Carlos Pablos Abella
Mejora a corto plazo del peso y la calidad de vida de mujeres obesas posmenopáusicas mediante un programa ambulatorio de ejercicio físico
Resumen Fundamento y objetivo Evaluar los efectos de un programa ambulatorio de ejercicio fisico sobre calidad de vida, parametros antropometricos y bioquimicos en mujeres obesas posmenopausicas. Sujetos y metodo Un total de 106 mujeres posmenopausicas con obesidad se asignaron para participar en un programa ambulatorio de ejercicio fisico (aerobico y anaerobio) o para recibir informacion convencional sobre dieta y ejercicio. Se evaluo a los 3 meses el efecto del programa sobre calidad de vida (test EuroQol, Rosenberg y valoracion subjetiva de salud), peso, indice cintura y masa grasa y parametros bioquimicos considerados de riesgo cardiovascular. Resultados La edad media fue de 59,79 anos …
Effects of Combined and Classic Training on Diferent Isometric Rate of Force Development Parameters of Leg Extensors in Female Wolleyball Players: Discriminative Análisis Approach
The aim of this study is to verify the effects of the combined and classic training of different isometric rates of force development (RFD) parameters of legs. Materials and Methods: Three groups of female athletes was tested: Experimental group (N=12), classically trained group (N= 11), and control group (N = 20) of athletes. The isometric"standing leg extension" and"Rise on Toes" tests were conducted to evaluate the maximal force, time necessary time to reach it and the RFD analyzed at 100 ms, 180 ms, 250 ms from the onset, and 50-100% of its maximal result. Results: The maximal RFD of legs and calves are dominant explosive parameters. Special training enhanced the RFD of calves of GROUP …
Efectos de un programa de intervención (PHS) para la mejora de los hábitos saludables en la primera adolescencia
Background: it is vital to monitor and promote healthy lifestyle habits in early adolescence, as it is a time of changes when future lifestyle habits are formed. Methods: a study was conducted to find out the effects of a Healthy Habits Program (HHP) in children between the ages of 10 and 12 years (N = 158). The study included an intervention group (IG) (n = 90), which participated in the HHP for 8 months, and a control group (CG) (n = 100). In order to assess healthy habits in these children we used the Inventory of Healthy Habits (IHH), the reliability of which was previously evaluated (N = 134). Results: the IHH obtained good reliability, Interclass Correlation Coefficient (range .506 - …
Situación actual del personal técnico-deportivo en las empresas del sector en la Comunidad Valenciana
Actualmente, el tema de los recursos humanos está produciendo un fuerte impacto en España y sólo hay que acercarse a la bibliografía empresarial para comprobar que el estudio del sector de la actividad física y el deporte representa un campo de interés científico y social que requiere ser investigado. Mediante una metodología cuantitativa de corte descriptivo y mediante el empleo de la entrevista estandarizada como instrumento de recogida de información se reproducen aquellas características más relevantes observadas en la Comunidad Valenciana. Los resultados explican que las personas que trabajan en funciones físico-deportivas en empresas del sector son mayoritariamente hombres jóvenes que…
Effects of an intervention program (HHP) on the promotion of healthy habits in early adolescence
it is vital to monitor and promote healthy lifestyle habits in early adolescence, as it is a time of changes when future lifestyle habits are formed.a study was conducted to find out the effects of a Healthy Habits Program (HHP) in children between the ages of 10 and 12 years (N = 158). The study included an intervention group (IG) (n = 90), which participated in the HHP for 8 months, and a control group (CG) (n = 100). In order to assess healthy habits in these children we used the Inventory of Healthy Habits (IHH), the reliability of which was previously evaluated (N = 134).the IHH obtained good reliability, Interclass Correlation Coefficient (range .506 - 884; p.001) and Spearman Correla…
Los profesionales de la organización y gestión de actividad física y deporte en las instalaciones deportivas y entidades : características socio-demográficas y formativas.
Este artículo pertenece al estudio realizado en la Comunidad Valenciana sobre la situación profesional de las personas que trabajan en funciones de actividad física y deporte. Primeramente se contextualiza las tareas de organización y gestión de la actividad física y deporte en el mercado laboral de la actividad física y el deporte y después se detalla aspectos específicos profesionales y técnicos de esta función laboral. Posteriormente se describe, reflexiona y concluye diversos aspectos sobre las características sociodemográficas de las personas que realizan las tareas de organización y gestión de la actividad física y deporte así como sus características formativas y las necesidad de que…
Efecto de un programa de entrenamiento de fuerza sobre los niveles de testosterona y cortisol y el estado de ánimo en adolescentes
Los profesionales de la organización y gestión de actividad física y deporte en las instalaciones deportivas y entidades: características socio-demográficas y formativas. (The professionals of the organization and management of physical activity and sport facilities and entities: typical associate demographic and formative).
Este articulo pertenece al estudio realizado en la Comunidad Valenciana sobre la situacion profesional de las personas que trabajan en funciones de actividad fisica y deporte. Primeramente se contextualiza las tareas de organizacion y gestion de la actividad fisica y deporte en el mercado laboral de la actividad fisica y el deporte y despues se detalla aspectos especificos profesionales y tecnicos de esta funcion laboral. Posteriormente se describe, reflexiona y concluye diversos aspectos sobre las caracteristicas sociodemograficas de las personas que realizan las tareas de organizacion y gestion de la actividad fisica y deporte asi como sus caracteristicas formativas y las necesidad de que…
Effects of combined and classic training on different isometric rate of force development parameters of leg extensors in female volleyball players: Discriminative analysis approach.
Background: The aim of this study is to verify the effects of the combined and classic training of different isometric rates of force development (RFD) parameters of legs. Materials and Methods: Three groups of female athletes was tested: Experimental group (N = 12), classically trained group (N = 11), and control group (N = 20) of athletes. The isometric "standing leg extension" and "Rise on Toes" tests were conducted to evaluate the maximal force, time necessary time to reach it and the RFD analyzed at 100 ms, 180 ms, 250 ms from the onset, and 50-100% of its maximal result. Results: The maximal RFD of legs and calves are dominant explosive parameters. Special training enhanced the RFD of…
ABSTRACT Introduction: Several studies have analyzed the relationship between physical activity and bone density. However, the prescription of exercise is not entirely clear as to the type, quantity and intensity. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine if there is a relationship between the amount of exercise and changes in bone mineral density. Methods: Fifty-two women, members of the Municipal Program of Physical Activity for Seniors, voluntarily underwent two ultrasonographies of the calcaneus within a 6-month interval. During this period, all physical activity was recorded. Afterwards, a lineal correlation study was carried out between the amount of exercise and bone ch…
ABSTRACT Introduction: Several studies have analyzed the relationship between physical activity and bone density. However, the prescription of exercise is not entirely clear as to the type, quantity and intensity. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine if there is a relationship between the amount of exercise and changes in bone mineral density. Methods: Fifty-two women, members of the Municipal Program of Physical Activity for Seniors, voluntarily underwent two ultrasonographies of the calcaneus within a 6-month interval. During this period, all physical activity was recorded. Afterwards, a lineal correlation study was carried out between the amount of exercise and bone ch…