Susanna Iivonen
Studies using the körperkoordinationstest für (ktk): A review
Introduction When encouraging children to active lifestyle, a suitable test for the gross motor coordination, specifically mastering of fundamental motor skills, is of great use. To evaluate and choose a suitable test for different purposes it is important to know its usage in different settings. The Korperkoordinationstest fur Kinder (KTK) [1] is a test, which mainly focuses on gross motor coordination of both normal and impaired children. The KTK is quite simple and quick to administer, the same items cover all age groups (5–15 years). This study aims to introduce the KTK's usage on a basis of literature review. Specifically, the aim is to extract information on KTK's pros, cons and sugge…
Fundamental Movement Skills: An Important Focus
Purpose:Recent international conference presentations have critiqued the promotion of fundamental movement skills (FMS) as a primary pedagogical focus. Presenters have called for a debate about the importance of, and rationale for teaching FMS, and this letter is a response to that call. The authors of this letter are academics who actively engage in FMS research.Method:We have answered a series of contentions about the promotion of FMS using the peer reviewed literature to support our perspective.Results:We define what we mean by FMS, discuss the context of what skills can be considered fundamental, discuss how the development of these skills is related to broader developmental health cont…
Liikunnan merkitys työyhteisön hyvinvoinnissa : tapaustutkimus Jyväskylän yliopiston hallintoviraston työntekijöistä
Directly Observed Physical Activity and Fundamental Motor Skills in Four-Year-Old Children in Day Care
Physical activity (PA), its location, social interactions and fundamental motor skills (FMS) were investigated in four-year-old Finnish children in day care. Six skills in the stability, locomotor and manipulative domains were assessed in 53 children (24 boys, 29 girls, normal anthropometry) with the APM-Inventory manual for assessing children’s perceptual and FMS and Total Motor Scores (TMS; 0–6 points) calculated. PA intensity, location, group composition and activity type − sitting, squatting, kneeling − were directly observed with a modified version of the Observational System for Recording Physical Activity in Children – Preschool Version (OSRAC – P) during three consecutive days in 14…
Preschool children's fundamental motor skills: a review of significant determinants
Fundamental motor skills (FMS) affect children's physical, social, and cognitive development. To plan successful interventions when promoting the development of children's FMS, the underlying positive determinants for the acquisition of FMS competence during preschool years need to be identified. The purpose of this systematic review was to identify positive determinants of FMS such as stability, locomotor, and manipulative movements in children between the ages of three and six. Five electronic databases (ERIC, PsycINFO, MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, and Physical Education Index) were used for the systematic search and in our final analysis there were 29 articles. Four categories of determinants w…
A review of studies using the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder (KTK)
The Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder (KTK) (Kiphard & Schilling, 1974, 2007) is a standardized, norm-referenced measure used by physical therapists and occupational therapists in clinic and school practice settings to evaluate the motor coordination (MC) of 5- to 14-year-old children. To find out for which research purposes the KTK has been used and its reliability and validity, we conducted a systematic review. Searching five databases, we found 46 studies used the KTK over four decades. The KTK was widely used in Europe in children with typical and atypical development. The KTK was used to investigate associations, to test the effects of interventions and treatments, to identify or diag…
Sand Play for 0–8-Year-Old Children’s Health and Development: A Systematic Review Protocol
Sand play may be a significant determinant of health and development in early childhood, but systematically synthesised evidence is absent in the literature. The main objective of this study was to present a planned methodology to systematically review, and synthesise, the evidence regarding sand play and its associations with 0–8-year-old children’s health and development. The systematic review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Protocols statement was registered to PROSPERO (CRD42021253852). Literature searches will be conducted using information from eight electronic databases. Studies will be included when participating children were aged 0–…
Children's Types of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in Day Care Environment during Outdoor Play over the Course of Four Seasons in Finland
What makes John move? Outdoor play physical environmental factors changing a child’s activity from sedentary to physically active: longitudinal mixed-method case study
Children’s low physical activity levels call for an investigation of what can promote activity for excessively sedentary children. The purpose of this longitudinal mixed-method case study in an early childhood education (ECE) environment was to observe one sedentary child’s free outdoor playtime in four seasons and determine the physical environmental factors changing his activity from sedentary to physically active. Systematic observation of video material and quantitative analysis were used to identify the most sedentary individual of the one ECE group. The child was named “John”. Qualitative analysis of John’s video material showed that during the four seasons he spent an average of 25% …
Early Steps -liikuntaohjelman yhteydet 4-5-vuotiaiden päiväkotilasten motoristen perustaitojen kehitykseen
Fundamental motor skills (FMS) are necessary skills for children to cope with their daily lives and to acquire a physically active lifestyle. Researchers have recommended that preschool-age children participate in a developmentally appropriate practice of balance, locomotor and manipulative skills for the promotion of their FMS.The purpose of this study was to examine the following questions: 1) Does an international Early Steps preschool physical education curriculum (PEC) (Zachopoulou et al. 2007) which lasts eight months have any effects on the FMS development of 4-5-year-old girls and boys in the time of one year? 2) How do the FMS of the 4-5-year-old girls and boys develop in one year?…
Physical education in Finnish early childhood teacher education-curricula and preservice teachers' perceptions
Physical education (PE) course curricula in Finnish universities were reviewed and compared, and 274 preservice teachers' perceptions of their PE studies in Finnish early childhood teacher education (ECTE) programmes were investigated using quantitative and qualitative methods. The results of the inductive content analysis revealed both knowledge- and skill-based learning outcomes, with teaching skills receiving the most emphasis. One-way ANOVAs revealed that the preservice teachers were relatively satisfied with their PE studies. They reported being prepared for teaching PE and provided detailed information on the policies regulating early childhood education and care (ECEC). However, they…
Reliability Assessment of Scores from Video-Recorded TGMD-3 Performances
This study examined the intrarater and interrater reliability of the Test of Gross Motor Development—3rd Edition (TGMD-3). Participants were 60 Finnish children aged between 3 and 9 years, divided into three separate samples of 20. Two samples of 20 were used to examine the intrarater reliability of two different assessors, and the third sample of 20 was used to establish interrater reliability. Children’s TGMD-3 performances were video-recorded and later assessed using an intraclass correlation coefficient, a kappa statistic, and a percent agreement calculation. The intrarater reliability of the locomotor subtest, ball skills subtest, and gross motor total score ranged from 0.69 to 0.77, a…
The development of fundamental motor skills of four‐ to five‐year‐old preschool children and the effects of a preschool physical education curriculum
Altogether 38 girls and 46 boys aged four to five years were studied to analyse the linear and non‐linear development of fundamental motor skills. The children were grouped into one experimental and one control group to study the effects of an eight‐month preschool physical education curriculum. In the course of one year, the balance skills of the girls, the running speed of the boys and the standing broad‐jump and manipulative skills of both genders progressed linearly according to the children's age. Two weekly 45‐minute physical education lessons instructed by preschool teachers promoted the linear development of the girls' standing broad‐jump and non‐linear development of the boys' runn…
3–10-vuotiaiden lasten motoriset perustaidot
Motoriset perustaidot ja niiden kehittyminen luovat perustan lapsen liikkumiselle ja kokonaisvaltaiselle fyysiselle aktiivisuudelle. Perustaidot tulisi oppia hallitsemaan ennen kouluikää. Lapsuuden aikaiset hyvät motoriset taidot ennustavat runsaampaa fyysistä aktiivisuutta myös myöhemmin nuoruusvuosina. Motorisilla taidoilla on lisäksi yhteyksiä lapsen kognitiivisiin taitoihin, terveystekijöihin sekä psykologista hyvinvointia kuvaaviin muuttujiin. Toistaiseksi Suomesta puuttuvat lasten motorisia taitoja mittaavat laajat kartoitukset, jonka vuoksi tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata, minkä- laiset ovat 3–10-vuotiaiden tyttöjen ja poikien motoriset perustaidot vuonna 2015. Tutkimuksee…