

Defining minimum runoff length allows for discriminating biocrusts and rainfall events

Eva Arnau-rosalenAdolfo Calvo-casesClément López-canfínClément López-canfínRoberto LázaroDavid FuentesConsuelo Rubio


HydrologyRunoff connectivityTabernas DesertInfiltrationEnvironmental scienceBiological soil crustBiologia dels sòlsEcologíaSurface runoffSemiaridLength slope factorTaberans Desert


This study was started in the context of the research projects PECOS (REN2003-04570/GLO) and PREVEA (CGL2007-63258/BOS) , both funded by the Spanish National Plan for RD&I and by the European ERDF Funds (European Regional Development Fund) , and continued during the project SCIN (Soil Crust In-terNational, PRI-PIMBDV-2011-0874, European project of ERA-NET BIODIVERSA, the Spanish team being funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) . The work was finally supported and culminated by the DINCOS project (CGL2016-78075-P, Spanish State Programme for Scientific Research) and by the European ERDF Funds (Euro-pean Regional Development Fund) . Consuelo Rubio's partici-pation was possible thanks to the contract as a doctoral student FPU18/00035. Dr. Javier Barbero advised us on mathemati-cal issues. Special thanks: This research was kindly facilitated by the Viciana brothers, landowners of the El Cautivo field site.
