Michaela Aufderheide
Use of the Cultex® Radial Flow System as an in vitro exposure method to assess acute pulmonary toxicity of fine dusts and nanoparticles with special focus on the intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility
Exposure of the respiratory tract to airborne particles (including metal-dusts and nano-particles) is considered as a serious health hazard. For a wide range of substances basic knowledge about the toxic properties and the underlying pathomechanisms is lacking or even completely missing. Legislation demands the toxicological characterization of all chemicals placed on the market until 2018 (REACH). As toxicological in vivo data are rare with regard to acute lung toxicity or exhibit distinct limitations (e.g. inter-species differences) and legislation claims the reduction of animal experiments in general ("3R" principle), profound in vitro models have to be established and characterized to m…
The Development of Novel Approaches to the Identification of Chemical and Protein Respiratory Allergens
In October 2006, the European Centre for theValidation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) spon-sored and hosted a three-day workshop to consideropportunities and challenges in the development ofalternative methods for the identification and char-acterisation of chemical respiratory allergens. Theproceedings, conclusions and recommendations ofthat workshop were subsequently made available asECVAM Workshop Report 60 (1).In April 2008, a second meeting was convenedby ECVAM to consider what progress has beenmade in the light of the recommendations derivedfrom the 2006 Workshop and the publishedreport. This meeting had as a second objective —to consider whether new opportunities for theidentificatio…