Jessica De Bloom
Työn ominaisuuksien merkitys työn ja yksityiselämän välisen rajan hallinnassa
Työn ja yksityiselämän välinen raja on nykyään monissa ammateissa häilyvä, koska työtä ei enää säätele aika ja paikka samassa määrin kuin ennen. Tässä tutkimuksessa etsitään vastausta kahteen pääkysymykseen. Ensinnäkin, millaisia tyylejä yksilöillä on hallita työn ja yksityiselämän välistä rajaa, kun huomioidaan sekä työasioiden kulkeutuminen yksityiselämään että yksityiselämän asioiden kulkeutuminen työhön? Toiseksi, määrittävätkö työn sisältämät vaatimukset ja voimavarat työn ja yksityiselämän rajanhallinnan tyylejä? Tutkimuksemme aineisto on kerätty keväällä 2013 verkkokyselyllä, johon osallistui 1106 eri ammattialoilla työskentelevää työntekijää. Aineistosta löytyi viisi työn ja yksityi…
Testing cross-lagged relationships between work-related rumination and well-being at work in a three-wave longitudinal study across 1 and 2 years
The aim of this three-wave longitudinal study conducted among 664 Finnish employees was to examine the cross-lagged relationships between various work-related ruminative thoughts (affective rumination, problem-solving pondering, lack of detachment from work) during off-job time and employee well-being (exhaustion, vigour). We tested normal, reversed, and reciprocal temporal relationships across 1 and 2 years using structural equation modelling. The analyses lent most support to the reversed temporal relationships, showing first that high exhaustion predicted low problem-solving pondering 2 years later and second, that high vigour predicted low affective rumination both 1 and 2 years later. …
Rumination for innovation? : analyzing the longitudinal effects of work-related rumination on creativity at work and off-job recovery
ABSTRACTWork-related rumination is not a single construct, but consists of a dimension associated with negative emotions or affect (affective rumination), and a dimension associated with reflective thinking and applying strategies to solve problems (problem-solving pondering). In this three-wave longitudinal study across two years (N = 630) we investigated whether the relationships between work-related rumination, off-job recovery, and creativity at work varied along the two dimensions of work-related rumination. In addition, we tested whether the relationships followed normal, reversed, or reciprocal causation. The results showed, first, that in a one-year perspective affective rumination,…
The Role of Work-Nonwork Boundary Management in Work Stress Recovery
The aim of the present study conducted among 1,106 Finnish employees was to identify boundary management profiles based on cross-role interruption behaviors from work to nonwork and from nonwork to work. Adopting a person-oriented approach through latent profile analysis, 5 profiles were identified: Work Guardians (21% of the employees), Nonwork Guardians (14%), Integrators (25%), Separators (18%), and an Intermediate Group (22%). We then examined differences between these profiles with respect to recovery experiences (psychological detachment from work, relaxation, mastery experiences, and control during off-job time) and recovery outcomes (vigor and exhaustion). Work Guardians had the poo…
Longitudinal Leisure Activity Profiles and Their Associations with Recovery Experiences and Job Performance
We aimed to identify longitudinal leisure activity profiles among working adults and their links to recovery experiences and job performance. Leisure activities, recovery experiences, and job performance were investigated among 831 employees using survey data collected in spring 2013 (T1) and 2014 (T2). Through latent profile analysis (LPA), four stable longitudinal leisure activity profiles were identified. “Social Sports(wo)men” (46%) engaged in physical and social activities but rarely in creative or cultural activities. “Active Artists” (23%) pursued all leisure activities, particularly creative activities. “Socially & Culturally Inactives” (17%) exercised frequently but seldom engaged …
Identifying long-term patterns of work-related rumination: Associations with job demands and well-being outcomes
Item does not contain fulltext The aim of this 2-year longitudinal study was to identify long-term patterns of work-related rumination in terms of affective rumination, problem-solving pondering, and lack of psychological detachment from work during off-job time. We also examined how the patterns differed in job demands and well-being outcomes. The data were collected via questionnaires in three waves among employees (N = 664). Through latent profile analysis (LPA), five stable long-term patterns of rumination were identified: (1) no rumination (n = 81), (2) moderate detachment from work (n = 228), (3) moderate rumination combined with low detachment (n = 216), (4) affective rumination (n =…
Does recovery buffer against emotional labor in terms of motivational outcomes at work? Analyzing age differences among Finnish health care professionals
• Emotional labor is a common job stressor among health care professionals and therefore more research evidence is needed concerning its buffers.
The Role of Work-Nonwork Boundary Management in Work Stress Recovery
The aim of the present study conducted among 1,106 Finnish employees was to identify boundary management profiles based on cross-role interruption behaviors from work to nonwork and from nonwork to work. Adopting a person-oriented approach through latent profile analysis, 5 profiles were identified: Work Guardians (21% of the employees), Nonwork Guardians (14%), Integrators (25%), Separators (18%), and an Intermediate Group (22%). We then examined differences between these profiles with respect to recovery experiences ( psychological detachment from work, relaxation, mastery experiences, and control during off-job time) and recovery outcomes (vigor and exhaustion). Work Guardians had the po…
Testing cross-lagged relationships between work‐related rumination and well‐being at work in a three‐wave longitudinal study across 1 and 2 years
The aim of this three‐wave longitudinal study conducted among 664 Finnish employees was to examine the cross‐lagged relationships between various work‐related ruminative thoughts (affective rumination, problem‐solving pondering, lack of detachment from work) during off‐job time and employee well‐being (exhaustion, vigour). We tested normal, reversed, and reciprocal temporal relationships across 1 and 2 years using structural equation modelling. The analyses lent most support to the reversed temporal relationships, showing first that high exhaustion predicted low problem‐solving pondering 2 years later and second, that high vigour predicted low affective rumination both 1 and 2 years later. …
Emotional labour and work engagement among nurses: examining perceived compassion, leadership and work ethic as stress buffers
Aim The study examined whether three resources, that is, compassion, transformational leadership and work ethic feasibility, buffer against the negative effects of emotional labour on work engagement. Background Emotional labour is a common job stressor among nurses, but little is known about whether certain personal and work resources buffer against it in relation to work engagement. Revealing buffers of emotional labour would help organizations to design tailored interventions. Design Cross-sectional online survey conducted in 2014. Methods Participants were 3466 Finnish nurses. Hypotheses were tested via hierarchical moderated regression analyses. Results Higher emotional labour related …