O. Dorvaux

Isomeric state in the doubly odd196At nucleus

An excited isomeric state has been identified in the 196At nucleus using the recoil decay tagging technique. This is the first identification of an excited state in this neutron-deficient odd-odd nucleus. Several tentative prompt γ-rays have also been correlated with 196At α-decay, although it has not been possible to assign them to specific energy levels in 196At. The mean lifetime of the isomeric state has been measured as τ = 11±2 µs. The new level is compared with similar low-lying states in neighbouring nuclei and is de-excited by an E2 γ-ray transition, the large hindrance of which is not expected.

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Structure of the As, Ge, Ga nuclei

Abstract The level structures of the N = 50 83As, 82Ge, and 81Ga isotones have been investigated by means of multi-nucleon transfer reactions. A first experiment was performed with the CLARA–PRISMA setup to identify these nuclei. A second experiment was carried out with the GASP array in order to deduce the γ-ray coincidence information. The results obtained on the high-spin states of such nuclei are used to test the stability of the N = 50 shell closure in the region of 78Ni ( Z = 28 ). The comparison of the experimental level schemes with the shell-model calculations yields an N = 50 energy gap value of 4.7(3) MeV at Z = 28 . This value, in a good agreement with the prediction of the fini…

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Gamma-ray spectroscopy of191,193Bi

Very neutron-deficient Bi-191,Bi-193 nuclei have been studied at the Department of Physics, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland (JYFL) employing the Jurosphere II Ge-detector array coupled to the gas-filled recoil separator RITU and different tagging techniques. For the first time in heavy odd-mass nuclei, a collective band (oblate) is identified above the 2p-1h (1/2(+)) proton intruder state in Bi-191. In both Bi-191,Bi-193, a band based on isomeric 13/2(+) state has been observed and oblate deformation for this state has been deduced. ispartof: Acta Physica Polonica B vol:32 issue:3 pages:1019-1023 ispartof: location:POLAND, ZAKOPANE status: published

research product

Backbending in the pear-shaped 223(90)Th nucleus: Evidence of a high-spin octupole to quadrupole shape transition in the actinides

International audience; Relatively neutron-rich thorium isotopes lie at the heart of a nuclear region of nuclei exhibiting octupole correlation effects. The detailed level structure of Th223 has been investigated in measurements of γ radiation following the fusion-evaporation channel of the Pb208(O18,3n)Th223 reaction at 85 MeV beam energy. The level structure has been extended up to spin 49/2, and 33 new γ rays have been added using triple-γ coincidence data. The spins and parities of the newly observed states have been confirmed by angular distribution ratios. In addition to the two known yrast bands based on a K=5/2 configuration, a non-yrast band has been established up to spin 35/2. We…

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In-beam spectroscopy of $^{253,254}$No

In-beam conversion electron spectroscopy experiments have been performed on the transfermium nuclei 253,254No using the conversion electron spectrometer SACRED in nearly collinear geometry in conjunction with the gas-filled separator RITU at the University of Jyvaskyla. The experimental setup is discussed and the spectra are compared to Monte Carlo simulations. The implications for the ground-state configuration of 253No are discussed.

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In-beam spectroscopy with intense ion beams: Evidence for a rotational structure in246Fm

The rotational structure of ${}^{246}$Fm has been investigated using in-beam $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray spectroscopic techniques. The experiment was performed using the JUROGAMII germanium detector array coupled to the gas-filled recoil ion transport unit (RITU) and the gamma recoil electron alpha tagging (GREAT) focal plane detection system. Nuclei of ${}^{246}$Fm were produced using a 186 MeV beam of ${}^{40}$Ar impinging on a ${}^{208}$Pb target. The JUROGAMII array was fully instrumented with Tracking Numerical Treatment 2 Dubna (TNT2D) digital acquisition cards. The use of digital electronics and a rotating target allowed for unprecedented beam intensities of up to 71 particle-nanoamper…

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Recoil isomer tagging in the proton-rich odd-oddN=77isotones, 65142Tband 67144Ho

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Isomer Spectroscopy in90216Th126and the Magicity of92218U126

Excited states in (216)Th were investigated via prompt and delayed gamma decays and the recoil-decay tagging method. The decay schemes of the I(pi) = (8+), t(1/2) = 128(8) micros, the I(pi) = (11-), t(1/2) = 615(55) ns, and the I(pi) = (14+), t(1/2) > or = 130 ns isomers were established. The configuration pi h(9/2)f(7/2) is assigned to the I(pi) = (8+) isomer, which implies that the h(9/2) and f(7/2) states are nearly degenerate. This is ascribed to increased binding of the f(7/2) orbital by its coupling to a low-lying I(pi) = (3-) state at E(x) = 1687 keV. The role of octupole and pairing correlations for a Z = 92 shell closure prediction is discussed on the basis of shell model calculati…

research product

In-beam andα-decay spectroscopy of191Poand evidence for triple shape coexistence at low energy in the daughter nucleus187Pb

Prompt gamma rays have been observed for the first time from the neutron-deficient nucleus Po-191 using the recoil-decay tagging technique at the RITU gas-filled separator. In addition improved alp ...

research product

Structure of rotational bands in 253No

In-beam gamma-ray and conversion electron spectroscopic studies have been performed on the 253 No nucleus. A strongly coupled rotational band has been identified and the improved statistics allows an assignment of the band structure as built on the $\ensuremath 9/2^-[734]_{\nu}$ ground state. The results agree with previously known transition energies but disagree with the tentative structural assignments made in earlier work.

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Fusion-fission and quasifission of superheavy systems withZ=110–116formed inCa48-induced reactions

Background: In heavy-ion-induced reactions the mechanism leading to the formation of the compound nucleus and the role of quasifission is still not clear.Purpose: Investigation of the quasifission process of superheavy composite systems with $Z=110\text{\ensuremath{-}}116$ and comparison with properties of fusion-fission and quasifission of lighter composite systems.Method: Mass and energy distributions of fissionlike fragments formed in the reactions $^{48}\mathrm{Ca}+^{232}\mathrm{Th}$, ${}^{238}\mathrm{U}$, ${}^{244}\mathrm{Pu}$, and ${}^{248}\mathrm{Cm}$ at energies near the Coulomb barrier have been measured using the double-arm time-of-flight spectrometer CORSET at the U-400 cyclotron…

research product

Shell-Structure and Pairing Interaction in Superheavy Nuclei: Rotational Properties of the Z=104 Nucleus (256)Rf

The rotational band structure of the Z ¼ 104 nucleus 256Rf has been observed up to a tentative spin of 20@ using state-of-the-art -ray spectroscopic techniques. This represents the first such measurement in a superheavy nucleus whose stability is entirely derived from the shell-correction energy. The observed rotational properties are compared to those of neighboring nuclei and it is shown that the kinematic and dynamic moments of inertia are sensitive to the underlying single-particle shell structure and the specific location of high-j orbitals. The moments of inertia therefore provide a sensitive test of shell structure and pairing in superheavy nuclei which is essential to ensure the val…

research product

γ-Ray Spectroscopy at the Limits: First Observation of Rotational Bands inLr255

The rotational band structure of Lr-255 has been investigated using advanced in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopic techniques. To date, Lr-255 is the heaviest nucleus to be studied in this manner. One ro ...

research product

Fine structure in the alpha decays of 226U and 230Pu

The nuclei 226U and 230Pu have been populated via reactions involving 208Pb targets bombarded by 22Ne and 26Mg projectiles. Fusion-evaporation residues were separated in-flight using a gas-filled recoil separator. A position-sensitive Si-strip detector was employed at the focal plane in order to identify correlated α-decay chains. Two fine structure α-decay lines have been observed. The first, with an energy of 7385(5) keV, is assigned as the α decay from 226U to the first excited 2+ state of 222Th. The second line, observed for the first time in this work, has an energy of 6961(30) keV and is assigned as the α decay from 230Pu to the first excited 2+ state of 226U. The excitation energy of…

research product

Spectroscopy of 253No and its daughters

Abstract New high-statistics data have been obtained on the decay properties of 253 No and its daughters using the reaction 207 Pb( 48 Ca, 2n) 253 No. This was made possible thanks to an improved transmission of fusion–evaporation residues through the VASSILISSA recoil separator and an increased efficiency of the GABRIELA detector setup. The decay schemes of 253 No and 249 Fm have been revisited. The known level scheme of 249 Fm has been confirmed, including a new level at 669 keV excitation energy. The observation of L X-rays in coincidence with the α decay of 249 Fm gives additional support to the ground-state configuration of 1 / 2 + [ 631 ] instead of 5 / 2 + [ 622 ] for 245 Cf. In both…

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High-spin study of neutron-deficient $^{114}$Xe

Abstract High-spin states have been populated in 114 54 Xe via the 58 Ni( 58 Ni, 2p) reaction at 210 MeV, using the Jurosphere γ -ray spectrometer to record γ -ray coincidences. The known level scheme has been significantly extended and includes two positive-parity and three negative-parity structures. At the highest spins, one of the negative-parity bands becomes yrast and shows the characteristics of a smoothly terminating band. Quadrupole moments for two of the bands at high spin have been estimated through a Doppler-broadened lineshape analysis; the terminating band has a reduced quadrupole moment implying that it is not far from full termination into a noncollective oblate state. Extra…

research product

Recoil-isomer tagging techniques at RITU

Techniques have been developed to study isomeric states in nuclei with the use of RITU (gas filled separator) at the University of Jyvaskyla. The first was the recoil-isomer tagging technique initially, utilised by D.M. Cullen to study the K π = 8− isomeric state in 138Gd [1]. The juro-sphere array was employed in conjunction with ritu and a focal plane array which consisted of several Compton-suppressed Germanium detectors, placed in close geometry around a multi wire proportional counter (mwpc) and a silicon strip detector used for the implantation of recoiling nuclei. This technique correlates prompt and delayed γ-ray transitions across isomeric states and identifies the lifetime of the …

research product

First prompt in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of a superheavy element: the256Rf

Using state-of-the-art γ-ray spectroscopic techniques, the first rotational band of a superheavy element, extending up to a spin of 20 , was discovered in the nucleus 256Rf. To perform such an experiment at the limits of the present instrumentation, several developments were needed. The most important of these developments was of an intense isotopically enriched 50Ti beam using the MIVOC method. The experimental set-up and subsequent analysis allowed the 256Rf ground-state band to be revealed. The rotational properties of the band are discussed and compared with neighboring transfermium nuclei through the study of their moments of inertia. These data suggest that there is no evidence of a s…

research product

Identification of low-lying proton-based intruder states in189–193Pb

Low-lying proton-based intruder states have been observed in the odd-mass isotopes Pb-189,Pb-191,Pb-193 in experiments at the RITU gas-filled recoil separator. The identification has been performed ...

research product

Fusion-fission and quasifission of superheavy systems with Z=110-116 formed in Ca 48 -induced reactions

Background: In heavy-ion-induced reactions the mechanism leading to the formation of the compound nucleus and the role of quasifission is still not clear. Purpose: Investigation of the quasifission process of superheavy composite systems with Z = 110-116 and comparison with properties of fusion-fission and quasifission of lighter composite systems. Method: Mass and energy distributions of fissionlike fragments formed in the reactions 48Ca +232 Th, 238U, 244Pu, and 248Cm at energies near the Coulomb barrier have been measured using the double-arm time-of-flight spectrometer CORSET at the U-400 cyclotron of the FLNR JINR. Results: The most probable fragment masses as well as total kinetic ene…

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In-beam study of 254No

Excited states of the Z = 102 nuclide 254No have been studied in the reaction 208Pb(48Ca,2n) by means of in-beam γ -ray spectroscopy in combination with recoil gating and recoil decay tagging. A Ge detector array, consisting of four clover detectors, and a gas-filled separator were used. Six γ-ray lines were observed and associated with E2 transitions in the ground state band of 254No, the highest-lying of these being the 16+→ 14+ transition. Based on global systematics and the extrapolated 2+ 1 excitation energy, the value β2= 0.27 ± 0.03 was extracted for the quadrupole deformation. An improved value for the half-life of 254No, T1/2= (48 ± 3) s, was determined.

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Neutron and gamma-ray emission in the proton induced fission of 238U and 242Pu

Abstract Average prescission Mpren and postscission Mpostn neutron multiplicities as well as average γ-ray multiplicity 〈Mγ〉, average energy 〈Eγ〉 emitted by γ-rays as a function of mass and total kinetic energy (TKE) of fission fragments were measured in proton induced reactions p+ 242 Pu→ 243 Am , p+ 238 U→ 239 Np at proton energy Ep=13, 20 and 55 MeV.

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New gas-filled mode of the large-acceptance spectrometer VAMOS

A new gas-filled operation mode of the large-acceptance spectrometer VAMOS at GANIL is reported. A beam rejection factor greater than 10(10) is obtained for the Ca-40+Sm-150 system at 196 MeV. The unprecedented transmission efficiency for the evaporation residues produced in this reaction is estimated to be around 80% for alpha x n channels and above 95% for x ny p channels. A detailed study of the performance of the gas-filled VAMOS and future developments are discussed. This new operation mode opens avenues to explore the potential of fusion reactions in various kinematics. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Fission and Quasi-Fission Dynamics Near the Coulomb Barrier: $\gamma$ Rays as Probe for their Timescale

International audience; The overlap in the mass symmetric region of the reaction products from fusion-fission and quasi-fission complicates the assignment of symmetric events to complete fusion on the basis of the mass distribution alone. Additional observables, besides mass distribution, should be used. The method proposed here relies on the fact that fusion-fission and quasifission are characterized by a different timescale. Within this framework we performed a detailed study to find out if timescales can be probed via angular momentum as measured via γ rays multiplicity. The proof of principle was carried out by measuring the γ rays in coincidence with two fragments in the reaction 32S +…

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Recoil Isomer Tagging on Proton-Rich Odd–Odd N=77 Isotones 142Tb and 144Ho

The isomeric structure of the N=77 isotones 14265Tb and 14467Ho have been studied with the 92Mo(54Fe, xpn) fusion evaporation reaction at the University of Jyväskylä. The Jurospehere II germanium array was employed in conjunction with the RITU gas filled recoil separator. The feeding and decay of a 500(20) ns isomeric state in 144Ho has been established for the first time together with states built upon the known 15 μs isomer in 142Tb. The behavior of these new structures above the isomers suggest that they are low deformation configurations which display signs of triaxiality. peerReviewed

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Low-lying shears bands in very light odd—odd Bi isotopes

The concept of magnetic rotation in nuclei was introduced to explain the observed regular bands with enhanced M1 transitions and weak or absent E2 crossover transitions in nearly spherical nuclei around 198Pb [1]. These bands can be described by the coupling of high-j proton and neutron configurations to a total spin tilted at an angle of ~ 45° with respect to the symmetry axis. As the proton and neutron spins align with increasing excitation energy, a sequence of ΔI = 1 levels of fixed parity (“shears band”) is formed [2].

research product

Gamma rays as probe of fission and quasi-fission dynamics in the reaction 32S + 197Au near the Coulomb barrier

International audience; Compound nucleus fission and quasi-fission are both binary decay channels whose common properties make the experimental separation between them difficult. A way to achieve this separation could be to probe the angular momentum of the binary fragments. This can be done detecting gamma rays in coincidence with the two fragments. As a case study, the reaction 32S + 197Au near the Coulomb barrier has been performed at the Tandem ALTO facility at IPN ORSAY. ORGAM and PARIS, two different gamma detectors arrays, are coupled with the CORSET detector, a two-arm time-of-flight spectrometer. TOF-TOF data were analyzed to reconstruct the mass-energy distribution of the primary …

research product

Shell-Structure and Pairing Interaction in Superheavy Nuclei: Rotational Properties of theZ=104NucleusRf256

The rotational band structure of the $Z=104$ nucleus $^{256}\mathrm{Rf}$ has been observed up to a tentative spin of $20\ensuremath{\hbar}$ using state-of-the-art $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray spectroscopic techniques. This represents the first such measurement in a superheavy nucleus whose stability is entirely derived from the shell-correction energy. The observed rotational properties are compared to those of neighboring nuclei and it is shown that the kinematic and dynamic moments of inertia are sensitive to the underlying single-particle shell structure and the specific location of high-$j$ orbitals. The moments of inertia therefore provide a sensitive test of shell structure and pairing i…

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First observation of excited states in $^{197}$At: the onset of deformation in neutron-deficient astatine nuclei

Excited states in the Z= 85 nucleus 197At have been identified for the first time using the recoil-decay-tagging (RDT) technique. The excitation energy of these states is found to be consistent with the systematics of neutron-deficient astatine nuclei and with theoretical calculations indicating that the nucleus may be deformed in its ground state.

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Investigation of 246Fm : in-beam spectroscopy at the limits\u2028

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First intense isotopic titanium-50 beam using MIVOC method

Abstract An organometallic compound isotopically enriched in titanium-50 has been successfully used for the first time to produce intense ion beams with an ECR ion source by means of the MIVOC method. After some fruitful tests performed with compounds produced at IPHC Strasbourg with natural titanium, enriched organometallic titanium compound was produced successfully, beam extracted from ECR ion sources and accelerated through a K = 130 MeV cyclotron to an energy of 242 MeV. This isotopic 50 Ti 11 + beam was used for the first time in three week-experiment with typical MIVOC stable operating conditions. After optimization, up to 19.4 μA of titanium-50 in charge state 11 + could be extracte…

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Two-neutron correlations at small relative momenta in ^40Ar + ^197Au collisions at 60 MeV/nucleon

Two-neutron correlation functions are measured in the 40Ar + 197Au reaction at 60 MeV/nucleon to study the space-time characteristics of neutron emitting sources. The source temperatures and velocities are deduced by fitting the single-neutron energy spectra with a three-source model. A comparison of the correlation data with the predictions of the model of moving sources and with the dynamical Landau-Vlasov model suggests the relevance of a multisource description. Particular care has been paid to the influence of the relative source abundance on the shape of the correlation function.

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