Giuseppa Bilello
Utilizzo clinico dell'agopuntura nel trattamento del dolore post operatorio.
Aim. Many patients with TMJ problems have made numerous visits from one physician to another; some have even been hospitalized by a neurologist and many patients never get correctly diagnosed. Several studies have identified impairments in postural control in patients with temporomandibular disorders. There are several methods to alleviate TMD, and some studies have suggested that it is possible to control the stomatognathic system and the musculoskeletal system through the “foot support”. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the variation produced by microchip in foot plantar in temporomandibular and postural disorders.
Utilizzo dell'idrossido di calcio nelle lesioni cistiche. Caso clinico
Occlusione e postura in età evolutiva
Malocclusione: corelazione con il sistema oculomotore
Malattia celiaca e malocclusione
La celiachia è una malattia autoimmune, causata da una intolleranza permanente al glutine, che si manifesta in individui geneticamente predisposti, causando enteropatia. In questi individui una prolungata esposizione al glutine aumenta il rischio di sviluppare altre patologie, che possono influire nello sviluppo della dentatura e della mucosa orale. Le manifestazioni cliniche sono diverse e atipiche.I pazienti con celiachia possono soffrire di ipoplasia dello smalto, maggiore prevalenza della carie dentale, eruzione ritardata dei denti e riduzione della crescita del mascellare inferiore. Questi fattori predispongono ad una malocclusione.
Photobiomodulation Therapy in the Management of Burning Mouth Syndrome: Morphological Variations in the Capillary Bed
Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is an idiopathic condition that manifests itself primarily with the onset of a burning sensation. The aim of this research was to perform photobiomodulation therapy (PBM) using a diode laser on the oral mucosa of BMS patients, followed by an objective evaluation of the morphological changes in the vascular bed underlying the mucosa using polarized light videocapillaroscopy. A group of 40 patients were included in the study. The patients were randomly divided into two groups (using simple randomization) as follows: 20 patients were assigned to the laser group and 20 patients were assigned to the placebo group. Each patient of the laser group received eight irradi…
L'attrito esercitato dagli attacchi in acciaio inox nel riallineamento dei canini superiori con dispositivi ortodontici fissi a bassa frizione
Aim. A tooth is impacted when its apex is formed but does not erupt as expected during the physiological timeframe of eruption. Maxillary canines, after the third molars are the teeth that more frequently show alterations of their eruptive process.. Maxillary canines can be positioned in ectopic palatal or buccal position. In recent years, an extensive search of the literature has shown a correlation between the palatal ectopic eruption of the canine and size of the dental elements reduced. Purpose of the study was to investigate a relationship between ectopic eruption of the canine oral, dental crowding and increased diameter of the teeth.
Approccio miofunzionale precoce nelle malocclusione di II classe con morso profondo
Skull-Cervico-Mandibular Unit: Correlation between Hyoid Bone, Thyroid Gland and Posture
Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate the postural control of the patient with pathology or surgery of the neck area. We have examined a group of subjects with thyroid pathology and destined to total thyroidectomy. Method: Our sample comprised 10 patients (7 female and 3 male; mean age 50,9±15,8). They have been submitted to postural examination, before and after total thyroidectomy, using the baropodometric platform, the scoliosismeter and the ocular convergence test. All the values obtained from the baropodometric tests executed before and after thyroidectomy have been compared using a statistical analysis. The T Student test and a significant level of 5% (a=0,05;p£,05) have been …
Variazioni delle caratteristiche meccaniche dei materiali metallici e non metallici di uso odontoiatrico utilizzati per la costruzione di manufatti protesici
Gag reflex control through acupuncture: a case series.
Background Many patients avoid dental appointments because of severe gagging when they have work performed, such as taking impressions. There are several methods known to alleviate gagging, and some studies have suggested that acupuncture may be effective in reducing gag reflex. The aim of the present study therefore was to evaluate whether acupuncture can produce a reduction of the gag reflex. Methods A total of 20 patients, aged between 19 and 80 years, with history of gag reflex on taking dental impressions, were recruited. All patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria had an upper and lower dental alginate impression taken without acupuncture, and a second upper and lower alginate impr…
La corretta dimensione verticale, due metodi a confronto: caso clinico.
Occlusion and posture in evolution age
Ortodonzia estetica: vantaggi e limiti della tecnica Invisalign
Riassunto Obiettivi Lo scopo di questo lavoro e definire vantaggi e limiti della tecnica Invisalign rispetto a metodiche ortodontiche tradizionali. Materiali e metodi E stata condotta una revisione sistematica della letteratura attraverso l’uso di diversi database, come MedLine, PubMed, Scopus. La ricerca copre il periodo che intercorre tra il 2000 e il 2011. Altre fonti sono state selezionate dai riferimenti bibliografici citati nei lavori consultati. Risultati e conclusioni La ricerca scientifica ha portato negli anni allo sviluppo di soluzioni atte a soddisfare esigenze estetiche e funzionali, a partire dai bracket in ceramica e dalla tecnica linguale fino ad arrivare negli anni Novanta …
Utilizzo clinico dell'agopuntura nel trattamento della sindrome oto-mandibolare.
Valutazioni ortognatodontiche nei suonatori di strumenti a fiato
Terapia comportamentale e fisioterapia delle disfunzioni cranio-cervico-mandibolari.
Analgesia mediante agopuntura in Chirurgia odontostomatologica.
L'analgesia mediante elettro-agopuntura nel trattamento endodontico.
Correlazione tra status nutrizionale e malocclusione in un gruppo di bambini tra i 3 e i 12 anni d'età
Obesity and malocclusion are two very common disease worldwide affecting both adults and children, posing a threat to the physical and mental health. Our observational study assesses the impact of being obese and overweight in the development of malocclusion among childhood subjects (3-12 year old).
Studio elettromiografico dell'attività del massetere e del temporale anteriore. Soggetti destrimani e mancini
Objectives To establish if oculomotor apparatus, stomatognathic apparatus and postural system are someway related. Materials and methods Ocular deficit, postural stabilization, head inclination and rotation, shoulder position and dental class were assessed by convergence test, cover test, postural and stomatognathic examination in a sample of 22 patients with ocular disease (convergence deficit, strabismus and heterophoria) aged from 10 to 18 years. Results In patients with convergence's deficit, body axis deviated to left (65%) and head inclination to right (65%), right shoulder was higher (68%) and I dental class was observed (49%); in patients with strabismus, body axis deviated to left …
Musicisti e dolore cranio-facciale
L'Olena:un nuovo dispositivo di avanzamento mandibolare.
Rialzo occlusale, una nuova tecnica. Caso clinico
Acupuncture in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders, facial pain, and postural neuromuscular disorders. Presentation of a clinical case
Abstract Background and objectives Temporomandibular disorders have a multifactorial etiology and involve the masticatory muscles, temporomandibular joint and associated structures. Therefore, different treatments are proposed and used. The aim of this paper is the use of acupuncture to treat temporomandibular disorders and associated symptoms. This article presents a clinical case study of a 39-year-old patient who presented temporomandibular disorders and headache of muscular origin. Results After 10 acupuncture sessions, the results were highly satisfactory, with complete relief of headache pain and absence of joint disorders. These results suggest the efficacy of acupuncture in the symp…
Effetto immediato dell’agopuntura sui muscoli masticatori: studio elettromiografico.
L'esame baropodometrico nel paziente affetto da disfunzione gnatoposturale
Monitoraggio posturo-elettromiografico, nel trattamento ortodontico.
Human Spheroids from Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Induce Calvarial Bone Production in a Xenogeneic Rabbit Model
ABSTRACT: Calvarial defects can result from several causes. Tissue engineering hold the potential to restore native form and protective function. We have recently shown that stemness and differentiation ability of spheroids from adipose-derived stem cells (S-ASCs) promotes osteoblasts growth within Integra in a small vertebral lesion. In our study, we aimed to test osteogenic potential of S-ASCs in aiding regeneration of a calvarial defect. Groups containing Integra showed increased bone regeneration at the calvarial defect-Integra interface compared with the control group. In particular, S-ASC-derived osteoblasts group showed a superior calvarial remodeling than undifferentiated S-ASCs gro…
Relationships between stomatognathic and oculomotor systems in the postural determinism
Objectives To establish if oculomotor apparatus, stomatognathic apparatus and postural system are someway related. Materials and methods Ocular deficit, postural stabilization, head inclination and rotation, shoulder position and dental class were assessed by convergence test, cover test, postural and stomatognathic examination in a sample of 22 patients with ocular disease (convergence deficit, strabismus and heterophoria) aged from 10 to 18 years. Results In patients with convergence's deficit, body axis deviated to left (65%) and head inclination to right (65%), right shoulder was higher (68%) and I dental class was observed (49%); in patients with strabismus, body axis deviated to left …
Il recettore oculare nella diagnosi orto-posturale
Riabilitazione mediante agopuntura nel trattamento delle disfunzioni gnato-posturali.
Aim. Current trends in pediatric orthodontics aim to identify incorrect development of occlusion and medium/lower facial third as early as possible. Functional appliances are a popular type of device used for treating malocclusion in patients who are growing. Among the functional orthodontic devices intended for this purpose, “Education Functional” is highlighted. It was developed by Dr. Daniel Rollet. In fact, in the occlusal alterations, early preventive treatment with elastodontic devices resulted in avoiding dysfunctional forces from acting on the skeletal pattern, thus reaching a balance between bone basis and muscular components. This report describes a clinical case of a patient (9-y…
Risvolti gnato-posturali della sindrome di Rett. Caso clinico
Disfunzioni Gnato-posturali e bruxismo: terapia con bite
Efficacia di un nuovo dispositivo intraorale nel trattamento dell'OSAS
Validity and reliability of measurements of the parameters of smile aesthetics: a comparison between digital and plaster models
This study aims to evaluate the validity and reliability of the TRIOS3 Color intraoral scanner (3Shape A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark) and its associated Ortho Analyzer™ software in measuring parameters of smile aesthetics compared with measurements on plaster casts. The study sample comprised plaster casts and digital models obtained from 30 subjects. Height (H), mesiodistal diameter (MDD) and connecting space (CS) of the anterior teeth were measured with a digital calliper on the plaster models and with the orthodontic software on the digital models. Validity was assessed using a 2-tailed paired t-test; the reliability of measurements for intra-examiner was evaluated with the Intra-class Correl…
Fisioterapia elettromiograficamente assistita nella sindrome di Pierre Robin
Quantitative and Qualitative in vivo Analysis of Metal Residuals in the Saliva of Subjects with and without Fixed Orthodontic Appliances
Aim of the Work: The aim of this work was to evaluate Ni e Cr ions in the saliva of subjects with and without fixed orthodontic appliances. Materials and Methods: This was a prospective, non-randomized study of 100 patients, so selected: 50 have undergone fixed orthodontic appliance at least from 24 months; others 50 subjects as control-group, without any fixed and/or removable orthodontic appliance It was conducted according to the Declaration of the World Medical Association of Helsinki. The two selected groups were compatible for age, sex, absence of restoration in amalgam or other metals in the oral cavity. The saliva of all the subjects was collected with standardized sterile methods. …
Correlazione tra i sistemi stomatognatico e oculomotore nel determinismo della postura
Riassunto Obiettivi Valutare la correlazione tra l’apparato stomatognatico e il sistema oculomotore. Materiali e metodi Il campione preso in esame per il nostro studio era costituito da 22 soggetti, con eta media di 12 anni, con disturbi oculari che interessavano la propriocezione muscolare extra-oculare, sei soggetti con difetti di convergenza, cinque con eteroforie e 11 con strabismo. Risultati Per ogni singolo paziente sono stati valutati il tipo di malocclusione e i difetti oculari che interessano i muscoli extraoculari; ci si e avvalsi dell’esame obiettivo intra-orale e dell’esame oculare mediante il test di convergenza e il cover test. Nei soggetti con deficit di convergenza, il 49% p…
Riequilibrio occluso-funzionale in un soggetto con sindrome di Rett: descrizione di un caso
Rett syndrome is a severe neurodevelopmental disease caused by mutations in the X-linked gene encoding for the methyl-CpG-binding protein MeCP2. The aim of this paper is to show the orthodontic treatment of a little girls affected by Rett syndrome
Sindrome di pierre-robin trattata con fisioterapia elettromiograficamente assistita: case report
Pierre Robin syndrome is characterized by the triad: micrognathia, cleft palate and glossoptosis. This syndrome, which often undermines several organs and systems, is treated with a multidisciplinary approach that involves several specialists. The AA. present a case of Pierre Robin syndrome in neuromuscular rehabilitation by physiotherapy EMG-assisted. PMID:19445280[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Transverse Asymmetries of the Maxilla Even in Healthy and Apparently Symmetrical Subjects
In the formulation of an orthodontic treatment plan, the three-dimensional analysis of the dental arches represents a fundamental moment for the evaluation of all the morphological parameters necessary in order to have a correct and complete diagnosis. In this regard, the study of the dental arches on the horizontal plane is sometimes neglected or not thorough enough. When evaluating the transverse dimensions of the dental upper arche, the presence of an asymmetry is frequently found, and it means that an hemiarch is larger than the other. Furthermore, any variation in one of the three planes of space always involves an alteration also on the other two planes in order to have compensation. …