Claire Sulmont
Testing odor memory : incidental versus intentional learning, implicit versus explicit memory
International audience
Effect of nature of learning and nature of stimuli on performance at a recognition test
International audience
Odour memory: How to test it? Incidental or intentional learning, implicit or explicit recognition
National audience
Methodology to choose odour sets to study memory for familiar and unfamiliar odours
International audience
Effect of an incidental learning versus an intentional learning on performance at a recognition test
National audience
Impact de la mémoire des odeurs sur la réponse hédonique au cours d'une exposition répétée
* INRA URD BP 86510 21065 Dijon cedex (FRA) Diffusion du document : INRA URD BP 86510 21065 Dijon cedex (FRA) Diplôme : Dr. d'Université
Selection of odorants for memory tests on the basis of familiarity, perceived complexity, pleasantness, similarity and identification
In a procedure for the selection of two equivalent sets of familiar and two equivalent sets of unfamiliar odours for use in odour memory studies, 24 naive subjects were first asked to rate the familiarity, perceived complexity and pleasantness of 54 a priori unfamiliar odours and 57 a priori familiar odours and to identify the latter. After selection of the 40 most familiar and the 40 least familiar odours, the subjects sorted each of these two sets into groups of similar odours. Their results were analysed by multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis and each set was divided into two recognition sets that had the same degree of similarity between target and distractor odours and that h…
Des expositions répétées à un produit alimentaire nouveau permettent-elles une augmentation des préférences ?
National audience
Development of a method to assess implicit memory of food
International audience
Odeur memory: building a new recognition test to study the effect of odour familiarity and implicit/explicit learning
International audience
Effet des conditions d'apprentissage sur le pouvoir discriminant de sujets effectuant le profil sensoriel de jus d'orange
National audience