Roberto Lázaro

Rainfall timing and runoff: The influence of the criterion for rain event separation

Abstract Rain is not uniform in time and space in semiarid areas and its distribution is very important for the runoff process. Hydrological studies usually divide rainfall into events. However, defining rain events is complicated, and rain characteristics vary depending on how the events are delimited. Choosing a minimum inter-event time (MIT) is a commonly used criterion. Our hypothesis is that there will be an optimal MIT that explains the maximum part of the variance of the runoff, with time to runoff used as a surrogate. The objective is to establish a procedure in order to decide upon this optimal MIT. We developed regressions between time to runoff (T0) and three descriptive variable…

research product

Effective run-off flow length over biological soil crusts on silty loam soils in drylands

This study was undertaken in the context of the research projects PECOS (REN2003-04570/GLO) and PREVEA (CGL2007-63258/BOS), both funded by the Spanish National Plan for RD&I and by the European ERDF Funds (European Regional Development Fund), as well as the projects COSTRAS (Excellence project RNM-3614) funded by the Junta de Andalucia (Autonomous Government of Andalusia, Spain), and SCIN (Soil Crust Inter-National, PRI-PIMBDV-2011-0874, European project of ERA-NET BIODIVERSA, the Spanish team being funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness)

research product

Interacción de procesos geomórficos y distribución de componentes de la superficie del suelo en relación a la evolución de los abarrancamientos de Tabernas (Almería

Este artículo se ha desarrollado en el contexto de los proyectos: REN2003-045707GLO(PECOS); CGL2007-63258/BOS(PREVEA) y CGL2006-11619(PROBASE), financiados por la CICYT en el marco del Plan Nacional I+D+I

research product

Spatial variability of the relationships of runoff and sediment yield with weather types throughout the Mediterranean basin

Este artículo contiene 16 páginas, 6 figuras, 2 tablas.

research product

Badlands in the Tabernas Basin, Betic Chain

The complex badland landscape at Tabernas results from a combination of relief amplitude generated by tectonic uplift since the Pliocene and reactivated several times during the Pleistocene, the properties of the Tortonian sedimentary rocks and a predominantly arid climate. The landscape is dominated by deep incision of the main river systems, which continues in part of the headwater tributaries, and characterized by contrasting slope morphologies and a variety of microecosystems. The Tabernas badlands exhibit a diversity of landforms resulting from the combination of multi-age soil surface components that allow a variety of processes to operate at different rates. These are dominated by ri…

research product

Relationship of Weather Types on the Seasonal and Spatial Variability of Rainfall, Runoff, and Sediment Yield in the Western Mediterranean Basin

Producción Científica

research product

Defining minimum runoff length allows for discriminating biocrusts and rainfall events

This study was started in the context of the research projects PECOS (REN2003-04570/GLO) and PREVEA (CGL2007-63258/BOS) , both funded by the Spanish National Plan for RD&I and by the European ERDF Funds (European Regional Development Fund) , and continued during the project SCIN (Soil Crust In-terNational, PRI-PIMBDV-2011-0874, European project of ERA-NET BIODIVERSA, the Spanish team being funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) . The work was finally supported and culminated by the DINCOS project (CGL2016-78075-P, Spanish State Programme for Scientific Research) and by the European ERDF Funds (Euro-pean Regional Development Fund) . Consuelo Rubio's partici-pation was…

research product

Características de las costras físicas y biológicas del suelo con mayor influencia sobre la infiltración y la erosión en ecosistemas mediterráneos

28 páginas, 4 figuras, 5 tablas.

research product

European small portable rainfall simulators: A comparison of rainfall characteristics

28 páginas, 6 figuras, 2 tablas.- The definitive version is available on: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0341816213001252

research product

Biocrusts and catchment asymmetry in Tabernas Desert (Almeria, Spain)

Abstract Catchment asymmetry is a fairly frequent phenomenon on a global scale but the main causes leading to its formation are still not well understood. Where the intervention of structural or tectonic causes is not relevant, asymmetry seems to result from differential erosion between opposite slopes that flow into the same channel, which is frequently associated with contrasted biocrust and/or vegetation covers. Biocrusts are known to be important surface stabilizing agents. However, their geomorphological consequences at the landscape scale are little known. In this study we combined field measurements with digital elevation models and image analysis to determine whether catchment asymm…

research product