Francesco Armetta
New Insight on Archaeological Metal Finds, Nails and Lead Sheathings of the Punic Ship from Battle of the Egadi Islands
The wreck of the Punic ship exhibited at the Archaeological Park of Lilybaeum (Marsala, Italy) is a unique example in the world. In this paper, the investigation of some metal finds (30 nails and 3 fragments of sheathings) belonging to the wreck of the Punic ship is reported. Portable X-ray fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy allowed us to identify the elements and compounds constituting them and make some deductions about their composition. X-ray diffractometry, polarised optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy of the collected micro-samples allowed us to explain the degradation that occurred in the underwater environment.
Newly discovered orichalcum ingots from Mediterranean sea: Further investigation
Abstract In February 2016, 47 ingots were found in the seabed of Contrada Bulala (Gela, CL, Italy) near the site where 40 ingots had previously been recovered. The ingots composition was determined to be a Cu - Zn alloy, dated by the archaeologist to the VI century B.C. This specific alloy was then known as Orichalcum. From an archaeological point of view, the first question raised about the new discovery was whether the ingots of the first and the second excavations belonged to the same shipwreck. Following the previous study, an elemental analysis was performed on the ingots from the second finding by using ICP-OS and ICP-MS techniques. The chemometric treatment of the analytical results …
Social distancing in chronic migraine during the covid-19 outbreak: Results from a multicenter observational study
Background: The restrictions taken to control the rapid spread of COVID-19 resulted in a sudden, unprecedented change in people’s lifestyle, leading to negative consequences on general health. This study aimed to estimate the impact of such changes on migraine severity during 2020 March–May lockdown. Methods: Patients affected by migraine with or without aura, diagnosed by expert physicians, completed a detailed interview comprehensive of: assessment of migraine characteristics
COVID-19 infection: comparing the knowledge, attitude and practices in a sample of nursing students.
Background: SARS-CoV-2 infection is a global health problem that is primarily detected in Italy with progressive increase in cases and deaths. To facilitate the management of the pandemic in Italy, it is essential to understand the level of attention on COVID-19. The aim of the study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practices towards SARS-CoV-2 among the nursing students of University of Palermo during the rapid rise period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The current study was a cross-sectional study. On-line questionnaires were used for the collection of the data by providing a survey in all nursing students. The questionnaire consisted of two parts: demographics and Knowledg…
Is there a link between BMI and depressive symptomatology, risky consumption of alcohol and anxious symptomatology? Study in a sample of university students
BACKGROUND: One of the often-underestimated aspects of obesity is the psychological one. In particular, there is a growing attention to the correlation between obesity and depression among students from all over the world. And also towards the correlation between alcohol abuse and mood disorders. The objective of the study was to examine if the depressive symptomatology, risk of consumption of alcohol and anxiety symptomatology are correlated with obesity/ overweight in a sample of students of the University of Palermo, Italy. METHODS: The study was a cross-sectional study. A questionnaire is structured in four sections. An anonymous online survey was sent to a random students sample enroll…
Investigation of archaeological amphorae from the Egadi battles
Abstract Archaeological ceramics are considered one of the most important sources of both technological and chronological information. Here, the investigation of some archaeological underwater amphorae from the Egadi’s Battle, that decided the end of the First Punic War (241 B.C.), is reported. X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), petrography, and Thermoluminescence (TL) were used to determine the composition of the amphorae and to evaluate the compatibly of their age with the above Battle. Considering the historical importance of the act and the well-defined historical collocation these amphorae represent an interesting archaeometric case study.
Chemometric Tools to Point Out Benchmarks and Chromophores in Pigments through Spectroscopic Data Analyses
Spectral preprocessing data and chemometric tools are analytical methods widely applied in several scientific contexts i.e., in archaeometric applications. A systematic classification of natural powdered pigments of organic and inorganic nature through Principal Component Analysis with a multi-instruments spectroscopic study is presented here. The methodology allows the access to elementary and molecular unique benchmarks to guide and speed up the identification of an unknown pigment and its recipe. This study is conducted on a set of 48 powdered pigments and tested on a real-case sample from the wall painting in S. Maria Delle Palate di Tusa (Messina, Italy). Four spectroscopic techniques …
Non-invasive investigation on pigments of the Aeolian Islands Neolithic pottery
The Neolithic painted pottery, spread all over southern Italy, is considered as an important chronological indicator for the development of VI-V millennium BC prehistoric settlements and cultural traditions. The goal of this work is to contribute to the study of this ceramic class through the chemical characterization of some samples coming from the Aeolian Islands. 16 different sherds have been selected and the pigments preserved in their decorations analyzed via non-invasive techniques: Fiber Optical Reflectance Spectroscopy (FORS), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), Raman Spectroscopy and Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). The different pigments, some of which no longer clearly visible to the naked e…
How Many Secret Details Could a Systematic Multi-Analytical Study Reveal About the Mysterious Fresco Trionfo della Morte?
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Physicochemical Characterization Of Ancient Paper And Parchment With Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Historical paper and parchment are widely investigated in order to comprehend mechanisms of degradation and to plan proper conservation interventions. NMR spectroscopy is a powerful tool that allows to the changes occurring during the degradation process and to get information on the state of conservation. In this work a Cross Polarization Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (13C{1H} CP MAS NMR) study of a 16th century book is reported. The physicochemical characterization of paper samples collected from the book was performed through the evaluation of intensity and the changes in line width of signals in the spectra. 13C{1H} CP MAS NMR spectra of paper samples collected from th…
Sviluppo del metodo urea glass-route per la preparazione di nanoparticelle di Ce:YAG
I materiali a base di yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) drogato con ioni lantanidi hanno suscitato negli ultimi anni notevole interesse per le loro importanti applicazioni tecnologiche nel campo dei dispositivi optoelettronici quali laser, LED, display e scintillatori per i raggi X. In particolare, lo YAG drogato con ioni Ce(III) è utilizzato, in combinazione ai semiconduttori di nitruro di gallio (GaN) o indio e gallio (GaInN), per la realizzazione di LED a luce bianca1. Il miglioramento delle performance di questi dispositivi è vincolato all’ottimizzazione, in termini di proprietà, dei materiali che lo compongono. Una delle strategie consiste nel preparare nanoparticelle (np) di Ce:YAG con di…
Ce:YAG composites for white LED
Composites and luminescent polymers have been recently found to be potential candidates for the development of white LED, lasers and luminescent concentrators for solar cells. Due to its luminescence properties YAG doped with lanthanides ions is a good candidate as light emitting filler. In a recent our work, the preparation of a polymeric nanocomposite containing Ce:YAG nanoparticles using in situ polymerization has been reported [1]. A good dispersion of Ce:YAG nanoparticles has been obtained maintaining them luminescence properties. In addition, an increase of thermal stability and stiffness of PMMA was observed [2]. Then, the preparation of Ce:YAG-PMMA composite has been performed by us…
Effect of halloysite nanotubes filler on polydopamine properties
Abstract Hypothesis Polydopamine (PDA) is widely used as hydrophilic coating for several applications. However, most of the methods studied to improve or manipulate PDA properties are multistep and time-consuming, and there is a need for versatile strategies aimed at controlling and modifying the properties of PDA. Experiments PDA-halloysite nanocomposites were produced under different oxidation conditions in alkaline and acidic media and were characterized by UV–visible and attenuated total refraction- Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopies, thermogravimetric analysis, porosimetry, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and contact angle measurements against the reference PDA p…
Improved chemometric approach for XRF data treatment: application to the reverse glass paintings from the Lipari collection
The Aeolian cultural heritage preserves hundreds of testimonies of the past that have passed through six millennia of history. Among these, the Archeological Park of the Aeolian Islands with the Museum Luigi Bernab`o Brea (Italy) preserves a valuable set of artworks, which are related to a little-known ‘popular’ figurative heritage. It is an assemblage of small glass foils decorated using the technique of reverse painting, datable to between the end of the 17th century and the end of the 18th century, and actually under investigation by historians. Here, an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy study (performed with portable equipment) is combined with a multivariate approach that allows us…
Synthesis of yttrium aluminum garnet nanoparticles in confined environment III: Cerium doping effect
Abstract Cerium yttrium aluminum garnet (Ce:YAG, CexY3-xAl5O12) nanoparticles doped with different cerium amount were obtained by calcining the precursors synthesized via co-precipitation in w/o microemulsion for 1 h at 900 °C. The structural and morphological properties were investigated by using X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) in order to investigate the effect of doping level on formation and microstructure of obtained nanoparticles. It was found that the composition of the final products strongly depends on the concentration of cerium. The formation of single YAG phase …
Effectiveness of some protective and self-cleaning treatments: a challenge for the conservation of temple G stone in Selinunte
Abstract The Temple G of the Archaeological Park of Selinunte (Italy), the largest in Europe, is one of the most impressive temples in the Magna Grecia. Today, it is completely destroyed due to a strong earthquake occurred in the Middle Ages. The used stone is a calcarenite coming from the ancient and renowned quarries of Cusa near the acropolis. This work comes from the today’s proposal of Temple G anastylosis. The goal of the work is to provide the results relating the protective effectiveness of three polymer formulations, appropriately selected, on stone samples taken from the “Capitello” quarry, part of “Cusa quarries”. The formulations functionality was deployed by adding TiO2 nanopar…
Attività e proposte progettuali sulla conservazione e il trattamento delle opere cartacee
Nursing students and depressive symptomatology: an observational study in University of Palermo
Purpose Depression is a common and serious medical illness, considered as a public health issue because it interferes with the interpersonal, social and professional functioning of the individual, and its frequency is constantly increasing. According to a recent review, approximately 34 per cent of nursing students had experienced depression worldwide. The university period may represent a moment in which the mental well-being of students is subjected to stress with a relative predisposition to the development of diseases related to mood disorders. The purpose of this study is to estimate the prevalence and examine the socio-demographic correlates of depressive symptomatology. Design/metho…
New biocides based on imidazolinium-functionalised hybrid mesoporous silica nanoparticles
Here, we report the development of a new biocide based on hybrid mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN). The MSN was synthesized by condensation method in emulsion followed by grafting with two different silylated ionic liquid moieties, namely butyl imidazolinium bromide and imidazolinium propansulfonate betaine. Features of nanoparticles were characterized by Thermogravimetry, Infrared and ss-NMR Spectroscopy, and Transmission Electron Microscopy. The antibacterial properties were tested against a Gram-positive bacterial strain previously isolated from artefacts of interest in the field of Cultural Heritage. Interestingly, the hybrid material presents an antibacterial activity higher than i…
The Church of S. Maria Delle Palate in Tusa (Messina, Italy): Digitization and Diagnostics for a New Model of Enjoyment
Cultural places represent the tangible part of the identity and historical heritage of a civilization as well as an extraordinary driving force for the economic development of a country. Within its huge asset, Italy counts a wide number of archaeological sites and monuments which, despite their cultural value, are totally cut off from the most important cultural routes. This paper aims to demonstrate how specific actions of digitization can contribute to valorize (restoring a cultural value) ‘marginal’ landmarks, promoting their knowledge and inclusion. The case study described is represented by the Church of “Santa Maria delle Palate”, located inside the well-known …
Organic-inorganic materials through first simultaneous frontal polymerization and frontal geopolymerization
Abstract The first frontal geopolymerization (FGP) took place in the same reaction medium in which the frontal polymerization (FP) of 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA) was occurring, thus giving rise to an organic-inorganic hybrid in one step in just a few minutes. Because of their exothermicity, the two reactions support each other and sustain propagating fronts. By contrast, using the classical techniques (prolonged heating) instead of FP, due to large gas formation, the reaction is explosive or, if carried out at room temperature, phase separation occurred.
Identifying the Unknown Content of an Ancient Egyptian Sealed Alabaster Vase from Kha and Merit’s Tomb Using Multiple Techniques and Multicomponent Sample Analysis in an Interdisciplinary Applied Chemistry Course
This article highlights the multianalytical study of exuded liquid from an ancient Egyptian sealed alabaster vase by Master's students in an applied chemistry for cultural heritage course. Master students are introduced to the field of Archaeometry that see the collaboration of experts in different areas of research such as conservators, curators of museums, physicists, chemists, etc. The sample is a residue exuded on the linen strip sealing an ancient Egyptian alabaster vase (inventory number S.8448) from the collection of the Museo Egizio in Turin (Italy). The students start to plan the noninvasive investigation by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and ener…
Reasons behind flu vaccine acceptance and suggested interventions to promote flu vaccination acceptance among healthcare workers.
The flu vaccination rate is still too low, both among healthcare providers (HCPs) and among health sciences university students. This study aims to assess the reasons of past and future flu vaccination acceptance among health sciences university students, and second, to identify what interventions would be helpful to foster acceptance of the flu vaccination among HCPs. A multicentre cross-sectional study was performed, using a validated questionnaire administered to health sciences students enrolled in 14 Italian universities. A multivariable logistic regression model was used. A total of 3131 questionnaires were collected. The statement that mandatory vaccination is required to increase a…
Chromium liquid waste inertization in an inorganic alkali activated matrix: Leaching and NMR multinuclear approach
A class of inorganic binders, also known as geopolymers, can be obtained by alkali activation of aluminosilicate powders at room temperature. The process is affected by many parameters (curing time, curing temperature, relative humidity etc.) and leads to a resistant matrix usable for inertization of hazardous waste. In this study an industrial liquid waste containing a high amount of chromium (≈ 2.3 wt%) in the form of metalorganic salts is inertized into a metakaolin based geopolymer matrix. One of the innovative aspects is the exploitation of the water contained in the waste for the geopolymerization process. This avoided any drying treatment, a common step in the management of liquid ha…
Non-conventional Ce:YAG nanostructures via urea complexes
AbstractCe:YAG nanostructures (Ce:YAG = Cerium in Yttrium Aluminium Garnet), easy to control and shape, have been prepared via templating approach using natural and synthetic materials (i.e. paper, cotton wool and glass wool) previously soaked with a gel-like metals precursor and then thermally treated to achieve the wished morphology. The final material, otherwise difficult to process, can be easily moulded, it is lightweight, portable and forms, at the nanoscale, homogeneous layers of interconnected but not agglomerated nanoparticles (15 ± 5 nm). Using the same synthetic route, called Urea-Glass-Route, but in absence of a template, extremely pure Ce:YAG nanoparticle (45 ± 5 nm) can be als…
Preparation and characterisation of Ce:YAG -polycarbonate composites for white LED
Ce:YAG-polycarbonate composites were prepared with several amounts of Ce:YAG in the range 0.1-5 wt.% by using melt compounding. The structure and morphology of the composites were investigated by means of X-ray diffractometry and transmission electron microscopy. The optical properties of the composites were studied by using photoluminescence spectroscopy. The intermolecular interaction between the polymer and the filler surface was investigated using 13C cross-polarization magic-angle spinning NMR spectroscopy (13C {1H} CP-MAS NMR). The results showed that the dispersion of the particles in the polymer, and the optical properties, depend on the Ce:YAG amount. The composites were combined w…
Conservation state of two paintings in the Santa Margherita cliff cave: role of the environment and of the microbial community
Abstract The conservation of ancient paintings sited in humid environments is an actual challenge for restorers, because it needs the knowledge of the materials the paintings are made up and of their interaction with a peculiar surrounding environment; thus, tailored procedures and strategies aimed at restoring and preserving paintings are necessary. The Santa Margherita’s cave in Castellammare del Golfo (Trapani, Italy) is a natural cave, containing the remains of paintings, in a poor state of conservation, belonging to an ancient church dated back to the Middle Age. The present manuscript reports the monitoring of environmental conditions (i.e., temperature and humidity) in a full year as…
Formulation of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Controlled Release of Antimicrobials for Stone Preventive Conservation
The biotic deterioration of artifacts of archaeological and artistic interest mostly relies on the action of microorganisms capable of thriving under the most disparate environmental conditions. Thus, to attenuate biodeterioration phenomena, biocides can be used by the restorers to prevent or slow down the microbial growth. However, several factors such as biocide half-life, its wash-out because of environmental conditions, and its limited time of action make necessary its application repeatedly, leading to negative economic implications. Sound and successful treatments are represented by controlled release systems (CRSs) based on porous materials. Here, we report on the design and developm…
Internet addiction, alcohol risky consumption, and gambling disorder among Palermo University Hospital: a cross-sectional study
BacKGrOUnD: the aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence of gambling, internet addiction disease and the risk of alcohol consumption among workers of the “Paolo Giaccone” University hospital in Palermo. MethODs: the study employed a cross-sectional study design. an anonymous online survey was provided accompanied by informed consent. The questionnaire was structured into four parts. The first section investigates on socio-demographic information. in the other sections of the questionnaires were administered: internet addiction test, alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Consumption and Canadian Problem Gambling Index. A multivariable logistic regression model was used and adjuste…
Microstructure and phase composition of bronze Montefortino helmets discovered Mediterranean seabed to explain an unusual corrosion
AbstractTwo Monterfortino helmets, recovered in the Mediterranean seabed, show unusual features with respect to the more common helmets of the same period and found in underwater environments. Hence, they were investigated by a multi-analytical approach, which allowed us to identify the compounds constituting the helmets and to make some considerations about their metallurgy, although all the metal was converted to degradation products. The helmets, originally made in bronze, have maintained their original shape because of copper sulphides formation. The observed differences in composition between the two helmets were attributed to the position modification, of one of them, into the seabed …
iViaggio: the app for safe traveling.
he number of people travelling internationally increases year after year, mainly due to the more and more affordable cost of travelling and to the evergreater ease of transportation. Nowadays, any destination can be reached within 24 hours by plane, and the improvement of economic conditions facilitates both business and leisure travelling, as a matter of fact, according to data from the World Tourism Organization, the number of international trips is expected to increase by 3% to 4% per year.1 However, international travelling poses various health risks depending on travelers’ health conditions and the type of trip undertaken. Indeed, travelers may experience sudden changes in altitude, hu…
Effect of hydrothermal time on the forming specific morphology of YPO4:Eu3+ nanoparticles for dedicated luminescent applications as optical markers
A way to control the desired shape and microstructure of YPO4:Eu3+ nanoparticles through the precipitation method followed by a hydrothermal treatment is reported. This method is useful for achieving very high control over the YPO4:Eu3+ formation process with the selection of appropriate synthesis parameters. In detail, the autoclave processing time allows control of the shape and size of nano-needle-shaped particles independently in both directions, as confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction, FT-IR Spectroscopy and Electron Transmission Microscopy. In order to analyse the effect of the nanoparticles’ surroundings on the excitation and relaxation processes of luminescent ions, Eu3+ ion was us…
Synthesis of yttrium aluminum garnet nanoparticles in confined environment, and their characterization
Abstract Nanopowders of yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG, Y3Al5O12) have been prepared by thermal treatment of hydroxides obtained by synthesis in a confined environment constituted by water/Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)/1-butanol/n-heptane. The phase behavior of the above system has been investigated on varying the water/CTAB molar ratio (R) at constant 1-butanol/CTAB and heptane/CTAB molar ratio. The dispersed aqueous phases were constituted by solutions of ammonia and of yttrium and aluminum nitrates, respectively. Measures of Kinematic Viscosity, Electrical Conductivity and Small Angle X-ray Scattering have been carried out. It was found that, on increasing the ammonia solution cont…
Luminescent composites for optical applications
First discovery of orichalcum ingots from the remains of a 6th century BC shipwreck near Gela (Sicily) seabed
Ingots recently recovered from the seabed near Gela, a major harbour of Sicily, reveal an unexpected side of ancient metallurgy. The ingots were found near remains of a ship and earthenware dated around the end of the VI century BC and probably coming from the eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean sea. The ingots were analysed by means of X-Ray Fluorescence spectroscopy via a portable spectrometer. Results indicate that they are mostly consist of copper and zinc although many of them have a significant amount of lead. This alloy is nowday called brass, but in ancient time it was know as orichalcum, one of the rarest and most precious alloy along with gold and silver. Only small items of oric…
A multivariate statistical approach of X-ray fluorescence characterization of a large collection of reverse glass paintings
We present an X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) study combined with a multivariate approach that allow to detect compositional differences and similarities among the glass supports of a large set of reverse glass paintings belonging to the collection of the Mistretta museum. Reverse painting on glass is an old decorative technique used since the Roman time consisting in applying a cold paint layer on the reverse side of a glass support. The collection shows a large spreading of provenience and dating of the items. In consideration of the current classification solely based on stylistic criteria, we applied a multivariate analysis on the XRF measurements data set to find a more objective…
Silver nanoparticles stabilized by a polyaminocyclodextrin as catalysts for the reduction of nitroaromatic compounds
Abstract Silver nanoparticles stabilized by means of poly -(6- N , N -dimethyl-propylenediamino)-(6-deoxy)-β-cyclodextrin were synthesized, characterized by different techniques (UV–vis spectroscopy, Dynamic Light Scattering, High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy, Fourier-transform IR Spectroscopy) and used as catalysts for the reduction of various nitrobenzene derivatives with sodium borohydride. The nanocomposites obtained appear to have an organized structure, with a metal core surrounded by a layer-structured coating shell. Kinetic data, rationalized in terms of a modified Langmuir–Hinshelwood model, evidenced a non-linear dependence of the reaction rate on the concentration …
Role of the thermal treatment on the microstructure of YAGG nanopowders prepared by urea glass route
Yttrium aluminium gallium garnet (YAGG, Y3Al2Ga3O12) doped with rare-earth ions has drawn large attention owing to its optical properties with applications ranging from persistent luminescent phosphors to nanothermometers. Herein, three different YAGG materials were synthesized via the urea glass route followed by thermal treatment, relatively undoped; doped with Ce3+, Cr3+, and Nd3+; and doped with Ce3+, Cr3+, and Yb3+. The garnet formation was studied in situ upon thermal treatment from 300 to 1000 ◦C using synchrotron powder diffraction. Our results show that with this method, the onset of formation of the garnet is about 860 ◦C, with comparable cell parameters for both undoped and doped…
Influence of the Ce: YAG amount on structure and optical properties of Ce:YAG-PMMA composites for white LED
Ce:YAG-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) composites were prepared by using a melt compounding method, adding several amounts of Ce:YAG in the range 0.1–5wt.%. The optical properties of the obtained composites and of the composites combined with a blue LED were measured to investigate the effect of the amount of Ce:YAG on the resulting emitted light in view of possible application in white LED manufacture. An increase in Ce:YAG amount caused an increase in the emission and a shift of 15 nm, influencing the white LED performance. The structure and morphology of the composites were studied. The results show that the interaction between the two components, observed by using solid state NMR exper…
Catalytic and photocatalytic epoxidation of limonene: Using mesoporous silica nanoparticles as functional support for a Janus-like approach
Abstract Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN) were used as a platform to design novel active materials for the catalytic and photocatalytic epoxidation of limonene. Binary systems comprised of TiO2 and MSN were used for the catalytic reaction when doped with manganese, and for the photocatalytic reaction when functionalised with hexadecyl chains or imidazolinyl groups. All of the MSN based systems were synthesized by condensation in emulsion. A thorough characterization of the powders has been performed by means of Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES), X-ray diffraction (XRD), FT-IR, Raman and EPR Spectroscopy, Fluorescence and diffuse reflectance UV–vis (DR…
Risky consumption of alcohol in nursing students
BACKGROUND: abuse of alcohol among students is a problem that has not to be undervalued because it can damage mental and global health and, as a consequence, it can negatively influence the academic and training performance roping at the end on patients’ health. Our study focused particularly on nursing students of the University of Palermo of the three years of course with the aim to estimate the prevalence of risky alcohol consumption and to analyze the associated factors. MethODs: in april 2019 a questionnaire was administered to all the nursing students of University of Palermo of the three years of course, accompanied by informed consent. Multivariable logistic regression was performed…
Sicilian Byzantine Icons through the Use of Non-Invasive Imaging Techniques and Optical Spectroscopy: The Case of the Madonna dell’Elemosina
The iconographic heritage is one of the treasures of Byzantine art that have enriched the south of Italy, and Sicily in particular, since the early 16th century. In this work, the investigations of a Sicilian Icon of Greek-Byzantine origin, the Madonna dell’Elemosina, is reported for the first time. The study was carried out using mainly non-invasive imaging techniques (photography in reflectance and grazing visible light, UV fluorescence, infrared reflectography, radiography, and computed tomography) and spectroscopic techniques (X-ray fluorescence and infrared spectroscopy). The identification of the constituent materials provides a decisive contribution to the correct historical and arti…
Preparation and characterization of Ce:YAG-PMMA and Ce:YAG-PC composites for white LED
Polymeric composites of lanthanide-doped materials were considered as potential candidates for the development of white LED. Ce:YAG-PMMA and Ce:YAG-PC composites were prepared by melt compounding. The characterization was performed using transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry, thermogravimetry and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The effect of filler quantity, in the range 0.1-5 wt.%, on the morphology, optical and thermal properties was investigated.
Particle size-related limitations of persistent phosphors based on the doped Y3Al2Ga3O12 system
AbstractCo-doped Ce3+, Cr3+ and Pr3+ yttrium–aluminium–gallium garnet powders of various sizes were obtained by co-precipitation method. The microstructure and morphology were investigated by XRPD, TEM and gas porosimetry. The luminescence properties were studied by excitation and emission spectra, quantum yield and decay times. Thermoluminescence measurements were performed to evaluate the activation energy, traps redistribution and frequency factor. Limitation in the energy transfer between dopant ions in the small particles, traps depth and surface defects were considered and investigated as responsible for the quenching of persistent luminescence. The phosphors annealed at 1100 °C show …
A multivariate approach to the study of orichalcum ingots from the underwater Gela's archaeological site
Abstract In this work a careful ICP-OES and ICP-MS investigation of 38 ancient ingots has been performed to determine both major components and trace elements content to find a correlation between the observed different features and the composition. The ingots, recovered in an underwater archaeological site of various finds near Gela (CL, Italy), were previously investigated by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy to know the composition of the alloy and it was found that the major elements were copper and zinc, in a ratio compatible with the famous orichalcum similar to the contemporary brass that was considered a precious metal in ancient times. The discovery of huge amount this alloy is…
The colours of Segesta. Searching for the traces of the lost pigments
Many monuments and objects of the ancient civilizations were painted, but unfortunately the pigments are not still present and sometimes only small traces are evident. The analysis of the traces requires a multianalytical approach through the use of non-invasive techniques and only if necessary of a microsampling. Here, the study of the traces of colours found in some architectural elements and findings belonging to the Archeological Park of Segesta (Trapani, Italy) is reported. The traces are identified and characterised via several techniques such as Optical Microscopy, UV-Fluorescence Imaging, Fiber Optical Reflectance Spectroscopy (FORS), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and FT-IR Spectroscopy.…
Functionalization of mesoporous silica nanoparticles through one-pot co-condensation in w/o emulsion
In this work, three different functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) were synthesized through the co-condensation synthesis in oil/water emulsion. Hexadecyltrimethoxysilane, triethoxy-3-(2-imidazolin-1-yl)propylsilane and (3-mercaptopropyl)triethoxysilane were used as organo-substituted silica precursors with variable molar ratio with respect to tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS, 1:4, 1:9, 1:19). The occurred functionalization was investigated by Infrared Spectroscopy and FT-Raman and 29Si {1H} CP-MAS-NMR spectroscopy. Results show that the three materials were successfully functionalized. The influence of the different pendant groups and their concentration on the mesostructured…
Synthesis of yttrium aluminum garnet nanoparticles in confined environment II: Role of the thermal treatment on the composition and microstructural evolution
Abstract Nanoparticles of yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG, Y 3 Al 5 O 12 ) have been obtained by thermal treatments, at several temperature in the range 400–950 °C, of the precursors synthetized via co-precipitation in water in oil microemulsion. The obtained nanoparticles have been characterized by means of X-ray Diffraction and Transmission Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and Select Area Electron Diffraction (SAED). Results show the phase evolution occurring to obtain not aggregated nanoparticles of YAG phase. A possible growth mechanism of YAG nanoparticles is discussed on the basis of observed particle microstructure and morphology. The results i…
The silver collection of San Gennaro treasure (Neaples): A multivariate statistic approach applied to X-ray fluorescence data
Abstract In this work we report an X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) study combined with a multivariate approach allowing to detect compositional differences and similarities among the alloys used in realization of silver collection of San Gennaro items collection. The San Gennaro treasure in Naples (Italy) represents, in fact, one of the most important silver collections in the world. The classification of the collection items is very complex, not only for the large number of objects, but also in consideration that between 1600 and 1700, in Naples, more than 350 laboratories were active, most of them specialized in specific art of work. As a consequence, a given collection object could…
A New Methodological Approach to Correlate Protective and Microscopic Properties by Soft X-ray Microscopy and Solid State NMR Spectroscopy: The Case of Cusa’s Stone
Hydrophobic treatment is one of the most important interventions usually carried out for the conservation of stone artefacts and monuments. The study here reported aims to answer a general question about how two polymers confer different protective performance. Two fluorinated-based polymer formulates applied on samples of Cusa’s stone confer a different level of water repellence and water vapour permeability. The observed protection action is here explained on the basis of chemico-physical interactions. The distribution of the polymer in the pore network was investigated using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microscopy. The interactions between the stone substrate and the protective…
Luminescent YPO4:Eu@PVA dispersions for anti-counterfeiting ink applications
A method was developed to obtain YPO4:Eu dispersions of PVA as a luminescent inks. YPO4:Eu nanoparticles were prepared by precipitation followed by hydrothermal treatment. The dispersion preparation included systematic studies to prepare a stable colloidal system and to investigate the role of parameters affecting its stability and UV-excited YPO4:Eu emission intensity. The effect of PVA concentration was studied in detail for two different PVAs to determine the optimal parameters for its use as ink with specific luminescent properties. The type of interactions responsible for the dispersion stability was also investigated.
Application of Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectroscopy (GC/MS) to the analysis of archaeological ceramic amphorae belonging to the Carthaginian fleet that was defeated in the Egadi battle (241 B.C.)
<p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-US">The aim of this preliminary work was to identify characteristic compounds in 7 underwater marine ceramic amphorae sherds dating from the period of the battle of the Egadi Islands that decided the end of the First Punic War (241 B.C.) by Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectroscopy (GC/MS).</span></p>
Urea Glass Route as a Way to Optimize YAGG:Ce3+,Cr3+,Pr3+ Nanocrystals for Persistent Luminescence Applications
A new approach for the synthesis of Y3Al2Ga3O12 (YAGG) nanophosphors allowing the preparation of crystallites with sizes starting from 45 nm is presented. The controllability of the energy and trap density of the resulting material samples by annealing temperature was confirmed by thermoluminescence (TL) measurements. It has been shown that the annealing of samples at temperatures up to 1300 degrees C does not cause any substantial growth of crystallites, still remaining below 100 nm, but leads to changes in the activation energy of the persistent luminescence (PersL) process. On the other hand, annealing above 1400 degrees C results in grain growth on the submicron scale, which was confirm…
Influence of cerium content and heat treatment on Ce:YAG@glass wool nanostructures
The paper reports the influence of cerium content and heat treatment on composition, structural features and optical properties of nanostructures constituted by a layer of Ce:YAG nanoparticles on glass wool (Ce:YAG@GW). The Ce:YAG@GW nanostructures were obtained embedding the glass wool (GW) in a gel-like precursor and calcining at 800 and 900 °C. Gel-like precursor of urea glass route (UGR) method has been used to prepare both nanostructures and Ce:YAG nanoparticles prepared as references. Structural properties were investigated by using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). Results showed that the composition of the final products strongly depends both on the cerium cont…