E. Napoli
The role of the tidal and wind forces on the hydrodynamic flow pattern in the Augusta Harbour (Italy)
A numerical unsteady friction model for the transient flow arising during the filling process of intermittent water distribution systems.
Phytochemical profile and phototoxicity of eleven Hypericum species extracts
The genus Hypericum (family Hypericaceae) contains 484 species, one of which, Hypericum perforatum, is largely used in medicine as antidepressant, as well as antinflammatory, and antimicrobial agent. Hypericin, together with the other naphthodianthrone derivatives named hypericins (the red pigments recognized as partially responsible for biological activities of this plant), has been identified largely in more than 300 Hypericum species (Skalkos et al., 2006). Particularly, hypericins are one of the most potent naturally occurring photodynamic agents; indeed, upon light irradiation, they very effectively induce apoptosis and/or necrosis of cancer cells (Karioti et al., 2010) and thus might …
Prove di coltivazione di Hypericum perforatum in ambiente mediterraneo
La possibilità di introduzione dell’iperico negli ordinamenti colturali mediterranei richiede la definizione di numerosi aspetti relativi alla tecnica di coltivazione, il cui approfondimento permetterebbe di ottimizzare le rese sia sul piano della quantità che della qualità, rispettando al contempo il criterio della massima efficienza nell’uso delle risorse produttive. Accessioni di H. perforatum ottenute da seme proveniente da tre diverse aree italiane (nord-Trento, centro-Siena e sud-Agrigento) sono state coltivate sia in pieno campo che in vaso. La raccolta delle sommità fiorite è stata effettuata tra giugno e luglio dell’anno successivo a quello della semina (massima fioritura). Contemp…
Modeling of distribution network filling process during intermittent supply
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of wind-driven flows in closed channels and basins
In the paper, a fully 3D finite-volume numerical model is developed and employed for the prediction of wind-induced flows in a regular channel and in a square basin with a complex bathymetry. Numerical results are compared with laboratory experiments. Numerical tests are then performed to investigate whether simplifying assumptions about the pressure distribution and the turbulente stresses representation can be employed in the simulation of wind-driven flows. The hydrostatic pressure assumption, resulting in the use of "quasi-3D" models, proved to be reasonably acceptable in order to obtain the vertical profile of the streamwise velocity component away from the boundaries. The quasi-3D mod…