A. Agrusa
A 3D totally absorbable synthetic mesh in antireflux surgery: Gore Bio-A tissue reinforcement for hiatal hernia repairing
Introduction Hiatal hernia, defined as “transitory or stable dislocation of a part of the stomach in mediastinum through the diaphragmatic crura delimiting esophageal hiatus”. Its appearance presupposes anatomic anomalies or weakening of structures and mechanisms able to maintain esophago-gastric junction and stomach in the abdominal cavity [1]. Classically hiatal hernia was classified in four types using Hill’s classification: Type 1 hiatal hernia is associated with GERD in 50-90% of cases, in facts its presence gradually compromises esophago-gastric junction’s continence favouriting the backwater of acid secretion and its reflux in contact with esophageal mucosa during transient relaxatio…
Cardiac risk stratification in elective non-cardiac surgery: Role of NT-proBNP
AIM: The aim of the study was to investigate the utility of NT-proBNP measurement for the stratification of presurgical cardiac risk. METHODS: Cardiac risk before elective non-cardiac surgery was evaluated in 82 consecutive patients. From each patient a venous blood sample was drawn to determinate NT-proBNP levels. Patients were followed up over three months in order to detect the occurrence of cardiac adverse events. RESULTS: NT-proBNP was positively correlated (P<0.0001) with age, days of hospitalization (P=0.001) and ASA class (P=0.001). High surgical risk (P<0.0001), diabetes (P=0.004), dyslipidemia (P=0.006) and elevated levels of NT-proBNP (P<0.0001) were significantly correlated with…
Fixation free incisional hernia repair with a newly designed mesh with integrated bands
Introdution: Implant fixation and how to ensure adequate mesh overlap are key issues in abdominal hernia repair. A newly developed technique for ventral and incisional hernia repair using a proprietary implant with incorporated straps makes fixation unnecessary through tissue friction. This new implant allows for a broader coverage of the abdominal wall and results in simplified repair. Midterm follow- up in a cohort of patients indicates a decrease in postoperative com- plications and no recurrences to date. Matcrial and methods: A lightweight, large porous polypropylene mesh with a central body and eight radiating arms was used to repair ventral or incisional hernia. The implant was place…
Appendiceal mucinous neoplasms: An uncertain nosological entity. Report of a case
Introduction: Appendiceal mucocele is a relatively rare condition characterized by progressive dilation of the appendix caused by intraluminal accumulation of mucoid substance. Its incidence is 0.07 - 0,63% of all appendectomies performed. Case report: We report the case of a 70-year-old man who came to our observation with gravative pain in right lower abdominal region. A computed tomography abdominal scan revealed a cystic/tubular structure like an appendicular mass with wall enhancement but without calcifications suggestive of a mucocele. Into peritoneal cavity we found profuse mucinous material with a 1,5 cm size parietal nodule. We also identified a free perforation of the cecum with c…
Primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the mesocolon transversum.
Primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) is a rare and biologically aggressive tumor. Differential diagnosis must include cystic neoplasms of the pancreas (mucinous and serous cystoadenoma or cystocarcinoma), cystic lymphangioma or mesothelioma and retroperitoneal haematoma. Making the right diagnosis preoperatively may be often difficult, but MFH may be suspected when a huge retroperitoneal mass is found at imaging in elderly patients. We report a case of a primary abdominal MFH originating from the mesocolon transversum.
Biologic response of inguinal hernia prosthetics: a comparative study of conventional static meshes versus 3D dynamic implants.
Despite improvements in prosthetics and surgical techniques, the rate of complications following inguinal hernia repair remains high. Among these, discomfort and chronic pain have become a source of increasing concern among surgeons. Poor quality of tissue ingrowth, such as thin scar plates or shrinking scars-typical results with conventional static implants and plugs-may contribute to these adverse events. Recently, a new type of 3D dynamically responsive implant was introduced to the market. This device, designed to be placed fixation-free, seems to induce ingrowth of viable and structured tissue instead of regressive fibrotic scarring. To elucidate the differences in biologic response be…
Body composition of individuals with polycystic ovary syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the principle forms of hyperandrogenism that affects women of reproductive age. Few studies have evaluated the body composition of patients with PCOS being based mainly on an evaluation of the quantity and distribution of the fat mass. Objectives: to evaluate the body composition of patients affected by PCOS and to establish the hormonal factors that determine possible differences in body composition compared with healthy women. Methods: 110 Caucasian women affected by clinical hyperandrogenism and/or irregular menstrual periods were included in the study; the control group was made up of 90 healthy Caucasian women, of reproductive age, without hyp…
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a patient with Steinert myotonic dystrophy. Case report.
Myotonic dystrophy (MD) is a serious multi-systemic autosomal dominant disease. The estimated incidence is 1 in every 8000 births, with an estimated prevalence of between 2.1 and 14.3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Signs and symptoms vary from a severe form of congenital myopathy, present from birth and often fatal, to a classic form and a delayed form, which generally presents after the age of 50 and in which the only sign is a cataract and life expectancy is completely normal. We describe the clinical case of a 40-year-old woman with Steinert myotonic dystrophy who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy (under general anesthesia) for symptomatic gallbladder stones. The conduct of anesthes…
Open mini-invasive cholecystectomy in high risk elderly. A review of 121 consecutive procedures.
INTRODUCTION: the report describes the features of a low cost, open mini-invasive procedure for cholecystectomy in a sample of 121 consecutive high risk elderly (ASA score 3 to 5). PATIENTS AND METHODS: the surgery is performed through a 3 - 4 cm right subcostal skin incision. An optimal exposition of the operating field was achieved thanks to an innovative three valve retractor. RESULTS: a mean hospital stay of 3,02 days, low complication rate and 2,4% mortality are the results of the described procedure. CONCLUSIONS: in high risk elderly the results are extremely encouraging, particularly in comparison with both laparoscopic and traditional open cholecystectomy. The open minisurgical chol…
A rare case of abdominal cocoon.
Abdominal cocoon is a rare cause of intestinal obstruction usually diagnosed incidentally at laparotomy. It manifests by forming a membrane that typically encases the small bowel loops, leading to mechanical obstruction. Preoperative diagnosis is difficult. The etiology of this condition is not well understood; however, it is a form of chronic irritation and inflammation.A 33 years old male, from Bangladesh, presented to our emergency department complaining of abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. CT abdomen shows a picture of intestinal obstruction at the level of the small intestine. Intraoperative findings showed encapsulation of small bowel by a dense whitish membrane as a cocoon. Histo…
Changes in surgicaL behaviOrs dUring the CoviD-19 pandemic. The SICE CLOUD19 Study
Abstract Background The spread of the SARS-CoV2 virus, which causes COVID-19 disease, profoundly impacted the surgical community. Recommendations have been published to manage patients needing surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. This survey, under the aegis of the Italian Society of Endoscopic Surgery, aims to analyze how Italian surgeons have changed their practice during the pandemic. Methods The authors designed an online survey that was circulated for completion to the Italian departments of general surgery registered in the Italian Ministry of Health database in December 2020. Questions were divided into three sections: hospital organization, screening policies, and safety profile of…
Fixation-free inguinal hernia repair using a dynamic self-retaining implant.
Inguinal hernia repair remains controversial, despite advances in technique and materials. Conventional implants are typically static (passive) and do not move in concert with the groin's motility. Inguinal hernia repair with mesh fixation on dynamic groin structures are not tension free, and are associated with tissue tearing, bleeding, hematoma, and nerve entrapment--all which might contribute to mesh dislocation. The poor quality of tissue ingrowth within static meshes/plugs embodies another crucial issue in prosthetic hernia repair. Because the prosthetics used for inguinal hernia repair are incorporated by rigid fibrotic tissue (hence the term "scar plate"), the regressive tissue leads…
Diffuse malignant biphasic peritoneal mesothelioma with cystic areas
We report a case of peritoneal biphasic mesothelioma with cystic areas in a patient with professional exposure to asbestos. It showed focal epithelial glandular and papillary proliferations, also presenting fluid filled cysts, whose wall consisted of a proliferation of spindle cells. Atypia and mitoses were very scanty. EMA, vimentin, CK5/6, D2-40, calretinin and P53 were positive and desmin was negative in both epithelial and spindle areas, including the ones surrounding the cystic spaces. These findings gave an essential aid in the differential diagnosis with a benign cystic mesothelioma and with a cystic epithelial mesothelioma with secondary pseudosarcomatous myofibroblastic proliferati…
Introduction: Inguinal hernia repair represent one of the most performed surgical procedure in the world. Notwithstanding the progress in prosthetic material and surgical procedures, the rate of complications remains high. Actually, chronic pain and discomfort are often source of debate among herniologists. Poor quality of tissue incorporation, such as stiff scar plaque leading to mesh shrinkage, is the typical results of conventional static implants that may lead to these adverse events. Recently, a new type of prosthesis, a 3D dynamic responsive implant, was introduced to the market. This device, designed to be positioned fixation-free, seems to induce the development of viable and more s…
Laparoscopic management of adrenal tumors: A four-year experience in a single center
AIM: Today laparoscopy is considered the first choice treatment of many adrenal tumors, although its use is still controversial for large adrenal masses and incidentally found adrenal cortical carcinoma. METHODS: From January 2009 to February 2014 we performed 42 lateral transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomies. The indications for surgery were non-functioning adenoma larger than 4 cm or rapid growth and hormone-secreting tumor. The diagnosis was confirmed in all cases with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging and also metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy if pheochromocytoma was suspected. In all cases we realized a complete preoperative hormonal study. We describe and ana…
Topic: Inguinal Hernia - Joined guidelines.
La ligature terminale des branches de l’artère thyroïdienne inférieure diminue la morbidité parathyroïdienne après thyroïdectomie totale pour goitre
Resume But de l’etude Le but de cette etude etait d’evaluer l’impact de la ligature proximale de l’artere thyroidienne inferieure sur le taux postoperatoire de calcium et de parathormone chez les patients operes d’une thyroidectomie totale pour goitre. Patients et methodes Une etude randomisee a compare un groupe de patients operes par ligature proximale tronculaire de l’artere thyroidienne inferieure (groupe 1) a un deuxieme groupe de patients operes par ligature distale des branches de l’artere thyroidienne inferieure au contact de la capsule thyroidienne. Cent vingt-six patients consecutifs operes d’une thyroidectomie totale pour goitre multiheteronodulaire euthyroidien ont ete inclus. S…