Damien Leprovost

WebTribe: Implicit Community Clustering by Semantic Analysis

International audience; Since the advent of Web 2.0, any user becomes a content provider through personal websites, posts on wikis and forums, recommendations, annotations, etc. In this paper, we propose a method to analyze the interests of users based on their publishing activities, by positioning them into a semantic graph. We describe the WebTribe system that allows to extract topic information from collaborative websites and to query the resulting clusters of users.

research product

Evaluation of Internet Social Networks using Net scoring Tool: A Case Study in Adverse Drug Reaction Mining

Suspected adverse drug reactions (ADR) reported by patients through social media can be a complementary tool to already existing ADRs signal detection processes. However, several studies have shown that the quality of medical information published online varies drastically whatever the health topic addressed. The aim of this study is to use an existing rating tool on a set of social network web sites in order to assess the capabilities of these tools to guide experts for selecting the most adapted social network web site to mine ADRs.First, we reviewed and rated 132 Internet forums and social networks according to three major criteria: the number of visits, the notoriety of the forum and th…

research product

Temporal Semantic Centrality for the Analysis of Communication Networks

National audience; De nos jours, la compréhension des communautés en ligne devient un enjeu majeur du Web. Dans cet article nous proposons une nouvelle mesure, la Probabilité de Propagation Sémantique (SPP), qui caractérise la capacité de l'utilisateur à propager un concept sémantique à d'autres utilisateurs, d'une manière rapide et ciblée. La sémantique des messages est analysée selon une ontologie donnée. Nous utilisons cette mesure pour obtenir la Centralité Sémantique Temporelle (TSC) d'un utilisateur dans une communauté. Nous proposons et évaluons une expérimentation de cette mesure, en utilisant une ontologie et des données réelles issues du Web.

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