Consuelo Rubio
Defining minimum runoff length allows for discriminating biocrusts and rainfall events
This study was started in the context of the research projects PECOS (REN2003-04570/GLO) and PREVEA (CGL2007-63258/BOS) , both funded by the Spanish National Plan for RD&I and by the European ERDF Funds (European Regional Development Fund) , and continued during the project SCIN (Soil Crust In-terNational, PRI-PIMBDV-2011-0874, European project of ERA-NET BIODIVERSA, the Spanish team being funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) . The work was finally supported and culminated by the DINCOS project (CGL2016-78075-P, Spanish State Programme for Scientific Research) and by the European ERDF Funds (Euro-pean Regional Development Fund) . Consuelo Rubio's partici-pation was…
Análisis de la distribución del tamaño de parches de vegetación como indicador de degradación de los encinares mediterráneos
[ES] La monitorización y la gestión de la Desertificación requieren de indicadores útiles y sencillos de aplicar que detecten a tiempo el momento crítico antes de que ésta sea irreversible. El presente trabajo analiza la universalidad de uno de estos indicadores, la relación entre número y tamaño de parches de vegetación, cuyo uso ha sido recomendado para monitorizar la desertificación, aplicándolo a encinares del Sistema Ibérico a lo largo de gradientes simultáneos de aridez y de uso.
Biocrusts and catchment asymmetry in Tabernas Desert (Almeria, Spain)
Abstract Catchment asymmetry is a fairly frequent phenomenon on a global scale but the main causes leading to its formation are still not well understood. Where the intervention of structural or tectonic causes is not relevant, asymmetry seems to result from differential erosion between opposite slopes that flow into the same channel, which is frequently associated with contrasted biocrust and/or vegetation covers. Biocrusts are known to be important surface stabilizing agents. However, their geomorphological consequences at the landscape scale are little known. In this study we combined field measurements with digital elevation models and image analysis to determine whether catchment asymm…