D Lüke
A Precise Determination of the Number of Families With Light Neutrinos and of the Z Boson Partial Widths
Title : The socialization at work in the federal universe, the determining element of the social regulation of the sports organization. Contribution to the social politics of the sport service of Nice city Abstract : This study postulates the existence of certain specific cultural determinism in the social regulation of the sports organization. It leans on a work of inquiry which concerns 148 agents of the municipal service of the sports of the Nice city. The investigation puts in evidence a causal report between the type of trajectory of professional insertion of the municipal agents and their level of support in the manager politics of the organization. The agents, whose bibliographic rou…
The utilitarian representation of sport in Rumania, a brake in the development of leisure practice. Since the countries of central Europe entered the liberal sphere influence, the consumptions of possessions and services develop there. We observe a movement of tutellaire and ideological emancipation of the sports organizations, but the practice of popular physical activities delays developing. If, on the ground, we notice the appearance of an structured professionally offer, contrary to all expectations, it does not pull a real increase of consumption. This situation which rises in inferred paradox a cultural interrogation on the previous history of these brakes. Historically, the sport dur…
Measurement of electroweak parameters from Z decays into fermion pairs
We report on the properties of theZ resonance from 62 500Z decays into fermion pairs collected with the ALEPH detector at LEP, the Large Electron-Positron storage ring at CERN. We findMZ=(91.193±0.016exp±0.030LEP) GeV, ΓZ=(2497±31) MeV, σhad0=(41.86±0.66)nb, and for the partial widths Γinv=(489±24) MeV, Γhad(1754±27) MeV, Γee=(85.0±1.6)MeV, Γμμ=(80.0±2.5) MeV, and Γττ=(81.3±2.5) MeV, all in good agreement with the Standard Model. Assuming lepton universality and using a lepton sample without distinction of the final state we measure Γu=(84.3±1.3) MeV. The forward-backward asymmetry in leptonic decays is used to determine the vector and axial-vector weak coupling constants of leptors,gv2(MZ2…
Measurement of α from the structure of particle clusters produced in hadronic Z decays
Abstract Using 106 000 hadronic events obtained with the ALEPH detector at LEP at energies close to the Z resonance peak, the strong coupling constant αs is measured by an analysis of energy-energy correlations (EEC) and the global event shape variables thrust, C-parameter and oblateness. It is shown that the theoretical uncertainties can be significantly reduced if the final state particles are first combined in clusters using a minimum scaled invariant mass cut, Ycut, before these variables are computed. The combined result from all shape variables of pre-clustered events is αs(MZ2 = 0.117±0.005 for a renormalization scale μ= 1 2 M Z . For μ values between MZ and the b-quark mass, the res…