Ornella Giambalvo
I laureati triennali
The effect of women’s participation in the labour market on the postponement of first childbirth: a comparison of Italy and Hungary
This paper analyses the effect of increasing female participation in the labour market on the transition to first childbirth. Regional perspectives are considered to help us understand how postponement behaviour is changing over time and at different paces in each region. The analysis is based on the first wave of the Generations and Gender Survey of Italy and Hungary. We use a multilevel event history random intercept model to examine the effect of individuals’ positions in the labour market on the transition to motherhood, controlling for differences in macrolevel factors related to regional backgrounds in the two countries. The regional data for Italy came from the Italian National Stati…
Tourism statistics: methodological imperatives and difficulties: the case of residential tourism in island communities
Tourism statistics are one of the key sources of information for economists, public officials and tourism decision-makers. The aim of the present paper is to describe and critique the methodological difficulties encountered when approaching statistical studies in tourism. The case of hidden tourism in island communities is used to illustrate that in tourism statistics there exists a lack of clarity and convention concerning definitions, procedures, measurement and analytic approaches. The conclusions and the study implications should help tourism authorities and tourism statisticians to better define and standardise methodological and measurement approaches and practices and to more effecti…
L'Indagine Campionaria sulle Famiglie nella Provincia di Trapani
La Statistica nel processo di formazione: una sconosciuta opportunità per percorsi didattici innovativi
Il lavoro argomenta l’importanza delle competenze di base in Statistica per tutti i cittadini e in particolar modo per gli studenti delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado. Muovendo dal presupposto che esiste un deficit di competenze degli studenti italiani, si propongono metodi e percorsi didattici che, attraverso la Statistica, possano far acquisire agli studenti le competenze chiave di cittadinanza. Vengono sottolineati alcuni aspetti critici inerenti la formazione degli insegnanti (in relazione ai saperi, alle metodologie e agli strumenti da adottare), ma anche le nuove opportunità che la riforma scolastica offre per una didattica della Statistica più consapevole ed efficace. Dopo aver disc…
Quale laurea per un lavoro sicuro e pertinente? Risultati dell’indagine STELLA
Descrizione dell'indagine e della popolazione
Teachers training in a realistic context
There is an important need to prepare preservice teachers for the teaching of statistics. We will describe an experiment set up to achieve effective teacher training in statistics in the setting of an Italian university. Student–teachers had to prepare lessons using a real dataset collected on the Italian mail services. Not only did they look into all the usual basic concepts of statistics, but they also questioned and dealt with doubts and errors their pupils put forth. They discovered the richness of the concepts, the content of descriptive statistics and the basic analyses of observed data. This experiment showed that the data, although very simple, is rich and productive, and that effec…
A longitudinal analysis of the occupational status of the graduates of the University of Palermo
The availability of a large amount of longitudinal data provided by the surveys carried out by STELLA (Statistics about Graduates and Labour Market) allowed us to describe the occupational paths of graduates of the University of Palermo. In this paper we refer to a disproportionate stratified sample of graduates in 2009, interviewed three dierent times: one year (2010), three years (2012), ve years (2014) after the graduation. In such a global economic crises context, our aims are describing the labour market of the Palermitan graduates, identifying the variables that influence most their occupational status and nally outlining a transition probability structure among the states: Work, Sear…
La valutazione di una prova di profitto attraverso un modello multilevel
The aim of this paper is to analyse the results of an assessment test, run to evaluate the statistics learning process into a group of students of the middle secondary school, through multilevel analysis. Results show significant effects of the classrooms (teachers) and schools in the learning process.
Comments and Final Remarks
In this study, the multi-criteria approach is used to obtain rankings for a number of Italian universities, according to certain curricular and job placement graduate characteristics.
L'Università degli studi di Palermo
L’inserimento dei laureati nel mondo del lavoro: alcuni risultati dell’indagine STELLA
Nel presente articolo si analizzano i dati STELLA relativi alla II indagine occupazionale, confrontandoli con i risultati per il solo ateneo di Palermo.
I laureati: un quadro d'insieme
About Overeducation and Mismatching
Evidence from several developed economies has shown that skill mismatch and overeducation are widespread phenomena and that they typically affect about one-third of the higher educated employed population.
Il disegno campionario per l'indagine sul turismo nelle isole Eolie
Obiettivo del presente lavoro è descrivere le procedure seguite per la progettazione di un’indagine campionaria al fine di stimare la numerosità dei turisti (ufficiali, non ufficiali) e gli escursionisti presenti nelle isole Eolie nel periodo estivo del 2004. Si propone un disegno campionario complesso che tiene conto delle difficoltà evidenziate dall’indagine pilota e delle carenze di informazioni supplementari sulla popolazione di riferimento. Parole chiave: Disegno campionario, piano di campionamento, stimatori.
Quanto ci avvicina il nostro servizio postale?
L'inserimento dei laureati nel mondo del lavoro. Alcuni risultati dell'indagine Stella.
I laureati a ciclo unico
Prima, durante e dopo: il percorso degli studenti dall’immatricolazione fino a cinque anni dopo la laurea
Vita quotidiana all'Albergheria
A complex sampling design: a tourism case study
I laureati triennali
The effect of women’s participation in labour market on postponement of childbearing: a comparison between Italy and Hungary
This paper analyses the effect of the increasing female participation in the labour market onthe transition to first childbirth. In this analysis both the ge nerational and the regional perspective are taken into account to understand, how postponement behaviour is spreading from one region to the other and from one generation to the next. The analysis is based on the first wave of the Generations and Gender Survey of Italy and Hungary. It adopts a multilevel event history model to focus on the micro-level relationship between the transition to adulthood and reproductive behaviour, to understand the empirical importance of macro-level factors related to regional socio-economic and cultural …
La valutazione di una prova di profitto per l'apprendimento della statistica: confronto tra due tecniche
Negli anni 1998-2002 un gruppo di ricercatori ha realizzato un progetto di ricerca a livello nazionale dal titolo “Sperimentazione di nuove strategie didattiche per l’apprendimento della statistica” nel cui ambito il gruppo di ricerca della sede di Palermo ha condotto una sperimentazione per l’insegnamento e l’apprendimento della statistica nella scuola media inferiore. In questo lavoro volgeremo l’attenzione alla prova di profitto che è stata costruita per valutare l’apprendimento di alcuni argomenti di statistica da parte degli studenti coinvolti. Con l’obiettivo di diffondere la prova di profitto anche in contesti diversi dalla sperimentazione che l’ha originata, sempre per valutare l’ap…
The Multicriteria Electre III Model Applied to the Evaluation of the Placement of University Graduates
During the last years the Italian university system has been undergoing a reform process regarding issues of governance such as the progressive financial autonomy of the University (art. 5, law 537/24 December 1993) and the reshape of the academic curricula (law 509/99 and 270/04). The most obvious result of this complex process has been the challenging attempt to manage a necessary change in a context of limited financial resources. In order to encompass the composite features of an efficient and effective management of resources, features of high relevance for the full accomplishment of the reform benchmarks, one has to take into account the academic organisation’s objectives, so that to …
Analisi per Ateneo. L’Università degli studi di Palermo
L’analisi implicativa per lo studio di una esperienza didattica in statistica
Considerazioni sulle potenzialità dei dati dell’esperimento postale per l’insegnamento della statistica
La popolazione del quartiere Albergheria
Rapporto statistico 2007-2009: Università degli studi di Palermo
Tourism Statistics: Methodological Imperatives and Difficulties: The Case of Residential Tourism in Island Communities1,3
Tourism statistics are one of the key sources of information for economists, public officials and tourism decision-makers. The aim of the present paper is to describe and critique the methodological difficulties encountered when approaching statistical studies in tourism. The case of hidden tourism in island communities is used to illustrate that in tourism statistics there exists a lack of clarity and convention concerning definitions, procedures, measurement and analytic approaches. The conclusions and the study implications should help tourism authorities and tourism statisticians to better define and standardise methodological and measurement approaches and practices and to more effecti…
I laureati a ciclo unico
Analisi per Ateneo. L'Università degli studi di Palermo.
Il capitolo mette in evidenza le caratteristiche salienti dei profili post-laurea dei laureati dell'ateneo di Palermo elaborati attraverso un'indagine campionaria. Il capitolo tratta anche un approfondimento dei laureati delle principali caratteristiche socio demografiche.
Analisi territoriale
Social Quality: Strategies to Measurement
Università degli studi di Palermo
I laureati triennali
Rapporto statistico laureati STELLA 2006-2008 Università degli studi di Palermo
Aspetti del capitale sociale e umano all’Albergheria
Le condizioni socio-economiche all'Albergheria
I laureati specialistici
La stima del totale dei turisti non ufficiali nelle Isole Eolie
Human papillomavirus DNA in oral mucosal lesions
This study determined the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA in oral mucosa cells from 121 patients with different types of oral mucosal lesions (13 squamous cell carcinomas, 59 potentially malignant lesions, 49 benign erosive ulcerative lesions) and from 90 control subjects. HPV DNA was detected by nested polymerase chain reaction, and genotype was determined by DNA sequencing. HPV prevalence was 61.5% in carcinomas, 27.1% in potentially malignant lesions, 26.5% in erosive ulcerative lesions, and 5.5% in control subjects. The risk of malignant or potentially malignant lesions was associated with HPV and was statistically significant. HPV-18 was found in 86.5% of HPV-positive lesion…
Il campionamento in campo turistico: le difficoltà di "fare" Statistica fra una malvasia e un'altra
A new measure for the attitude to mobility of Italian students and graduates: a topological data analysis approach
AbstractStudents’ and graduates’ mobility is an interesting topic of discussion especially for the Italian education system and universities. The main reasons for migration and for the so called brain drain, can be found in the socio-economic context and in the famous North–South divide. Measuring mobility and understanding its dynamic over time and space are not trivial tasks. Most of the studies in the related literature focus on the determinants of such phenomenon, in this paper, instead, combining tools coming from graph theory and Topological Data Analysis we propose a new measure for the attitude to mobility. Each mobility trajectory is represented by a graph and the importance of the…
On the Sampling Size for Inverse Sampling
In the Big Data era, sampling remains a central theme. This paper investigates the characteristics of inverse sampling on two different datasets (real and simulated) to determine when big data become too small for inverse sampling to be used and to examine the impact of the sampling rate of the subsamples. We find that the method, using the appropriate subsample size for both the mean and proportion parameters, performs well with a smaller dataset than big data through the simulation study and real-data application. Different settings related to the selection bias severity are considered during the simulation study and real application.
Rapporto statistico 2008-2010: Università degli studi di Palermo
Appendice metodologica
University Performance Before and During Economic Crises. An Analysis of Graduate Characteristics
The aim of this book is to analyze the performance of some Italian universities during a pre-crisis period and an economic crisis period, on the basis of graduate characteristics and graduate placement statistics. The Electre model is used to produce eighteen university rankings according to three different scenarios (Neutral, University and Job), three different roles ascribed to the key criteria (overeducation and mismatching), and two years corresponding to two postgraduation placement sampling surveys carried out in a pre-crisis period (2006) and during a crisis period (2011). The eighteen rankings are based on Economics/Statistics and Political & Social Sciences graduates. The rank…
L’insegnamento della probabilità a scuola: l’esperienza di Esperienza InSegna
Self-Reported Non-Celiac Wheat Sensitivity in High School Students: Demographic and Clinical Characteristics
Background: Non-Celiac Wheat Sensitivity (NCWS) has recently been included among the gluten-related disorders. As no biomarkers of this disease exist, its frequency has been estimated based on self-reported symptoms, but to date no data are available about self-reported NCWS in teenagers. Aim: To explore the prevalence of self-reported NCWS in a group of high school students and to study their demographic and clinical characteristics. Methods: The study was performed between April 2015 and January 2016 in two high schools of a coastal town in the south of Sicily (Italy). A total of 555 students (mean age 17 years, 191 male, 364 female) completed a modified validated questionnaire for self-r…
Campioni “diversi”. Un’esperienza didattica sul campionamento
Il lavoro descrive un'esperienza didattica sul campionamento partendo da poesie note in letteratura. Partendo dalle difficoltà di alcuni contenuti da veiocalre durante ula lezione all'Università nel corso di laurea in Statistica, si descrive la grande flessibilità dei contenuti formali fino alla "traduzione" di una composizione poetica in piano di campionamento. L'esito dell'esperienza è stato molto positivo per gli sutdenti che hanno partecipato in modo spontaneo facendo superare brillantemente l'ostacolo del formalismo tipico della materia e del superamento dell'esame di profitto.
I laureati triennali che non proseguono gli studi nello stesso ateneo
Analisi per Ateneo: Università degli Studi di Palermo
I laureati dell'Università degli studi di Palermo
Alcuni problemi di campionamento in campo turistico
La logica del campionamento, sebbene inconsapevolmente, viene utilizzata molto spesso quando, ad esempio, ci si trova in condizioni di dover scegliere due o più alternative fra molte. Così il turista procede con un campionamento quando sceglie i luoghi da visitare e ne scarta altri; il giovane segue la stessa logica campionaria quando sceglie, fra le persone che conosce, quelle da invitare ad una festa; il governatore sceglie un “campione” di iniziative fra alcune possibili per il bene della collettività; ecc.. Il fatto che il campionamento abbia trovato una sua sistematizzazione scientifica solo in tempi recenti quando si è introdotto il concetto di caso e di casualità nella scelta dell’un…
The sampling design for a touristic survey
The aim of this paper is not only describing the procedures employed to plan and develop a sampling survey, but above all focusing the attention on the difficulties to be faced when making it. The main goal of this sampling survey is to investigate on the consistency and typology of tourists and trippers in the Eolie islands during the summer 2004, mainly in July and August. Eolie have been addressed since they represent a closed environment defined by natural borders.
Choosing a Mixed Effects Model for Complex Time Series
Self-reported nonceliac wheat sensitivity in an outpatient digestive endoscopy center: high frequency but insufficient medical approach.
Objective: 'Self-reported wheat sensitivity' (SRWS) is a self-reported condition caused by wheat ingestion in the absence of celiac disease or wheat allergy. The aim of the study was to investigate the frequency and characteristics of SRWS in outpatients referred for digestive endoscopy. Methods: The study, performed at the University of Palermo, enrolled 496 outpatients. Results: Seven individuals (1.4%) had an already established diagnosis of celiac disease. The questionnaire was administered to the other 489 individuals: 98 subjects (20%) were SRWS, the remaining 391 served as controls (i.e. not-SRWS). SRWS patients were younger (P < 0.001), with a higher percentage of females (P = 0.…
Appendice metodologica
Uno sguardo alle famiglie
I laureati specialistici
Flexible latent trait aggregation to analyze employability after the Ph.D. in Italy
The analysis of satisfaction, employability and economic perspectives after the Ph.D. in Italy has not received adequate attention in the past, especially in terms of comparison among universities. To analyze these aspects, in this paper we consider data from the survey ‘Statistica in TEma di Laureati e LAvoro’ on doctors who achieved the title on 2007, 2008 and 2009 [CILEA, Laureati STELLA, indagine occupazionale post-dottorato, dottori di ricerca 2007–2008, Tech. Rep., CILEA, Segrate, 2010; CILEA,Laureati STELLA, indagine occupazionale post-dottorato, dottori di ricerca 2008–2009, Tech. Rep., CILEA, Segrate, 2011]. To deal with the complex, multidimensional nature of the concept, we propo…
Tourism Statistics: Methodological Imperatives and Difficulties. The Case of Residential Tourism in the Aeolian Islands
A new bipartite matching approach for record linkage: the case of two big Italian databases
In recent years, university student mobility in Italy has worsened the north-south economic divide. Therefore, studying this phenomenon and its determinants is necessary to provide helpful information to support socio-economic policies. Thus, this paper aims at integrating two big databases about university students in Italy: the first one is provided by the Ministry of University and Research, concerning the university careers of student cohorts; the second one is provided by the AlmaLaurea consortium, concerning the university experiences of graduates and their success in the labour market. Both databases contain socio-demographic information that complements each other. The proposed meth…
La valutazione dei percorsi formativi dei laureati attraverso l'uso del modello multicriterio ELECTRE III
La valutazione intesa come strumento strategico che ha la finalità di innescare un sistema di azioni e retroazioni teso al miglioramento dell'efficienza ed efficacia di un processo, ha assunto, in questi ultimi anni, un ruolo cruciale nel monitoraggio e miglioramento della qualità dei servizi, anche in ambito universitario. L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è quello di effettuare delle graduatorie dei corsi di laurea in termini di efficacia sia dal punto di vista formativo sia occupazionale, otte-nute attraverso l'applicazione di metodi multicriterio (MCDM: Multiple Criteria De-cision Making), quali l'Electre (ELimination Et Choix Traduisant la REalitè). I dati utilizzati sono tratti dall'ind…
I Laureati che proseguono gli studi
I laureati specialistici
Enseñanza de Estadística en un contexto multidisciplinar: una experimentación en un instituto italiano
III Congreso Internacional Virtual de Educación Estadística (CIVEEST), 21-24 febrero de 2019. [www.ugr.es/local/fqm126/civeest.html]
The results of a performance test: a multilevel analysis
The aim of the paper is to analyse the results of an assessment test, run to evaluate the statistics learning process in a group of students of the middle secondary school, by the multilevel analysis. The results show significant effects of the classrooms (teachers) and the schools in the learning processes.
Università degli studi di Palermo: caratteristiche del profilo post-laurea
Enseñanza de Estadística en un contexto multidisciplinar: una experimentación en un instituto italiano
III Congreso Internacional Virtual de Educación Estadística (CIVEEST), 21-24 febrero de 2019. [www.ugr.es/local/fqm126/civeest.html] This paper describes an experiment performed at a Vocational School in Palermo during the school year 2010-11. It was designed to teach Statistics at the Secondary level following a multidisciplinary approach. The didactic activity involved the mathematics, Italian, English language and science teachers. We adapted materials and methods from the M@t.abel E-learning program, which is planned for learning basic mathematics in a middle school, in order to use it for experimentation at a professional school. The assessment of the experimentation is based on teache…