Mika Simonen
Telomere Length and Frailty: The Helsinki Birth Cohort Study
Objectives: Telomere length is associated with aging-related pathologies. Although the association between telomere length and frailty has been studied previously, only a few studies assessing longitudinal changes in telomere length and frailty exist. Design: Longitudinal cohort study. Setting and participants: A subpopulation of the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study consisting of 1078 older adults aged 67 to 79 years born in Helsinki, Finland, between 1934 and 1944. Measures: Relative leukocyte telomere length (LTL) was measured using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction at the average ages of 61 and 71 years, and at the latter the participants were assessed for frailty according to …
A healthy Nordic diet and physical performance in old age : findings from the longitudinal Helsinki Birth Cohort Study
AbstractEpidemiological studies have shown that a number of nutrients are associated with better physical performance. However, little is still known about the role of the whole diet, particularly a healthy Nordic diet, in relation to physical performance. Therefore, we examined whether a healthy Nordic diet was associated with measures of physical performance 10 years later. We studied 1072 participants from the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study. Participants’ diet was assessed using a validated 128-item FFQ at the mean age of 61 years, and a priori-defined Nordic diet score (NDS) was calculated. The score included Nordic fruits and berries, vegetables, cereals, PUFA:SFA and trans-fatty acids ra…
Body composition as a predictor of physical performance in older age : A ten- year follow-up of the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study
Background: This study assessed how different measures of body composition predict physical performance ten years later among older adults. Methods: The participants were 1076 men and women aged 57 to 70 years. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and body composition (bioelectrical impedance analysis) were measured at baseline and physical performance (Senior Fitness Test) ten years later. Linear regression analyses were adjusted for age, education, smoking, duration of the follow-up and physical activity. Results: Greater BMI, waist circumference, fat mass, and percent body fat were associated with poorer physical performance in both sexes (standardized regression coefficient [beta…
Glucose regulation and physical performance among older people: the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study
Aims To assess whether disturbances in glucose regulation are associated with impairment in physical performance during a 10-year follow-up. Methods 475 Men and 603 women from the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study were studied. Glucose regulation was evaluated with a 2-h 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in 2001-2004. Subjects were categorised as having either impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), newly diagnosed diabetes or previously known diabetes. Physical performance was assessed approximately 10 years later using the validated senior fitness test (SFT). The relationship between glucose regulation and the overall SFT score was estimated using multiple linear…
Infant and childhood growth and frailty in old age : the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study
BackgroundEvidence from life course studies highlights the importance of infant and childhood growth as risk factors for adulthood chronic diseases.MethodsIn this sub-study of the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study, we studied 1078 individuals who had both information on body size from birth to 12 years of age and who were assessed for frailty according to the Fried criteria at the mean age of 71 years.ResultsGreater BMI gain between 2 and 11 years in boys was associated with frailty in old age (age-adjusted RRR 2.36, 95% CI 1.21, 4.63). No similar associations were observed in girls.ConclusionsMen who were frail in old age experienced accelerated BMI gain in childhood compared with those men who …
The healthy Nordic diet predicts muscle strength 10 years later in old women, but not old men
Background a number of nutrients have been found to be associated with better muscle strength and mass; however, the role of the whole diet on muscle strength and mass remains still unknown. Objective to examine whether the healthy Nordic diet predicts muscle strength, and mass 10 years later among men and women. Methods about 1,072 participants belong to the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study, born 1934–44. Diet was assessed with a validated food-frequency questionnaire during 2001–04. The Nordic diet score (NDS) was calculated. The score included Nordic fruits, vegetables, cereals, ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids, low-fat milk, fish, red meat, total fat and alcohol. Higher scor…
Relationship between physical activity and physical performance in later life in different birth weight groups.
There is strong evidence that physical activity (PA) has an influence on physical performance in later life. Also, a small body size at birth has been associated with lower physical functioning in older age and both small and high birth weight have shown to be associated with lower leisure time physical activity. However, it is unknown whether size at birth modulates the association between PA and physical performance in old age. We examined 695 individuals from the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study born in Helsinki, Finland between 1934 and 1944. At a mean age of 70.7 years PA was objectively assessed with a multisensory activity monitor and physical performance with the Senior Fitness Test (SFT…
Telomere length and physical performance among older people-The Helsinki Birth Cohort Study.
Telomere length has been suggested a biomarker of aging and is associated with several chronic diseases. However, the association between telomere length and physical performance is not well known. Using both cross-sectional and longitudinal data, we studied 582 women and 453 men from the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study at two time-points; a baseline examination in 2001-2004 at a mean age of 61 years and a follow-up examination approximately 10 years later in 2011-2013. Telomere length was measured both at baseline and at follow-up using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Physical performance was evaluated only at follow-up using the Senior Fitness Test (SFT), which assesses stre…
Epilogi : Tutkittavat äänessä
Soveltava keskusteluntutkimus tutkijan ja tutkittavien vastavuoroisena toimintana
Early life determinants of frailty in old age : the Helsinki Birth Cohort Stud
Background there is evidence suggesting that several chronic diseases have their origins in utero and that development taking place during sensitive periods may affect the aging process. We investigated whether early life determinants would be associated with frailty in old age. Methods at a mean age of 71 years, 1,078 participants belonging to the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study were assessed for frailty according to the Fried frailty criteria. Early life measurements (birth weight, length, mother body mass index [BMI] and parity) were obtained from birth, child welfare and school health records. Multinomial regression analysis was used to assess the association between early life determinants…
The Healthy Nordic Diet and Mediterranean Diet and Incidence of Disability 10 Years Later in Home-Dwelling Old Adults.
Background/Objective: Diet has a major impact on a person's health. However, limited information exists on the long-term role of the whole diet on disability. We investigated the association of the healthy Nordic diet and the Mediterranean diet with incident disability 10 years later. Design: Longitudinal, with a follow-up of 10 years. Settings/Participants: A total of 962 home-dwelling men and women from the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study, mean age 61.6 years, who were free of disability at baseline. Measurements: At baseline, 2001-2004, the Nordic diet score (NDS) and modified Mediterranean diet score (mMDS) were calculated using a validated 128-item food-frequency questionnaire. Higher scor…
Early life stress and frailty in old age: the Helsinki birth cohort study
Background: Evidence suggests that early life stress (ELS) may extend its effect into adulthood and predispose an individual to adverse health outcomes. We investigated whether wartime parental separation, an indicator of severe ELS, would be associated with frailty in old age. Methods: Of the 972 participants belonging to the present sub-study of the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study, 117 (12. 0%) had been evacuated abroad unaccompanied by their parents in childhood during World War II. Frailty was assessed at a mean age of 71 years according to Fried's criteria. Results: Thirteen frail men (4 separated and 9 non-separated) and 20 frail women (2 separated and 18 non-separated) were identified. C…
Objectively measured physical activity and physical performance in old age
Abstract Background: Physical performance is a key factor that determines how older people cope with daily tasks and maintain independency. There is strong evidence suggesting that physical activity (PA) is important in maintaining physical performance in old age. However, most studies have been done using self-reported PA. Our aim was to explore the association between objectively measured PA and physical performance in old age. Methods: We studied 695 participants (mean age 70.7 years, SD 2.7) from the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study. Physical performance was assessed with the Senior Fitness Test (SFT) and PA with a multisensory activity monitor SenseWear Pro 3 Armband. Results: Total volume …