Gregorio González-alcaide

La colaboración científica: principales líneas de investigación y retos de futuro

The construction of knowledge is a collaborative process that has seen a dramatic growth over recent decades, since almost all research activities now involve increasing numbers of researchers, institutions, disciplines and countries. The present study provides a bibliographic review of the literature on research collaboration and identifies pioneering work on the topic, the types of studies undertaken and the variables analyzed. Several approaches are discussed: the “classical” approach, based on bibliometric indicators, which has taken on a new dimension with Social Network Analysis; and quantitative and qualitative approaches, which attempt to investigate the motivations and dynamics of …

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Implicaciones de las variaciones en los nombres de los cardiólogos españoles

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Bibliometric analysis of publications by South African viticulture and oenology research centres

We analysed the production, impact factor of, and scientific collaboration involved in viticulture and oenology articles associated with South African research centres published in international journals during the period 1990–2009. The articles under scrutiny were obtained from the Science Citation Index database, accessed via the Web of Knowledge platform. The search strategy employed specific viticulture and oenology terms and was restricted to the field ‘topic’. The results showed that 406 articles were published during the review period, with the most number of publications being in the South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture (n = 34), American Journal of Enology and Vit…

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Mujeres en la investigación cardiológica española

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Producción científica, colaboración y ámbitos de investigación en Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica (2003–2007)

Introduction: Collaboration is essential for biomedical research. The Carlos III Health Institute (the Spanish national public organization responsible for promoting biomedical research) has encouraged scientific collaboration by promoting Thematic Networks and Cooperative Research Centres. Scientific collaboration in Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica journal is investigated. Methods: Papers published in Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica in the period 2002-2007 have been identified. Bibliometrics and Social Network Analysis methods have been carried out in order to quantify and characterise scientific collaboration and research areas. Results: A total of 805 pa…

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Coauthorship Networks and Institutional Collaboration in Revista Española de Cardiología Publications

The aim of this study was to analyze the patterns of investigator and institutional collaboration in papers published in the Revista Española de Cardiología.Details of coauthorship and institutional collaboration involved in articles published in the Revista Española de Cardiología in the period 2000-2005 were recorded and a collaboration index was derived. Collaboration networks were identified using the TextToPajek and PAJEK software tools.Of the 980 papers analyzed, 95.1% had been authored by two or more individuals and 51.43% involved institutional collaboration. The overall collaboration index was 6.23 (standard deviation [SD] 3.1). There was a significant statistical relationship (P.0…

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Valoración de la paridad en la autoría de los artículos publicados en la Revista Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica durante el quinquenio 2001-2005

Introduccion Existe una creciente preocupacion por promover la igualdad de genero y la integracion plena de la mujer en las actividades cientificas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar las caracteristicas bibliometricas de los articulos publicados en Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica (EIMC) desde una perspectiva de genero. Metodo Se han descargado de la base de datos Science Citation Index-Expanded los registros correspondientes al periodo 2001-2005, y se han calculado las diferencias segun sexo de las distribuciones por ano de publicacion, numero y orden de firmas, tipologia documental, numero de colaboradores e indice de firmas/trabajo en el ambito institucional…

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Redes de coautorías y colaboración institucional en Revista Española de Cardiología

Introduccion y objetivos El presente estudio analiza los patrones de colaboracion de los investigadores y las instituciones en los trabajos publicados en Revista Espanola de Cardiologia. Metodos Se identificaron las coautorias y relaciones de colaboracion institucional de Revista Espanola de Cardiologia en el periodo 2000-2005 y se obtuvo el indice de firmas/trabajo. Para construir las redes de colaboracion se utilizaron los programas «TextToPajek» y «PAJEK ». Resultados Se analizaron 980 trabajos, el 95,1% firmado en coautoria por 2 o mas autores y el 51,43% en colaboracion institucional. El indice de firmas/trabajo ha sido de 6,23 ± 3,1. Se encontro una relacion estadistica (p Conclusione…

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Publicación de artículos en inglés en revistas médicas en español: ¿Realmente no aumenta el número de citaciones en revistas indexadas?

Sr. Editor: Hemos leido con interes la carta publicada por Vega y cols. (1) , que retoma el debate sobre publicar o no en ingles en revistas medicas editadas en paises de habla hispana, tomando como criterio el grado de citacion. Aunque la carta se esfuerza por mostrar resultados, hay que ser cauto y fundamentar solidamente las conclusiones en relacion con la metodologia aplicada y el alcance de los resultados obtenidos para evitar decisiones aventuradas o que podrian llevar a conductas inadecuadas, sea por parte de investigadores o editores de otras revistas. A pesar de que Vega y cols. senalan que no existen diferencias significativas segun el idioma de publicacion, los resultados present…

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Una revisión sistemática acerca del reconocimiento facial de las emociones en la Enfermedad de Alzheimer: una perspectiva evolutiva y de género

La correcta identificación de las emociones básicas (alegría, miedo, asco, tristeza, sorpresa e ira) desempeñan un importante papel en las relaciones sociales y conductas ligadas a la propia supervivencia. En la Enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) la capacidad de reconocimiento emocional podría estar ya alterada en fases iniciales. Por ello, el objetivo principal del presente trabajo fue realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura acerca del reconocimiento facial en personas con EA, identificando posibles variables moduladoras. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos Web of Science y PsycINFO. Después de aplicar los criterios de inclusión-exclusión se seleccionaron un total de 28 artí…

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Measuring dissatisfaction with coauthorship: An empirical approach based on the researchers’ perception

Abstract Increasing levels of collaboration constitute one of the characteristics of science. However, the knowledge production system is based on a fundamental discordance: on the one hand, it is cooperative in nature, with links articulated through coauthorships, and on the other, the systems for assigning merit and distributing rewards function on an individual scale. This contradiction can give rise to dysfunction and inappropriate practices. This study analyses researchers’ perceptions about the problems associated with authorship in scientific publications. We make use of a coauthorship dissatisfaction index that measures the degree of dissatisfaction with the author order on the byli…

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Evaluación formal de las revistas españolas del área del sistema cardiovascular

Introduccion y objetivos En la investigacion cientifica moderna, la normalizacion de los procesos y los productos documentales es imprescindible para la transmision correcta de los resultados de la investigacion, ya que garantiza su universalidad, reproducibilidad y acceso. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar los aspectos formales de las revistas del area del sistema cardiovascular incluidas en la base de datos Indice Medico Espanol en el ano 2006. Metodos La evaluacion se realizo aplicando un formulario que valora 64 caracteristicas diferentes, basado en los criterios cualitativos para la seleccion de revistas en los principales sistemas de informacion bibliografica. Resultados Las punt…

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Dirección de tesis doctorales como reflejo de la Biblioteconomía y Documentación académica española: actores y temas

Doctoral dissertations enable the transfer of research skills and capacities to future generations and the consolidation of lines of research in a given area of knowledge. The field of Library and Information Science in public universities in Spain is characterized by the supervision of doctoral theses by academics in the area. We identified active professors during the 2019–2020 academic year, their date of appointment as civil servants within the public university system, the dissertations that they supervised, and their participation in papers published in scientific journals. The analysis included 644 theses. About a quarter (23%) of university faculty have never supervised a doctoral t…

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Additional file 1: of A snapshot of pneumonia research activity and collaboration patterns (2001–2015): a global bibliometric analysis

Table S1. Descriptors included under the MeSH “Pneumonia” in PubMed. Table S2. Countries by regions according to World Bank Country and Lending Groups. Table S3. Countries by incomes according to World Bank Country and Lending Groups. Table S4. Top 30 countries ranked by total number of publications by quinquennium 2001–2005, 2006–2010 and 2011–2015. Table S5. Top 30 countries and world regions ranked according to according to population index, GDP index, GNI per capita index, R&D expenditure index and Researchers in R&D Index. Table S6. Top 30 countries ranked according to citations, citation rate and h-Index in the period 2001–2015. Table S7. Top 30 journals with the highest numbe…

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Mapping recent information behavior research: an analysis of co-authorship and cocitation networks

There has been an increase in research published on information behavior in recent years, and this has been accompanied by an increase in its diversity and interaction with other fields, particularly information retrieval (HR). The aims of this study are to determine which researchers have contributed to producing the current body of knowledge on this subject, and to describe its intellectual basis. A bibliometric and network analysis was applied to authorship and co-authorship as well as citation and co-citation. According to these analyses, there is a small number of authors who can be considered to be the most productive and who publish regularly, and a large number of transient ones. Ot…

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The Implications of Name Variations Among Spanish Cardiologists

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Trends in hospitalizations and deaths in HIV-infected patients in Spain over two decades.

Background The prognosis of HIV infection dramatically improved after the introduction of triple antiretroviral therapy 25 years ago. Herein, we report the impact of further improvements in HIV management since then, looking at all hospitalizations in persons living with HIV (PLWH) in Spain. Methods Retrospective study using the Spanish National Registry of Hospital Discharges. Information was retrieved since 1997 to 2018. Results From 79,647,783 nationwide hospital admissions recorded during the study period, 532,668 (0.67%) included HIV as diagnosis. The mean age of PLWH hospitalized increased from 33 to 51 years-old (p < 0.001). The rate of HIV hospitalizations significantly declined aft…

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Mapping of Research Activity, Dominance and Collaboration Pattern in Pneumonia (2001-2015): Snapshot and Gaps

Background: This article describes a bibliometric review of the scientific production, geographical distribution, collaboration, impact, and subject area focus of pneumonia research indexed on the Web of Science over a 15-year period. Methods: We searched the Web of Science database using the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) of "Pneumonia" from January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2015. The only document types we studied were original articles and reviews, analyzing descriptive indicators by five-year periods and the scientific production by country, adjusting for population, economic, and research-related parameters. Results: A total of 22,694 references were retrieved. The number of publications…

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Análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica española en Enfermedades Infecciosas y en Microbiología.

Resumen Introduccion El analisis bibliometrico de la produccion y repercusion de los documentos por areas de conocimiento es un indicador cuantitativo y cualitativo de la actividad investigadora realizada en ese campo. El objetivo de este articulo es conocer la contribucion de las instituciones espanolas a la investigacion en Enfermedades Infecciosas y en Microbiologia en los ultimos anos. Material y metodos Se analizaron los documentos publicados en las revistas incluidas en las categorias «Infectious Diseases» y «Microbiology» de la Web of Science (Science Citation Index Expanded) de la ISI Web of Knowledge desde el ano 2000 al 2013. Resultados En Enfermedades Infecciosas, Espana ocupo la…

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Caracterización bibliométrica y temática de los grupos de investigación de Archivos de Bronconeumología (2003–2007)

Resumen Introduccion La colaboracion cientifica es fundamental para el avance de la investigacion biomedica. Los cientificos conforman grupos informales en relacion con sus areas de interes, que constituyen las unidades de referencia en los procesos evaluativos. Los metodos bibliometricos y el analisis de redes sociales permiten la identificacion y la caracterizacion de estos grupos a partir del analisis de las publicaciones cientificas. Se identifican los grupos de investigacion de Archivos de Bronconeumologia en el periodo 2003–2007, y se caracterizan su grado de colaboracion y sus ambitos de investigacion. Metodo Se han identificado las coautorias, las relaciones de colaboracion instituc…

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Redes de colaboración científica internacional en tabaquismo: análisis de coautorías mediante el Science Citation Index durante el periodo 1999-2003

ResumenObjetivoEl objetivo de este trabajo fue establecer los patrones de colaboración científica internacional y la visibilidad que genera la coautoría de artículos sobre tabaquismo en relación a países, a través del Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI-Expanded) en el periodo de 1999 a 2003.Material y métodosSe seleccionaron los artículos de colaboración sobre tabaquismo entre países en SCI-Expanded (1999-2003). Se analizaron las redes de colaboración subyacente entre países, comparando su productividad (número de artículos producidos), su visibilidad (número de citas recibidas) y centralidad (grado nodal, intermediación y proximidad).ResultadosSe recuperaron 3.484 artículos en los que ha…

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Comparison between two five year periods (1998/2002 and 2003/2007) on the production, impact and co-authorship of publications on tobacco and smoking by Spanish authors using the Science Citation Index.

Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to compare the production, impact and co-authorship of publications by Spanish authors on smoking and tobacco between two time periods (1998/2002 vs. 2003/2007) using Science Citation Index (SCI). Methods The literature search was performed in the SCI-Expanded on 20 November 2008. All types of documents by Spanish authors were selected. The search was restricted to the title, and the key words used were “smok*” and “tobac*”. The statistical analysis was descriptive (95% CI). Results A total of 588 documents were retrieved, with 399 (67.85%) original papers, 54 (9.18%) letters to the editor and 35 (5.95%) editorials. Productivity increased from th…

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An analysis of the scientific productivity and visibility of publications on usability (1971-2005)

Aims: To analyse usability-related articles published in the period 1971-2005 from a bibliometric point of view. Methods: A search for articles was made in the CSIC databases, the Social Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index, PsycInfo, MEDLINE and Inspec databases, using ad hoc search strategies designed for each. Contribution, specific contribution and overlap indices were calculated, as were the indicators of change in scientific production, the productivity of institutions and journals, and the distribution of journals by area of knowledge. Results: An exponential increase in the number of published articles was recorded, with the highest increase seen over the last five years. …

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Evolution of Cooperation Patterns in Psoriasis Research: Co-Authorship Network Analysis of Papers in Medline (1942–2013)

BackgroundAlthough researchers have worked in collaboration since the origins of modern science and the publication of the first scientific journals in the eighteenth century, this phenomenon has acquired exceptional importance in the last several decades. Since the mid-twentieth century, new knowledge has been generated from within an ever-growing network of investigators, working cooperatively in research groups across countries and institutions. Cooperation is a crucial determinant of academic success.ObjectiveThe aim of the present paper is to analyze the evolution of scientific collaboration at the micro level, with regard to the scientific production generated on psoriasis research.Me…

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Comparación entre dos quinquenios (1998/2002 y 2003/2007) de la producción, repercusión y colaboración en tabaquismo de autores españoles a través del Science Citation Index

Resumen Objetivo El objetivo ha sido comparar entre dos quinquenios (1998 a 2002 con 2003 a 2007) la produccion, repercusion y la colaboracion de articulos sobre tabaquismo de autores espanoles a traves del Science Citation Index (SCI). Metodo La busqueda se realizo en el SCI Expanded. Fueron seleccionados todos los tipos de documentos y la busqueda se restringio al “titulo”; palabras clave: “smok*” y “tobac*”. Resultados Fueron un total de 588 articulos, de los que 399 (67,85%) fueron originales, 54 (9,18%) cartas al director y 35 (5,95%) editoriales. La produccion ha crecido, pasando de 234 (39,8%) documentos (98/02) a 354 (60,2%) en 03/07. Al comparar la media anual del total de articulo…

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Patrones y estrategias en la colaboración científica: la percepción de los investigadores

La colaboración constituye una práctica generalizada en las actividades de investigación, cuyas características e implicaciones se han analizado generalmente a partir de las coautorías de las publicaciones científicas. Con el objeto de profundizar en el conocimiento de este fenómeno, se ha administrado un cuestionario a una muestra de 3070 investigadores de las universidades de la Comunidad Valenciana (España), analizando por ramas de conocimiento (Artes y Humanidades, Ciencias, Ciencias de la Salud, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas e Ingeniería y Arquitectura), categorías académicas y sexo, cómo se establecen los contactos entre los investigadores (pre-colaboración), el desarrollo de la colab…

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Análisis de la producción científica española sobre abuso de sustancias en función de la colaboración entre disciplinas

Objetivos: Se analiza la productividad y colaboracion de disciplinas y especialidades en el area del Abuso de Sustancias en las publicaciones cientificas firmadas por instituciones espanolas (2001-2005). Metodologia: A partir de las afiliaciones institucionales, en las que se hace constar habitualmente el departamento, servicio o unidad, se ha identificado y cuantificado la participacion de las diferentes areas del conocimiento en los trabajos recogidos en las bases de datos IME/Indice Medico Espanol, ISOC/Indice Espanol de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, SCI-Expanded/Science Citation Index-Expanded y SSCI/Social Sciences Citation Index. Resultados: En ISOC se han identificado 31 disciplin…

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Scientometrics analysis of research activity and collaboration patterns in Chagas cardiomyopathy.

Background Chagas cardiomyopathy is a serious and common complication of Chagas disease. Methods Through bibliometric and Social Network Analysis, we examined patterns of research on Chagas cardiomyopathy, identifying the main countries, authors, research clusters, and topics addressed; and measuring the contribution of different countries. Results We found 1932 documents on Chagas cardiomyopathy in the MEDLINE database. The most common document type was ‘journal article’, accounting for 79.6% of the total (n = 1538), followed by ‘review’ (n = 217, 11.2%). The number of published records increased from 156 in 1980–1984 to 311 in 2010–2014. Only 2.5% were clinical trials. Brazil and the USA …

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Análisis de la productividad e impacto científico de la pediatría española (2006-2010)

Resumen: Introducción: El objetivo de este trabajo es cuantificar mediante indicadores bibliométricos la productividad científica de los investigadores e instituciones españolas que publican en revistas pediátricas nacionales y extranjeras, y en revistas multidisciplinares o de otras disciplinas o áreas del conocimiento, durante el quinquenio 2006-2010, así como determinar su repercusión o impacto. Método: Los trabajos objeto de estudio se han obtenido de las bases de datos Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus, Índice Médico Español e Índice Bibliográfico Español en Ciencias de la Salud, aplicando perfiles de búsqueda específicos. Resultados: Se publicaron 7.971 artículos en 971 revistas…

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Uso de indicadores bibliométricos para el análisis de temas emergentes y su evolución: spin-offs como caso de estudio

[ES] Las spin-offs constituyen una de las áreas de investigación más atractivas, ya que están asociadas con fenómenos como el emprendimiento, la innovación y la transferencia del conocimiento. El presente estudio muestra que la selección y el uso de indicadores bibliométricos permite identificar y caracterizar el desarrollo y la difusión de temas de investigación emergentes como el analizado. Los principales aspectos observados en relación con el desarrollo de la investigación sobre las spin-offs son que se produce un auge en el número de publicaciones después de un largo período de latencia y la marcada naturaleza multidisciplinar del área. El presente enfoque ha analizado la evolución de …

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Tutorial multimedia para guiar la preparación y defensa del Trabajo de Fin de Grado

La preparació i defensa d’un Treball de Fi de Grau constitueix una de les principals novetats derivades del procés de construcció de l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior. En aquest treball queden reflectides totes les habilitats adquirides pels estudiants en els anys previs a la finalització del Grau, ja que els estudiants han d’enfrontar-se en el mateix al procés de generació autònoma de coneixement i a les dificultats del treball pràctic. El present estudi recull l’experiència de desenvolupament d’un tutorial multimèdia per a guiar el procés de realització del Treball de Fi de Grau, adaptats als objectius d’aprenentatge i a l’adquisició de competències dels alumnes destinataris. El treball…

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Research on Emotion Recognition and Dementias: Foundations and Prospects

Background: The study of emotion recognition could be crucial for detecting alterations in certain cognitive areas or as an early sign of neurological disorders. Objective: The main objective of the study is to characterize research development on emotion recognition, identifying the intellectual structure that supports this area of knowledge, and the main lines of research attracting investigators’ interest. Methods: We identified publications on emotion recognition and dementia included in the Web of Science Core Collection, analyzing the scientific output and main disciplines involved in generating knowledge in the area. A co-citation analysis and an analysis of the bibliographic couplin…

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Consumption of anabolic steroids in sport, physical activity and as a drug of abuse: an analysis of the scientific literature and areas of research.

Objective The consumption of anabolic steroids (AS) has been growing continuously in recent years. It has gone beyond the sports world; AS are now widely used as drugs of abuse in connection with bodybuilding. This study sets out to assess the state of scientific research in the area. Design Bibliometrics were employed to evaluate the literature retrieved from the principal relevant bibliographic databases: MEDLINE, SportDiscus, the Science Citation Index Expanded and the Social Sciences Citation Index. The core journals were identified along with the leading authors and research groups and their institutional affiliations. Techniques based on social network analysis were applied in order t…

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La producción científica cardiovascular en España y en el contexto europeo y mundial (2003-2007)

Introduccion y objetivos La publicacion de articulos de investigacion ha aumentado de manera considerable en los ultimos anos en todas las areas biomedicas. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar el lugar que ocupa la investigacion cardiologica espanola de calidad en el contexto europeo y mundial y su evolucion durante el quinquenio 2003-2007. Metodos Utilizando como fuente de datos la base de datos Science Citation Index Expanded de Thomson Reuters, se comparo la produccion cientifica cardiovascular espanola con la de los paises de la Union Europea y los mas destacados del mundo, asi como la productividad relativa respecto al numero de habitantes y producto interior bruto y el numero de…

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Co-Citation Analysis of Articles Published in Substance Abuse Journals: Intellectual Structure and Research Fields (2001-2012).

The purpose of this study is to introduce a new methodology in the field of substance abuse, namely, co-citation analysis, which uses the bibliographic references of publications to establish the main thematic areas being researched and to identify the seminal documents that have contributed to establishing the intellectual foundation of the discipline at the present time.We identified all bibliographic references that were cited in documents published in the substance abuse journals included in the Journal Citation Reports in the 2001-2012 period, generating a co-citation matrix. This matrix was used to perform a co-citation network analysis.The co-citation network analysis led to the iden…

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Dominance and leadership in research activities: Collaboration between countries of differing human development is reflected through authorship order and designation as corresponding authors in scientific publications

Introduction Scientific collaboration is an important mechanism that enables the integration of the least developed countries into research activities. In the present study, we use the order of author signatures and addresses for correspondence in scientific publications as variables to analyze the interactions between countries of very high (VHHD), high (HHD), medium (MHD), and low human development (LHD). Methodology We identified all documents published between 2011 and 2015 in journals included in the Science Citation Index-Expanded categories’ of Tropical Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Parasitology, and Pediatrics. We then classified the countries participating in the publications acco…

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Redes de coautorías y colaboración institucional en Farmacia Hospitalaria

Background: Scientific collaboration is necessary for the advance of science. The purpose of this study is to analyse collaboration between authors and Spanish institutions in scientific studies published in FARMACIA HOSPITALARIA, applying methodology derived from the analysis of social networks. Methodology: The study identified pairs of authors and institutions co-authoring or co-signing the same works published in FARMACIA HOSPITALARIA between 1998 and 2007, building collaboration networks using the TextToPajek and Networks-PAJEK programs. Results: 448 articles were analysed, showing an average signature/ article index of 4.79. Applying a collaboration threshold of 3 articles, 26 cluster…

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La investigación teórica sobre la divulgación de la ciencia en España: situación actual y retos para el futuro

Spanish Scientific Research about Popular Science is analyzed to identify the main scientific agents, dissemination means and subjects in this field. It is an heterogeneous area related to several scientific disciplines and purposes, stand out above them Information and Education. 286 journal articles and 50 PhD Thesis have been analyzed, observing a high increase of publications in 90s remaining until now. The five most important research cores identified are the followings: Science Journalism, Science Literacy, Linguistics and the researches related to Museums and Scientific Disciplines such as Medicine, Environment or Archaeology.

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Objetivos: Evaluar la producción y la red de colaboración de investigación sobre leishmaniasis en Sudamérica. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio bibliométrico usando la base de datos SCOPUS. La unidad de análisis fueron los artículos originales de investigación publicados desde el año 2000 hasta 2011, realizados sobre leishmaniasis y que incluyeron al menos un autor sudamericano. Se obtuvieron para cada artículo: nombre de la revista, idioma, año de publicación, número de autores, instituciones, países y otras variables. Resultados: 3174 artículos fueron publicados, 2.272 de ellos eran artículos originales. Se identificaron 1.160 firmas institucionales diferentes, 58 países y 398 revistas cient…

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Evolución y repercusión científica de las becas de investigación de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología y la Fundación Española del Corazón (2000-2006)

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos La Sociedad Espanola de Cardiologia convoca anualmente becas para financiar proyectos de investigacion en el campo de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Nuestro objetivo es identificar la repercusion de estas inversiones durante el periodo 2000-2006 a partir de los articulos derivados de las becas y publicados en revistas cientificas. Metodos Utilizando los datos de identificacion de cada proyecto como terminos de busqueda, se recuperaron todos los articulos derivados de estas becas en las bases de datos del Indice Medico Espanol, el Indice Bibliografico Espanol en Ciencias de la Salud, el Science Citation Index-Expanded y Scopus. Los articulos se sometieron…

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Areas of research and clinical approaches to the study of liver abscess

AIM To analyze the research activity on liver abscess (LA) and identify the main topic clusters in the area. METHODS We identified all documents using the medical subject heading "LA" indexed in the MEDLINE database between 2001 and 2015. We performed a descriptive bibliometric analysis, characterizing the evolution of scientific activity, the publication types of the documents, the document categories of clinical interest (case reports, clinical trials, evaluation studies, meta-analysis, observational studies, practice guidelines and validation studies) and the geographic distribution of the research. We also carried out an analysis of networks and research clusters in order to identify th…

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Análisis de la productividad científica y visibilidad de las publicaciones sobre usabilidad (1971-2005)

13 páginas, 5 tablas, 1 figura.

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Cardiovascular Scientific Production in Spain and in the European and Global Context (2003-2007)

Introduction and objectives The publication of research articles has increased considerably in recent years in all biomedical fields. The present study examines the position of Spanish quality research in cardiology in the European and world context, and its evolution during the 5-year period 2003-2007. Methods Using the Science Citation Index Expanded of Thomson Reuters as data source, we compared Spanish cardiovascular scientific production with that of the rest of countries in the European Union and of the most important countries worldwide, along with relative productivity as per number of inhabitants and Gross Domestic Product, and the number of citations in the journals of the Cardiac…

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Bibliometric analysis of leishmaniasis research in Medline (1945-2010)

Background Publications are often used as a measure of success of research work. Leishmaniasis is considered endemic in 98 countries, most of which are developing. This article describes a bibliometric review of the literature on leishmaniasis research indexed in PubMed during a 66-year period. Methods Medline was used via the PubMed online service of the US National Library of Medicine. The search strategy was Leishmania [MeSH] or leishmaniasis [MeSH] from 1 January 1945 until 31 December 2010. Neither language nor document type restrictions were employed. Results A total of 20,780 references were retrieved. The number of publications increased steadily over time, with 3,380 publications f…

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[Coauthorship networks and institutional collaboration in Farmacia Hospitalaria].

Abstract Background Scientific collaboration is necessary for the advance of science. The purpose of this study is to analyze collaboration between authors and Spanish institutions in scientific studies published in Farmacia Hospitalaria, applying methodology derived from the analysis of social networks. Methodology The study identified pairs of authors and institutions co-authoring or co-signing the same works published in Farmacia Hospitalaria between 1998 and 2007, building collaboration networks using the TextToPajek and Networks-PAJEK programs. Results 448 articles were analyzed, showing an average signature/article index of 4.79. Applying a collaboration threshold of 3 articles, 26 cl…

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Uso de indicadores bibliométricos para el análisis de temas emergentes y su evolución: spin-offs como caso de estudio

[ES] Las spin-offs constituyen una de las áreas de investigación más atractivas, ya que están asociadas con fenómenos como el emprendimiento, la innovación y la transferencia del conocimiento. El presente estudio muestra que la selección y el uso de indicadores bibliométricos permite identificar y caracterizar el desarrollo y la difusión de temas de investigación emergentes como el analizado. Los principales aspectos observados en relación con el desarrollo de la investigación sobre las spin-offs son que se produce un auge en el número de publicaciones después de un largo período de latencia y la marcada naturaleza multidisciplinar del área. El presente enfoque ha analizado la evolución de …

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A snapshot of pneumonia research activity and collaboration patterns (2001–2015): a global bibliometric analysis

Background This article describes a bibliometric review of the scientific production, geographical distribution, collaboration, impact, and subject area focus of pneumonia research indexed on the Web of Science over a 15-year period. Methods We searched the Web of Science database using the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) of “Pneumonia” from January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2015. The only document types we studied were original articles and reviews, analyzing descriptive indicators by five-year periods and the scientific production by country, adjusting for population, economic, and research-related parameters. Results A total of 22,694 references were retrieved. The number of publications in…

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Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of pyogenic liver abscess in people 65 years or older versus people under 65: a retrospective study

Abstract Background To analyse the clinical, epidemiological, microbiological and prognostic differences of pyogenic liver abscess (PLA) in older (≥ 65 years of age) versus younger patients (< 65 years). Methods Multicentre, retrospective cohort study in all patients with PLA admitted to two Spanish hospitals from January 2000 to January 2014. Cases were divided into two age groups (< 65 years and ≥65 years) for comparison of clinical, epidemiological and microbiological characteristics as well as treatment. Results Of 98 patients analysed, 40 patients were younger than 65, and 58 were aged 65 or older. Significant associations in the older group were found with female sex (adjusted odds ra…

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Scientometric portrait of biochemist Santiago Grisolia: publication productivity, collaboration patterns, and citation analysis

Santiago Grisolía has made numerous scientific discoveries and contributions of great relevance to the advancement of biochemistry and molecular biology, particularly in the field of enzymology in the metabolism of nitrogen related to the urea cycle and the impoverishment of pyrimidines. This article analyses, by means of bibliometrics indicators and social network analysis, his professional career, comparing the results obtained with the patterns of scientific activity of other distinguished researchers. The main findings of the study carried out are as follows: the evolution of his scientific productivity shows an initial period in which the growth is slow or moderate, followed by a fast …

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Percepción social sobre la gestión de residuos urbanos: el caso del municipio de Puçol (Valencia)

El presente estudio analiza la situación de la gestión de los residuos y la problemática medioambiental del municipio de Puçol (Valencia) a partir del análisis estadístico multivariante de datos de una encuesta sociológica. Se ponen de manifiesto los siguientes aspectos: a) El porcentaje de población que recicla correctamente todo tipo de residuos es únicamente del 8,93% y el porcentaje de personas que reciclan algún tipo de residuo es del 60,97%; b) tener un alto nivel de estudios y el hecho de disponer de contenedores cercanos conlleva que, de forma significativa, se recicle más y mejor; c) el contenedor de plásticos, bricks y latas no es utilizado apropiadamente, dado que más del 70% de …

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Scientific HIV research in Africa and the Middle East: a socio-economic demographic analysis

Background: In Africa, HIV/AIDS research is concentrated in certain countries, particularly South Africa. This distribution may not accurately reflect the disease prevalence or the true research efforts of countries.Objectives: To identify HIV/AIDS research productivity of countries in Africa and the Middle East, in absolute terms and adjusted for people living with HIV, population size and economic development.Methods: We identified all the articles and reviews on HIV and AIDS in the Web of Science Core Collection in which African or Middle Eastern countries had participated. After determining the number of documents produced by each country, we adjusted the findings for the number of peop…

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Women in Spanish Cardiology Research

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Análisis de género, productividad científica y colaboración de las profesoras universitarias de Ciencias de la Salud en la Comunidad Valenciana (2003-2007)

[EN] The article presents an analysis of the scholarly output of female professors in the fi eld of Health Science in the Autonomous Region of Valencia from 2003 to 2007,through bibliometric techniques and the application of a gender variable. The work attempted to identify how many women became large producers of scholarly articles compared to those who did not reach the same levels of productivity and impact. A total of 3,739 articles were retrieved during this period and the gender of all authors with more than 2 articles was identifi ed. Of these authors 2,774 (60.41 %) were male and 1,818 (39.59 %) were female. Focusing solely on large producers, the percentage of women publishing more…

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Colaboración científica y ámbitos de investigación en Gastroenterología y Hepatología y Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas (2000–2009)

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Redes de colaboración y autorías científicas sobre la enfermedad de Chagas: análisis de las publicaciones indexadas en PubMed (1940-2009)

Chagas disease is a chronic, tropical, parasitic disease, endemic throughout Latin America. The large-scale migration of populations has increased the geographic distribution of the disease and cases have been observed in many other countries around the world. To strengthen the critical mass of knowledge generated in different countries, it is essential to promote cooperative and translational research initiatives. We analyzed authorship of scientific documents on Chagas disease indexed in the Medline database from 1940 to 2009. Bibliometrics was used to analyze the evolution of collaboration patterns. A Social Network Analysis was carried out to identify the main research groups in the are…

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Core research areas on addiction in Spain through the Web of Science bibliographic coupling analysis (2000-2013)

En el presente estudio se han identificado los principales núcleos de la investigación española en el área de las adicciones a través del estudio de los enlaces bibliográficos, en las publicaciones bajo el epígrafe ‘Substance abuse’ de la Web of Science. Este procedimiento analítico determina la proximidad temático-intelectual de los documentos objeto de estudio a partir de la identificación de la bibliografía común compartida o citada simultáneamente. Se ha efectuado un análisis factorial y un análisis de redes para agrupar los documentos, representar gráficamente los núcleos de investigación existentes y analizar las interrelaciones entre los mismos. Se han identificado 30 núcleos de inve…

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Análisis de género de la producción científica española sobre drogodependencias en biomedicina 1999-2004

Correspondencia a Juan Carlos Valderrama Zurián:Juan.Valderrama@uv.es Fundamento y objetivo: La preocupación por favorecer la igualdad de género constituye uno de los ámbitos prioritarios objeto de atención por parte de los gobiernos y los organismos gestores de las políticas científicas, destacándose la importancia de incluir la variable del sexo en los análisis evaluativos de la actividad científica y tecnológica. Se realiza un estudio comparativo desagregado por sexos de la producción científica de los investigadores españoles de elevada productividad en el área de las drogodependencias. Material y método: Se ha identificado el sexo de los 338 autores que han publicado más de cuatro artí…

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Mapping of Chagas disease research: analysis of publications in the period between 1940 and 2009

INTRODUCTION: Publications are often used as a measure of success in research work. Chagas disease occurs in Central and Southern America. However, during the past years, the disease has been occurring outside Latin America due to migration from endemic zones. This article describes a bibliometric review of the literature on Chagas disease research indexed in PubMed during a 70-year period. METHODS: Medline was used via the PubMed online service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine from 1940 to 2009. The search strategy was: Chagas disease [MeSH] OR Trypanosoma cruzi [MeSH]. RESULTS: A total of 13,989 references were retrieved. The number of publications increased steadily over time fro…

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Coauthorship networks and institutional collaboration patterns in reproductive biology.

Objective Reproductive biology is a highly productive area. By analyzing papers published in the major journals in the period 2003–2005, the collaborative patterns were characterized. Design Original research papers published in 2004 in the journals included in the first quartile of the category "Reproductive Biology" of the Journal Citation Reports (2005) were selected. A bibliometric analysis was carried out with the information obtained, thus building up the networks of coauthorship and institutional collaboration. Result(s) A total of 4,702 papers were analyzed, 96.75% signed in collaboration by two or more authors, the authors per paper index being 5.24; 73.73% of the papers were colla…

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Scientific Publications and Research Groups on Alcohol Consumption and Related Problems Worldwide: Authorship Analysis of Papers Indexed in PubMed and Scopus Databases (2005 to 2009)

BACKGROUND: The research of alcohol consumption-related problems is a multidisciplinary field. The aim of this study is to analyze the worldwide scientific production in the area of alcohol-drinking and alcohol-related problems from 2005 to 2009. METHODS: A MEDLINE and Scopus search on alcohol (alcohol-drinking and alcohol-related problems) published from 2005 to 2009 was carried out. Using bibliometric indicators, the distribution of the publications was determined within the journals that publish said articles, specialty of the journal (broad subject terms), article type, language of the publication, and country where the journal is published. Also, authorship characteristics were assesse…

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Literatura científica de autores españoles sobre análisis de citas y factor de impacto en Biomedicina (1981-2005)

This paper analyses the development of Spanish research literature in the field of citation analysis and impact factor (IF) in biomedicine over the period 1981-2005. Bibliometric methods and social network analysis were used to examine papers indexed in the Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI-Expanded), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), MEDLINE, Índice Médico Español (IME) and Índice de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (ISOC) databases. 184 papers were identified, 79.89% of which were original research articles. Only four of these papers had been published before the 1990s. The mid 1990s saw a remarkable increase in the number of papers published (8-14 papers/year) with the highest pro…

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Evolution of coauthorship networks: worldwide scientific production on leishmaniasis.

Introduction Collaboration is one of the defining features of contemporary scientific research, and it is particularly important with regard to neglected diseases that primarily affect developing countries. Methods The present study has identified publications on leishmaniasis in the Medline database from 1945 to 2010, analyzing them according to bibliometric indicators and statistics from social network analysis. Examining aspects such as scientific production, diachronic evolution, and collaboration and configuration of the research groups in the field, we have considered the different types of Leishmania studied and the institutional affiliation and nationality of the authors. Results Se…

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Análisis del proceso de internacionalización de la investigación española en ciencia y tecnología (1980-2007)

The process of scientific internationalization in Spain is based on an analysis of the growth of scientific publications and the evolution of international collaboration in Spanish scientific papers indexed in the Science Citation Index-Expanded database between 1980 and 2007. The article examines science policies in Spain together with the investments in economic and human resources devoted to research, and their effects on the internationalization process. Scholarly research in Spain has become increasingly international over the last three decades. The main features of this process have been a linear growth of productivity in terms of the number of papers published per year; a progressiv…

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Systematic analysis of the scientific literature on population surveillance

Abstract Introduction Population surveillance provides data on the health status of the population through continuous scrutiny of different indicators. Identifying risk factors is essential for the quickly detecting and controlling of epidemic outbreaks and reducing the incidence of cross-infections and non-communicable diseases. The objective of the present study is to analyze research on population surveillance, identifying the main topics of interest for investigators in the area. Methodology We included documents indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection in the period from 2000 to 2019 and assigned with the generic Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) “population surveillance” or its rela…

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Se realizó un estudio bibliométrico para describir la producción científica peruana en cáncer en revistas de visibilidad internacional, y evaluar las redes de colaboración científica. Se incluyó los artículos publicados sobre cáncer hechos en Perú en el periodo 2000 a 2011 en revistas indizadas en SCOPUS o Science Citation Index Expanded. Se identificaron 358 artículos, evidenciándose un incremento en la producción de cuatro artículos en el 2000 a 57 en el 2011. Los cánceres más estudiados fueron los de cuello uterino (77 publicaciones); mama (53), y estómago (37). El Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas (INEN) fue la institución más productiva (121 artículos) y con mayor número d…

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Surgical clinical trials—need for international collaboration

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Publications are often used as a measure of research work success. Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) type 1 and 2 are human retroviruses, which were discovered in the early 1980s, and it is estimated that 15-20 million people are infected worldwide. This article describes a bibliometric review and a coauthorship network analysis of literature on HTLV indexed in PubMed in a 24-year period. A total of 7,564 documents were retrieved, showing a decrease in the number of documents from 1996 to 2007. HTLV manuscripts were published in 1,074 journals. Japan and USA were the countries with the highest contribution in this field (61%) followed by France (8%). Production ranking changed when the numb…

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Top-cited articles in cerebrospinal fluid leak (rhinorrhea and otorrhea) (1945–2018)

Abstract Introduction: As scientific knowledge has grown in biomedicine, it has also become necessary to develop tools to manage and understand the body of evidence. In that sense, bibliometrics has become a consolidated discipline for analyzing scientific activity, enabling the characterization of a particular field or area of knowledge by means of the quantification of the bibliographic characteristics of scientific publications. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the most frequently cited articles in the field of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea and otorrhea. Methods: The searches took place on the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science platform, which includes the MEDLINE…

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Assessment of Researchers Through Bibliometric Indicators: The Area of Information and Library Science in Spain as a Case Study (2001–2015)

Research activities are subject to constant processes of evaluation, which increasingly include the use of bibliometric indicators to support decision-making. This paper presents a model for the individual evaluation of different facets of researchers' work and discusses the interest in using “control” parameters to identify deviations suggesting inappropriate conduct. The proposed model is illustrated through an empirical example that analyzes the activity of Spanish researchers in the area of Library and Information Science. There are important differences among the most productive authors, and in many cases, there is no association between the degree of participation in high-impact journ…

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