (Olea europaea L.; C3 photosynthesis) growth led to the exchange of 54% of soil organic C from C3 to C4 forms. In …
Afforestation and reforestation: the Sicilian case study
In some regions of the world such as the Northern Hemisphere, the abandonment of agricultural land is one of the most widespread forms of land use change. In general, abandonment is followed by colonization by herbaceous and woody plants. Since the 1950s, wide areas of Southern Italy have been afforested for soil conservation improvement. In order to quantify the effects of agricultural abandonment and artificial afforestation on soil organic carbon (SOC), a dataset of 48 Sicilian sites has been analyzed. Because of their high environmental variability, these sites can be considered as representative of Southern Italy and in general of the Mediterranean basin. Soil samples were taken throug…
Yield and quality of durum wheat as affected by foliar glycinebetaine applicated in rainfed Mediterranean conditions
Studio della variabilità bioagronomica e qualitativa in popolazioni di cicerchia (Lathyrus sativus L.)
Ruolo della precessione colturale, della concimazione azotata e del genotipo sulla risposta produttiva e qualitativa del frumento duro in ambiente Mediterraneo
Effects of cropping systems fertility on durum wheat nitrogen uptake, yield and qualitative characteristics
The aim of the trial was to evaluate cropping system effects and nitrogen fertilization on uptake and nitrogen efficiency of durum wheat in terms of qualitative and quantitative yield in a Mediterranean semi arid environment. A four year trial (2000 – 2004) was carried out in the “Sparacia” experimental farm (Sicily – Italy) on Eutric Vertisols. The effects of two cropping systems (durum wheat monocropping and durum wheat - field pea) on durum wheat were investigated in interaction with three nitrogen fertilizations: 0, 60 and 120 kg ha-1. The results showed that qualitative and productive durum wheat response was strongly influenced by year and nutrient availability. Crop rotation and nitr…
Guida alla scelta delle varietà di orzo per la zootecnia
Straw uses trade-off only after soil organic carbon steady-state
Soil organic matter (SOM) is the key for a healthy soil and a relevant property to achieve the sustainability on soil management. However, soils are still net exporters of organic matter. One example is the use of wheat straw residue for industrial and energy applications, which has gained attention in the last years. The offfarm use of this abundant and low cost resource should follow sustainability criteria to avoid soil degradation and SOM losses. Straw residue incorporation is recognized as a recommended management practice to control erosion and mitigate CO2 emissions by increasing SOM. The goal of this work was: i) to evaluate the steady-state carbon (C) level in relation to C input a…
Valutazione di ibridi di sorgo da granella in ambiente semiarido in condizioni di limitati apporti idrici
Speciale orzo- Risultati delle prove nazionali 2009-10. Le varietà di orzo zootecnico per le prossime semine
Sono 35 le varietà in prova in 29 località della Penisola. Tra le novità in prova ottimi risultati sono stati ottenuti da Alimini e Atomo in tutti gli areali.
Dynamics of soil organic carbon pools after agricultural abandonment
Abandonment of agricultural land and the subsequent recolonization by natural vegetation is known to cause increases in C contents, contributing to reduction in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Assessment of the possible mitigation of CO2 excess requires understanding the SOC dynamics, the origin of C pools and the pathways of their transformation. The aims of this work were to assess, by using the δ13C signature, the changes of old and new organic C in total (soil organic carbon, SOC) and labile (microbial biomass C, MBC, dissolved organic C, DOC, CO2 efflux from soil) pools after vegetation change from vineyard (C3) to grassland (C4) under semiarid Mediterranean climate. Colonization of ab…
Valutazione produttiva, merceologica e qualitativa di popolazioni siciliane di pomodoro da serbo e relativa variabilità.
Influenza del diverso interramento di una cover crop (Veccia/Avena) sui bioindicatori della qualità del suolo
Nella presente ricerca è stato valutato l’effetto delle diverse modalità di interramento di una cover crop (consociazione veccia/avena) su alcuni bioindicatori della qualità del suolo. L’area di studio è situata in Sambuca di Sicilia (AG), su suoli (Typic Haploxerepts) a vigneto, con tessitura argillosa, pH neutro e pendenza media del 10%. L’interramento della biomassa vegetale è stato effettuato con tre diverse modalità: erpicatura (E), fresatura (F) e sfalcio (S). Il campionamento dei suoli è stato eseguito a 2 diverse profondità (0-20 cm; 20-40 cm) dopo circa un mese dall’interramento; contemporaneamente, è stato campionato un suolo contiguo gestito con tecniche colturali tradizionali (T…
Durum wheat nitrogen use efficiency in relation to fertilization period
Agricultural land abandonment in Mediterranean environment provides ecosystem services via soil carbon sequestration
Abandonment of agricultural land leads to several consequences for ecosystem functions. Agricultural abandonment may be a significant and low cost strategy for carbon sequestration and mitigation of anthropogenic CO2 emissions due to the vegetation recovery and increase in soil organic matter. The aim of this study was to: (i) estimate the influence of different Soil Regions (areas characterized by a typical climate and parent material association) and Bioclimates (zones with homogeneous climatic regions and thermotype indices) on soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics after agricultural land abandonment; and (ii) to analyse the efficiency of the agri-environment policy (agri-environment measur…
Carbon dynamics of soil organic matter in bulk soil and aggregate fraction during secondary succession in a Mediterranean environment.
Clarifying which factors cause an increase or decrease in soil organic carbon (SOC) after agricultural abandonment requires integration of data on the temporal dynamics of the plant community and SOC. A chronosequence of abandoned vineyards was studied on a volcanic island (Pantelleria, Italy). Vegetation in the abandoned fields was initially dominated by annual and perennial herbs, then by Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf, and finally by woody communities. As a consequence, the dominant photosynthetic pathway changed from C3 to C4 and then back to C3. Conversion of a plant community dominated by one photosynthetic pathway to another changes the 13C/12C ratio of inputs to SOC. Using the time si…
Role of rotation and nitrogen fertilization on the productive and qualitative response of a barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Effetti della concimazione azotata e della precessione colturale sul frumento tenero (Triticum aestivum L.)
Arthropods as biological soil quality indicators in a vineyard under different soil management
Cropping system influente on soil carbon isotopic pedogenic carbonates
Carbon stock increases up to old growth forest along a secondary succession in Mediterranean island ecosystems.
The occurrence of old-growth forests is quite limited in Mediterranean islands, which have been subject to particularly pronounced human impacts. Little is known about the carbon stocks of such peculiar ecosystems compared with different stages of secondary succession. We investigated the carbon variation in aboveground woody biomass, in litter and soil, and the nitrogen variation in litter and soil, in a 100 years long secondary succession in Mediterranean ecosystems. A vineyard, three stages of plant succession (high maquis, maquis-forest, and forest-maquis), and an old growth forest were compared. Soil samples at two soil depths (0-15 and 15-30 cm), and two litter types, relatively undec…
Litter contribution to soil organic carbon in the processes of agriculture abandon
The mechanisms of litter decomposition, translocation and stabilization into soil layers are fundamental processes in the functioning of the ecosystem, as they regulate the cycle of soil organic matter (SOM) and CO2 emission into the atmosphere. In this study the contribution of litters of different stages of Mediterranean secondary succession on carbon sequestration was investigated, analyzing the role of earthworms in the translocation of SOM into the soil profile. For this purpose the δ13C difference between meadow C4-C soil and C3-C litter was used in a field experiment. Four undisturbed litters of different stages of succession (45, 70, 100 and 120 since agriculture abandon) were colle…
Speciale Orzo. Produzioni record al sud. Il nord soffre la pioggia
Alternative soil management techniques in Sicilian vineyard for soil organic matter recovering
Efficacia delle fasce tampone e della gestione del suolo per il controllo dei nitrati in vigneto
Aridity index, soil erosion and climate drive no-till ecosystem services trade-off in Mediterranean arable land
Abstract Despite the relevant literature on the advantages of no-till (NT) management, the world area under NT is only 10% of the arable land, probably due to several limiting factors as climate, soil types, farming systems and yield. Soil conservation practices and particularly NT soil management are able to provide many ecosystem services (ESs). This paper suggests a framework to determine the area distribution of soil erosion control and food security ESs trade-offs furnished by NT, starting from the potential soil erosion and aridity index maps. The interaction between the potential soil erosion and the aridity index showed that different trade-offs and synergies of multiple ESs may occ…
Valutazione della variabilità bioagronomica in genotipi di pisello da granella secca in due ambientisiciliani
Soil aggregates, organic matter turnover and carbon balance in a Mediterranean eroded vineyard
The carbon cycle is being affected by the human impacts (Novara et al., 2011; Yan-Gui et al., 2013), and one of those is the intensification in the soil erosion in agriculture land (Cerdà et al., 2009; García Orenes et al., 2009). Vineyards also are affected by the human activities (Fernández Calviño, 2012). Vineyards in Sicily are cultivated on 110.000 ha, 10% of which on >10% slope. Deficiencies of soil organic matter are typical of the semi arid Mediterranean environment especially where traditional intensive cropping practices are adopted (Novara et al., 2012; 2013). These practices in vineyards could lead soil to intensive erosion processes (Novara et al., 2011). The fate of SOC under …
Comportamento bioagronomico di alcune varietà di triticale in due ambienti
Grassland fire effect on soil organic carbon reservoirs in semiarid environment.
The effect of fire on soil organic matter content is highly variable and depends on several factors including fire intensity, soil type and nature of burned material. Grassland in semiarid environment are often managed by shepherds with annual burning in order to enhance pasture recovery. The aim of this work was investigating the effect of fire as grassland management tool on soil organic carbon (SOC) reservoirs and on post-fire plant recovery. The study was conducted on Hyparrenia hirta grassland and Ampelodesma mauritanicus grassland, located in the Province of Palermo, in the north of Sicily. Soil samples were collected at two depth (0-5 and 5-20 cm) before and after experimental fire a…
L’importanza della biodiversità floristica nel vigneto siciliano
La scelta di sistemi colturali ecocompatibili implica il mantenimento di una flora equilibrata, espressione di un’ampia biodiversità sito-specifica. Focus sul progetto siciliano STRA.VI.NA. e in particolare sulla valutazione di applicare protocolli di gestione suolo con inerbimento con specie autoctone: si sta salvaguardando e testando una lista di leguminose isolane atte alla costituzione di cotici erbosi per vigneti resilienti.
La riduzione delle emissioni e il ruolo degli ecosistemi terrestri
Durum wheat yield uncertainty under different tillage management practices and climatic conditions
Abstract In the field of conservative agriculture, no-till (NT) management has been receiving increasing interest, with 45 million ha of land under no-till management in 1999 to 155 million ha in 2014. Up until now, no-till has only been observed to perform better under rainfed conditions, especially in dry climates mainly because the reduced tillage system retains more soil moisture. However, the adoption of alternative agricultural practices (NT) can be improved only if uncertain and consequent assumption of risk is well known and accepted. For these reasons, the aim of this research is (i) to define durum wheat suitability under NT soil management in terms of yield success probability an…
Cover Crop Impact on Soil Organic Carbon, Nitrogen Dynamics and Microbial Diversity in a Mediterranean Semiarid Vineyard
Cover crop (CC) management in vineyards increases sustainability by improving soil chemical and biological fertility, but knowledge on its effects in semiarid soils is lacking. This study evaluated the effect of leguminous CC management on soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration, soil nitrate content and microbial diversity in a semiarid vineyard, in comparison to conventional tillage (CT). SOC and nitrate were monitored during vine-growing season
Gli orzi da birra per le semine 2011-12.
Analisi degli isotopi stabili e della composizione acidica per l’identificazione dei formaggi ovini biologici
Effect of Afforestation on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Content on a Mediterranean Island (Lampedusa, Italy)
During the 20th century, large surfaces in the Mediterranean countries were subject to afforestation activities, mostly affecting abandoned agricultural lands. Under semi-arid climate conditions, Pinus spp. were the most frequently used species for these activities. The effect of pine plantations on soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (N) content in Lampedusa Island (South Italy) was investigated. SOC and soil N content under pine plantations of different ages (14, 24 and 43 years since plantation) were compared with SOC and soil N content in garrigue communities, which were dominated by shrubs, subshrubs and perennial herbs. The results showed that SOC content is affected by plantation …
Grassland fire effect on soil organic carbon reservoirs in a semiarid environment
Abstract. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of an experimental fire used for grassland management on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. The study was carried out on Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf (Hh) grassland and Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (Desf.) T. Durand & Schinz (Am) grasslands located in the north of Sicily. Soil samples were collected at 0–5 cm before and after the experimental fire, and SOC was measured. During the grassland fire, soil surface temperature was monitored. Biomass of both grasses was analysed in order to determine dry weight and its chemical composition. The results showed that SOC varied significantly with vegetation type, while it is not affecte…
Biological soil quality in a sustainable vineyard management in South-West of Sicily (Italy)
Actual provision as an alternative criterion to improve the efficiency of payments for ecosystem services for C sequestration in semiarid vineyards
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency of the PES scheme actually used in the Sicilian rural development program, based on an egalitarian criterion, and proposing an alternative scheme in order to guarantee a greater equity and fairness of premium distribution in relation to soil carbon (C) sequestration potential. We, first, assessed the ecosystem services (ES) provided by agri-environmental measures (AEM) in terms of SOC stock increase in Sicilian vineyards. Based on these data we evaluated the efficiency of agro-environmental payments according to an egalitarian criterion and simulated the effects of the actual provision criterion adoption. Results showed that the adoption o…
Speciale orzo: Rese e pesi ettolitrico, le performance varietali
From pedologic indications to archaeological reconstruction: deciphering land use in the Islamic period in the Baida district (north-western Sicily)
Abstract The aim of this work was to detect imprints on soil properties from former Islamic land use (9th to 11th century) using a multi-method, soil-chemical approach. Four soil profiles (with buried horizons) found in the vicinities of former Islamic settlements in Sicily were analysed for phosphorus (total, organic and inorganic), nitrogen (total, NO 3 − and NH 4 + ), carbon compounds (δ 13 C, lipids, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and functional groups), physical and chemical C-fractions and the state of soil weathering. Two soil profiles contained ceramic sherds from the Islamic period. Inorganic nitrogen forms, phosphorous and the PAH content indicated strong impacts from trad…
Fine-Scale Spatial Variability Of Soil Organic Carbon And Related Environmental Variables In a protected area of Sicily
Sparacia experimental farm
Caratterizzazione bioagronomica e qualitativa di genotipi di cicerchia (Lathyrus sativus L.).
No till soil organic carbon sequestration could be overestimated when slope effect is not considered
Abstract No tillage (NT) soil management has been considered a strategy for the implementation of environmental sustainability and a possible tool of soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration. Considering the wide range of data on SOC change after NT application in relation to conventional tillage (CT) in different studies, further researches are needed over a diverse range of soil and climate before a proper estimation of the benefits can be provided by the NT. A data set composed of cereal cropping system studies, comparing the SOC content under CT and NT was compiled from the literature using the scientific repositories “Scopus” and “Science direct”. This aims to i) discriminate and quanti…
Is Environmental Sustainability Also “Economically Efficient”? The Case of the “SOStain” Certification for Sicilian Sparkling Wines
The Italian wine industry is strongly committed to sustainability. Among the numerous sustainability certifications and programs implemented in Italy for the wine sector, SOStain is the oldest at the regional level. The SOStain Foundation promotes the voluntary application of a sustainability program, developed in 2010 in Sicily (Southern Italy). The requirements of the SOStain specifications are connected to the new CAP 2023–2027 objectives; therefore, companies preparing for the new challenges of future winemaking might be interested in joining the SOStain Foundation for greening production practices. The objective of this study was to learn producers’ and consumers’ opinions about motiva…
The effects of post-pasture woody plant colonization on soil and aboveground litter carbon and nitrogen along a bioclimatic transect.
Abstract: We investigated the effects of woody plant colonization of abandoned pastures on soil and litter organic carbon (C) stocks and nitrogen (N) content along a bioclimatic transect in a semi-arid environment (Sicily, Italy). Soil samples were taken in three successional stages (grazed pasture, shrubland, forest) within each of three bioclimates (supramediterranean - “supra”, mesomediterranean - “meso”, thermomediterranean - “thermo”). Organic C and N in litter and soil (0-10 cm and 10-30 cm depth) were determined, as well as soil bulk density. Especially at 0-10 cm depth, changes in C and N contents along successional stages differed among bioclimates. Soil organic carbon (SOC) stock …
Cover crop and nitrogen management effects on industrial use tomato
Valutazione della variabilità bioagronomica in genotipi di pisello da granella in due ambienti siciliani
Suolo, la protezione parte dal vigneto
The ecological role of Pyrus Spinosa Forssk. in the ecosystem recovery and land restoration of Mediterranean woodlands
In the Mediterranean basin, large areas still call for active reforestation, having a very low woody cover, thus resulting less resistant and resilient to climate change and suffering from a higher risk of soil degradation processes. Knowing the effects on soil fertility and carbon sequestration of single woody species can be of great practical importance, although being rarely tested. We aimed to assess the effect of Pyrus spinosa on soil fertility (soil carbon and nitrogen), microbial biomass and carbon sequestration (in aboveground stems) of Mediterranean pasturelands. The research was carried out in Ficuzza Nature Reserve (NW Sicily), where large areas are composed of extensive pasturel…
Cover Crop and Pruning Residue Management to Reduce Nitrogen Mineral Fertilization in Mediterranean Vineyards
This paper aimed to study the effect of temporary cover crop and vine pruning residue burial as alternative practices to conventional tillage on soil nitrate (NO3-N) availability and grapevine performance in the short term. The trial was carried out in a rain-fed vineyard (Vitis vinifera L., cv Grecanico dorato/140 Ruggeri) located in a traditional Mediterranean viticultural area (37°
Understanding the role of soil erosion on co2-c loss using (13)c isotopic signatures in abandoned Mediterranean agricultural land.
Understanding soil water erosion processes is essential to evaluate the redistribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) within a landscape and is fundamental to assess the role of soil erosion in the global carbon (C) budget. The main aim of this study was to estimate the C redistribution and losses using (13)C natural abundance. Carbon losses in soil sediment, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and CO2 emission were determined. Four bounded parallel plots were installed on a 10% slope. In the upper part of the plots, C3soil was replaced with C4soil. The SOC and δ(13)C were measured after 145.2mm rainfall in the upper (2m far from C4strip), middle (4m far from C4strip) lower (6m far from C4strip) t…
Long-term cropping systems and tillage management effects on soil organic carbon stocks and steady state level of C sequestration rates in a semiarid environment
A calcareous and clayey xeric Chromic Haploxerept of a long-term experimental site in Sicily (Italy) was sampled (0–15 cm depth) under different land use management and cropping systems (CSs) to study their effect on soil aggregate stability and organic carbon (SOC). The experimental site had three tillage managements (no till [NT], dual-layer [DL] and conventional tillage [CT]) and two CSs (durum wheat monocropping [W] and durum wheat/faba bean rotation [WB]). The annually sequestered SOC with W was 2·75-times higher than with WB. SOC concentrations were also higher. Both NT and CT management systems were the most effective in SOC sequestration whereas with DL system no C was sequestered. …
Valutazione produttiva e qualitativa di Timilie
Cover crops incorporation techniques on soil carbon budget in Mediterranean environment
The impact of soil erosion on soil fertility and vine vigor. A multidisciplinary approach based on field, laboratory and remote sensing approaches
Soil erosion processes in vineyards, beyond surface runoff and sediment transport, have a strong effect on soil organic carbon (SOC) loss and redistribution along the slope. Variation in SOC across the landscape can determine differences in soil fertility and vine vigor. The goal of this research was to analyze the interactions among vines vigor, sediment delivery and SOC in a sloping vineyard located in Sicily. Six pedons were studied along the slope by digging 6 pits up to 60 cm depth. Soil was sampled every 10 cm and SOC, water extractable organic carbon (WEOC) and specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA) were analyzed. Erosion rates, detachment and deposition areas were measured by the po…
Risultati del confronto tra varietà di orzo zootecnico
In tutti gli areali la sperimentazione condotta su 28 varietà ha fornito medie produttive assolutamente straordinarie; al Nord sono state prodotte mediamente 7,8 t/ha di granella d'orzo, al Centro 7,6 t/ha e al Sud e Isole 5,9 t/ha.
Le varietà di orzo disponibili per la produzione della birra
Le cultivar in prova comprendevano 14 varietà, di cui 3 di tipo primaverile, 10 di tipo invernale e 1 di tipo facoltativo. Al Centro-Sud e Isole, la graduatoria varietale delle produzioni medie ha visto in prima posizione la cultivar Concerto; mentre, al Centro-Nord, la cultivar Doria (da zootecnia) si è attestata in prima posizione seguita da Tipple e Concerto.
No-till durum wheat yield success probability in semi arid climate: A methodological framework
Abstract The aim of this study is to develop a framework for the evaluation of no-till (NT) yield success probability as a decision tool for farmers or decision makers. The effect of soil management on durum wheat yield has been tested on many long-term field experiments. Results of these researches were collected in a unique dataset to evaluate the success of NT management in comparison to conventional tillage (CT) as influenced by the aridity index, crop residue management and cropping system. A total of 519 observations of long-term experiments (>3years) regarding durum wheat in a number of areas with semi arid climate were included in the present study. The relative ratio of yield under…
Soil management effects on soil fertility in a durum wheat-tomato cropping system
le potenzialità dei suoli siciliani nel sequestro del carbonio
Soil organic carbon stocks under recommended management practices in different soils of semiarid vineyards
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) approach is widely used to estimate the C account through the use of standardized coefficients that are not site specific. For these reasons, the aim of the work was to define specific IPCC coefficient taking into account differences in pedological characteristics that affect soil C steady state. In a vineyard area of Sicily, the effectiveness of 5 years of recommended management practice (RMP) adoption on soil organic carbon (SOC) stock increases was evaluated by considering 100 paired sites distributed over four functional soil groups. Each site consisted of two neighbouring plots. The soil of one plot was managed with cover crops accor…
Cropland versus Gariga schrubland on soil organich carbon storage under Mediterranen climatic of Sicily
Soil organic carbon (SOC) pool is the largest among the terrestrial pool and it plays a key role to mitigate climate change. The restoration of SOC pool represents a potential sink for atmospheric CO2. Land use is one of the most important factors controlling organic carbon content. The main land uses throughout the Mediterranean are croplands (olive, wheat and vineyards) and scrublands. The land abandonment or the reclamation of land is changing the cover of scrubland and cropland. This will change the carbon cycle. The aim of this work is determining the direction and magnitude of soil organic change associated with land use change under Mediterranean Climatic Conditions. Using both histo…
Assessing SOM spatial variability in a protected area of Sicily, Italy
La vite a nozze col trifoglio
Soil carbon dynamics as affected by long-term contrasting cropping systems and tillages under semiarid Mediterranean climate
Abstract In a dryland Mediterranean agrosystem (Sicily, Italy) a comparative study was carried out among two crop systems (wheat/wheat and wheat/bean) after 19 years under three most used tillage managements (conventional, dual layer and no-tillage), in order to ascertain the effects of those experimental factors, single and combined, on various soil organic C pools (total and extractable organic C, microbial biomass C, basal respiration). Field CO 2 fluxes from soil, throughout a year, were also determined. Moreover, C input and output were assessed, as well as microbial and metabolic quotients. Tillage management more than cropping system affected the soil organic C stored in the first 15…
Effects of soil compaction, rain exposure and their interaction on soil carbon dioxide emission
Soils release more carbon, primarily as carbon dioxide (CO2), per annum than current global anthropogenic emissions. Soils emit CO2 through mineralization and decomposition of organic matter and respiration of roots and soil organisms. Given this, the evaluation of the effects of abiotic factors on microbial activity is of major importance when considering the mitigation of greenhouse gases emissions. Previous studies demonstrate that soil CO2 emission is significantly affected by temperature and soil water content. A limited number of studies have illustrated the importance of bulk density and soil surface characteristics as a result of exposure to rain on CO2 emission, however, none exami…
Produzioni locali nella R.N.I. di Santa Ninfa: le "Tumminie".
Speciale orzo - Risultati delle prove nazionali 2008-09. Le varietà di orzo per usi maltario e “speciale"
Caratterizzazione bio-agronomica e qualitativa di genotipi di cicerchia (Lathyrus sativus L.)
Il bosco alleato del clima - La riduzione necessaria
Effetti della concimazione fosfoazotata sul cece
Speciale orzo – Le performance varietali in un anno non semplice
Per la seconda stagione consecutiva una piovosità eccezionale ha penalizzato le rese, analoghe a quelle della scorsa annata. Buon livello qualitativo della granella.
Real cover crops contribution to soil organic carbon sequestration in sloping vineyard
Abstract The research focused on the evaluation of the effect of soil erosion processes on SOC sequestration rate after 5 years of cover crop soil management in Mediterranean vineyards (Sicily, Italy). Two paired sites, one in a sloping area and another one in a contiguous flat area, were chosen. The vineyard soils of the two plots of each paired site were managed with conventional soil tillage (CT) and Vicia faba cover crop (CC) the preceding 5 years. SOC was measured in three points along the slope (top, middle and foot parts) and in the flat area. Results showed that in the slope area the highest SOC content was found in CC management, with an average value of 9.52 ± 0.34 g kg−1, whereas…
An analysis of carbon storage protected areas with relation to agroforestry management and biodiversity
This work investigated the role of land cover and land use change (LUC) as a soil ability to store carbon and reduce carbon dioxide emission in a Mediterranean area. Using a paired site approach we estimated the effect of land cover change on the carbon stock from 1972 to 2008 in a natural reserve (Grotta di S. Ninfa) in the West of Sicily. Fifteen paired sites representative of five land use change were selected. We studied the effect of land use on soil organic carbon (SOC) content in bulk soil and 2000-1000 µm, 1000-500 µm, 500-250 µm, 250-63 µm, 63-25 µm and <25 µm size fractions. Furthermore, laboratory incubation of the soil samples was conducted to measure carbon dioxide evolution in…
Soil erosion assessment on tillage and alternative soil managements in a Sicilian vineyard
Mediterranean crops favour high erosion rates. Vineyards use to reach the highest soil and water losses due to the lack of vegetation cover. A topographical approach by means of the use of vineyards poles as fixed reference point as erosion markers allowed to quantify high and non-sustainable soil erosion rates on the Sicilian vineyards during 9 years. In order to develop strategies to control the soil losses, seven land management were selected and applied in a typical blanc wine grape vineyard located in southwestern Sicily. Comparable plots were managed traditionally using conventional tillage and alternatively using various cover crops: 1) Vicia faba; 2) Vicia faba and Vicia sativa; 3) …
Speciale orzo- Risultati delle prove nazionali 2008-09. Le varietà di orzo da zootecnia per le prossime semine
Management practices to preserve soil organic matter in semiarid mediterranean environment
Organic matter (SOM) is a key constituent of soil as it is a “revolving nutrient fund” and improves soil structure, maintains crop production and minimizes erosion. In semiarid environments, the major problem for sustainable farming systems is the continuous decline of SOM towards levels too low for agricultural purposes. Furthermore, SOM is per se a dynamic entity. Its quantity and quality depend on numerous factors including climate, vegetation type, nutrient availability, disturbance, land use and management practices. In particular, soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in Mediterranean semiarid agrosystems are constrained by 1) limited C inputs because of low precipitation and high evapotra…
Relationship between recruitment and mother plant vitality in the alien species Acacia cyclops A. Cunn. ex G. Don
Acacia cyclops is a widespread invader in Mediterranean-climate regions. However, although its naturalization in the Mediterranean Basin dates back only a few years ago, and the invasion process has not been studied hitherto. We investigated seedlings recruitment strategy adopted by A. cyclops in a small island (Lampedusa, Italy) where its natural regeneration was strictly confined under mother plants canopy. Healthy plants (DCP), plants at incipient senescence (SCP) and dead plants (DP) were distinguished according to vitality and canopy status. Living plants were also characterized in relation to leaf C and N isotope composition. Regeneration pattern (seedlings and saplings abundance) was…
Effetti della concimazione fosfoazotata su una coltura di cece (Cicer arietinum L.)
Valutazione produttive e qualitative di Timilie - Produttive and qualitative evaluation of timilie
Riassunto: Gli autori riportano i primi risultati produttivi e qualitativi relativi a 4 popolazioni di timilie raccolte in diversi ambienti pedoclimatici della Sicilia occidentale. Attraverso uno schema sperimentale non ripetuto sono state valutate 720 accessioni ed è emersa una elevata variabilità tra e intra popolazioni. Dalle analisi qualitative delle accessioni collezionate sono emerse peculiari caratteristiche qualitative della granella che ne fanno intravedere l’uso sia per la produzione di prodotti tipici sia per il trasferimento in varietà ampiamente diffuse e coltivate. Abstract: Productive and qualitative results on four “timilia” population from different West Sicilian pedoclimat…
Riserva Naturale Integrale “Grotta di Santa Ninfa”
Towards More Efficient Incentives for Agri-environment Measures in Degraded and Eroded Vineyards
Evaluating the economic damage caused by soil erosion is important. In addition to increasing the awareness of the problem among farmers and policy makers, evaluation of the economic damage caused by erosion can promote the implementation of more sustainable soil management practices. In the present study, we describe a new approach to evaluate incentives for the adoption of agri-environment measure (AEM) in degraded and eroded vineyards. To estimate this incentive, the replacement cost (RC) and the loss of income are calculated when the vineyard is managed with conventional tillage versus a cover crop (AEM). Our findings show that the incentive could range from the loss of income due to AE…
Produttività, stabilità ed affidabilità produttiva di nuove varietà di orzo in un ambiente tipico della cerealicoltura siciliana
Dynamics of soil organic matter pools after agricultural abandonment
Changes of land use from croplands to natural vegetation usually increase Carbon (C) stocks in soil. However, the contribution of old and new C to various pools still is not clearly analyzed.We measured the 13C signature of soil organic carbon (SOC) pools after vegetation change from vineyard (C3) to grassland (C4) under Mediterranean climate to assess the changes of old and new C in total SOC, microbial biomass (MB), dissolved organic C (DOC), and CO2 efflux from soil. Development of the perennial grass Hyparrhenia hirta (C4) on vineyard abandoned for 15 or 35 years ago increased C stocks for 13% and 16%, respectively (in the upper 15 cm). This increase was linked to the incorporation of n…
Zoning protected areas using digital maps and environmental parameters: study case of “Santa Ninfa caves” natural reserve of Italy.
L'inerbimento del vigneto riduce il rischio erosivo
Analysis of carbon storage in agricultural and forestry protected areas and relation with management system.
Un nuovo metodo di stima dell'erosione e della deposizione di suolo in vigneto
The effect of Shallow Tillage on soil erosion in a semi-arid vineyard
Soil erosion has been considered a threat for semi-arid lands due to the removal of solid materials by water and wind. Although water erosion is currently considered the most important process of soil degradation, a growing interest has been drawn to the impact of soil tillage. Although numerous studies on tillage erosion have been carried out on arable land using a moldboard plow, a chisel, and a tandem disc for different crops, there are no studies on the effect of shallow tillage on soil redistribution in vineyards. The aim of this work was to evaluate the soil tillage erosion rate in a vineyard using a 13C natural abundance tracer. A strip of soil (C3-C soil) was removed, mixed with C4-…
Long‐Term Durum Wheat‐Based Cropping Systems Result in the Rapid Saturation of Soil Carbon in the Mediterranean Semi‐arid Environment
Climate, soil physical–chemical characteristics, land management, and carbon (C) input from crop residues greatly affect soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration. According to the concept of SOC saturation, the ability of SOC to increase with C input decreases as SOC increases and approaches a SOC saturation level. In a 12-year experiment, six semi-arid cropping systems characterized by different rates of C input to soil were compared for ability to sequester SOC, SOC saturation level, and the time necessary to reach the SOC saturation level. SOC stocks, soil aggregate sizes, and C inputs were measured in durum wheat monocropping with (Ws) and without (W) return of aboveground residue to the…
Nitrogen losses in vineyards under different types of soil groundcover. A field runoff simulator approach in central Spain
The soils of Mediterranean vineyards are usually managed with continuous tillage, resulting in bare soil, low infiltration and high soil erosion rates. Soil nutrients, such as nitrogen, could be lost dissolved in the runoff, causing a decrease in soil fertility on such degraded soils and producing eutrophication downstream. The influences of groundcover on the soil erosion processes and sediment yields in Mediterranean vineyards have been widely addressed. However, the runoff process itself, excluding the effect of raindrop impacts, has barely been studied. Thus, a field runoff simulator was built to assess runoff and nutrient losses under different soil management strategies in Central Spa…
New vetch varieties agronomic evaluation for sicilian semi-arid environment
Effetto dell’abbandono e del re-impianto dei vigneti sullo stock del carbonio organico nei suoli della Sicilia occidentale
Soil CO2 emissions from the lower SW flank of Mt. Etna: Estimate of organic and magmatic contributions to the total degassing
Carbon input threshold for soil carbon budget optimization in eroding vineyards
Abstract Previous studies have documented that, relative to conventional tillage (CT), alternative soil management (reduced tillage, mulching, or cover crops) decreases soil erosion and increases soil organic matter (SOM) in vineyards. These previous studies, however, failed to consider the loss of soil organic carbon (SOC) with erosion that could occur with the adoption of agro-environmental measures (AEM) in a semiarid environment. Accordingly, the aims of this study were to determine whether changes in SOC content under AEM management are always positive and to develop a conceptual model for estimating the “SOC threshold”. The SOC threshold was defined as that level of SOC in an AEM-mana…
Risultati delle prove nazionali 2005-06 - Scelta delle varietà di triticale
Inter-relazioni tra pools di C organico e gruppi funzionali della sostanza organica in un suolo a diversa gestione agronomica
Lavorazioni del suolo e rotazioni colturali giocano un ruolo chiave nell’influenzare sia la quantità sia la qualità della sostanza organica del suolo (SOM). Mentre diversi studi sono stati condotti per valutare gli effetti di tali fattori agronomici sui pools di C organico, anche lungo i profili di suolo, pochi altri hanno investigato anche le relazioni tra i diversi pools di C organico e i gruppi funzionali della SOM. Obiettivi del presente lavoro sono stati quelli di i) valutare gli effetti della lavorazione del suolo e delle rotazioni colturali sui diversi pools di C organico e ii) di investigare le relazioni intercorrenti tra tali pools e i gruppi funzionali della SOM. I campioni di suo…
The role of vineyards in the carbon balance throughout Italy
A common belief is that agricultural fields cannot be net carbon sinks, but perennial tree crops, growing a permanent woody structure with a life cycle of decades could act as carbon sink. Vineyards are good candidates to test this hypothesis, because they are often grown with limited soil cultivation and produce plenty of woody pruning material that can be left on the ground. Three Eddy Covariance sites were established in different vineyards, along a north-south transect, in Italy, to study the role of vine cultivation in the carbon balance of the Italian penisula. The year 2009 was chosen as a reference year for the three sites, in order to compare carbon budget estimates in areas charac…
Soil carbon in Mediterranean ecosystems and related management problems
Cover and Management Factor for Sicilian Vineyard Systems
Caratterizzazione di genotipi di veccia
Soil organic matter and soil nitrogen fractions as affected by crop rotation in rainfed Mediterranean conditions
Valutazione e caratterizzazione di germoplasma autoctono di Avena sativa L. in Sicilia
Managing soil nitrate with cover crops and buffer strips in Sicilian vineyards
When soil nitrate levels are low, plants suffer nitrogen (N) deficiency but when the levels are excessive, soil nitrates can pollute surface and subsurface waters. Strategies to reduce the nitrate pollution are necessary to reach a sustainable use of resources such as soil, water and plant. Buffer strips and cover crops can contribute to the management of soil nitrates, but little is known of their effectiveness in semiarid vineyards plantations. The research was carried out in the south coast of Sicily (Italy) to evaluate nitrate trends in a vineyard managed both conventionally and using two different cover crops (Triticum durum and Vicia sativa cover crop). A 10 m-wide buffer strip was se…
Studio del turnover della sostanza organica e del carbonio radicale in una successione secondaria attraverso isotopi stabili di C
Lo studio ha analizzato gli effetti del cambio d’uso del suolo sulle riserve e sulla distribuzione del carbonio organico in una successione secondaria. E’ stata selezionata nel territorio di Montevago, nella provincia di Agrigento, una successione secondaria costituita da macchia mediterranea, impianto a ficodindia e oliveto. Il cambio d’uso del suolo da vegetazione naturale a impianto di ficodindia ha comportato dopo 28 anni una riduzione del 65% di C organico, seguita da un’ulteriore riduzione del 14% dopo 7 anni dall’impianto dell’oliveto. Sfruttando le differenze nel 13C tra le piante a ciclo fotosintetico C3 e C4 è stato stimato il turnover della sostanza organica derivata dalla biomas…
Effects of soil compaction, rain exposure and their interaction on Soil Carbon Dioxide emission
Soils release more carbon per annum than current global anthropogenic emissions (Luo and Zhou, 2006). Soils emit carbon dioxide through mineralization and decomposition of organic matter and respiration of roots and soil organism (Houghton 2007) Evaluation of the effects of abiotic factors on microbial activity is of major importance in the context of mitigation greenhouse gases emissions. One of the key greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide (CO2) and previous studies demonstrate that soil CO2 emission is significantly affected by temperature and soil water content. There are a limited number of studies that examine the impact of bulk density and soil surface characteristics as a result of exp…
Particle-size distribution and associated organic matter under different cropping systems and tillage practices in a semi arid environment.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term impact of different management practice and tillage tools on :1) changes in soil carbon stock with different cropping systems and soil tillage managements; 2) aggregate size distribution and organic carbon concentration of each fraction; 3) organic matter composition and stability Methodology The research was carried out at the Pietranera farm, located in southern part of central Sicily (Italy) (37°32’74” N / 13°31’53” E; elevation 236 m; mean annual precipitation 481 mm; mean air temperature 19 °C) on a soil of a long term experiment. The soil is classified as a fine-clayey, calcareous, mixed, xeric Chromic Pelloxerert with a slope of 4%.…
Paired-site approach for studying soil organic carbon dynamics in a Mediterranean semiarid environment
This work investigated the effects of land cover and land-use change (LUC) on the ability of a soil to store carbon (C) and reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, in a Mediterranean area. Using a paired-site approach, we estimated the effect of land-cover change on the C stock from 1972 to 2008 in a natural reserve (Grotta di Santa Ninfa) in western Sicily. We selected 15 paired sites representative of five LUCs. We studied the effect of land use on soil organic C (SOC) content in bulk soil and in different particle-size fractions (2000–1000 µm, 1000–500 µm, 500–250 µm, 250–63 µm, 63–25 µm, and <25 µm). Laboratory incubation of the soil samples was conducted to measure CO2 evolution in bulk…
Effects of crop rotation and N fertilizer on grain yield, qualitative characteristics and nitrogen uptake of durum wheat
Effects of Cropping Systems Fertility on Durum Wheat Nitrogen Uptake, Yield and Qualitative Characteristics Ignazio Poma, Luciano Gristina, Saverio Saladino, Giacomo Venezia, Carmelo Dazzi Dipartimento di Agronomia Ambientale e Territoriale – Viale delle Scienze – 90128 Palermo –Italy pomaign@unipa.it Abstract The aim of the trial was to evaluate cropping system effects and nitrogen fertilization on uptake and nitrogen efficiency of durum wheat in terms of qualitative and quantitative yield in a Mediterranean semi arid environment. A four year trial (2000 – 2004) was carried out in the “Sparacia” experimental farm (Sicily – Italy) on Eutric Vertisols. The effects of two cropping systems (du…
Dal coltivo ai boschi vetusti in ambienti mediterranei: l’accumulo di carbonio e azoto in suolo e lettiera durante i primi 120 anni dall’abbandono.
Soil carbon dynamics during secondary succession in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment
Clarifying which factors cause an increase or decrease in soil organic carbon (SOC) after agricultural abandonment requires integration of data on the temporal dynamics of the plant community and SOC. A chronosequence of abandoned vineyards was studied on a volcanic island (Pantelleria, Italy). Vegetation in the abandoned fields was initially dominated by annual and perennial herbs, then by Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf, and finally by woody communities. As a consequence, the dominant photosynthetic pathway changed from C3 to C4 and then back to C3. Conversion of a plant community dominated by one photosynthetic pathway to another changes the 13C/12C ratio of inputs to soil organic carbon (S…
Time Scale Effects and Interactions of Rainfall Erosivity and Cover Management Factors on Vineyard Soil Loss Erosion in the Semi-Arid Area of Southern Sicily
Several authors describe the effectiveness of cover crop management practice as an important tool to prevent soil erosion, but at the same time, they stress on the high soil loss variability due to the interaction of several factors characterized by large uncertainty. In this paper the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model is applied to two Sicilian vineyards that are characterized by different topographic factors
Soil carbon and soil physical properties under land use change in a protected area of Sicily
This work investigated the role of land cover and land use change as a soil’s ability to store carbon and reduce carbon dioxide emission in a Mediterranean area. Using both historic records and land cover crop maps we estimated the effect of land cover change on the carbon stock from 1972 to 2008 in a natural reserve (Grotta di S. Ninfa) in the West of Sicily. Five paired sites in different soil types were selected and five land use classes (arable land, vineyard, olivegrove, gariga, eucalyptus afforestation) were analyzed. We studied the effect of land use on soil organic carbon (SOC) content in bulk soil and 1000-2000 m, 500-1000 m, 250-500 m, 63-250 m, 25-63 m and <25 m size fractions. F…
Efficacia delle Fasce Tampone e della Gestione del Suolo per il Controllo dei Nitrati in Vigneto
Buffer strip use in vineyard could represent an environmental strategy for nitrate control of surface and deep water due to agricolture managment. Buffer strip determines a reduction of soil erosion and consequently can reduce nutritive and pollulant elements losses. With the aim to evaluate buffer strips and soil managment effectiveness on nitrate control in vineyard, a trial was carried out in a South-West part of Sicily characterized by an high nitrate losses sensitivity, an annual rainfall of about 516mm and an average temperature of 18°C. In a vineyard on about 7% slope and 90m lenght a 10 meter buffer strip was seeded using a Lolium perenne permanent meadow. Vineyard was managed both …