Gianfranco Elia
Long-term albumin administration in decompensated cirrhosis (ANSWER): an open-label randomised trial
Background Evidence is scarce on the efficacy of long-term human albumin (HA) administration in patients with decompensated cirrhosis. The human Albumin for the treatmeNt of aScites in patients With hEpatic ciRrhosis (ANSWER) study was designed to clarify this issue. Methods We did an investigator-initiated multicentre randomised, parallel, open-label, pragmatic trial in 33 academic and non-academic Italian hospitals. We randomly assigned patients with cirrhosis and uncomplicated ascites who were treated with anti-aldosteronic drugs (≥200 mg/day) and furosemide (≥25 mg/day) to receive either standard medical treatment (SMT) or SMT plus HA (40 g twice weekly for 2 weeks, and then 40 g weekly…
X Chromosome Contribution to the Genetic Architecture of Primary Biliary Cholangitis
Background & aims: Genome-wide association studies in primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) have failed to find X chromosome (chrX) variants associated with the disease. Here, we specifically explore the chrX contribution to PBC, a sexually dimorphic complex autoimmune disease. Methods: We performed a chrX-wide association study, including genotype data from 5 genome-wide association studies (from Italy, United Kingdom, Canada, China, and Japan; 5244 case patients and 11,875 control individuals). Results: Single-marker association analyses found approximately 100 loci displaying P < 5 × 10-4, with the most significant being a signal within the OTUD5 gene (rs3027490; P = 4.80 × 10-6; odds…
An international genome-wide meta-analysis of primary biliary cholangitis: Novel risk loci and candidate drugs.
[BACKGROUND & AIMS] Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is a chronic liver disease in which autoimmune destruction of the small intra-hepatic bile ducts eventually leads to cirrhosis. Many patients have inadequate response to licensed medications, motivating the search for novel therapies. Previous genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and meta-analyses (GWMA) of PBC have identified numerous risk loci for this condition, providing insight into its aetiology. We undertook the largest GWMA of PBC to date, aiming to identify additional risk loci and prioritise candidate genes for in silico drug efficacy screening. [METHODS] We combined new and existing genotype data for 10, 516 cases and 20, 77…
On-treatment serum albumin level can guide long-term treatment in patients with cirrhosis and uncomplicated ascites
Background & Aims: The ANSWER study reported that long-term albumin administration in patients with cirrhosis and uncomplicated ascites improves survival. During treatment, serum albumin increased within a month and remained stable thereafter. In this post hoc analysis, we aimed to determine whether on-treatment serum albumin levels could guide therapy. Methods: Logistic regression was used to assess the association between baseline serum albumin and mortality, as well as to determine on-treatment factors associated with mortality and to predict the achievement of a given on-treatment serum albumin level. Survival was assessed by Kaplan-Meier estimates and second-order polynomial regres…
Long-term use of human albumin for the treatment of ascites in patients with hepatic cirrhosis: The interim analysis of the ANSWER study
s / Digestive and Liver Disease 47S (2015) e1–e18 e7 (months; 95% CI): CPT 0 62 (52.9–71.1), A 44 (41.6–46.4), B 22 (19.7–24.3), C 9 (6.6–11.3), p<0.0001. Comparisons between survivals of CTP 0 vs A, B and C were also statistically different (p<0.0001 in all associations). The prognosis of patients in the intermediateBCLCstagealsodifferedaccording to the liver function (0 vs A vs B, p<0.0001). Conclusions: The newly proposed CTP class 0 identifies a different subgroup of patientswith a better prognosis, alsowhen applied in a European cohort, where HCV aetiology is predominant. This new approach impacts not only on outcome prediction but also, potentially, on treatment allocation, better str…