Giovanna Seddio
Relazioni tra aldosterone plasmatico, sindrome metabolica e massa ventricolare sinistra nell’ipertensione arteriosa essenziale
Associazione tra aldosterone plasmatico, sindrome metabolica e massa ventricolare sinistra nell’ipertensione arteriosa essenziale
Nell’ipertensione arteriosa associata ad obesità ed insulino-resistenza lo stress ossidativo non è influenzato dal metabolismo glucidico
Influenza della sindrome metabolica sulla stiffness aortica in ipertesi essenziali mai trattati farmacologicamente
Endothelial activation and insulin resistance: Comparison between essential hypertensives and hypertensive patients with Metabolic Syndrome
Vitamina D, ipertensione arteriosa e sistema renina-angiotensina
Cross-reactivity of anti-ssDNA antibodies with heparan sulfate in patients with type I diabetes mellitus
Anti-single-stranded–DNA antibodies cross-reactive with heparan sulfate were detected in serums of patients with type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus. The results suggested that heparan sulfate, the major glycosaminoglycan constituent of the glomerular basement membrane, may serve as a target antigen in vivo for cross-reactive anti-DNA antibodies. These polyreactive antibodies, directed toward repeating negatively charged units, may neutralize the heparan sulfate–associated polyanionic sites in the glomerulus, leading to an abnormal permeability of anionic plasma proteins.
Insulin resistance and glomerular hemodynamics in essential hypertension
Insulin resistance and glomerular hemodynamics in essential hypertension. Background Arterial hypertension is an important cause of end-stage renal failure. Insulin has been shown to modify glomerular hemodynamics in hypertensive subjects. The aim of this work, therefore, was to observe the relationships between renal hemodynamics and insulin resistance in arterial hypertension. Methods Sixty-two non-diabetic hypertensive patients and 25 healthy normal subjects were studied. Renal plasma flow and the glomerular filtration fraction were determined by renoscintigraphy and the insulin sensitivity by an oral glucose test. Results Renal plasma flow in hypertensive subjects was lower than expecte…
Influence of the metabolic syndrome on aortic stiffness in never treated hypertensive patients
Summary Background and aim Metabolic syndrome (MS) carries an increased risk for cardiovascular events and there is a growing awareness that large artery stiffening is a powerful predictor of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Little is known about the relationship of MS with aortic stiffness. The aim of our study was to analyze, in patients with essential hypertension, the influence of MS, defined according to the criteria proposed by the Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (NCEP-ATP III), on carotid–femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV), a measure of aortic stiffness. Methods N…
Micro-albuminuria as a predictor of cardiovascular damage in essential hypertension
Vitamina D e biomarcatori di attivazione endoteliale e di infiammazione nell'ipertensione arteriosa essenziale
Blood pressure and glycaemia, not insulin-resistance, influence endothelial dysfunction in metabolic syndrome
Ruolo dell'insulina nella escrezione frazionale di sodio nei soggetti con alterata tolleranza agli idrati di carbonio
Relationships between plasma aldosterone and left ventricular mass in hypertensive patients with the metabolic syndrome
Ruolo dell'insulina nella escrezione frazionale di soggetti con alterata tolleranza agli idrati di carbonio
Association between Plasma Aldosterone plasmatico, Metabolic Syndrome and Left Ventricular Mass in Essential Hypertension.
Renal plasma flow, filtration fraction and microalbuminuria in hypertensive patients: Effects of chronic smoking
SUMMARY: Introduction: Albumin excretion rate is usually increased in people who smoke, but the physiological basis of this phenomenon is not fully understood. Methods: The effect of chronic smoking on renal haemodynamics was studied in a cohort of 66 men. Twenty-seven were smokers and 36 were hypertensive. In all subjects, the albumin excretion rate was evaluated; in hypertensive patients, a renoscintigraphic evaluation of renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration were carried out and the filtration fraction was calculated. Results: The hypertensive smoking population presented an increased urinary albumin excretion rate in comparison with hypertensive non-smoking patients. No signifi…
Ruolo dell’insulina nell’escrezione frazionale di sodio nei soggetti con alterata tolleranza agli idrati di carbonio
Plasma Aldosterone and Its Relationships With Left Ventricular Mass in Essential Hypertensive Patients With the Metabolic Syndrome
BACKGROUND: The association of aldosterone with the metabolic syndrome (MetS) has not been fully elucidated. The aim of our study was to evaluate the relationships of plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) with MetS and left ventricular mass (LVM) in nondiabetic Caucasian patients with essential hypertension. METHODS: Measurements were taken with the patients off antihypertensive medications. The measurements included 24-h blood pressure (BP) readings, plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone, and an echocardiogram. RESULTS: Subjects with MetS (n = 201) had higher age-adjusted PAC (10.2 +/- 5.8 vs. 11.6 +/- 5.9 ng/dl; P = 0.01) and greater age-adjusted LVM indexed for height2.7 (LVMH2.7)…
Isolamento e tipizzazione di stipiti di Dipodascus capitatus: patogeno opportunista emergente
L’incidenza delle infezioni micotiche ha subito negli ultimi decenni un incremento rilevante, sia in ambito ospedaliero che comunitario. In ambiente ospedaliero il problema sta assumendo dimensioni preoccupanti poiché, sebbene Candida spp. si debba considerare il principale responsabile di infezioni correlate ai miceti, emergono altre specie il cui ruolo deve essere accertato. In particolare Dipodascus capitatus, forma teleomorfica di Geotrichum capitatum, microrganismo che può risiedere nel suolo, sulla pelle e nel tratto respiratorio e gastroenterico, nel passato considerato un contaminate o un innocuo colonizzatore, da qualche anno è stato associato ad infezioni soprattutto nei pazienti …
9.11 Association between Plasma Aldosterone, Metabolic Syndrome and Left Ventricular Mass in Essential Hypertension
Relationships of Plasma Aldosterone with Metabolic Syndrome and Left Ventricular Mass in Essential Hypertensive Patients