Antonio Capone

The incidence of hip, forearm, humeral, ankle, and vertebral fragility fractures in Italy: results from a 3-year multicenter study

Introduction: We aimed to assess the incidence and hospitalization rate of hip and "minor" fragility fractures in the Italian population.Methods: We carried out a 3-year survey at 10 major Italian emergency departments to evaluate the hospitalization rate of hip, forearm, humeral, ankle, and vertebral fragility fractures in people 45 years or older between 2004 and 2006, both men and women. These data were compared with those recorded in the national hospitalizations database (SDO) to assess the overall incidence of fragility fractures occurring at hip and other sites, including also those events not resulting in hospital admissions.Results: We observed 29,017 fractures across 3 years, with…

research product

PCP: An End-to end Measurement Based Call Admission Control for Real-Time Services Over IP Networks

Distributed end-to-end measurement based connection admission control mechanisms have been recently proposed. The goal of these schemes is to provide tight QoScon trol on a per connection basis by means of measurements taken by the edge nodes and priority based forwarding procedure at internal nodes. Since the additional flows handling procedures are implemented at the border routers and the forwarding mechanisms are for flows aggregates only, the approach is fully scalable and compatible with the IETF Differentiated Service proposal. The aim of this paper is to propose specific schemes and to investigate the advantages and limits of the approach by analyzing the basic mechanisms and evalua…

research product

Deep sea tests of a prototype of the KM3NeT digital optical module

SIRE(opens in a new window)|View at Publisher| Export | Download | Add to List | More... European Physical Journal C Volume 74, Issue 9, 1 September 2014, 8p Deep sea tests of a prototype of the KM3NeT digital optical module: KM3NeT Collaboration (Article) Adrián-Martínez, S.a, Ageron, M.b, Aharonian, F.c, Aiello, S.d, Albert, A.e, Ameli, F.f, Anassontzis, E.G.g, Anghinolfi, M.h, Anton, G.i, Anvar, S.j, Ardid, M.a, de Asmundis, R.k, Balasi, K.l, Band, H.m, Barbarino, G.kn, Barbarito, E.o, Barbato, F.kn, Baret, B.p, Baron, S.p, Belias, A.lq, Berbee, E.m, van den Berg, A.M.r, Berkien, A.m, Bertin, V.b, Beurthey, S.b, van Beveren, V.m, Beverini, N.st, Biagi, S.uv, Bianucci, S.t, Billault, M.b,…

research product

The positioning system of the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope

The ANTARES neutrino telescope, located 40km off the coast of Toulon in the Mediterranean Sea at a mooring depth of about 2475m, consists of twelve detection lines equipped typically with 25 storeys. Every storey carries three optical modules that detect Cherenkov light induced by charged secondary particles (typically muons) coming from neutrino interactions. As these lines are flexible structures fixed to the sea bed and held taut by a buoy, sea currents cause the lines to move and the storeys to rotate. The knowledge of the position of the optical modules with a precision better than 10cm is essential for a good reconstruction of particle tracks. In this paper the ANTARES positioning sys…

research product

A search for time dependent neutrino emission from microquasars with the ANTARES telescope

[EN] Results are presented on a search for neutrino emission from a sample of six microquasars, based on the data collected by the ANTARES neutrino telescope between 2007 and 2010. By means of appropriate time cuts, the neutrino search has been restricted to the periods when the acceleration of relativistic jets was taking place at the microquasars under study. The time cuts have been chosen using the information from the X-ray telescopes RXTE/ASM and Swift/BAT, and, in one case, the gamma-ray telescope Fermi/LAT. No statistically significant excess has been observed, thus upper limits on the neutrino fluences have been derived and compared to the predictions by models. Constraints have bee…

research product

Study of Large Hemispherical Photomultiplier Tubes for the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope

The ANTARES neutrino telescope, to be immersed depth in the Mediterranean Sea, will consist of a 3 dimensional matrix of 900 large area photomultiplier tubes housed in pressure resistant glass spheres. The selection of the optimal photomultiplier was a critical step for the project and required an intensive phase of tests and developments carried out in close collaboration with the main manufacturers worldwide. This paper provides an overview of the tests performed by the collaboration and describes in detail the features of the PMT chosen for ANTARES.

research product

ANTARES constrains a blazar origin of two IceCube PeV neutrino events

Abstract Context. The source(s) of the neutrino excess reported by the IceCube Collaboration is unknown. The TANAMI Collaboration recently reported on the multiwavelength emission of six bright, variable blazars which are positionally coincident with two of the most energetic IceCube events. Objects like these are prime candidates to be the source of the highest-energy cosmic rays, and thus of associated neutrino emission. Aims. We present an analysis of neutrino emission from the six blazars using observations with the ANTARES neutrino telescope. Methods. The standard methods of the ANTARES candidate list search are applied to six years of data to search for an excess of muons and hence th…

research product

Endpoint Admission Control with Delay Variation Measurements for QoS in IP Networks.

In this paper we describe a novel Endpoint Admission Control scheme (EAC) for IP telephony. EAC mechanisms are driven by independent measurements taken by the edge nodes on a flow of packets injected in the network to probe the source to destination path. Our scheme is characterized by two fundamental features. First, it does not rely on any additional procedure in internal network routers other than the capability to apply different service priorities to probing and data packets. Second, the connection admission decision is based on the analysis of the probing flow delay variation statistics. Simulation results, which focus on a IP telephony scenario, show that, despite the lack of core ro…

research product

Search for a diffuse flux of high-energy ¿µ with the ANTARES neutrino telescope

A search for a diffuse flux of astrophysical muon neutrinos, using data collected by the ANTARES neutrino telescope is presented. A $(0.83\times 2\pi)$ sr sky was monitored for a total of 334 days of equivalent live time. The searched signal corresponds to an excess of events, produced by astrophysical sources, over the expected atmospheric neutrino background. The observed number of events is found compatible with the background expectation. Assuming an $E^{-2}$ flux spectrum, a 90% c.l. upper limit on the diffuse $\nu_\mu$ flux of $E^2\Phi_{90%} = 5.3 \times 10^{-8} \ \mathrm{GeV\ cm^{-2}\ s^{-1}\ sr^{-1}} $ in the energy range 20 TeV - 2.5 PeV is obtained. Other signal models with differ…

research product


A multimessenger analysis optimized for a correlation of arrival directions of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) and neutrinos is presented and applied to 2190 neutrino candidate events detected in 2007-2008 by the ANTARES telescope and 69 UHECRs observed by the Pierre Auger Observatory between 2004 January 1 and 2009 December 31. No significant correlation is observed. Assuming an equal neutrino flux (E-2 energy spectrum) from all UHECR directions, a 90% CL upper limit on the neutrino flux of 5.0 x 10(-8) GeV cm(-2) s(-1) per source is derived.

research product

Search for neutrino emission from gamma-ray flaring blazars with the ANTARES telescope

The ANTARES telescope observes a full hemisphere of the sky all the time with a duty cycle close to 100%. This makes it well suited for an extensive observation of neutrinos produced in astrophysical transient sources. In the surrounding medium of blazars, i.e. active galactic nuclei with their jets pointing almost directly towards the observer, neutrinos may be produced together with gamma-rays by hadronic interactions, so a strong correlation between neutrinos and gamma-rays emissions is expected. The time variability information of the studied source can be obtained by the gamma-ray light curves measured by the LAT instrument on-board the Fermi satellite. If the expected neutrino flux ob…

research product

First results on dark matter annihilation in the Sun using the ANTARES neutrino telescope

A search for high-energy neutrinos coming from the direction of the Sun has been performed using the data recorded by the ANTARES neutrino telescope during 2007 and 2008. The neutrino selection criteria have been chosen to maximize the selection of possible signals produced by the self-annihilation of weakly interacting massive particles accumulated in the centre of the Sun with respect to the atmospheric background. After data unblinding, the number of neutrinos observed towards the Sun was found to be compatible with background expectations. The 90% CL upper limits in terms of spin-dependent and spin-independent WIMP-proton cross-sections are derived and compared to predictions of two sup…

research product

Flexible and Modular Support for Multicast Rate Adaptation in WLANs

The flexibility and virtualization capabilities provided by wireless cards have received significant attention as a means to reduce development costs. In this paper we present a modular architecture that exploits the features provided by emerging PHY and MAC implementations to rapidly develop new rate adaptation algorithms for multicast trans- mission in wireless LANs. We validate our solution by developing three rate adapta- tion algorithms that use an innovative sensing mechanism to evaluate the frame recep- tion correlation of the members of the multicast group. The experimental results obtained on a real-life testbed show that our solutions permit to increase the performance of multicas…

research product

Zenith distribution and flux of atmospheric muons measured with the 5-line ANTARES detector

The ANTARES high energy neutrino telescope is a three-dimensional array of about 900 photomultipliers distributed over 12 mooring lines installed in the Mediterranean Sea. Between February and November 2007 it acquired data in a 5-line configuration. The zenith angular distribution of the atmospheric muon flux and the associated depth-intensity relation are measured and compared with previous measurements and Monte Carlo expectations. An evaluation of the systematic effects due to uncertainties on environmental and detector parameters is presented.

research product

A search for neutrino emission from the Fermi bubbles with the ANTARES telescope

Adrián-Martínez, S. et al.

research product

Packet management techniques for measurement based end-to-end admission control in IP networks

End-to-end Measurement Based connection Admission Control (EMBAC) mechanisms have been proposed to support real-time flows quality of service requirements over a Differentiated Services Internet architecture. The EMBAC basic idea is to decentralize the admission control decision, by requiring each individual user to probe the network path during flow setup, and by basing the accept/reject decision on the probing traffic statistics measured at the destination. In conformance with the differentiated services framework, routers are oblivious to individual flows and only need to serve data packets with a higher priority than probing traffic. In this paper, we build upon the observation that som…

research product

Acoustic and optical variations during rapid downward motion episodes in the deep north-western Mediterranean Sea

An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) was moored at the deep-sea site of the ANTARES neutrino telescope near Toulon, France, thus providing a unique opportunity to compare high-resolution acoustic and optical observations between 70 and 170 m above the sea bed at 2475 m. The ADCP measured downward vertical currents of magnitudes up to 0.03 m s-1 in late winter and early spring 2006. In the same period, observations were made of enhanced levels of acoustic reflection, interpreted as suspended particles including zooplankton, by a factor of about 10 and of horizontal currents reaching 0.35 m s-1. These observations coincided with high light levels detected by the telescope, interpreted …

research product

AMADEUS-The acoustic neutrino detection test system of the ANTARES deep-sea neutrino telescope

The AMADEUS (ANTARES Modules for the Acoustic Detection Under the Sea) system which is described in this article aims at the investigation of techniques for acoustic detection of neutrinos in the deep sea. It is integrated into the ANTARES neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea. Its acoustic sensors, installed at water depths between 2050 and 2300 m, employ piezo-electric elements for the broad-band recording of signals with frequencies ranging up to 125 kHz. The typical sensitivity of the sensors is around - 145 dB re 1 V/mu Pa (including preamplifier). Completed in May 2008, AMADEUS consists of six "acoustic clusters", each comprising six acoustic sensors that are arranged at distanc…

research product

PCP-DV: An End-to end Admission Control Mechanism for IP Telephony

In this paper we describe a novel endpoint admission control mechanism for IP telephony:the PCP-DV which is characterized by two fundamental features. First, it does not rely on any additional procedure in internal network routers other than the capability to apply different service priority to probing and data packets. Second, the triggering mechanism for the connection admission decision is based on the analysis of the delay variation statistics over the probing flow. Numerical results for an IP telephony traffic scenario prove that 99th delay percentiles not greater than few ms per router are guaranteed even in overload conditions.

research product

Can Clinical and Surgical Parameters Be Combined to Predict How Long It Will Take a Tibia Fracture to Heal? A Prospective Multicentre Observational Study: The FRACTING Study

Background. Healing of tibia fractures occurs over a wide time range of months, with a number of risk factors contributing to prolonged healing. In this prospective, multicentre, observational study, we investigated the capability of FRACTING (tibia FRACTure prediction healING days) score, calculated soon after tibia fracture treatment, to predict healing time.Methods. The study included 363 patients. Information on patient health, fracture morphology, and surgical treatment adopted were combined to calculate the FRACTING score. Fractures were considered healed when the patient was able to fully weight-bear without pain.Results. 319 fractures (88%) healed within 12 months from treatment. Fo…

research product

Measurement of the group velocity of light in sea water at the ANTARES site

The group velocity of light has been measured at eight different wavelengths between 385 nm and 532 nm in the Mediterranean Sea at a depth of about 2.2 km with the ANTARES optical beacon systems. A parametrisation of the dependence of the refractive index on wavelength based on the salinity, pressure and temperature of the sea water at the ANTARES site is in good agreement with these measurements.

research product

ANTARES: The first undersea neutrino telescope

The ANTARES Neutrino Telescope was completed in May 2008 and is the first operational Neutrino Telescope in the Mediterranean Sea. The main purpose of the detector is to perform neutrino astronomy and the apparatus also offers facilities for marine and Earth sciences. This paper describes the design, the construction and the installation of the telescope in the deep sea, offshore from Toulon in France. An illustration of the detector performance is given. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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A method for detection of muon induced electromagnetic showers with the ANTARES detector

The primary aim of ANTARES is neutrino astronomy with upward going muons created in charged current muon neutrino interactions in the detector and its surroundings. Downward going muons are background for neutrino searches. These muons are the decay products of cosmic-ray collisions in the Earths atmosphere far above the detector. This paper presents a method to identify and count electromagnetic showers induced along atmospheric muon tracks with the ANTARES detector. The method is applied to both cosmic muon data and simulations and its applicability to the reconstruction of muon event energies is demonstrated. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

research product

Measurement of the atmospheric muon flux with a 4 GeV threshold in the ANTARES neutrino telescope

A new method for the measurement of the muon flux in the deep-sea ANTARES neutrino telescope and its dependence on the depth is presented. The method is based on the observation of coincidence signals in adjacent storeys of the detector. This yields an energy threshold of about 4 GeV. The main sources of optical background are the decay of 40K and the bioluminescence in the sea water. The 40K background is used to calibrate the efficiency of the photo-multiplier tubes.

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