Sandra Lo Piccolo

Studio del controllo di Bactrocera oleae, di funghi agenti filloptosi e carpoptosi anticipata nell’olivicoltura da mensa e da olio in Sicilia.

Abstract STUDY ON THE CONTROL OF BACTROCERA OLEAE AND FUNGI INDUCING EARLY LEAF AND FRUIT DROP IN OLIVE GROWING FOR TABLE OLIVES AND OIL PRODUCTION IN SICILY. Susceptibility of olive cultivars to olive fruit fly, damage thresholds, sampling methods, effectiveness of products deterring olive fruit fly oviposition, foliar chlorosis and withering of branches have been investigated. Riassunto Tra le cultivar saggiate (16 siciliane e 6 estere) esiste un ampio gradiente nella suscettibilità agli attacchi di B. oleae, andando dalle più suscettibili Nocellara del Belice, Giarraffa, Cerasuola alle meno preferite; tra queste ultime vi sono cultivar con caratteristiche peculiari diversificate: Nocella…

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Detection of an endophytic Acremonium sp. in healthy or naturally damaged leaves of Vitis vinifera.

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Indagine sulla dinamica di presenza in campo delle popolazioni di aspergilli e penicilli in vigneti della Sicilia occidentale

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Detection of endophytic bacteria in leaves of Vitis vinifera by using fluorescence in situ hybridization

Previous investigation on five cultivars of healthy Sicilian grapevine allowed the isolation of endophytic bacteria belonging to Bacillus genus from different organs (bud, leaf, stalk and shoot). The aim of this work was to use fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments in healthy and damaged leaf tissues of Vitis vinifera to visualize and localize bacteria associated with plant materials. The leaves were cleared to minimize the autofluorescence of the plant fragments. The use of fluorescently labelled bacterial probe Eub338 in FISH experiments on discoloured grapevine leaf disks allowed the estimation of the spatial distribution of different bacterial colonies. At the same time,…

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Antifungal peptides produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens AG1 active against grapevine fungal pathogens

Abstract Antifungal metabolites produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens AG1, previously isolated from wood of grapevine with “esca syndrome”, were studied. The crude protein extract (CPE) obtained from culture supernatant fluid by precipitation with ammonium sulfate was assayed against many grapevine fungal pathogens. B. amyloliquefaciens strain AG1 showed a broad spectrum of antifungal activity, inhibiting mycelial growth in vitro of all tested fungal microorganisms. The metabolites contained in CPE were heat stable and remained active over a wide pH range (2–10). Their activity was not affected by proteolytic or glycolytic enzymes. Tricine- SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a…

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Un endofita fungino in Eruca sativa Mill., probabile antagonista di Albugo candida (Pers. ex Hook) Kuntze.

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Indagine sulla dinamica di presenza delle popolazioni di aspergilli e penicilli in vigneti della Sicilia occidentale

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Necrosi apicale del Mango (Mangifera indica L.)causata da Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae van Hall, in Sicilia.

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Preliminary observations on fungal endophytic community and mycorrhizal status in symptomless Quercus ilex seedlings

Recently, a study on the Quercus ilex L. decay caused by biotic and abiotic agents has hypothesized alterations on endophytic and mycorrhizal fungal populations. Since holm oak is among the most representative Mediterranean species, that occurs widely in both urban and rural areas, in this work we preliminarly report these symbiotic fungal communities in asymptomatic seedlings, in order to compare these populations with those found in seedlings subjected to water and saline stress. Endophytic fungi were isolated from twigs and leaves and identified by morphological and molecular analysis. The ectomycorrhizal status was evaluated on root samples randomly selected to calculate the percentage …

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Plasmopara viticola: three decades of observation in Sicily

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Evoluzione morfologica di Albugo candida in Eruca sativa.

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An Optimized and Rapid DNA Extraction Method From Leaves of Grapevine Suitable for PCR-DGGE Based Analysis

Molecular techniques and genetic studies require a fair amount of DNA of high quality in order to produce reliable and clear results (Li et al., 2007). In grapevine, the yield and quality of DNA can be significantly affected by secondary metabolites such as polyphenols, polysaccharides and tannins, that may be consistently abundant during the different stages of leaf development (Iandolino et al., 2004). The development of a simple, rapid and reliable method for the extraction of genomic DNA from grape leaves collected at several stages during development, as well as from healthy grape leaves and leaves infected by pathogenic microorganisms, was the main objective of this study. The protoco…

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Un'indagine epidemiologica sulle più ricorrenti fitopatie viticole in Sicilia

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In "semi-vivo" antagonism of Acremonium byssoides towards Plasmopara viticola.

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Pathogenic fungi of Mangifera indica in Sicily

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Detection of endophytic bacteria in leaves of Vitis vinifera by using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH.

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On the pathogens of Mangifera indica in Sicily

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Mango pathogens in Sicily

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Lasiolactols A and B Produced by the Grapevine Fungal Pathogen Lasiodiplodia mediterranea

A strain of Lasiodiplodia mediterranea, a fungus associated with grapevine decline in Sicily, produced several metabolites in liquid medium. Two new dimeric c-lactols, lasiolactols A and B (1 and 2), were characterized as (2S*,3S*,4R*,5R*,20S*,30S*,40R*,50R*)-and (2R*,3S*,4R*,5R*,20R*,30S*,40R*,50R*)-(5-(4-hydroxymethyl-3,5-dimethyl-tetrahydrofuran- 2-yloxy)-2,4-dimethyl-tetrahydro-furan-3-yl]-methanols by IR, 1D-and 2D-NMR, and HR-ESI-MS. Other four metabolites were identified as botryosphaeriodiplodin, (5R)-5-hydroxylasiodiplodin, (-)-(1R, 2R)-jasmonic acid, and (-)-(3S, 4R, 5R)-4-hydroxymethyl-3,5-dimethyldihydro-2-furanone (3 - 6, resp.). The absolute configuration (R) at hydroxylated s…

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Oospore di Plasmopara viticola: dinamica di maturazione e possibile antagonismo di Acremonium byssoides

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Antagonismo in vitro di Fusarium oxisporum Schlct. Emend. Sn. e Hans. Isolato dalla rizosfera di Mangifera indica L. nei confronti di patogeni fungini.

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Study of the variability of an endophytic Acremonium population in symptomless grapevines.

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Funghi associati ad alterazioni in oliveti siciliani

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ChemInform Abstract: Lasiolactols A and B Produced by the Grapevine Fungal Pathogen Lasiodiplodia mediterranea

A strain of Lasiodiplodia mediterranea, a fungus associated with grapevine decline in Sicily, produced several metabolites in liquid medium. Two new dimeric γ-lactols, lasiolactols A and B (1 and 2), were characterized as (2S*,3S*,4R*,5R*,2'S*,3'S*,4'R*,5'R*)- and (2R*,3S*,4R*,5R*,2'R*,3'S*,4'R*,5'R*)-(5-(4-hydroxymethyl-3,5-dimethyl-tetrahydro-furan-2-yloxy)-2,4-dimethyl-tetrahydro-furan-3-yl]-methanols by IR, 1D- and 2D-NMR, and HR-ESI-MS. Other four metabolites were identified as botryosphaeriodiplodin, (5R)-5-hydroxylasiodiplodin, (-)-(1R,2R)-jasmonic acid, and (-)-(3S,4R,5R)-4-hydroxymethyl-3,5-dimethyldihydro-2-furanone (3 - 6, resp.). The absolute configuration (R) at hydroxylated se…

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Ulteriori osservazione sull'interazione tra Acremonium sp., Vitis vinifera e Plasmopara viticola

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Studio sul controllo di Bactrocera oleae, di funghi agenti di filloptosi e carpoptosi anticipata, e sulle tecniche di propagazione e conservazione in vitro nell'olivicoltura da mensa e da olio in Sicilia

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Arthrinium phaeospermum , Phoma cladoniicola and Ulocladium consortiale , New Olive Pathogens in Italy

In recent years, leaf necrosis and twig dieback in the olive crop have been detected in Sicily (Italy). In this article, we identify the predominant fungal species associated with symptomatic leaves and twigs, using morphological features and DNA sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, as Alternaria alternata, Arthrinium phaeospermum, Phoma cladoniicola and Ulocladium consortiale. The pathogenicity of these four species was tested on olive plants cv. Biancolilla. All species were pathogenic on leaves, but only U. consortiale produced cortical lesions on twigs, thus suggesting its main role in the Olea europaea twig dieback. To our knowledge, this is the first report of A…

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Presence of endophytic bacteria in Vitis vinifera leaves as detected by Fluorescence in situ hybridization

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) was applied to detect and localize bacterial colonies in leaf tissues of Vitis vinifera. Leaves were cleared to minimize the autofluorescence of plant fragments. The use of fluorescently labeled bacterial probe EUB338 on discolored grapevine leaf disks allowed the estimation of the spatial distribution of different bacterial colonies. In particular, bacterial colonies were found in veins, cells, hairs, intercellular spaces, and in cut edges of leaf disks of both non-Acremonium byssoides-colonized and A. byssoides-colonized leaves of five different cultivars. Furthermore, CLSM confirmed th…

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Molecular characterization of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates and detection of fungi associated with Citrange root-stock in Sicilian symptomless Citrus growes.

The first monitoring on the CTV occurrence in central-western Sicily carried out during spring 2011 in asymptomatic citrus groves, has allowed to report CTV- free citrus-growing areas (province of Caltanissetta and Trapani), the first focus in province of Agrigento and two new others in province of Palermo. Molecular analysis (RT-PCR of p18, p20 and p23 genes, single strand conformation polymorphism and partial sequencing) showed that the obtained CTV isolates had a high homology (99%) with mild CTV strains (T 30 and T 385). Moreover, survey on the genetic flow and analysis of synonymous/nonsynonymous, by MEGA 5.0 and DNAsp 5.0 programs, demonstrated the provenience of the new “tristeza” fo…

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Sull'interazione tra Acremonium sp., Vitis vinifera e Plasmopara viticola.

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"In vitro" antagonism towards Plasmopara viticola from an endophyte Acremonium sp. in grapevine

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How does Acremonium sp. act against the sexual structures of Plasmopara viticola?

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In semi-vivo antagonisme of Acremonium byssoides towards Plasmopara viticola

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Interaction between a Bacillus isolate, Eruca sativa and Albugo candida.

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Antagonismo in vitro di Acremonium sp. nei confronti di alcuni funghi fitopatogeni.

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Identification of Acremonium isolates from grapevines and evaluation of their antagonism towards Plasmopara viticola

Some endophytic fungal genera in Vitis vinifera, including Acremonium, have been reported as antagonists of Plasmopara viticola. Endophytic Acremonium isolates from an asymptomatic grapevine cultivar Inzolia from Italy were identified by morphological features and multigene phylogenies of ITS, 18S and 28S genes, and their intra-specific genomic diversity was analyzed by RAPD analysis. Culture filtrates (CFs) obtained from Acremonium isolates were tested in vitro for their inhibitory activity against the P. viticola sporangia germination. Among 94 isolates, 68 belonged to the Acremonium persicinum and 26 to the Acremonium sclerotigenum. RAPD analysis grouped the A. persicinum isolates into 1…

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Fusaria antagonisti isolati dalla rizosfera di Mangifera indica.

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Evoluzione di Acremonium sp., endofita in tessuti fogliari di Vitis vinifera, durante la patogenesi di Plasmopara viticola

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Studio delle popolazioni di aspergilli e penicilli in uve della sicilia occidentale

In diversi vigneti della Sicilia occidentale è stata monitorata, su uve sane e infestate, la dinamica di presenza di specie di Aspergillus e Penicillium, alcune delle quali note produttrici di ocratossina A, la principale micotossina della filiera vitivinicola. Gli studi condotti dall’allegagione alla raccolta evidenziano la variabilità quali-quantitativa delle popolazioni di aspergilli e penicilli, in relazione alle condizioni ambientali. Le analisi tossicologiche, accertando la presenza occasionale della micotossina, confermano l’assenza di correlazione tra il livelli di OTA nelle uve e la presenza dei funghi in vigneto.

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In the last five years, we have observed a new decline of Olea europaea in north-western and southern Sicily (insular Italy). The syndrome consists in more or less extensive leaf chlorosis, sometimes with irregular necrotic marginal or apical spots. Apical defoliation of twigs showing cortical necrosis and withering has often been observed. Isolations, carried out in 2007/08, yilded a complex of fungal genera associated with the syndrome. Among these, Stemphylium sp., a well-known foliar pathogen of other plants, was constantly isolated from all the alterations observed. In December 2010, single spore colonies of this fungus were used for artificial inoculations on healthy 3-year-old olive …

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Aspergillia and Penicillia on grapes in some Sicilian vineyards

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Possibile antagonismo di Acremonium byssoides nei confronti delle strutture gamiche di Plasmopara viticola

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