Marilena Baiamonte
Influence of Different Environments and Temperatures on the Photo-Oxidation Behaviour of the Polypropylene.
The photo-oxidation of polypropylene at two different temperatures and in three different environments—air, distilled water and sea water—has been followed as a function of the irradiation time. The photo-oxidation kinetic is dramatically dependent on the amount of oxygen available for the oxidation reactions and on the temperature. While the photo-oxidation is very fast in air, the degradation is much slower in the two aqueous media. The degradation in sea water is slightly slower than in distilled water. In all cases, the degradation kinetic increases remarkably with the temperature. This behavior has been attributed to the lower oxygen availability for the oxidation reactions of the poly…
Pro-Degradant Activity of Naturally Occurring Compounds on Polyethylene in Accelerate Weathering Conditions
In this work, naturally occurring compounds, such as Vitamin E (VE) and Ferulic Acid (FA), at high concentrations, have been considered as pro-degradant agents for Low Density Polyethylene (PE). However, all obtained results using the naturally occurring molecules as pro-oxidant agents for PE have been compared with the results achieved using a classical pro-oxidant agent, such as calcium stearate (Ca stearate) and with neat PE. The preliminary characterization, through rheological, mechanical and thermal analysis, of the PE-based systems highlights that the used naturally occurring molecules are able to exert a slight plasticizing action on PE and subsequently the PE rigidity and crystalli…
Natural phenolic compounds: Anti-oxidants or pro-oxidants for biopolyesters?
In this work, different naturally occurring phenolic compounds, such as Thymol (Th), Vanillic acid (VA) and Ferulic Acid (FA), have been considered as UV stabilizers against the photo-oxidative degradation of polylactic acid (PLA). Particularly, in order to explore the effectiveness of the naturally occurring stabilizers, thin PLA-based films, containing different amount of the stabilizers, have been formulated and subjected to accelerate UVB exposure. The preliminary characterizations suggest that the all considered stabilizers exert a plasticizing action and the overall crystallinity of the samples is slightly reduced. If the considered stabilizers are added at low concentration, they exe…
Assessment of pro-oxidant activity of natural phenolic compounds in bio-polyesters
Abstract In this work, natural phenolic compounds, such as Vanillic Acid (VA), Ferulic Acid (FA) and Thymol (Th), at very high concentrations, have been considered as pro-oxidant agents for Polylactic acid (PLA). Specifically, thin films of neat PLA and PLA-based systems containing 2 and 3 wt% of VA, FA and Th have been produced and subjected to accelerated degradation in different environmental conditions. Preliminary characterizations, through rheological, mechanical, optical and morphological analysis, of the formulated PLA-based systems show that the VA and FA, even less the Th, are able to exert a plasticizing action during the processing and subsequently, the PLA crystallinity and rig…
Concentration-dependent anti-/pro-oxidant activity of natural phenolic compounds in bio-polyesters
Abstract In this work, the potential of several naturally occurring phenolic compounds, such as Ferulic Acid (FA), Vanillic Acid (VA), Vitamin E (VE) and Quercetin (Q), as stabilizers against the photo-oxidative degradation of Polylactic acid (PLA) has been assessed. Specifically, PLA-based films containing different amounts of considered stabilizers have been formulated and their photo-stability under UVB exposure has been evaluated. The preliminary characterization of the formulated films shows that all used stabilizers exert plasticizing action, as probed by rheological analysis, due to their low molecular weight. Moreover, no significant modification of the PLA crystallinity has been no…
Il crescente interesse per la salvaguardia dell’ambiente, principalmente motivato dai disastri naturali che sono incorsi numerosi nell’ultimo ventennio, ha dato un’ulteriore spinta alla ricerca sulle fonti di energia “green” rinnovabile non derivanti da combustibili fossili, che permetta all’uomo di continuare a provvedere ai propri fabbisogni in maniera più “rispettosa”. Infatti, le fonti energetiche rinnovabili che il nostro pianeta ci mette a disposizione sono innumerevoli: dall’energia meccanica ed elettrica prodotta dal vento, alle biomasse, la cui combustione in appositi impianti permette generazione termica e cogenerazione di calore ed elettricità; l’energia prodotta dalle maree e da…
Natural Compounds as Sustainable Additives for Biopolymers
In the last few decades, the interest towards natural compounds, coming from a natural source and biodegradable, for biopolymers is always increasing because of a public request for the formulation of safe, eco-friendly, and sustainable materials. The main classes of natural compounds for biopolymers are: (i) naturally occurring fillers (nFil), such as nano-/micro- sized layered alumino-silicate: halloysite, bentonite, montmorillonite, hydroxyapatite, calcium carbonate, etc.; (ii) naturally occurring fibers (nFib), such as wood and vegetable fibers; (iii) naturally occurring antioxidant molecules (nAO), such as phenols, polyphenols, vitamins, and carotenoids. However, in this short review, …
Comparison of the Recycling Behavior of a Polypropylene Sample Aged in Air and in Marine Water
During the processing and during their lifetime, polymers are subjected to several environmental stresses—thermomechanical, photo-oxidative, etc.—that can strongly modify their chemical and molecular structure and, consequently, their morphology. Reduction of the molecular weight and formation of double bonds and oxygenated groups are the main changes observed as a consequence of the degradation. As a result of these changes, the macroscopic properties are dramatically modified. These changes can have a relevant effect if the post-consumer plastic manufacts are recycled. In this work, a sample of polypropylene subjected to two different degradation histories—photo-oxidatio…
A Fractional-Order Model of Biopolyester Containing Naturally Occurring Compounds for Soil Stabilization
Currently, the use of polymers and biopolymers as soil-stabilizer additives for control of the soil degradation, deterioration, and desertification and for improving the arid and semiarid soils has been expanded significantly in the agricultural sector. This research was conducted to determine the effect of naturally occurring compounds, such as quercetin (Q) and sodium montmorillonite (NaMMt) at different weight ratios, in biopolyester, such as polylactic acid (PLA), aiming to formulate ecosustainable materials to control the soil degradation and to protect the environment. As known, the use of sophisticated analytical tools to describe the material rheology and melting properties is nowad…
Polar Wax as Adhesion Promoter in Polymeric Blend Films for Durable Photovoltaic Encapsulants
Technological developments in the solar photovoltaic field must guarantee the high performance and low deterioration of solar cells in order for solar power plants to be more efficient and competitive. The solar cell needs comprehensive protection offered by a polymeric encapsulant, which improves UV stability, reduces water and moisture absorption, reduces oxygen and vapor permeability and enhances mechanical resistance. Moreover, high transparency and adhesion yields improved the solar panel performance. The current work analyzes polymeric films based on poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) and polyolefin (PO) for photovoltaic encapsulant use (the high temperature resistance is improved …