Effects of message appeal and service type in CSR communication strategies
Abstract Studies highlight the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for companies' stakeholders. Consumers, however, are often unaware of such initiatives. Understanding how to effectively communicate socially responsible initiatives is an important challenge for both researchers and managers, who invest considerable resources in CSR initiatives. This study examines consumers' responses to two types of CSR initiatives (environment-related and employee-based) using two types of message appeals (emotional and rational) across two service types (hedonic and utilitarian). Responses provide data on consumers' awareness of CSR initiatives, attitudes toward the company, perceived co…
Negative online reviews and webcare strategies in social media: effects on hotel attitude and booking intentions
The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of different webcare strategies (defensive, accommodative, no action) across two different types of social media (TripAdvisor and Twitter) on hotel attitude and booking intentions. The results of an experimental design show that negative electronic word-of-mouth (NWOM) has a negative effect on attitudes and booking intention. Moreover, the benefits derived from the type of response vary depending on the social media type in which NWOM appears. The findings also suggest that no response is worse than either defensive or accommodative responses.
Análisis del comportamiento espacio-temporal intradestino mediante GPS : Una aproximación de los visitantes independientes de crucero en la ciudad de València
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo profundizar en el análisis de los patrones de comportamiento espacio-temporal de los visitantes en destino, una escala de trabajo insuficientemente desarrollada. La investigación aplica un enfoque multimétodo, que combina el uso de GPS con una encuesta, al conocimiento de los patrones espaciales de los cruceristas que visitan la ciudad de Valencia de manera independiente. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian la polarización de los flujos en el centro histórico de la ciudad, dentro de un patrón mayoritario de único nodo, una dinámica que conviene gestionar adecuadamente para prevenir la congestión y poner en valor otros atractivos urbanos. La redistribu…