Fabio Burderi
Varieties of Codes and Kraft Inequality
Decipherability conditions for codes are investigated by using the approach of Guzman, who introduced in [7] the notion of variety of codes and established a connection between classes of codes and varieties of monoids. The class of Uniquely Decipherable (UD) codes is a special case of variety of codes, corresponding to the variety of all monoids. It is well known that the Kraft inequality is a necessary condition for UD codes, but it is not sufficient, in the sense that there exist codes that are not UD and that satisfy the Kraft inequality. The main result of the present paper states that, given a variety V of codes, if all the elements of V satisfy the Kraft inequality, then V is the var…
On Commuting Quasi-Nilpotent Operators that are Injective
Banach space operators that commute with an injective quasi-nilpotent operator, 11 such as the Volterra operator, inherit spectral and Fredholm properties, relating in 12 particular to the Weyl spectra.
Coding Partitions: Regularity, Maximality and Global Ambiguity
The canonical coding partition of a set of words is the finest partition such that the words contained in at least two factorizations of a same sequence belong to a same class. In the case the set is not uniquely decipherable, it partitions the set into one unambiguous class and other parts that localize the ambiguities in the factorizations of finite sequences. We firstly prove that the canonical coding partition of a regular set contains a finite number of regular classes. We give an algorithm for computing this partition. We then investigate maximality conditions in a coding partition and we prove, in the regular case, the equivalence between two different notions of maximality. As an ap…
Local Spectral Properties Under Conjugations
AbstractIn this paper, we study some local spectral properties of operators having form JTJ, where J is a conjugation on a Hilbert space H and $$T\in L(H)$$ T ∈ L ( H ) . We also study the relationship between the quasi-nilpotent part of the adjoint $$T^*$$ T ∗ and the analytic core K(T) in the case of decomposable complex symmetric operators. In the last part we consider Weyl type theorems for triangular operator matrices for which one of the entries has form JTJ, or has form $$JT^*J$$ J T ∗ J . The theory is exemplified in some concrete cases.
Monoids and Maximal Codes
In recent years codes that are not Uniquely Decipherable (UD) are been studied partitioning them in classes that localize the ambiguities of the code. A natural question is how we can extend the notion of maximality to codes that are not UD. In this paper we give an answer to this question. To do this we introduce a partial order in the set of submonoids of a monoid showing the existence, in this poset, of maximal elements that we call full monoids. Then a set of generators of a full monoid is, by definition, a maximal code. We show how this definition extends, in a natural way, the existing definition concerning UD codes and we find a characteristic property of a monoid generated by a maxi…
Regular coding partitions
Extensions of hermitian linear functionals
AbstractWe study, from a quite general point of view, the family of all extensions of a positive hermitian linear functional $$\omega $$ ω , defined on a dense *-subalgebra $${\mathfrak {A}}_0$$ A 0 of a topological *-algebra $${\mathfrak {A}}[\tau ]$$ A [ τ ] , with the aim of finding extensions that behave regularly. The sole constraint the extensions we are dealing with are required to satisfy is that their domain is a subspace of $$\overline{G(\omega )}$$ G ( ω ) ¯ , the closure of the graph of $$\omega $$ ω (these are the so-called slight extensions). The main results are two. The first is having characterized those elements of $${\mathfrak {A}}$$ A for which we can find a positive her…
Highmann's Theorem on Discrete Sets
In this paper we investigate properties of different classes of discrete sets with respect to the partial-order of subpicture. In particular we take in consideration the classes of convex polyominoes and L-convex polyominoes. In the first part of the paper we study closure properties of these classes with respect the order and we give a new characterization of L-convex polyominoes. In the second part we pose the question to extend Higman’s theoremto discrete sets. We give a negative answer in the general case and we prove that the set of L-convex polyominoes is well-partially-ordered by using a representation of L-convex polyominoes in terms of words of a regular language.
Varieties of Codes and Kraft Inequality
Decipherability conditions for codes are investigated by using the approach of Guzman, who introduced in [7] the notion of variety of codes and established a connection between classes of codes and varieties of monoids. The class of Uniquely Decipherable (UD) codes is a special case of variety of codes, corresponding to the variety of all monoids. It is well known that the Kraft inequality is a necessary condition for UD codes, but it is not sufficient, in the sense that there exist codes that are not UD and that satisfy the Kraft inequality. The main result of the present paper states that, given a variety $\mathcal{V}$ of codes, if all the elements of $\mathcal{V}$ satisfy the Kraft inequ…
A coding partition of a set of words partitions this set into classes such that whenever a sequence, of minimal length, has two distinct factorizations, the words of these factorizations belong to the same class. The canonical coding partition is the finest coding partition that partitions the set of words in at most one unambiguous class and other classes that localize the ambiguities in the factorizations of finite sequences. We prove that the canonical coding partition of a regular set contains a finite number of regular classes and we give an algorithm for computing this partition. From this we derive a canonical decomposition of a regular monoid into a free product of finitely many re…
Coding Partitions
Motivated by the study of decipherability conditions for codes weaker than Unique Decipherability (UD), we introduce the notion of coding partition. Such a notion generalizes that of UD code and, for codes that are not UD, allows to recover the ''unique decipherability" at the level of the classes of the partition. By tacking into account the natural order between the partitions, we define the characteristic partition of a code X as the finest coding partition of X. This leads to introduce the canonical decomposition of a code in at most one unambiguous component and other (if any) totally ambiguous components. In the case the code is finite, we give an algorithm for computing its canonical…
In recent years codes that are not Uniquely Decipherable (UD) were studied partitioning them in classes that localize the ambiguities of the code. A natural question is how we can extend the notion of maximality to codes that are not UD. In this paper we give an answer to this question. To do this we introduce a partial order in the set of submonoids of a free monoid showing the existence, in this poset, of maximal elements that we call full monoids. Then a set of generators of a full monoid is, by definition, a maximal set. We show how this definition extends, in a natural way, the existing definition concerning UD codes and we find a characteristic property of a monoid generated by a max…