Beatriz Sabater
Molecular Characterization of the Leucine Plasmid from Buchnera aphidicola , Primary Endosymbiont of the Aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum
The complete sequence of the leucine plasmid of Buchnera aphidicola from the aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (pLeu-BAp) is reported. Its gene organization was concordant with those of other leucine plasmids of Buchnera from aphids of the Aphidini and Macrosiphini tribes. Three inverted repeats are present in pLeu-BAp. Two of them are also present in pLeu from the family Aphididae: (i) SIR1, located downstream the leucine operon, resembles a rho-independent terminator of transcription, and (ii) LIR1, located upstream of the leucine operon, is suggested to be involved in transcription termination or messenger stability. The third, located near the putative ATGC repeats involved in the origin of rep…
Structure and evolution of the leucine plasmids carried by the endosymbiont (Buchnera aphidicola) from aphids of the family Aphididae.
In all examined species of the family Aphididae, the bacterial endosymbiont Buchnera aphidicola carries a plasmid encoding the genes leuABCD (involved in leucine biosynthesis) along with repA1, repA2 and ORF1. The gene organisation of the leucine plasmids was conserved, except in Buchnera isolated from Pterocomma populeum, where ORF1 was located in a different position. An inverted repeat (LIR1) located between repA2 and leuA is found in all of the Buchnera leucine plasmids examined. The predicted secondary structure of the LIR1 transcript conforms to a long hairpin loop, suggesting an involvement in transcription termination or messenger stability. Phylogenetic reconstruction based on repA…