Anil Kumar
The Indian-French Trishna Mission: Earth Observation in the Thermal Infrared with High Spatio-Temporal Resolution
International audience; The monitoring of the water cycle at the Earth surface which tightly interacts with the climate change processes as well as a number of practical applications (agriculture, soil and water quality assessment, irrigation and water resource management, etc...) requires surface temperature measurements at local scale. Such is the goal of the Indian-French high spatio-temporal TRISHNA mission (Thermal infraRed Imaging Satellite for High-resolution Natural resource Assessment). The scientific objectives of the mission and research work conducted to consolidate the mission specifications are presented. Progress in modelling of surface fluxes is then discussed. The main spec…
Second-forbidden nonunique β− decays of 24Na and 36Cl assessed by the nuclear shell model
We have performed a systematic study of the log f t values, shape factors, and electron spectra for the second-forbidden nonunique β− decays of 24Na(4+) →24Mg(2+) and 36Cl(2+) →36Ar(0+) transitions under the framework of the nuclear shell model. We have performed the shell model calculations in the sd model space, using more recent microscopic effective interactions such as Daejeon16, chiral N3LO, and JISP16. These interactions are derived from the no-core shell model wave functions using Okubo-Lee-Suzuki transformation. For comparison, we have also shown the results obtain from the phenomenological USDB interaction. To test the predictive power of these interactions first we have computed …
Second-forbidden nonunique β− decays of Na24 and Cl36 assessed by the nuclear shell model
We have performed a systematic study of the $logft$ values, shape factors, and electron spectra for the second-forbidden nonunique ${\ensuremath{\beta}}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ decays of $^{24}\mathrm{Na}({4}^{+})\ensuremath{\rightarrow}^{24}\mathrm{Mg}({2}^{+})$ and $^{36}\mathrm{Cl}({2}^{+}){\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}^{36}\mathrm{Ar}({0}^{+})$ transitions under the framework of the nuclear shell model. We have performed the shell model calculations in the $sd$ model space, using more recent microscopic effective interactions such as Daejeon16, chiral N3LO, and JISP16. These interactions are derived from the no-core shell model wave functions using Okubo-Lee-Suzuki transformation. For comparison,…
Second-forbidden nonunique $$\beta ^-$$ decays of $$^{59,60}$$Fe:possible candidates for $$g_{\mathrm{A}}$$ sensitive electron spectral-shape measurements
In this work, we present a theoretical study of the electron spectral shapes for the second-forbidden nonunique $\beta^-$-decay transitions $^{59}\textrm{Fe}(3/2^-)\to\,^{59}\textrm{Co}(7/2^-)$ and $^{60}\textrm{Fe}(0^+)\to\,^{60}\textrm{Co}(2^+)$ in the framework of the nuclear shell model. We have computed the involved wave functions by carrying out a complete $0\hbar\omega$ calculation in the full $fp$ model space using the KB3G and GXPF1A effective interactions. When compared with the available data, these interactions predict the low-energy spectra and electromagnetic properties of the involved nuclei quite successfully. This success paves the way for the computations of the $\beta$-de…
Multifarious pretreatment strategies for the lignocellulosic substrates for the generation of renewable and sustainable biofuels: A review
Abstract Currently major part of the world’s energy requirements is fulfilled by fossil resources. Severe economic and environmental problems along with their limited resources are still a major issue. Long-term environmental and commercial concern has focussed into huge research in the past decades to replace fossil fuels with renewable sources of energy. The main focus of energy research is lignocellulosic substrates, which seems to be the best for energy application due to easily availability, cost-effective and environment favourable production process. Therefore, lignocellulosic materials provide economical, environmental and energetic benefits with an alternative to traditional or hig…
Second-forbidden nonunique β− decays of 59,60Fe:possible candidates for gA sensitive electron spectral-shape measurements
In this work, we present a theoretical study of the electron spectral shapes for the second-forbidden nonunique β−-decay transitions 59Fe(3/2−)→59Co(7/2−) and 60Fe(0+)→60Co(2+) in the framework of the nuclear shell model. We have computed the involved wave functions by carrying out a complete 0ℏω calculation in the full fp model space using the KB3G and GXPF1A effective interactions. When compared with the available data, these interactions predict the low-energy spectra and electromagnetic properties of the involved nuclei quite successfully. This success paves the way for the computations of the β-decay properties, and comparison with the available data. We have computed the electron spec…
Health effects of overweight and obesity in 195 countries over 25 years
Source at: http://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa1614362 Background: Although the rising pandemic of obesity has received major attention in many countries, the effects of this attention on trends and the disease burden of obesity remain uncertain. Methods: We analyzed data from 68.5 million persons to assess the trends in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adults between 1980 and 2015. Using the Global Burden of Disease study data and methods, we also quantified the burden of disease related to high body-mass index (BMI), according to age, sex, cause, and BMI in 195 countries between 1990 and 2015. Restults: In 2015, a total of 107.7 million children and 603.7 million adult…
Effects of alirocumab on types of myocardial infarction : insights from the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES trial
Gislason, Gunnar H/0000-0002-0548-402X; Malynovsky, Yaroslav V/0000-0002-9118-1104; Bhatt, Deepak L./0000-0002-1278-6245; Nikolaev, Konstantin/0000-0003-4601-6203; Sherwood, Matthew/0000-0002-4305-5883; Chumakova, Galina A/0000-0002-2810-6531; Raffel, Owen C/0000-0001-5470-7050; Leonardi, Sergio/0000-0002-4800-6132; Tse, Hung Fat/0000-0002-9578-7808; Reshetko, Olga/0000-0003-3107-7636; Pereira, Helder/0000-0001-8656-4883; Racca, Vittorio/0000-0002-4465-3789; Podoleanu, Cristian/0000-0001-9987-2519; Ersanli, Murat/0000-0003-1847-3087; Muenzel, Thomas/0000-0001-5503-4150; Sandhu, Manjinder/0000-0003-2538-2079; Taskinen, Marja-Riitta/0000-0002-6229-3588; bastos, jose/0000-0002-9526-3123; Manak…
Second-forbidden nonunique $��^-$ decays of $^{59,60}$Fe: Possible candidates for $g_A$ sensitive electron spectral-shape measurements
In this work, we present a theoretical study of the electron spectral shapes for the second-forbidden nonunique $��^-$-decay transitions $^{59}\textrm{Fe}(3/2^-)\to\,^{59}\textrm{Co}(7/2^-)$ and $^{60}\textrm{Fe}(0^+)\to\,^{60}\textrm{Co}(2^+)$ in the framework of the nuclear shell model. We have computed the involved wave functions by carrying out a complete $0\hbar��$ calculation in the full $fp$ model space using the KB3G and GXPF1A effective interactions. When compared with the available data, these interactions predict the low-energy spectra and electromagnetic properties of the involved nuclei quite successfully. This success paves the way for the computations of the $��$-decay proper…
Contributory presentations/posters
Second-forbidden nonunique $\beta^-$ decays of $^{24}$Na and $^{36}$Cl assessed by the nuclear shell model
We have performed a systematic study of the log$ft$ values, shape factors and electron spectra for the second-forbidden nonunique $\beta^-$ decays of $^{24}$Na$(4^+) \rightarrow ^{24}$Mg$(2^+)$ and $^{36}$Cl$(2^+) \rightarrow ^{36}$Ar$(0^+)$ transitions under the framework of the nuclear shell model. We have performed the shell model calculations in the $sd$ model space, using more recent microscopic effective interactions such as Daejeon16, chiral N3LO, and JISP16. These interactions are derived from the no-core shell model wave functions using Okubo-Lee-Suzuki transformation.For comparison, we have also shown the results obtain from the phenomenological USDB interaction. To test the predi…
An all-organic steroid–D–π-A modular design drives ferroelectricity in supramolecular solids and nano-architectures at RT
Confluence of a modular design approach and self-assembly with a 'steroid-D-π-A' module generates spontaneous polarization in solids and for the first time in nano-architectures constituted from organogels, at room temperature (RT).
High-spin states of $^{218}$Th
Abstract High-spin states in the N = 128 nucleus 218Th have been investigated following fusion–evaporation reactions, using the recoil-decay tagging technique. Due to the short-lived nature of the ground state of 218Th prompt γ rays have been correlated with the α decay of the daughter nucleus 214Ra. The level scheme representing the decay of excited states has been extended to (16+) with the observation of six previously unreported transitions. The observations are compared with the results of shell model calculations and within the context of the systematics of neighbouring nuclei.