David Igual Luis
Valencia y Sevilla en el sistema económico genovés de finales del siglo XV
La ciudad de Valencia y los toscanos en el Mediterráneo del siglo XV
Pierre Guichard, 1966-1990: ensayo de ideología
Comercio e industria en las ciudades mediterráneas
Las galeras mercantiles venecianas y el puerto de Valencia (1391-1534)
This article studies the functioning of Venetian galere da mercato along one of the coastlines where they operated, that of Valencia. The system was known to have seven routes during the XIVth to the XVIth centuries and was used to collect goods at the point of arrival. The first galleys which carne to the port of Valencia (from Flanders) were in 1391, but the most active period was 1450-1534, from Aigues Mortes and Barbary. Analysis of fiscal and notarial records shows that the fleet system operated with the import of textiles, metal and spices and the export of wool, slaves and cloth, though the basic function of the market was the exchange of billion for spices. The market benefited fro…