Daniela Lucido

Iperviscosita' sclerocitemica da alterazioni congenite della membrana eritrocitaria

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Protein oxidation in a group of subjects with metabolic syndrome.

Abstract Aims To examine the protein oxidation, marker of the oxidative stress, in metabolic syndrome (MS). Methods We enrolled 106 subjects (45 women and 61 men) with MS of which 43 (14 women and 27 men) were with diabetes mellitus and 63 (31 women and 32 men) were without diabetes mellitus, and 54 subjects (19 women and 35 men) as control group. The protein oxidation, expressed as carbonyl groups, was measured by an enzyme-like immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit (BioCell PC test kit, Enzo Life Sciences AG, Switzerland). Results In the whole group of MS subjects, in comparison with control group, a significant increase in carbonyl groups was present. The same datum was also evident between co…

research product

Polymorphonuclear leukocyte membrane fluidity and cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in subjects with vascular atherosclerotic disease subdivided according to the extent.

An abnormal activation state of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) plays a key role in organ injury induced by vascular atherosclerotic disease (VAD) and diabetes mellitus (DM). PMN membrane fluidity and cytosolic Ca2+ content can be considered markers of PMN activation. In this research we evaluated the PMN membrane fluidity and cytosolic Ca2+ content in VAD subjects with and without type 2 DM and examined the association between these parameters and the mono- or polyvascular localization. We enrolled 155 VAD subjects, including 92 non-diabetic (group A: mean age 63.6 +/- 9.2 years) and 63 diabetic patients (group B: mean age 65.4 +/- 7.8 years). Among group A 63 patients had monovascular …

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Hemorheological pattern in different groups of athletes submitted to cardio-pulmonary exercise test

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Aortic aneurysm rupture into right atrium in patient with previous aortic valve replacement

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Comportamento delle gelatinasi e dei loro inibitori tissutali nella sindrome metabolica

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Polymorphonuclear leukocyte integrin expression in subjects with type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus

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Behaviour of the oxidative status in athletes before and after a cardio-pulmonary test

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Relationship between elastase and total antioxidant status in young subjects with recent myocardial infarction

In a group of young subjects with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) (68 men and 7 women; mean age 39.6 ± 5.7 years) we examined the plasma concentration of elastase, the thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) and the total antioxidant status (TAS) at the initial stage of AMI. In this group we found an increase of elastase (p <0.001) and TBARS (p < 0.001) and a decrease of TAS (p < 0.001). A statistical correlation was observed in the whole group of AMI patients between plasma elastase and TAS (p < 0.01) and this correlation was more statistically significant in patients with more risk factors and not in those with more involved vessels.

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Polymorphonuclear leukocyte integrin profile in vascular atherosclerotic disease with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus.

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Alterazioni emoreologiche nella sindrome metabolica

La sindrome metabolica (SM) si accompagna ad un elevato rischio cardiovascolare. Oltre ai tradizionali fattori di rischio, dei quali la SM rappresenta un’aggregazione, sono identificabili fattori non tradizionali quali l’assetto emoreologico. È noto da tempo che un disordine emoreologico si accompagna alla SM, ed è ipotizzabile una sua influenza sui meccanismi che instaurano e mantengono l’insulino-resistenza. In un gruppo di pazienti con SM abbiamo osservato un incremento della viscosità ematica e plasmatica e una riduzione della filtrabilità ematica. Il rapporto vita-fianchi, indice di obesità addominale, era direttamente correlato con la viscosità ematica e con l’ematocrito, mentre la vi…

research product

Erythrocyte deformability and nitric oxide metabolites in athletes before and after a cardio-pulmonary test

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Erythrocyte deformability and nitric oxide metabolites in athletes before and after a cardiopulmonary test.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate erythrocyte deformability, nitric oxide metabolites, and their modifications induced by exercise in athletes who practised different sports. DESIGN: This evaluation was effected before and after cardiopulmonary test, using a cycloergometer. SETTING: The study was performed in the Department of Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular and Renal Diseases of the University of Palermo. PARTICIPANTS: We enrolled 62 male athletes who practised endurance (n = 23), mixed (n = 20), and power (n = 19) sports and 20 sedentary male subjects as controls. ASSESSMENT OF RISK FACTORS: No subject had diabetes or hypertension or dyslipidemia. Five control subjects and 14 athletes were smokers…

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Relationship between lipid peroxidation and total antioxidant status in juvenile myocardial infarction.

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Polymorphonuclear leukocyte membrane fluidity and cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in subjects with vascular atherosclerotic disease subdivided according to the extent

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Sindrome metabolica ed emoreologia

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Stress ossidativo in pazienti con sclerodermia: effetti dell’iloprost.

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Effetti dell’iloprost sulla disfunzione leucocitaria nella sclerodermia.

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Evaluation of nitric oxide production at the initial stage, 3 months and 12 months after juvenile myocardial infarction.

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Effetti emoreologici del trattamento con iloprost in pazienti con fenomeno di Raynaud secondario a sclerodermia.

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Granulocyte cytosolic Ca2+ content and beta2-integrin profile in type 2 diabetic subjects with and without macrovascular complications.

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Eventi vascolari correlati ad alcune condizioni di iperviscosità sclerocitemica

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