Maria Luigia Alicata
Influenza della specie foraggera pascolata sulla produzione di latte ovino
Risultati di un’indagine conoscitiva sulla produzione di latte ottenuta in intere lattazioni di asine allevate nell’azienda ASILAT
[EN] The effects of three different bio-stimulation methods, namely change of cage (CC), 44-hour mother-litter separation (MLS) and a combination of the two (CCMLS), for inducing oestrus in nonreceptive lactating does, were compared to the peñormance of receptive lactating does (RO). From March to July, 215 lactating does were taken to males for mating on day 9 after kindling. The 155 RO immediately mated. The does refusing to mate were divided in a balanced manner based body weight and parity and subjected to one of the three bio-stimulations. Receptivity in MLS does (72.7%) was higher than in ce (50.0%) and CCMLS groups (55.5%), and appeared more frequently (45.5%) on day 11, just after t…
Effetti del sistema di allevamento e della tecnologia di caseificazione sulla qualità del caciocavallo palermitano: prime valutazioni
Intake and milk production of goats grazing Sulla forage under different stocking rates
This investigation aimed to individuate the dietary factors affecting the milk urea nitrogen (MUN) concentration in goats grazing herbaceous pasture and, particularly, to verify the relationship linking the diet crude protein (CP) content to MUN. A total of 205 individual observations regarding dietary and milk variables of 37 Girgentana goats involved in two experiments were used. Goats, averaging 154±14 days in milk and 38.1±5.4 kg of live weight, grazed on swards and received 500 g/d of barley meal. Sward biomass, herbage selected by goats and individual milk yield were measured and sampled weekly. The herbage intake and diet digestibility were estimated by the n-alkane method. Milk urea…
Milk production and physiological traits of ewes and goats housed indoor or grazing at different daily timing in summer
During a 6 week trial in summer, 3 homogeneous groups, each consisting of 5 Comisana ewes and 5 Rossa Mediterranea goats, grazed watered forage resources during day (D) or night (N), or were housed indoor and supplied with mowed herbage (H). Maximum THI peaked at 94 at the end of July, and was almost constantly higher of 80. Milk yield was higher in N than in D and H goats, whereas N ewes produced more milk than H group, but their milk yield was higher than D ewes only in the period with the highest THI values. The lower urea in N goat milk, and the higher casein in N ewe milk, seem to indicate a better efficiency in dietary nitrogen utilization of night grazing animals. N ewes showed lower…
Effetti della specie foraggera e della tecnica di pascolamento sulla produzione di latte ovino.
L’obiettivo della ricerca è stato quello di valutare gli effetti del pascolamento su specie botaniche differenti, utilizzando sia il sistema continuo che quello turnato, sulla produzione di latte ovino. Le risorse foraggere utilizzate erano rappresentate dalla sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.), da un erbaio in consociazione di trifoglio alessandrino (Trifolium alexandrinum) ed avena (Avena sativa) e da un prato di cicoria (Cichorium intybus). Sono state utilizzate 40 pecore in lattazione suddivise in 5 gruppi omogenei, ciascuno assegnato ad uno dei seguenti trattamenti: pascolamento continuo su sulleto; pascolamento turnato su sulleto; pascolamento continuo su consociazione; pascolamento turn…
Grazing sulla and/or ryegrass forage for 8 or 24 hours daily. 1. Effects on ewes milk production
Utilizzazione delle foglie di gelso bianco (varietà Kokuso) nell'alimentazione degli ovini.
La produzione di latte nell'arco di una intera lattazione in asine allevate in Sicilia
Comparing quality characteristics of “Caciocavallo Palermitano” cheese from traditional and intensive production systems
The “Caciocavallo Palermitano” is a typical stretched curd (pasta filata) cheese, made mainly in the Palermo area, in the Western Sicily, from cow milk. The aim of this investigation was to verify the influence of the on-farm production system (traditional vs. intensive) on some qualitative characteristics of “Caciocavallo Palermitano” cheese, with particular regard to fatty acid (FA) profile. On June 2008, 1-month aged cheeses were sampled from 6 traditional farms (TRD) and 5 intensive farms (INT). In TRD farms, local cow breeds (Cinisara, Modicana or Siciliana) were fed pasture-based diet and cheeses were manufactured using artisanal wood tools by following the traditional technique. The …
Influenza del pastazzo di limone sulla qualità del formaggio pecorino
Effects of continuous and rotational grazing of different forage species on ewe milk production
Abstract The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of continuous and rotational grazing of different forage species on milk production in ewes. The forage species were chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), a mixture of oat (Avena sativa L.) and berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.), and sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.). Forty ewes were divided into 5 groups, and subjected to one of the following treatments: continuous grazing on chicory, continuous grazing on the mixture, continuous grazing on sulla, rotational grazing on the mixture, or rotational grazing on sulla. Among the species continuously grazed, chicory showed a lower biomass than the mixture, or sulla. Ewes grazing chicor…
The effect of the foaling season on lactation length and milk production of jennets
Effetto della frequenza di mungitura sulla produzione quanti-qualitativa di latte d'asina.
Alterazioni delle caratteristiche fisico-chimiche dei paletti di castagno in ambiente mediterraneo
Ingestione al pascolo e produzione di latte di capre Girgentane in funzione della combinazione spaziale delle specie foraggere e dell'ingestione con concentrato
Body condition score and related productive responces in rabbit does.
A simplified 3-point scale method for in vivo scoring body condition is proposed as an useful and rapid tool to support experimental and on-farm management of nutrition and reproduction of rabbit does. The productive responses of lactating rabbit does scored and inseminated at 11 days post partum (pp) are verified, as well as performance of non-pregnant does scored and re-inseminated at 32 days pp when non-lactating. After their first parturition, 96 New Zealand White rabbit does were checked for 126 days over three successive 42-day reproductive cycles. The body condition scoring was based on feel by hand the loin and the rump for bone protrusions and muscle fullness. The loin was evaluate…
Regime alimentare e caratteristiche nutrizionali ed aromatiche del Caciocavallo Palermitano
Effetti del pascolamento della sulla e/o della loiessa per 8 o 24 ore sul comportamento alimentare e sulla produzione lattiero-casearia di pecore Comisane
This experiment aimed to examine the effects of the utilization of monocultures of ryegrass (R), sulla (S) or both of them (RS), and the prolongation of daily grazing from 8 h (8:00-16:00) to 24 h, evaluating behaviour, selectivity, intake and milk and cheese production of ewes at pasture. The experiment involved 42 Comisana ewes averaging 146±55 days in milk, divided into 6 homogeneous groups which, since 19th April for 42 days, continuously grazed under a stocking rate of 34 ewes/ha. Ewes involving in eating activity were higher in R and for 24-h grazing, in relation to lower intake rate. RS ewes reduced eating time and increased lying activity. During daytime, the eating gradually decrea…
Ingestione al pascolo e produzione di latte di capre Girgentane in funzione della combinazione spaziale delle specie foraggere e dell'integrazione con concentrato
Jennet milk production during the lactation in a Sicilian farming system
Abstract In Italy, the interest for jennet milk production has recently developed. An 18-month-long experiment was carried out on a jennet farm near Milo (CT), where 24 jennets, which derived from the Ragusana breed, were tested for milk yield and composition over an entire lactation period. The jennets were fed with hay and concentrate in a large paddock. From the 28th post-foaling day to the end of the lactation, the jennets were machine-milked twice a day with an in-between milking interval of 5 h. The milk amount from each jennet was recorded every 3 weeks and individual samples were collected and analyzed for fat, protein, casein, non-proteic nitrogen, lactose and somatic cell count. T…
Effetto del regime alimentare delle bovine sulla composizione in acidi grassi del formaggio Caciocavallo Palermitano
Sono stati verificati gli effetti dell’alimentazione al pascolo e dell’integrazione con concentrato sulla composizione in acidi grassi (AG) del Caciocavallo Palermitano. Bovine di razza Cinisara suddivise in 4 gruppi sono state sottoposte ai trattamenti alimentari: PN: pascolo naturale; PMF: pascolo naturale e concentrato a base di mais e favino; POC: pascolo naturale e concentrato a base di orzo e cece; ST: fieno e concentrato in stalla. La dieta ha influenzato la produzione media di latte (P<0,05) e il suo tenore in grasso (P<0,05), ma non ha modificato la resa del latte alla caseificazione e la composizione chimica del formaggio. L’alimentazione al pascolo, con o senza il concentrato, ha…
In vivo digestibility and nutritive value of Atriplex halimus alone and mixed with wheat straw
In vivo digestibility trials were carried out using six young rams fed with Atriplex halimus biomass harvested in summer (A) and in early autumn (B), and with a mixture of mid-autumn Atriplex halimus and wheat straw (5[ratio ]1 ratio on fresh matter basis) (C). Atriplex halimus had a high protein content (139·0, 135·9 and 193·4 g/kg DM in A, B and C respectively), but was rich in sodium chloride, especially in summer (145·9 g/kg DM), limiting its use as feed. The summer forage had a higher organic matter (OM) digestibility coefficient than the autumn forage (0·663 v. 0·530) but lower digestible OM intake (16·8 v. 29·4 g/day per kg BW0·75). In autumn forage, the combination with straw did no…
Effects of feeding regime on nutritional and aromatic characteristics of Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese
Relationships between dietary factors and milk urea nitrogen level in goats grazing herbaceous pasture
This investigation aimed to individuate the dietary factors affecting the milk urea nitrogen (MUN) concentration in goats grazing herbaceous pasture and, particularly, to verify the relationship linking the diet crude protein (CP) content to MUN. A total of 205 individual observations regarding dietary and milk variables of 37 Girgentana goats involved in two experiments were used. Goats, averaging 154±14 days in milk and 38.1±5.4 kg of live weight, grazed on swards and received 500 g/d of barley meal. Sward biomass, herbage selected by goats and individual milk yield were measured and sampled weekly. The herbage intake and diet digestibility were estimated by the n-alkane met…
Effects of the foal at the milking and dietary supplementation with extra virgin olive oil on jennet milk production
The effects of the foal at the milking and the extra virgin olive oil supplementation in the diet, on the milk obtained by 12 Ragusana jennets were studied. The jennets were each fed 3.5+1.5 kg/d of concentrate+bran, and hay ad libitum. They were divided into 2 equal groups with one group receiving an additional dietary supplement of 100 ml/d of olive oil. Milk was collected at day 20 post foal- ing and every 15-18 d for 5 times. At each collection period jennets were milked 4-times per day. At 07:30 h foals were separated from the jennets and after a 4 hour interval were milked manually (1MNF;1st milking, foal absent). At the end of the 1MNF, each jennet was milked again, with the foals ke…
Effetto della tecnica di pascolamento sulla produzione di latte ovino
Latte tutto l'anno, con gli ovini conviene
Integrazione con granelle di leguminose per la produzione di latte ovino biologico
Use of green sulla forage for feeding. 1. Effects on lamb growth and gastrointestinal nematode parasite infestation
[EN] The effectiveness of delayed artificial insemination (DAI) of non-receptive (R-) does, with or without oestrus synchronisation by doe-litter separation (MLS), was studied and compared with receptive (R+) does. During 10 months, 105 NZW does, in three homogeneous groups (A, B, C), were artificially inseminated (Al) according to a 42-day reproduction rhythm in two batches. Every 21 days, two Al were effected, the second 48 hours alter the first. The R+ does of ali groups were inseminated al the first Al, while the R- does were treated, in relation to theirgroup, as follows: inseminated at the first Al (A); 48-hour DAI (B); 48-hour MLS by closing the nestbox before Al, when lactating, and…
Gli ovini al pascolo sulle stoppie producono più latte
Use of weaning concetrate in the feeding of suckling kids: effects on meat quality
A study was conducted to investigate the effect of a feeding supplementation with starter concentrate on “Capretto” meat production and its qualitative characteristics. To this end, 31 Girgentana kids, slaughtered at 59 days of age from two feeding groups (concentrate group (CG) and milk group (MG)) were utilised. Carcass measurements (body components, carcass joints, pelvic limb tissue composition, meat fatty acid composition and M. longissimus dorsi (LD) physical characteristics), body weight at birth, and at slaughter, were evaluated. The effect of concentrate supplementation did not influence the slaughter weight, slaughter and dissection data, tissue composition and meat chemical compo…
Palatability and in vivo digestibility of Mulberry leaves (Morus latifolia CV. Kokusou 21) in sheep feeding
Mulberry (Morus latifolia L.) leaves and green tops were utilised to study the palatability and the digestibility in two sheep feeding trials. In trial 1 mulberry palatability was determined by cafeteria test, that studies the animal preferences in a short period of time without the interference of post-ingestive factors. Mulberry leaves were tested in respect to vetch hay and oat concentrate; results showed that mulberry leaves were significantly preferred to other feeds. In trial 2 an in vivo digestibility was carried out on 4 rams equipped with the bags for the faeces collection, housed in individual box and fed ad libitum. Results showed that mulberry leaves and green tops were more dig…
Dietary factors associated with the concentration of milk urea nitrogen in grazing goats
Transfer of milk fatty acids to Pecorino Siciliano cheese
In previous studies it was observed that milk fatty acid (FA) composition is mainly affected by diet, and when ruminants graze pasture the percentages of polyunsaturated FA and conjugated linolenic acid (CLA) are higher than in milk from preserved forage. The maintenance in the cheese of the beneficial FA profile of milk from grazing ruminants is advisable. Little number of study exists concerning the effect of milk processing conditions on cheese FA profile, but no study was done with regard to Pecorino Siciliano cheese. The aim of this study was to evaluate the transfer of FA from ewes milk to cheese manufactured according to the Pecorino Siciliano technology, in order to verify if the ch…
Effects of restricted feeding during rearing, combined with a delayed first insemination, on reproductive activity of rabbit does.
The effects of different milking intervals and milking times per day in jennet milk production
Abstract In their first 150 days of lactation, nine Ragusana jennets were investigated at the ‘Istituto Sperimentale Zootecnico per la Sicilia’ (ISZS) in Palermo, to study the effects of different milking typologies on milk production. The jennets were kept in a paddock and were fed hay ad libitum and concentrate (3.5 kg jennet/day). From post-foaling day 21, every 3 weeks individual milk amounts were recorded, and individual milk samples were collected and analyzed for the main qualitative parameters. The compared theses were: two daily milking times with 6- and 3-h intervals; and two, three and eight daily milking times with 3-h interval. The jennets were manually milked. The foals were s…
Effect of stocking rate on selective behaviour and milk production of Girgentana goats grazing a ryegrass and berseem clover mixture
Effect of the pasture, in different seasons, and of the ripening time on the Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese
The Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese is made processing Cinisara cow milk, which shows very interesting qualitative characteristics (Bonanno et al., 2004). The aim of this research was to study the effect of the pasture, in different seasons, and of different ripening on the yield in cheese after 24 h and on the chemical composition of the Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese
The milk yield by Cinisara cows in different management systems note 1. effect of season calving.
La produzione lattiero-casearia ovina in funzione della durata del pascolamento giornaliero
Assessment of a method for evaluating the body condition of lactating rabbit does: preliminary results
In vivo evaluation of the body condition of lactating rabbit does and relations to reproductive performance and body traits
Quality evaluation of cheese from raw or pasteurized milk of ewes grazing sulla forage (Hedysarum coronarium L.) for different daily time
Pasteurization is the more effective method for eliminating pathogens contaminating milk. However, the high temperature of pasteurization destroys either pathogens or lactic endemic flora, this latter involved in cheese ripening, thus impairing the development of sensory properties of cheese. It was previously observed that longer permanence at pasture allows the ewes to spend more time for eating; accordingly, ewes increase feed intake and milk yield. Aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of the prolongation of ewes daily grazing from 8 to 24 h and the effect of the milk pasteurization process on milk and cheese quality, with particular regard on fatty acid (FA) composition. In…
Effects of litter size and sex on meat quality traits of kid meat
The influence of litter size and sex on meat quality traits was investigated using 40 Nebrodi kids slaughtered at 47 days of age. Carcass measurements (body components, carcass joints, pelvic limb tissue composition, meat fatty acid composition and M. longissimus dorsi (LD) colour), body weight at birth and at slaughter were evaluated. Nebrodi kids had a low body weight at birth, with significant differences between male and female (4.1 kg versus 3.9 kg) and between single and twin (4.2 kg versus 3.8 kg). Male kids were heavier at birth and at slaughter, however, females had a higher percentage of kidney and pelvic fat (2.1% versus 1.5% of the right side; P < 0.01). Both males and females, …
Use of green sulla forage for feeding 2. Effects on lamb carcass and meat quality
Latte bovino, ovino e caprino congelato: variazione dei parametri fisici, chimici e tecnologici
Comparison of Sulla-hay and Sulla-silage in the lactating ewes and their effects on milk and cheese characteristics
Abstract Two methods of storage of Sulla- and oat-grass (silage or hay) were compared. Forty-six homogeneous lactating ewes, housed indoors, were divided into two groups and after 35 days of diet adjustment, were fed ad libitum twice a day, either Sulla- ( Hedysarum coronarium L.) and oat-hay (control group) or Sulla- and oat-silage in partial substitution of hay (silage group). Both groups were fed with 0.5 kg of commercial concentrate. The dietary treatment started 60 days post-lambing and lasted for 58 days. Every day, the feeding intake for each group was recorded. Individual milk yield was measured weekly and at the same time, milk samples were collected and analysed by Milko-Scan 605.…
The milk yield by Cinisara cows in different management systems: note 2. effects of season production.
Valorisation des productions laitieres et fromageres ovines fermieres en dessaisonnalisant des agnelages
Effet de la pasteurisation sur les caractéristiques du lait et du fromage de brebis “Comisana” conduites au pâturage de Sulla pendant des durées différentes
L’impiego alimentare di orzo germinato nella produzione di latte ovino biologico
Food use of barley sprouts in organic sheep milk production. Hydroponic forage, used when fresh forage is scarce, represents a good alternative feed for milking ruminants, also in organic farming systems, where it can reduce the forage/concentrate ratio. This study evaluated the effect of barley sprouts (BS) in the diet on nutrients utilization and milk production from organic ewes. Eighteen ewes were divided into 3 groups and fed with 3 diets. Animals was fed with hay ad libitum and supplemented by: 0.6 kg/d of concentrate and 4 kg/d of BS (B100); 0.9 kg/d of concentrate and 2 kg/d of BS (B50); 1.2 kg/d of concentrate (C). Supplied and residual feeds and milk yield were recorded and sample…
Effect of the pasture on milk production from Cinisara cows over the seasons
Cinisara is a Sicilian autochthonous breed of dairy cow and its milk is processed to make Caciocavallo cheese. The pasture is the basis of the diet during all the year, but its production is not continuous and homogenous, because of environmental constrains (Alabiso et al., 2005). The feeding integrations are concentrate, hay and or straw, and their quantities given to the animals are different during the year in relation to the pasture resources. The aim of this research was to study the effect of the pasture on milk production from Cinisara cows over the seasons