Fabio Fiorino

Sanguinamento uterino anomalo: etiopatogenesi, forme cliniche, flow-chart diagnostico-terapeutica.

research product

Indicazioni al parto cesareo in un campione di 500 casi consecutivi.

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Il Progesterone e la minaccia d'aborto: rationale, pratica ed evidenza.

research product

Il Talidomide e la Medicina periconcezionale: breve storia e grande insegnamento.

research product

Approccio diagnostico allo studio della cavità uterina. Applicazione di tre tecniche: ecografia transvaginale, sonoisterografia ed isteroscopia.

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Patologia benigna della mammella ed estroprogestinici.

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Mutilazionoi genitali femminili: tra mito e realtà.

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The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphism and the risk of congenital heart diseases: a literature review

Congenital Heart Diseases (CHDs) are the most commonand serious developmental anomaly and the leading non-infectious cause of mortality in the first year of life. Despite the advances in diagnosis and treatment, understanding of the developmental causes and aetiologies of CHDs has been limited. The hyperhomocysteinemia is one of the proved risk factors related to the occurrence of CHDs. The connection between cardiac defects, folate and hyperhomocysteinemia could be explained by a mutation in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene. Indeed, the C677T MTHFR mutation produces a thermolabile variant of MTHFR with reduced enzymatic action resulting in higher plasma levels of homocy…

research product

La miomatosi uterina spiegata alle donne.

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La chirurgia basata sull'evidenza: facts and fiction.

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Laparoscopic management of quadruplet heterotopic pregnancy after ovarian stimulation cycle

Introduction. We report a rare case of a heterotopic abdominal pregnancy with three intrauterine pregnancy, one with a viable fetus, treated successfully by laparoscopy. Methods. A 40-year-old patient with primary sterility, who un- derwent pharmacological ovulation induction, presented abdominal pain in the right iliac region. A trans-vaginal ultrasound showed an image suggestive of ectopic gestation near the right ovary, associated with three intrauterine gestational sacs with only one viable fetus. Basing on this observation, we performed an operative laparoscopy that confirmed the presence of a right ectopic abdominal pregnancy. Since the right ampullar tubal was ruptured and bleeding, …

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Ipertensione e gravidanza: medotiche di screening e di monitoraggio: Stato dell'arte (seconda parte).

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La miomatosi uterina.

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La contraccezione d'emergenza. Generalità ed indagine conoscitiva.

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Terapia medica del sanguinamento uterino anomalo.

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Gli analoghi del GnRH ed il Mirena nella terapia del sanguinamento uterino anomalo.

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Farmaci dermatologici e cosmetici in gravidanza.

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Variation in central corneal thickness during the mestrual cycle in women

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Changes in colour discrimination during the menstrual cycle.

A group of normal women of reproductive age were recruited to investigate colour discrimination during the various phases of the menstrual cycle. Colour vision was tested with the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue arrangement test, and the test was administered at 3 time points: the beginning of the cycle, ovulation, and the end of the cycle. We found that colour discrimination was better at ovulation than at the other 2 time points. It is possible that psychological as well as hormonal factors could contribute to improved colour vision performance at ovulation.

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Principi di chirurgia ginecologia mininvasiva per via transaddominale.

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Variations in central corneal thickness during the menstrual cycle in women.

PURPOSE: We report changes in the central corneal thickness during various phases of the menstrual cycle. METHODS: We recruited 16 healthy women of reproductive age and measured the central corneal thickness at 3 points in their menstrual cycle, beginning on days 1 to 3 and again at ovulation and at the end of the cycle (days 27-32). Ovulation was determined with a test that determines the peak of luteinizing hormone in the urine. RESULTS: We found that the central cornea was thinnest at the beginning of the cycle (mean = 536 microm). Corneal thickness increased at ovulation (mean = 549 microm) and at the end of the cycle (mean = 559 microm). The difference in corneal thickness was statisti…

research product

Il progesterone e la minaccia d'aborto: razionale, pratica ed evidenza

Xª In questo lavoro abbiamo rivisto ilpossibile ruolo della somministrazione di progesterone nella minaccia d’aborto, attraverso la disamina della funzione dell’ormone nel periodo pe-riconcezionale, del razionale della somministrazione, della pratica clinica attuale e della Medicina Basata sull’Evidenza.

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Fitoestrogeni ed osteoporosi postmenopausale: review della letteratura.

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The "honest signalling theory" in gynecological endocrinology: teaching and research implications.

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La Medicina Periconcezionale: rationale e definizione di una nuova branca.

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Ipertensione e gravidanza: metodiche di screening e di monitoraggio. Stato dell'arte (prima parte).

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La Medicina Periconcezionale.

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Gli screening periconcezionali e perinatali.

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La minaccia d'aborto e le altre forme cliniche di aborto spontaneo: revisione delle definizioni e note per la diagnosi.

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Evolution of sugars and terpene compounds during drying of Zibibbo grape varieties (sin. Muscat of Alexandria) from Pantelleria island

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La tecnica del "triplo stretch" per l'estrazione rapida del feto nel cesareo d'emergenza.

A modified Pfannenstiel access to the abdominal cavity for fast access to the fetus in emergency caesarean section is here described. It is easy to perform, easy to teach and to learn, and very effective; It allows the surgeon to deliver the fetus in less than 45 seconds starting from the beginning of skin incision.

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Metodologia della Ricerca in Medicina. Analisi Step-by-step, versione box-by-box.

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Prospettive di terapia fetale.

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La Medicina Periconcezionale

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Modulo per l'addestramento alla aspirazione di follicoli ovarici sotto controllo ecografico, comprendente: un simulatore delle pelvi femminile, includente tutti gli organi principali ivi contenuti, e due ovaia simulate contenenti piu' follicoli.

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La sindrome del QT lungo congenito in gravidanza; caso clinico e revisione della letteratura.

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Apetti generali degli screening.

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Management della paziente oncologica

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L'ecografia e l'isteroscopia nelle pazienti in trattamento con tamoxifene.

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La malattia di Behcet: note per la diagnosi, case report e raccomandazioni per la pratica clinica.

research product

Parto vaginale o parto cesareo? Indagine conoscitiva in 153 gravide.

research product