Michel Campy
Quaternary Glaciations in the French Alps and Jura
During last glacial maximum, the pre-existing relief of the Alps and the Jura Mountains controlled glacier development. The Jura massive morphology, only slightly dissected by valleys, resulted in a wide ice-sheet; and this situation contrasts with the Alps where numerous deep valleys were filled by big glaciers.
The Jura glaciers: palaeogeography in the Würmian circum-Alpine zone
Since the first studies on the glacial formations of the Jura mountains there have been two concepts concerning type of glaciation and ice origin during the Wurmian glaciation. Some authors believed that the Jura was totally inundated by ice of Alpine origin, while others believed that the Jura had its own glaciers, originating from a single ice-cap. Several recent studies on both the NW and SE slopes of the range define the problem more accurately. This paper presents a synthesis of the new results from mapping the moraine systems and studying the stratigraphic relationships between Alpine and Jura tills. It is concluded that even the highest level of Alpine glaciers could not lead to a pe…
Les formations carbonatées de Dortan (Ain) : premières observations
International audience
Geochemical characterization of soil organic matter and variability of a postglacial detrital organic supply (chaillexon lake, france)
Fluctuations climatiques et réponses environnementales : l'exemple du bassin de Chaillexon (Doubs, France)
International audience
Sur la présence de matières organiques mésocénozoïques dans des humus actuels (bassin de Chaillexon, Doubs, France)
Abstract The optical analysis in the Chaillexon watershed (Doubs, France), of the present soils' humus layers' organic matter points out the contribution of Meso-Cenozoic organic matter in addition to the one produced by vegetal cover. Their relative occurrence varies in each layer: in the reverse of that of vegetal organic matter, the relative amount of Meso-Cenozoic organic matter increases according to the depth. That result shows that the total organic matter amounts in soils (and its evaluation) do not only depend on the net primary production and that geological formations have to be taken into account. Moreover, it suggests that present and past detrital supplies are concerned with ‘…
Frettes (Haute-Saône, France) : un gisement de plein-air du paléolithique moyen, premiers résultats
International audience; Frettes is an open air site discovered in 1900 by Docteur Bouchet. Since that date, the site has been prospected by several other local researchers. The surface industry condensed by areas of 50 m2, shows something defined around a Ferrassie Mousterian with oriental similitudes. Following a sondage campain in 1988 and 1989, the site has been dug in 1990 and 1991 by Gilles Huguenin. This excavation spread over 48 m2 and 3746 artefacts constitute one main lithic serie with about 78 artefacts per meter. During the first polls of 1988-1989 of 4 m2 of extension and the fulfilment of a 200 m trench which had for aim to compare polls all together, the lithic obtained was ri…
Sediment yield from glacio-lacustrine calcareous deposits during the postglacial period in the Combe d’Ain (Jura, France)
The middle valley of the river Ain (Jura) cuts through glacio-lacustrine deposits laid down in an ice-dammed lake during the most recent glacial advance. The total volume eroded is about 6·21 ×10 8 m 3 for a surface area of 3·7 ×10 7 m 2 . Erosion occurred between 18 ka BP and 6 ka BP, i.e. over a duration of some 12 ka. Sediment yield from the area was of the order of 2500 t km -2 a -1 , which is comparable with modern-day sediment yield from NW African badlands. These high values are ascribed to the amenability of glacio-lacustrine deposits to mechanical weathering and to the rapid geomorphological changes that affected glacial and paraglacial sedimentary cover after the retreat of the ic…
Variations in sediment yield from the Upper Doubs River carbonate watershed (Jura, France) since the Late Glacial Period
International audience
Palaeogeographical relationships between Alpine and Jura glaciers during the two last Pleistocene glaciations
Abstract Two main moraine complexes are usually defined in the northwestern Alpine piedmont: the External Moraine Complex (EMC) dated to the penultimate glaciation (“Riss” sensu lato) and the Internal Moraine Complex (IMC) dated to the last glaciation (“Wurm”). Until recently the prevalent concept was that these two complexes had been built by glaciers originating in the central Alpine zone. This paper presents a new palaeogeographical diagram, based on mapping and petrographical studies of these two moraine complexes, and especially on the relationships between Alpine and Jura tills. We reach the following conclusions. 1. (1) The Jura glaciers were independent of the Alpine glaciers during…
Missing Records and Depositional Breaks in French Late Pleistocene Cave Sediments
AbstractCave entrance and rock shelter infillings are positioned within the Pleistocene chronology for three areas of France (northern Alps, Franche-Comté, and Périgord). Despite minor local variations, it is possible to identify regional types with a consistent depositional record over long intervals of time. The interregional variability relates to the frequency and position of the gaps within the infillings. Sites in the northern Alps have not yielded any artifacts older than the Upper Paleolithic (Magdalenı́an), and dated sedimentary sequences do not go back beyond the Older Dryas. More complete sequences in Franche-Comté contain Mousterian industries. Two major gaps occur here, one las…
Première datation par chronologie radiocarbone du dernier maximum glaciaire dans le Jura
International audience
La minière de silex néolithique de Blanc-Saule à Etrelles-et-la-Montbleuse (70) et l’exploitation du silex lacustre oligocène inférieur de Haute-Saône durant le Néolithique
International audience
Le Quaternaire franc-comtois. Essai chronologique et paléoclimatique.
Le but de ce travail est d'établir le cadre chronologique et paléoclimatique du Quaternaire en Franche-Comté à partir de l'étude des formations édifiées au cours de cette période.Deux grands types de dépôts ont été plus particulièrement étudiés: ·- Les remplissages karstiques d'avens, de porches de grottes et d'abris sous roche, donnant un éclairage intense, mais ponctuel, de l'environnement physique et biologique, grâce aux faunes abondantes et aux indices climatiques d'ordre sédimentologique.- Les dépôts glaciaires et paraglaciaires (moraines, fluvioglaciaires, glacio-lacustres) qui permettent de situer des coupures climatiques au cours du temps dans l'espace géographique étudié.L'étude d…
Major palaeohydrographic changes in Alpine foreland during the Pliocene - Pleistocene
International audience; The changing palaeogeographical pattern of Alpine deposits across the European forelands can be traced by identifying mineral assemblages and establishing the chronology of Pliocene-Pleistocene deposits in Alpine foreland. In the late Miocene, the upper courses of the Rhine and the Aar flowed east from the Swiss molasse plain towards the Danube. In the early Pliocene (Brunssumian, 5-3.2 Ma), these same rivers headed north-wards towards the Rhine Graben of Alsace. In the early Reuverian, these streams were captured south of the Rhine Graben by the Doubs. They ceased their northward flow and headed west to feed the Bresse Graben. This phase is dated to the Lower and Mi…
Quantification de l’ablation d’un bassin versant marno-calcaire alpin durant le Petit Age Glaciaire par l’étude d’un système lacustre (cas du lac du « Claps » de Luc-en-Diois Drôme, France)
Measurements of present-day erosion may give heterogeneous results according to the methods used. This article proposes an approach to erosion during the Little Ice Age by the quantitative analysis of detritical materials trapped in a dammed lake. This infill is recognized through two drillings, and these specific observations are supplemented by a seismic reflexion survey which provided a reliable estimate of the geometry of the lake infill. The sedimentary production is calculated from three pieces of data: (1) the surface of the drainage area, (2) duration of the lake system activity and (3) the volume of trapped sediments. From the three determined variables, we propose a detritical product…
Variations in Sediment Yield from the Upper Doubs River Carbonate Watershed (Jura, France) since the Late-Glacial Period
AbstractThe Upper Doubs River Valley is a 910-km2watershed feeding into Lake Chaillexon. The lake was formed by a natural rockfall at the end of the Bølling Chronozone (around 14,250 cal yr B.P.) and since then has trapped material eroded from the watershed. The filling process and variations in sediment yield have been investigated by mechanical coring, seismic surveys, and electric soundings. The detrital sediment yield of the upstream watershed can be calculated by quantifying the sedimentary stocks for each climatic stage of the Late-Glacial period and Holocene Epoch and estimating the lake's entrapment capacity. This enables us to determine the intensity of the erosion processes in rel…
Late Pleistocene Detrital Sediment Yield of the Jura Glacier, France
AbstractMeasures of present-day glacial erosion vary widely with the technique employed. This paper quantifies the glacial material trapped in a proglacial lake during the Würm glacial period. The Combe d'Ain site was occupied by a meltwater lake where all the detrital material entering it from the Jura glacier accumulated. Sediment yield is computed from three factors: (1) the size of the sediment source area, (2) the length of time the system operated, and (3) the volume of sediment trapped. The sediment budget of the lake system suggests a detrital sediment yield of 4400±1700 metric tons per square kilometer and per calendar year. This represents a denudation rate of 1.6±0.6 mm per year,…
Montagnes du Jura, géologie et paysages
Des particules charbonneuses, t�moins des variations de l'�rosion chimique d'un bassin versant calcaire durant l'holoc�ne (bassin de chaillexon, doubs, France)
Matter fluxes result from chemical and mechanical weathering that vary as a function of climate, relief, lithology and human activities. The aim of this paper is to characterize chemical weathering variations in the past using coaly particles found in both the geological substratum and the Holocene lacustrine sediments of a calcareous basin (Chaillexon lake, Doubs, France). Results point out that chemical weathering was the predominant erosional process in the watershed, which may be due to the calcareous nature of the bedrock. The significant variability of this process relative to mechanical weathering during the Holocene period can be interpreted as a consequence of the development of th…
Quantification of the ablation of an Alpine Marno-Calcareous catchment during the Little Ice Age by analysis of a lacustrine system (case of the Claps Lake in Luc-en-Diois Drome France)
International audience
Les formations carbonatées du Dortan (Ain) : premières observations
Calcium carbonate, deposits have built four terraces, near Dortan, in the Southern part of Central Jura (46° lat. N). These deposits may just cover other terraces associated themselves with an ice-dammed lake. They include two types : 1) tufa deposits, porous and hard, with conspicuous tree remains ; 2) lake chalk, compact and brittle, snowing lenses and, sometimes, varves, with shells and pieces of charcoal. C 14 dating and analyses should allow to insert these deposits in the Jura Holocene chronology and to explain their situation at such a high latitude.
The last glacial/interglacial record of rodent remains from the Gigny karst sequence in the French Jura used for palaeoclimatic and palaeoecological reconstructions
Abstract A multidisciplinary approach has produced an exceptional chronological log of climatic patterns for the Upper Pleistocene sequence of Gigny Cave (Jura, France) covering the Pre-Eemian, Eemian Interglacial, Middle Glacial and Upper Pleniglacial, as well as a part of the Holocene. Multivariate analysis (correspondence and component analysis) of rodent associations from the sequence is used here to characterize the different climatic stages in terms of relative temperature, plant cover and moisture. Faunal analysis establishes: (1) positive and negative correlations among the variations of the different species; (2) the significance of axis 1 (component analysis) which, in terms of te…