Nonlinear dissipation phenomena in optomechanics
Yksikään kvanttisysteemi ei voi olla täysin eristetty ympäristöstään, mikä johtaa informaation välittymiseen systeemin ja ympäristön välillä. Optomekaniikassa, missä tyypillinen tutkittava systeemi on peileistä koostuva optinen kaviteetti yhdistettynä mekaaniseen värähtelijään, systeemin ja ympäristön lineaarisesta kytkennästä johtuvat dissipaatioilmiöt ovat hyvin tunnettuja. Epälineaarisia ilmiöitä ei kuitenkaan ymmärretä yhtä laajasti. Tutkin epälineaarista kytkentää kaviteetin ja lämpökylvyn välillä ja havainnollistan tästä kytkennästä johtuvia ilmiöitä kuten epälineaarista dissipaatiota. Esitän myös optisen kaviteetin epälineaarisen dissipaation oikeuttavan mallin, missä optinen kavitee…
Nonlinear quantum Langevin equations for bosonic modes in solid-state systems
Based on the experimental evidence that impurities contribute to the dissipation properties of solid-state open quantum systems, we provide here a description in terms of nonlinear quantum Langevin equations of the role played by two-level systems in the dynamics of a bosonic degree of freedom. Our starting point is represented by the description of the system/environment coupling in terms of coupling to two separate reservoirs, modelling the interaction with external bosonic modes and two level systems, respectively. Furthermore, we show how this model represents a specific example of a class of open quantum systems that can be described by nonlinear quantum Langevin equations. Our analysi…
Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt Bell inequality test in an optomechanical device
We propose here a scheme, based on the measurement of quadrature phase coherence, aimed at testing the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt Bell inequality in an optomechanical setting. Our setup is constituted by two optical cavities dispersively coupled to a common mechanical resonator. We show that it is possible to generate EPR-like correlations between the quadratures of the output fields of the two cavities, and, depending on the system parameters, to observe the violation of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality.
Nonlinear spin torque, pumping, and cooling in superconductor/ferromagnet systems
We study the effects of the coupling between magnetization dynamics and the electronic degrees of freedom in a heterostructure of a metallic nanomagnet with dynamic magnetization coupled with a superconductor containing a steady spin-splitting field. We predict how this system exhibits a non-linear spin torque, which can be driven either with a temperature difference or a voltage across the interface. We generalize this notion to arbitrary magnetization precession by deriving a Keldysh action for the interface, describing the coupled charge, heat and spin transport in the presence of a precessing magnetization. We characterize the effect of superconductivity on the precession damping and th…
Mechanical Detection of the De Haas–van Alphen Effect in Graphene
Funding Information: We thank V. Falko, M. Kumar, and S. Paraoanu for useful discussions. This work was supported by the Academy of Finland projects 314448 (BOLOSE) and 336813 (CoE, Quantum Technology Finland) as well as by ERC (grant no. 670743). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under Grant Agreement no 824109, and the experimental work benefited from the Aalto University OtaNano/LTL infrastructure. A.L. is grateful to Osk. Huttunen foundation for a scholarship. J.M. thanks the Väisälä Foundation of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters for support. F.M. acknowledges financial support fr…