M. Rafalski

Microscopic calculations of isospin-breaking corrections to superallowed beta-decay

The superallowed beta-decay rates that provide stringent constraints on physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics are affected by nuclear structure effects through isospin-breaking corrections. The self-consistent isospin- and angular-momentum-projected nuclear density functional theory is used for the first time to compute those corrections for a number of Fermi transitions in nuclei from A=10 to A=74. The resulting leading element of the CKM matrix, |V_{ud}|= 0.97447(23), agrees well with the recent result by Towner and Hardy [Phys. Rev. C {\bf 77}, 025501 (2008)].

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Isospin-symmetry restoration within the nuclear density functional theory: formalism and applications

Isospin symmetry of atomic nuclei is explicitly broken by the charge-dependent interactions, primarily the Coulomb force. Within the nuclear density functional theory, isospin is also broken spontaneously. We propose a projection scheme rooted in a mean field theory, that allows the consistent treatment of isospin breaking in both ground and exited nuclear states. We demonstrate that this scheme is essentially free from spurious divergences plaguing particle-number and angular-momentum restoration approaches. Applications of the new technique include excited high-spin states in medium-mass N=Z nuclei, such as superdeformed bands and many-particle-many-hole terminating states.

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We present the isospin- and angular-momentum-projected nuclear density functional theory (DFT) and its applications to the isospin-breaking corrections to the superallowed beta-decay rates in the vicinity of the N=Z line. A preliminary value obtained for the Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element, |V_{ud}|=0.97463(24), agrees well with the recent estimate by Towner and Hardy [Phys. Rev. C{\bf 77}, 025501 (2008)]. We also discuss new opportunities to study the symmetry energy by using the isospin-projected DFT.

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Theoretical approaches that use one-body densities as dynamical variables, such as Hartree-Fock or the density functional theory (DFT), break isospin symmetry both explicitly, by virtue of charge-dependent interactions, and spontaneously. To restore the spontaneously broken isospin symmetry, we implemented the isospin-projection scheme on top of the Skyrme-DFT approach. This development allows for consistent treatment of isospin mixing in both ground and exited nuclear states. In this study, we apply this method to evaluate the isospin impurities in ground states of even-even and odd-odd N~Z nuclei. By including simultaneous isospin and angular-momentum projection, we compute the isospin-br…

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Isospin mixing in nuclei around N=Z and the superallowed beta-decay

Theoretical approaches that use one-body densities as dynamical variables, such as Hartree-Fock or the density functional theory (DFT), break isospin symmetry both explicitly, by virtue of charge-dependent interactions, and spontaneously. To restore the spontaneously broken isospin symmetry, we implemented the isospin-projection scheme on top of the Skyrme-DFT approach. This development allows for consistent treatment of isospin mixing in both ground and exited nuclear states. In this study, we apply this method to evaluate the isospin impurities in ground states of even-even and odd-odd N~Z nuclei. By including simultaneous isospin and angular-momentum projection, we compute the isospin-br…

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Global nuclear structure aspects of tensor interaction

A direct fit of the isoscalar spin-orbit and both isoscalar and isovector tensor coupling constants to the f5/2-f7/2 SO splittings in 40Ca, 56Ni, and 48Ca requires: (i) a significant reduction of the standard isoscalar spin-orbit strength and (ii) strong attractive tensor coupling constants. The aim of this paper is to address the consequences of these strong attractive tensor and weak spin-orbit fields on total binding energies, two-neutron separation energies and nuclear deformability.

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Isospin mixing in nuclei within the nuclear density functional theory.

We present the self-consistent, non-perturbative analysis of isospin mixing using the nuclear density functional approach and the rediagonalization of the Coulomb interaction in the good-isospin basis. The largest isospin-breaking effects are predicted for N = Z nuclei and they quickly fall with the neutron excess. The unphysical isospin violation on the mean-field level, caused by the neutron excess, is eliminated by the proposed method. We find a significant dependence of the magnitude of isospin breaking on the parametrization of the nuclear interaction term. A rough correlation has been found between the isospin mixing parameter and the difference of proton and neutron rms radii. The th…

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