H. Irnich
Few-neutron removal from238U at relativistic energies
As part of a comprehensive study of uranium fragmentation at relativistic energies at the GSI projectile fragment separator, FRS, inclusive neutron-removal cross sections have been measured for severalxn channels at projectile energies of 600 and 950A MeV using targets of Al, Cu and Pb. The variation of the experimental cross sections with target nuclear charge is used to disentangle nuclear and electromagnetic contributions. The electromagnetic cross sections agree surprisingly well with a simple harmonic oscillator calculation of giant dipole resonances based on measured photonuclear cross sections and do not require an extra enhancement of the two-phonon giant dipole excitation as conclu…
First spatial isotopic separation of relativistic uranium projectile fragments
Abstract Spatial isotopic separation of relativistic uranium projectile fragments has been achieved for the first time. The fragments were produced in peripheral nuclear collisions and spatially separated in-flight with the fragment separator FRS at GSI. A two-fold magnetic-rigidity analysis was applied exploiting the atomic energy loss in specially shaped matter placed in the dispersive central focal plane. Systematic investigations with relativistic projectiles ranging from oxygen up to uranium demonstrate that the FRS is a universal and powerful facility for the production and in-flight separation of monoisotopic, exotic secondary beams of all elements up to Z = 92. This achievement has …
Invariant-mass spectroscopy of $^{10}$Li and $^{11}$Li
Break-up of secondary Li-11 ion beams (280 MeV/nucleon) on C and Pb targets into Li-9 and neutrons is studied experimentally. Cross sections and neutron multiplicity distributions are obtained, characterizing different reaction mechanisms. Invariant-mass spectroscopy for Li-11 and Li-10 is performed. The E1 strength distribution, deduced from electromagnetic excitation of Li-11 up to an excitation energy of 4 MeV comprises similar to 8% of the Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn energy-weighted sumrule strength. Two low-lying resonance-like structures are observed for Li-10 at decay energies of 0.21(5) and 0.62(10) MeV, the former one carrying 26(10)% of the strength and likely to be associated with an s-wa…
Neutron momentum distributions from "core break-up" reactions of halo nuclei
Neutron angular distributions from violent break-up reactions of Li-11 and Be-11 have been measured at 28 MeV/u and 280 MeV/u and at 41 MeV/u and 460 MeV/u, respectively. The derived neutron momentum distributions show a narrow component in transverse momentum that is within uncertainties independent of beam energy and target charge. This component is suggested to be simply related to the momentum distribution of the loosely bound halo neutron(s) in the projectiles.
Dissociation of 8He into 6He + n + X at 240 MeV/u
4 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables.
Polarization in fragmentation,gfactor of35K
Spin polarization $Pg1%$ has been observed for ${}^{37}\mathrm{K}$ fragments produced in the reaction ${}^{40}\mathrm{Ca}{+}^{9}\mathrm{Be}$ at 500 MeV/nucleon. The polarization was measured as a function of fragment longitudinal momentum (Goldhaber distribution). The experimental results are well described by a new Monte Carlo\char21{}based model. The $\ensuremath{\beta}$-decay half-life of ${}^{35}\mathrm{K}$ was remeasured as ${t}_{1/2}=178(8)$ ms. Using polarized ${}^{35}\mathrm{K}$ fragments, the $g$ factor ${g}_{\mathrm{exp}}{(}^{35}\mathrm{K})=0.24(2)$ was measured. The magnetic moments of isospin $|{T}_{z}|=3/2$ mirror pairs are discussed.
Study of the Unstable NucleusL10iin Stripping Reactions of the Radioactive ProjectilesB11eandL11i
Reactions of the halo systems Be-11 and Li-11 (at 460 and 280 MeV/nucleon) with a carbon target demonstrate that (n + Li-9) has an (unbound) l = 0 ground state very close to the threshold. The neutron halo of Li-11 has appreciable (1s(1/2))(2) and (0p(1/2))(2) components.
Longitudinal and transverse momentum distributions of 9Li fragments from break-up of 11Li
7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table.
Schottky mass measurements of stored and cooled neutron-deficient projectile fragments in the element range of 57≤Z≤84
Abstract A novel method for direct, high precision mass measurements of relativistic exotic nuclei has been successfully applied in the storage ring ESR at GSI. The nuclei of interest were produced by projectile fragmentation of 930 MeV / u bismuth ions, separated in-flight by the fragment separator FRS, stored and cooled in the ESR. The mass values have been deduced from the revolution frequencies of the coasting cooled ions. We have measured 104 new mass values with a precision of about 100 keV and a resolving power of 3.5×10 5 for the neutron-deficient isotopes of the elements 57≤Z≤84 . This paper presents the experimental method, the mass evaluation and a table of the experimental mass …
"Table 2" of "Few neutron removal from U-238 at relativistic energies"
Uranium fragmentation.
"Table 1" of "Few neutron removal from U-238 at relativistic energies"
Uranium fragmentation.