Tiina Mäkelä
Co-designing a pedagogical framework and principles for a hybrid STEM learning environment design
AbstractThe importance of engaging and effective learning environments for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) has been internationally recognised. However, no comprehensive pedagogical frameworks exist that support STEM learning environment design. In this study, a pedagogical framework and principles for STEM learning environment design were created based on participatory focus groups involving 10–18-year-old students, teachers, school directors, parents, university students and STEM professionals. Representatives of key stakeholder groups in Belarus, Finland, Germany, Greece and Spain (total n = 132) were invited to focus group discussions in which their wishes relate…
Review of the 10 Most Challengings Aspects of Making Hybrid Education Efficient and Enjoyable for Learners
Our goal was to describe the 10 most challenging aspects that need to be considered when making hybrid education efficient and enjoyable for children. In this context, by hybrid education we refer to both emergency online education that took place in the COVID-19 outbreak in spring 2020 and to various forms of providing education combining online and onsite environments during the pandemic years. nonPeerReviewed
Implementing kiva antibullying program in pioner schools in Spain
This study analyzes the implementation of the KiVa Antibullyiing program in Spain with 10 pioneer schools. This research has two aims. The first is a preliminary evaluation of the KiVa program’s implementation in the pioneer schools in Spain. To do so, the perceived levels of bullying and victimization have been analyzed through the surveys done anonymously by the students of 10 KiVa schools before and after the program’s implementation. The second is to identify the factors which explain the phenomenon with a view to knowing the background of the victims and the bullies and proposing courses of action. To do so, the school environment (atmosphere in the classroom and in the school), the pe…
Programa de convivencia y anti-acoso escolar KiVa : Impacto y reflexión
RESUMEN Acoso escolar es un fenómeno global que afecta al bienestar y aprendizaje de muchos alumnos y puede tener consecuencias negativas a lo largo de la vida. Este artículo presenta las bases científicas, los componentes principales y los estudios de impacto relacionados con el programa finlandés denominado KiVa diseñado para el trabajo contra el acoso escolar. Basado en las teorías socio-cognitivas, el programa se enfoca primordialmente en el cambio de actitud de los alumnos que no son ni víctimas ni actúan como acosadores. Los componentes principales del programa son acciones universales (prevención), acciones focalizadas (intervención) y monitorización. El impacto del programa KiVa est…
Integrating Social Media Concepts as Tools in a Pedagogical Approach for a Technology-enhanced Learning Environment
The use of social networking sites and social media tools is on the rise, as the most common activity of today's youth. Thus, leveraging social media concepts in learning can make education more relatable to the youth in this digital era. This paper identifies key current social media concepts, such as user profiles, activity streams, and status updates, among others, and analyses how they support pedagogical learning approaches, with the progressive inquiry-based model used as an example. The preliminary study serves as an introduction to a series of future research and empirical studies on the integration of key existing social media concepts and the development of novel ones in a hybrid …
Space and Time in Hybrid Teaching and Learning Environments : Two Cases and Design Principles
The opportunities and challenges of teaching and learning in the same and different space and time have been discussed in the field of distance education for several decades. Within COVID-19, a new type of experimenting and research interest in so-called hybrid learning has emerged. In this article, we present the results from exploring “hybridity” from the perspective of classical categorizations of different forms of learning in terms of time and space. We explored the phenomenon through two cases with the same high-level strategic objective, serving hybrid interaction. In case A, we evaluated university library spaces renovated to serve hybrid teaching and learning. In case B, the focus …
Design framework and principles for learning environment co-design: Synthesis from literature and three empirical studies
Funding Information: The research was funded by the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation through the Indoor Environment Program (2011?2014), the Finnish Cultural Foundation?s Central Finland Regional Fund (2013?2018), and the Finnish Foundation for Municipal Development (2020?22). Funding Information: Funding: The research was funded by the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation through the Indoor Environment Program (2011–2014), the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s Central Finland Regional Fund (2013–2018), and the Finnish Foundation for Municipal Development (2020–22). Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The need for en…
The Meaning and Use of Digital Learning Terms in Estonia, Hungary, Romania and Austria
It is widely known that in order to communicate, interact and understand each other in different educational context , it is necessary to agree on the terms to be used and their meanings. The need for such agreements was also apparent at the first meetings of the Erasmus+ project “Framework for an Efficient and Engaging Hybrid Education in Lower Secondary Schools”. The project partners used very different terminology when talking about digital teaching and learning in English. Furthermore, even when using the same terminology, we might not understand each other because the meanings of terms could vary from different educational context and from country to country. This prompted us to collec…
Pedagogical framework, design principles, recommendations and guidelines for a STEM learning environment design
Developing a Pedagogical Framework and Design Principles for STEM Learning Environment Design
The need for effective and attractive learning environments (LEs) for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) has been internationally recognized. Additionally, the connection between STEM learning and cross-curricular skills such as creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship has garnered attention. A deep theoretical and empirical understanding is required when designing STEM LEs. In this study, a pedagogical framework for STEM LEs has been developed based on feedback from students, aged 10–18 years old, teachers, school directors, parents, and STEM professionals, and supported by the literature. First, representatives of key stakeholder groups in Belarus, Finland, Germa…
Schools Went Online Over One Weekend – Opportunities and Challenges for Online Education Related to the COVID-19 Crisis
This study aims to further the understanding of the opportunities and challenges for online education from the perspective of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. The situation was unique in many ways, as the migration from traditional to online education was very rapid and forced by situational circumstances. However, it also had the potential to foster organizational change in the use of online education in a way that has never been seen before. A literature review was used to explore the opportunities and challenges for online education, and the results are discussed in connection with the COVID-19 crisis. The study identified nine opportunities and nine challenges for online edu…
Raising young people’s interest in studies and careers related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (i.e., STEM) is an important societal concern both at European and global level. We argue that the creation of attractive and engaging STEM learning environments necessitates involvement of learners, educators, parents, and STEM professionals in their design. In this paper, we will present a study in which primary, lower and upper secondary school students, teachers, school directors, parents, and STEM professionals in Finland (n = 27) and Greece (n = 24) were invited in the participatory co-design of a hybrid (virtual, physical, formal, and informal) STEM learning environment…
Factors Constraining Teachers’ Wellbeing and Agency in a Finnish University : Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic forced teachers to undergo a sudden shift toward technology-enhanced teaching and learning, challenging their capacities for change in many ways. This study explores those factors constraining teachers’ wellbeing and agency that influenced their capacities as teachers in a Finnish university during the first year of the pandemic. Two sets of data were collected, with an online survey in the spring (n = 297) and autumn (n = 246) of 2020. At both times, challenges with workload, time management, and interactions with colleagues were found to be the most constraining factors. Difficulties with work–life balance and home office facilities seemed more of an issue in the spr…
LUMA-keskus Suomi -verkoston valtakunnallisen tehtävän toteutuksen (2017-2020) ulkoinen arviointi
Enablers and Constraints of STEM Programme Implementation: an External Change Agent Perspective from a National STEM Programme in Finland
AbstractAn international need exists for effective programmes that will enhance learners’ interest in studies and careers related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics, i.e. STEM. When considering the impact of STEM programmes, it is important to identify what can enable or constrain effective programme implementation. As such, enablers can be systematically supported and constraints tackled to maximise a programme’s impact. This study considers a nationwide STEM programme in Finland that involved 450 teachers and their learning communities. The study followed an interpretative paradigm, collecting data through semi-structured interviews and analysed with data-driven thematic …
Compartir y generar conocimiento en la escuela de formación docente finlandesa: estrategias para el trabajo colectivo
[Introduction] La ESCUELA DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE DE JYVÄSKYLÄ (“Jyväskylän normaalikoulu”) es una escuela anexa a la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Jyväskylä (en el modelo educativo finlandés la práctica docente supervisada se organiza en los centros de excelencia asociados a las facultades). La enseñanza de la escuela de formación docente de Jyväskylä se basa en planes nacionales finlandeses de enseñanza, pero como todas las escuelas finlandesas, tiene un alto grado de autonomía propia a la hora de planificar sus propios planes. Además, la escuela participa activamente en la preparación de los planes de enseñanza a nivel nacional (véase Escuela de Formación Docente…
Developing an evaluation framework for identifying globally shared and locally specific requirements for the design and use of educational technology
This paper presents a preliminary evaluation framework for identifying globally shared and locally specific requirements for the design and use of educational technology. The framework was developed initially from a literature review, and subsequently further refined in international collaboration between Chile, Finland, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, and the United Arab Emirates. It consists of three partially overlapping parts: I) Education, teaching and learning; II) Culture and society; and III) Design and use of technological learning solutions. In addition to providing an evaluation tool for designers and researchers, the framework can support educators’ and student teachers’ cultural…
Developing a Method for Measuring Science and Technology Oriented Creativity (STOC)
Abstract The article contains the results of a research within the STIMEY (Science, Technology, Innovation, Mathematics, Engineering for the Young) project funded by the European Union’s Horizon-2020 research and innovation program (2016-2021). In the project, a hybrid learning environment (LE) was developed for both on-site and online learning suitable for the learning conditions in the COVID-19 era and beyond. The purpose of the research segment presented in this paper was to develop an instrument for assessment of the learner’s progress in creativity as one of the key targets of STIMEY. COVID-19 has shown that creativity is also needed to allow education systems the flexibility for unexp…
Considering Learners’ Perceptions in Designing Effective 21st Century Learning Environments for Basic Education in Finland
Focusing on so called Key Competences or 21st Century Skills urges educational organizations to redesign their psychosocial and physical learning environments. Inspired by studies indicating that considering learners’ perceptions of learning environments can have a positive impact on learning and wellbeing, our study aims at developing design principles for involving learners in the learning environment design. This pilot case study analyzed 7- to 14-years old Finns’ (n = 80) perceptions by using web questionnaires and design workshops. The results are in line with research indicating that Finnish learners value aspects such as safety and peacefulness, the possibilities for rest and physica…
Good Practices for Ensuring Access and Equity in Higher Education
Involving students in the redesign of learning environments conducive to learning and wellbeing
Increased understanding of the interrelations between overall wellbeing and learning calls for a holistic and multidisciplinary learning environment (LE) design. Considering learners’ perception in the design of LE supportive to learning and wellbeing is expected to positively influence (a) the design quality, (b) participatory organizational culture, and (c) learning. The nature of this process creates contradictions and difficulties, however. Stand-alone co-design efforts may convert into pseudo-consultation without actual effects; neither is it easy to consider various stakeholders’ perceptions in a balanced manner. And if not planned carefully, instead of experiencing learning benefits,…
Monimuotoinen oppiminen, opetus ja ohjaus Jyväskylän yliopistolla
Pandemianaikaiset opetusjärjestelyt ovat synnyttäneet runsaasti keskustelua pandemianjälkeisistä opetus- ja opiskelumuodoista. Tässä julkaisussa esittelemme Jyväskylän yliopistolla kehitettyä tutkimuspohjaista mallia monimuotoiselle oppimiselle, opetukselle ja ohjaukselle. Sitä voi hyödyntää suunniteltaessa opettajien ja opiskelijoiden yksilölliset tilanteet huomioivia joustavia ratkaisuja. Teaching arrangements during the pandemic have generated a lot of discussions on post-pandemic modes of teaching and learning. In this publication, we present a research-based model for blended learning, teaching and supervision, created at the University of Jyväskylä. The model can be used when planning…
A design framework and principles for co-designing learning environments fostering learning and wellbeing
Increased understanding of the complex synergetic influences of psychosocial and physical learning environments (LEs) on learning and wellbeing has drawn attention to their careful design. Contemporary learner-centred educational paradigms emphasise the importance of learner involvement in the LE design. A gap exists, however, between the theoretical discourses of LE design and their application into educational practice. Furthermore, a lack of shared conceptual understanding among studies conducted in different cultural and disciplinary contexts undermines the comparability, generalisability, and build-up of a coherent body of knowledge on the LE design. This educational design research re…