Paolo Di Betta

Managerial Tools for Corporate and Business-Level Social Responsibility

We investigate upon the contribution and place of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in firm’s corporate, business and functional strategies. We pursue two aims for the multi-business and/or multinational enterprise. The first is to include CSR as a dimension in defining the business (the strategic business area), as a result we consider what is implied from the mixture of brand and CSR policies for multibrand firms. The second is to illustrate different methods to propagate CSR culture, by means of a classification of the tools to be implemented at corporate and business level to foster CSR compliance. We draw attention to a mechanism that can satisfy the pursuit of an overall harmoniza…

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Prolegòmeni ad una analisi semantica delle scelte del consumatore

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Estimating determinants of television and stadium revenues by Italian soccer companies

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Managerial Ability, Players’ Cultural Diversity, and Sporting and Economic Performance in English Soccer

We use a large homemade database on professional soccer in England to estimate the relevance of managerial ability on performance and the managerial skills in keeping up cultural diversity. The team manager faces a set of very complex tasks. Not only he is the head coach of the soccer team, thus influencing sporting performance, but he can also have an impact on performance, by improving economic efficiency or by limiting the organization innovation in order to foster the creation of organizational routines. The sporting competitive advantage translates into economic and financial performance; therefore the manager is a dominant voice in the financial viability of the club, too. We also mea…

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L'effetto di Montalbano sui flussi turistici nei luoghi letterari e televisivi

Da alcuni anni vari enti regionali erogano a fondo perduto a favore di produzioni cinematografiche o televisive nei loro territori, talvolta attraverso le c.d. Film Commission. Di solito cio viene giustificato dall’impatto occupazionale delle riprese e da quello indotto sul cine-turismo. Obiettivo di questo saggio e misurare l’impatto dei telefilm sui flussi turistici delle localita dove essi sono stati girati, al fine di valutare se tali erogazioni a fondo perduto siano opportune; cio attraverso un’indagine empirica (nel periodo 1982-2013) sull’incremento turistico indotto dalle serie TV con il commissario Montalbano. Confrontando gli arrivi nella provincia di Ragusa, sede delle riprese te…

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The Challenges Underlying Firm Revival and Resilience in the Post-COVID-19 Phase

Covid-19 is an exogenous shock that has deeply modified the basic building blocks and the micro-mechanisms on which socio-economic systems and organizations rest. The vast majority of both factor markets and final markets have been significantly disrupted on a worldwide scale. As all factors that determine severe crises, the Covid-19 pandemic is a low probability and high impact shock which has significantly changed the environment in which firms operate (Grewal and Tansuhaj 2001, Hudecheck et al. 2020). Such changes have nonetheless been asymmetric, whilst they have menaced the survival of a huge number of firms and have brought to their knees many key industries, it has also ignited rapid…

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Gli incentivi nella corporate governance: il ruolo dell'autoregolazione e dell'autodisciplina

We present a rationale for an indicator based on the Italian corporate governance code to be administered by a self-regulatory organization as a screening device; by doing so both moral hazard and adverse selection problems in corporate governance could be alleviated.

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Managerial Tools for Corporate and Business-Level Corporate Social Responsibility

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The Media as a Policy Instrument in Influencing the Business Model of Professional Soccer. Evidence from Italy

Italian soccer clubs in the first division have individually sold broadcasting rights for their home matches, until new laws imposed pooling and joint-selling those rights through the league and established a mandatory sharing rule to redistribute revenues in order to improve on-the-pitch competitive balance (CB). This article compares the two institutional designs. While reducing revenue inequality, the new regime distorts allocative efficiency and informational rent appropriation, opens up costly ex post renegotiations and antitrust litigations, and does not improve CB.

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The Role of Public Entity in Coopetiotion and Convergence

We investigate upon the strategic impact of the public entity to catalyze coalition formation among competitors around an essential facility. The public entity is usually represented as if moved by mere political scopes. However, the presence of a publicly-owned asset or infrastructure, which can be termed an essential facility, gives leeway to shed the opportunity to satisfy potentially new and different type of demand or consumer cluster needs. The increase in value stemming from a renewal in the utilization of the facility might loosen up political restraints against the involvement in the management of the facility of a multiplicity of actors. This allows us to add a new dimension to th…

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Authenticity as a mental state: A primer

Highlights Philosophy of mind offers a new philosophical foundation for authenticity. Philosophy of mind studies mental states, whose defining property is intentionality. Intentionality is an essential trait in any characterization of authenticity. Experiencing authenticity is a mental state. Authenticity’s role as a theoretical construct is strengthened and amplified.

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Environmental Quality and Entrepreneurial Activity in Rural Tourism in Italy

We estimate the relation between environmental quality and services in rural tourism in Italy. We use the average number of firms per region in 2003-07 to indicate entrepreneurial activity. We suggest that heterogeneity among administrative regions can be tied to environmental quality. Incorporated farms in rural tourism are relatively more common in regions with better environmental quality, and command higher average price from better quality in hospitality. Only 7% of entrepreneurial activity can be attributable to environmental quality. We conclude that rural tourism activity in Italy is not genuinely tied to environmental quality.

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“Lo spettatore della serie A di calcio: condivisione dell’esperienza allo stadio o isolamento davanti alla televisione?

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Corporate Social Entrepreneurship and the Profit Motive: A Note on the theoretical Foundations of their Link

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Report sulla situazione economica della provincia di Agrigento


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We present a simple model to estimate the effects on behavior of a group of societal campaigns, aimed at fostering racial equality attitudes. The activity of the Kick it Out is confronted with attendance of English Premier League games. The results support the idea that people weight benefits against results in appraising their willingness to adhere to a campaign. When the foreign player of their own team contributes to results, he is appreciated. At parity of results, the fans prefer players of their own nationality. This indicates that although the campaign may have changed attitudes, it has not changed behavior yet.

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Coopetition, Convergence and "Old" Economy, Strategic Patterns and the Role of the Public Sector

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Stadium Management in Italy: the Case for Co-opetition"

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Facility Management nel Settore Pubblico: tre istituzioni siciliane a confronto

L'articolo presenta un'analisi della domanda di Facility Management (FM) da parte del settore pubblico esponendo dei casi relativi alle tre principali istituzioni pubbliche della sicilia occidentale.

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Moral Governance: Politicians, Ownership, and Control

We investigate upon the influences exerted by politicians on the Board and on ownership structure, as an application of political power to corporations. We characterize moral governance as the joint result of these efforts on managerial turnover and ownership turnover. We comment upon two Italian clinical cases of private, listed firms in which politicians enter the scene when a major event occurs (i.e., reorganization, merger, and acquisition activity). Our model could serve as a guideline and checklist for insiders to interact with politicians. We suggest this could be of interest in countries where there is a common level ground – such as in Europe – but with different cultures on the ro…

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Report sull'andamento dell'economia provinciale di Agrigento

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Il traffico di essere umani e i network del contrabbando tra Libia e Italia

La recente diffusione da parte dell’Organizzazione Internazionale per le Migrazioni di nuovi dati sui morti e dispersi nel Mediterraneo, 2.734 nei primi otto mesi del 2016 con oltre 115.000 rifugiati, migranti e richiedenti asilo sbarcati sulle coste italiane nello stesso periodo, conferma come la rotta del Mediterraneo centrale sia tornata a essere la principale via di accesso all’Europa. La questione ha dimensioni mondiali e l’Italia, per la sua posizione e conformazione geografica, con confini di terra con Francia, Svizzera, Austria e Slovenia, e 7.600 chilometri di coste in posizione centrale nel Mar Mediterraneo, è divenuta sin dai primi anni Novanta un territorio di arrivo e di transi…

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The Quest for the Twelfth Man: Evidence from Italian Professional Soccer

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La regolazione nella strategia d'impresa. Convergenza e competenze, coalizioni e sistemi di beni

Questo lavoro offre un modello e uno strumento utili per l'analisi ambientale ai fini della definizione della visione strategica d'impresa

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The Role of The Public Entity in Coopetition and Convergence

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The impact of corruption on sport demand

PurposeThe article presents an empirical analysis that evaluates the effects of a systemic corruption scandal on the demand in the short and the long run. In 2006, the Calciopoli scandal uncovered the match rigging in the Italian soccer first division. The exemplary sportive sanction of relegating the primary culprit to the second division imposed further negative externalities on the other clubs. Should we prefer the sportive sanction on the team or the monetary fines for the club?Design/methodology/approachWe estimated two log-linear models of the demand side (stadium attendance) using a fixed effect estimator, on two panel data set made of all the Italian soccer clubs in the first and se…

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Incentives in Corporate Governance: The Role of Self-Regulation

Corporate governance stems from the interplay of legal norms, security regulation, self-regulation and best practices. Recent scandals and frauds have forced governments to update laws on corporate governance: the legislation process has been very fast in some countries, others have lagged. Law and regulation intervene and become effective only ex-post, when damages have been done and malpractice is self-evident. On the contrary, self-regulation is a quicker and more flexible response to changing market conditions and of great impact on the relationship between firms and their environment. A self-regulatory organization (SRO) such as the stock exchange could administer the screening device,…

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Co-opetition as a Tool Towards Understanding Tectonic Competition. The Case of Water Franchise Auction

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Segmentation, involvement and the reach-engagementrelationship: evidence from a QR code advertising campaign

This paper presents a procedure that practitioners must follow before assessing the reach-­‐engagement relationship in a “pull” campaign. It is suggested to check for the independence between this relationship and that between segmentation and product involvement. If the two relationships are independent, then segmentation becomes less relevant when assessing the reach-­‐engagement relationship. Otherwise, an unobservable segmentation variable must be accounted for in the reach-­‐engagement relationship. These aspects of segmentation are never mentioned in the extant literature, which treats segmentation in “pull” campaigns the same way in which targeting is designed in “push” campaigns. Th…

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Competitive Balance in Italian Soccer: 1929-2007

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The Role of Financial and Managerial Variables on the Policy towards Home-grown Players in English Soccer

The training and development of young players both as athletes and individuals is one of the task soccer governing bodies assign to professional soccer team in order to fully exploit the social aspects of sport activities. Recently UEFA imposed new rules to improve the use of home-grown players. We analyze a panel data of English Premier and Championship league clubs for the seasons 2001-02 to 2005-06 in order to understand what clubs characteristics lead to the employment of young players in the team during official matches. Sport commercialization and the employment of star players have been considered harmful to this role. Our findings suggest that, counter-intuitively, economic and comm…

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A die-hard aristocracy: competitive balance in Italian soccer, 1929-2009

We will present two measures of the competitive balance in professional Italian soccer, one based on the a club's historical rankings and one based on points scored per season. We will calculate and illustrate their characteristics for the Italian first division (the Serie A) between 1929 and 2009. Using the cumulated rankings of the 60 clubs which have taken part in the Serie A we show that Italian soccer is strongly characterized by a self-reinforcing mechanism of dominance that has created an aristocracy of at most ten strong clubs. We also show that increasing the number of promoted clubs could have an innovative impact. Our results imply that each season is fiercely fought, and this le…

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Moral Governance

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The migrant crisis in the Mediterranean Sea: Empirical evidence on policy interventions

Abstract This paper presents a novel set of empirical evidence to explore several hypotheses regarding the migrant crisis in the Mediterranean Sea. The political instability in transit countries, such as Libya, that made pre-existent repatriation policies ineffective, called for several search-and-rescue operations in the Mediterranean, which in turn have been wrongly accused of fostering illegal immigration and increasing deaths at sea. The empirical results show that the main determinants of the departures are several root causes at the departing African countries, underlining the importance of fighting human smuggling networks. The paper suggests a change in migration studies’ perspectiv…

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Report 2014 sull'andamento dell'economia provinciale

Non esiste

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Un criterio di ripartizione dei ricavi televisivi per le società di calcio

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Coopetition, Convergence and "Old" Economy, Strategic Patterns and the Role of the Public Sector

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