Giorgia Liguori
Tree and orchard variability of Silver King nectarine(Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) fruit quality components
The variability of crop quality accounts for most of seasonal variation of farmers’ incomes, since fruit growth and quality components may greatly change according to various environmental and within-tree factors. Canopy architecture and orchard layout are mainly responsible for fruit size, quality and its variability. A positive relationship was measured in peach between intercepted radiation and PAR and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC). This study was carried out to measure within tree and orchard variability of fruit of the early ripening cv. Silver King nectarine (Prunus persica (L.), Batsch) 8-years-old peach trees trained to a Y-shape and Delayed vase. Fruit were picked t…
Effect of Opuntia ficus-indica Mucilage Edible Coating in Combination with Ascorbic Acid, on Strawberry Fruit Quality during Cold Storage
Strawberry fruit is a nonclimacteric fruit and is one of the most consumed berries in the world. It is characterized by high levels of vitamin C, folate, vitamin E, β-carotene, and phenolic constituents as well asanthocyanins that are strictly related to health benefits. Strawberries are highly perishable fruit with a very short postharvest life due to their susceptibility to mechanical injury, rapid texture softening, physiological disorders, and infection caused by several pathogens (yeast and mold) that can rapidly reduce fruit quality. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the application of Opuntia ficus-indica mucilage in combination with ascorbic acid, as edible …
Root growth and soil carbon turnover in Opuntia ficus-indica as affected by soil volume availability
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of soil volume restriction, i.e. root confinement, on below-and-above ground growth of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill) as well as the effect on root architecture and turnover, and soil carbon turnover. In May 2014, 1- year-old cladodes were planted in five different pots size (50, 33, 18, 9 and 5 L). Soil samples were collected from each pot and dried before SOC and δ13C determination. Roots of each plant were divided visually into three groups depending on their diameter, and then measured and weighed. Results indicated a significant effect of soil volume and sampling dates on total root length, root dry mass and δ13…
Attitudine alla frigo-conservazione di frutti di pesco (Prunus Persica L. Batsch) a polpa bianca
Quality changes during postharvest life in white fleshed peach (Prunus Persica L. Batsch) fruits: Preliminary observations
Sicilian white flesh peach fruits ecotypes are characterized by a persistent aroma and excellent flavor that is highly appreciated by consumers. Nevertheless, they reach only regional markets, because of fruit sensitivity to decay and the poor information about their postharvest physiology and shelf-life. In this trial, we studied quality changes during postharvest life of non-melting white-flesh peach ecotypes ‘Tudia’, ‘Bella di Bivona’ and the cultivar ‘Daniela’. Fruits were collected at commercial ripening: a first group was submitted to analytical evaluations and another one was stored (2°C, 90% RH) for 32 days. During this storage period, fruits were submitted to four shelf-life period…
Students actitudes about consuption and organic peachs quality, at university of Palermo
Uno studio sul bilancio del carbonio in un agrumeto di Catania
Ficodindia dalla produzione al consumo
The aim of this work was to define the most appropriate time of harvesting early ripening peach fruit using destructive and non-destructive quality indexes such as the index of absorbance (IAD), measured with the DA-Meter, a portable equipment able to measure the degradation of chlorophyll in the pericarp. In this context our research was carried out in 2009 and 2010 on several peach cultivars. Total soluble solid content increased while flesh firmness and total acidity decreased with IAD values, but no significant correlation was found between destructive and non-destructive parameters.
Ficodindia, la qualità del prodotto siciliano nasce dal territorio e dalle tecniche di coltivazione
Sull’impiego di inoculi AM in ambito vivaistico
Effects of gellan-based coating application on litchi fruit quality traits
The use of gellan-based coating formulation on litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn. ‘Wai Chee’) fruit was investigated in order to determine its ability to improve color conservation and to maintain the overall quality. Fruits were treated with gellanbased coating (0.5% w/v) and glycerol (3% w/v) after dipping in ascorbic acid (1.5% w/v) and then stored at 5°C and 90% relative humidity for 15 days. Changes in peel color, soluble solid content, tritatable acidity, weight loss, antioxidant activity and phenolic content, were measured. Formulations containing gellan-based coating exhibited slightly improved water barrier properties and showed their active role in maintaining color characteristics an…
Confronto qualitativo fra pesche biologiche ed integrate: l'opinione dei consumatori
Effects of 1-MCP on post harvest quality and internal browning of white-flesh loquat fruit during cold storage
Introduction – Treatments with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), an inhibitor of ethylene perception, were investigated on white-flesh loquat fruit to extend its shelf life and to prevent chilling injury. Ma- terials and methods – The loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) white-flesh fruits (cv. Claudia) were submitted to applications of 1-MCP at 1 °C for 20 h and at concentrations from 1 to 5 μL L . The treated fruits were stored at 1 °C for 21 days before removal to 20 °C for ripening (shelf life). Fruit quality was analyzed at harvest, at the end of each storage period (7, 14, 21 days at 1 °C). Results and discussion - The 1-MCP treatment slowed fruit softening depending on concentration, and …
The fruits of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill., the most worldwide cultivated species of Cactaceae family, contain viable seeds (100-250) of large size. This characteristic influences the commercial quality of the fruit. The study of floral biology in Opuntia allows to understand the behaviour of the plant during reproductive phase and perhaps to distinguish clones with different fruits behaviour (with seed and seedless). The study resulted in a palynological characterization by optical and scanning microscopy (SEM), followed by a qualitative analysis on the male line with pollen viability and in vitro germination tests, in addition to a pollen-pistil interaction survey. The plant material c…
Effects of 1-Methylcyclopropene on post harvest quality of white flesh loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) fruit.
Effetto del trattamento con 1-meticiclopropene su frutti di mango (Mangifera indica L.) della cul ti var Kei tt, conservati a temperatura ambiente
Il Mango (Mangifera indica L.) è un frutto climaterico sensibile alle basse temperature e con una vita post-raccolta relativemente breve. L’obiettivo della ricerca è stato quello di valutare l’effetto dell’ 1-metilciclopropene (1-MCP), applicato a temperature ambiente, sulla conservazione di frutti di mango della cv Keitt. I frutti di Keitt, cultivar a maturazione tardiva, sono stati raccolti, presso un’azienda commerciale, sita a Furiano, in provincia di Messina (38°3' N, 14°33' E; 5 m s.l.m.). Immediatamente dopo la raccolta, sui frutti sono state effettuate le analisi chimico-fisiche: peso, consistenza, contenuto in solidi solubili, acidità titola- bile, colore, ecc. I frutti sono sta…
Influenza della densità di impianto sul bilancio del carbonio in agumicoltura.
The Effect of Soil Volume Availability on Opuntia ficus-indica Canopy and Root Growth
The study investigated the effect of soil volume restriction on the below- and above-ground growth of Opuntia ficus-indica through understanding the limit imposed by root confinement via different soil volumes on root and canopy architecture and growth. In 2014, one-year-old O. ficus-indica cladodes were planted in five different soil volumes (50, 33, 18, 9 and 5 L). The cladode and roots of each sampled plants were measured and weighed every six months
Effects of Rapid Refrigeration and Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) Fruit Quality Traits
Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) is a tropical fruit characterized by a rapid pericarp browning and dehydration during postharvest, resulting in an accelerated shelf life and in a loss of consumer appreciation and consequently of its market value. The aim of our study was to assess litchi fruit chemical-physical and sensory quality changes during postharvest and shelf life using rapid refrigeration (RR) and active modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). Litchi fruits were picked at commercial harvest and were divided in 4 groups: not treated fruit (CTR); rapid refrigerated fruit (RRF); modified atmosphere packed fruit (MAP); hydrogen peroxide treated and modified atmosphere packed fruit (MAP+).…
Cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) productivity, proximal composition and soil parameters as affected by planting time and agronomic management in a semi-arid region of india
Study of appropriate planting time and response to agronomic management practices is imperative for the newly introduced cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) into a semi-arid region of India. Responses of cactus pear to agronomic practices (planting time and irrigation and fertilizer application) were evaluated to determine the potential for fodder production and livestock feed in a semi-arid environment of India. We assessed four planting times (February, March, July and October) and two agronomic managements (with and without irrigation and fertilizer application) during 2016–2020 at Jhansi, India. Cactus pear establishment and growth improved with planting time in July and Octob…
Evoluzione della maturazione dei frutti di pesco Settembrina di leonforte e Tardiva di Leonforte.
Dry matter accumulation and seasonal partitioning in mature Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. fruiting trees
Aim of this study was to understand the allocation of biomass into different canopy and root components and to measure the stem area index and its partitioning by cladode functionality (age), for fruiting Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) Gialla trees, spaced 6x5 m apart and trained to a globe. The net primary productivity (NPP), calculated taking into account dry weight gain for above-ground vegetative components of OFI trees was 3.6 t C ha –1 . Including the fruit component and 1 st flush current-year cladodes, NPP of above-ground components becomes 12 t ha –1 , equivalent to 5.4 t C ha –1 . Current-year cladodes were the highest C sink (49% of total annual C fixed in the canopy), secondary grow…
Carbon sequestration potential of Italian orchards and vineyards
From 2004 to 2012 carbon (C) fluxes between the soil-vegetation system and the atmosphere in apple, grape, olive and orange orchards planted in different Italian regions were measured. Above-ground net primary productivity (ANPP) ranged from 4 (olive) to 9 (apple) Mg C ha-1. Alley grass contribution to total ANPP significantly varied among the systems, reaching a maximum of 60% in vineyards. The harvest index ranged from 46% for apple, to 58% for orange, 60% for grape and 41% for olive, while abscised leaves accounted for 30% of ANPP, on average. Soil respiration fluxes ranged from 6 (orange) to 10 (grape) Mg C ha-1. Results indicate the potential of these fruit crop to sequester atmospheri…
Effects of Modified Atmosphere Packaging and Chitosan Treatment on Quality and Sensorial Parameters of Minimally Processed cv. ‘Italia’ Table Grapes
Table grape is a non-climacteric fruit, very sensitive to water loss and gray mold during postharvest handling and storage. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of modified atmosphere packaging and chitosan treatment on quality and sensorial parameters of minimally processed cv. ‘Italia’ table grape during cold storage (14 days at 5 °C) and shelf-life (7 and 14 days of cold storage plus 5 days at 20 °C), reproducing a retail sales condition. Our data showed a significant effect of high CO2-modified atmosphere in combination with chitosan and alone on preserving quality, sensorial parameters, and delaying decay of minimally processed table grape. The most effective treatment in t…
Fruit Ripening Evolution in Settembrina di Leonforte and Gialla Tardiva di Leonforte Peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] Ecotypes
The aim of this research was to define the most appropriate harvesting time for the late ripening peach ecotypes Gialla Tardiva di Leonforte and Settembrina di Leonforte. Farmers used to apply a paper bag to each fruit to protect it from Mediterranean fruit fly egg-laying. The use of this cultivation practice reduces the use of pesticides with a major impact on consumer choice, but makes it more difficult to identify fruit commercial harvest time. The study was carried out using destructive quality indexes and the DA-Meter. The results showed a good correlation between DA-Meter classes and the chemical and physical characteristics of the fruit, giving useful information on fruit ripening an…
Fruit ripening evolution in ‘Settembrina di Leonforte’ and ‘Tardiva di Leonforte’ peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) ecotypes.
Utilizzazione delle risorse energetiche e nutrizionali in piante di arancio a diversa densità di impianto
Indagini sull'attitudine alla conservazione di frutti del germoplasma di pesco siciliano: prime osservazioni su montagnole, percoche, sbergie e tabacchiere.
Variability of fruit Quality of the Sicilian Peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) Germplasm
Effect of opuntia ficus-indica mucilage edible coating on quality, nutraceutical, and sensorial parameters of minimally processed cactus pear fruits
Cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) is a non-climacteric fruit with a relatively short postharvest life span, being very sensitive to water loss, darkening and decay. Cactus pear is a spiny fruit, and the presence of glochids limits fruit consumption and diffusion
Evoluzione delle caratteristiche qualitative dei frutti di pesco lungo la filiera
A survey of carbon sequestration potential of orchards and vineyards in Italy
Orchards and vineyards are important land use types in Southern Europe. In spite of their potential to sequester atmospheric C and to mitigate climate change, relatively little is known regarding the influx and outflux of C in these systems. The aim of this work is to provide data on the C budget, including net primary production (NPP), C removal through production, and C sequestration potential for the vineyards and the main fruit tree species (apple, citrus, olive, and peach) grown in Italy. Standing biomass and NPP were measured, and net ecosystem exchange and net C balance assessed directly, through either eddy covariance technique, or considering NPP and heterotrophic respiration. Abov…
Effect of 1-methylcyclopropene on ripening of melting flesh peaches and nectarines
Abstract 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), an ethylene action inhibitor, was applied to early season, melting flesh stone fruit to try to extend their shelf life. ‘Almog’ and ‘Oded’, two white flesh peaches, and ‘April Glow’, a yellow flesh nectarine, were tested. Application of 1-MCP was at both 20 and 0 °C for 5, 10 and 20 h and at concentrations from 0.5 to 20 μl l −1 . When treated at 0 °C the fruits were stored for 5 days before removal to 20 °C for ripening. 1-MCP slowed fruit softening in a concentration and time dependent manner, extending the period before the fruits became over-soft. The inhibition of softening was greater when fruits were treated and held at 20 °C than if they were t…
Fresh-cut products from cactus species
Various species of Cactaceae family can serve a source of delicious and healthy fresh foodstuffs. Marketing cacti as ready-to-eat (fresh-cut) products may significantly expand their consumption, on condition that their quality, safety and longevity would answer the market demands. The present work was aimed at studying the storability of fresh-cut products prepared from several edible cactus species and looking for ways to improve their keeping quality. The experiments included fruit of cactus pear Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller, cactus apple (koubo) Cereus peruvianus (L.) Miller, and dragon fruit (pitaya) Hylocereus undatus (Haw.) Britton and Rose, as well as cladodes (pads) of nopal (ve…
Evoluzione delle caratteristiche qualitative dell’uva da tavola (Vitis vinifera L.) in IV gamma nel post-raccolta
Effect of addition of Opuntia ficus-indica mucilage on the biological leavening, physical, nutritional, antioxidant and sensory aspects of bread
The addition of active compounds to enhance the functional properties of foods is a quite common practice. Recently, bread became one of the target foods to incorporate functional ingredients such as those deriving from Opuntia spp. So far, only Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes in powder has been tested. The addition of fresh O. ficus-indica mucilage (in substitution to water) did not influence the biological leavening of the doughs. The resulting breads showed a biological role of the cactus mucilage, because their antioxidant activity was higher than that of control wheat bread. The sensory analysis indicated a general appreciation of the breads enriched with O. ficus-indica mucilage by the …
Effects of modified atmosphere packaging on quality parameters of minimally processed table grape during cold storage
‘Vittoria’ and ‘Red Globe’ table grapes were packed in microperforated polypropylene films (passive MAP) and non-perforated polyethylene (active MAP: 1) 20% CO2 + air; 2) 5% O2 + 15% CO2 + N) and stored at 5 °C for 28 days. Microperforated polypropylene packages had the highest postharvest performance in both cultivars until 14 days of cold storage, with reduced weight losses, rachis and berry decay. Total soluble solids content slightly increased in non-perforated polyethylene boxes as a consequence of the higher weight losses, particularly in active MAP with 5% O2 + 15% CO2 + N, while no significant differences were found for titratable acidity. Non-perforated polyethylene packages showed…
Gas exchange pattern in O. ficus-indica(OFI), refers to the Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM); trees have nocturnal stomata opening, so net CO2 uptake and water loss occur during the cooler part ofthe 24-hour cycle. Succulent cladodes skip severe periods of drought through their water storer tissue (parenchyma). To study carbon fluxes in stress and no stress conditions, an experiment was carried out on 3-year-old irrigated and non-irrigated OFI potted trees; whole tree gas exchange was measured continuously with a balloon system made up by a portable Infrared Gas Analyzer. Continuous measurements(nighttime) during the summer season were useful to assess differences in carbon uptake under s…
Cactus pear (O. ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) fruit production: Ecophysiology, orchard and fresh-cut fruit management
Cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica L. Mill.) is cultivated in wide range of environments with the consequence of large differences in crop potential, orchard systems and management. These differences may be related to temperature and rainfall range (water availability) but also to the day/night length and, of course, to soil characteristics. This leads to considerable variability in the field and in fruit quality. Crop value much depends in crop variability in terms of fruit size, which is the major factor for fruit price in Europe. The increase of crop value very much depends on regular cultural practices such as irrigation and fruit thinning, but it is also dependent on plant crop yield an…
The influence of Opuntia ficus-indica mucilage edible coating on the quality of ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit slices
Abstract The aim of this work was to study the effect of mucilage edible coating extracted from Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) on the quality and shelf life maintenance of packaged kiwifruit slices. OFI mucilage alone or added with TWEEN ® 20 were applied on kiwifruit fresh cut surfaces. After treatments, kiwifruit samples were stored under passive atmosphere at 5 ± 1 °C for 3, 5, 7 and 12 days. At each storage period, visual quality and flavor score, pectin content, ascorbic acid and the microbiological characteristics were measured together with CO 2 and O 2 content in the packages. Kiwifruit slices coated only with mucilage or with mucilage plus Tween 20, showed a significant higher firmness…
Effect of 1-Methylciclopropene on ripening of melting flesh peaches and nectarines
La riduzione delle emissioni e il ruolo degli ecosistemi terrestri
The variability of crop quality accounts for most of seasonal variation of farmers’ incomes, since fruit value mostlydepends on its size and overall quality. Canopy architecture and orchard lay-out are mainly responsible for within tree environment and allocation, which in turn, account for fruit quality and its variability. Little is known about within tree and between trees variability resulting from different planting and training systems. A positive relationship has been measured in peach between PAR and TEAC (Motisi et al., 2005; Scalzo et al., 2005; Motisi et al., 2008). This study was carried out to measure within tree and orchard variability of fruits of the early ripening ‘Silver K…
Effetto dell'applicazione dell'1-methylciclopropene sulla maturazione di pesche e nettarine
Increasing Cold Tolerance of Cactus Pear Fruit by High-Temperature Conditioning and Film Wrapping
Pre-storage high-temperature conditioning (HTC, 38 °C, and 95% RH for 24 h) and individual film wrapping (IFW) with a perforated polyolefinic heat-shrinkable film were used as individual treatments or in combination to mitigate chilling injury of first crop cactus pear cv âGiallaâ. The fruit was stored for 21 days at either 2 or 8 °C (CS) plus 1 week of simulated marketing conditions (SMC) at 20 °C. The reduction in peel disorders and decay in HTC-treated fruit stored at 2 °C was comparable to that detected in control fruit stored at 8 °C. IFW was more efficient than HTC in reducing peel disorders, almost completely inhibited weight loss, and preserved freshness in fruit st…
Physiological and Technical Aspects of Cactus Pear [Opuntia ficus-indica(L.) Mill.] Double Rellowering and Out-of-Season Winter Fruit Cropping
Abstract A commercial cactus pear plantation in Sicily, Italy was manipulated to induce late cropping. The spring flush of flowers and cladodes were removed as was the second induced bloom of flowers and cladodes. The third induced bloom was harvested for a late out-of-season crop of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill.). The double removal induced a third flush of flowers and cladodes during late August with a fruit production that ripened the following winter (to March). The number of flowers per fertile cladode was halved after the double removal and the length of the fruit development period increased from 100-120 days to 160-190 days for the out-of-season crop. Polyethylene covering…
Fruit productivity and carbon gain of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. trees
Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) tree and orchards efficiency has been poorly studied, in terms of relation between orchard lay out, light interception, and cropping efficiency. Apparently, there is no other way to increase orchard production than increasing the number either of trees ha-1 or fertile shoots tree-1, considering that a fruit count higher than 6-7 cladode-1 reduces fruit harvest size. The first option requires a reduction of unit tree size and canopy volume. The second option implies the use of large trees that often reduce their efficiency 12-15 years after planting. In 15-year-old OFI trees spaced 6 5 m apart trained to a globe and 2.5-3.0 m high, stem area index (SAI) calculated …
Influence Of within-tree and environmental factors On fruit quality of cactus Pear (O. ficus-Indica)
Introduction. Opuntia ficus-indica fruit quality was studied, in the main sites for cactus pear cultivation in Italy, with the ultimate goal of understanding the main sources of variability and increasing crop value. Materials and methods. A first study was carried out in 2006 on mature Opuntia ficus-indica trees, cvs. Gialla and Rossa, grown in ten commercial orchards located in the main sites for their cultivation in Italy. Trees were managed to produce an out-of-season crop in October, through the removal of the spring flush at bloom time, during the first week of June. Trees had a similar crop [(52 ± 10) kg of fruits•tree-1], and no more than six fruits were left on each of the fruiting…
Effect of Afforestation on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Content on a Mediterranean Island (Lampedusa, Italy)
During the 20th century, large surfaces in the Mediterranean countries were subject to afforestation activities, mostly affecting abandoned agricultural lands. Under semi-arid climate conditions, Pinus spp. were the most frequently used species for these activities. The effect of pine plantations on soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (N) content in Lampedusa Island (South Italy) was investigated. SOC and soil N content under pine plantations of different ages (14, 24 and 43 years since plantation) were compared with SOC and soil N content in garrigue communities, which were dominated by shrubs, subshrubs and perennial herbs. The results showed that SOC content is affected by plantation …
Survival, morphological variability, and performance of Opuntia ficus-indica in a semi-arid region of India
Cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) can survive extreme environmental condition and is known for its fodder potential in many parts of the world. The morphological diversity of 15 introduced accessions was evaluated at Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India. The plants were established in 2013. Survival and nutrient status were evaluated after two years. Above-ground plant height, biomass, primary and secondary cladode numbers, primary and secondary cladode lengths and below-ground root length, weight, and surface area measurements were done six years after cladode planting. Yellow San Cono, White Roccapalumba, and Seedless Roccapalumba survived 100%. The discriminant traits according to pr…
Quality changes in fresh-cut mango cubes submitted to different gas partial pressure of active MAPs
The study was performed to assess chemical-physical and sensory quality changes in 4±1°C stored fresh-cut mangos and to test the effect of active modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) with different gas partial pressures. Sicilian fruits of ‘Keitt’ mango (Mangifera indica L.) were immerged in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) after being peeled. Next, the flesh was cut in cubes and dipped in citric acid (0.5%, w/v) and ascorbic acid (0.5%, w/v). Treated fruits were placed in a non-perforated high density polyethylene package flushing different gas mixtures and kept at 4°C for 21 days. We used four different gas partial pressures: a) 60 kPa N2, 30 kPa CO2 and 10 kPa O2; b) 30 kPa CO2 and 70 kPa N2; c) …
Manuale tecnico applicativo Progetto: “Innova Uva Mazzarone I.U.M.
Il ficodindia, stato attuale e prospettive della coltura e dell’uso dei suoi frutti
Il ficodindia continua ad essere una realtà importante in alcune zone semi-aride della Sicilia, arrivando sui mercati anche con la denominazione di origine protetta e, in diversi casi, con la produzione biologica. Negli ultimi venticinque anni il modello italiano è stato largamente utilizzato come punto di riferimento tecnico in tutti i nuovi impianti diffusi ormai in Nord Africa o in California, Cile, Argentina, Sud Africa e nel Vicino Oriente. Tentativi di diffusione esistono anche in India, mentre nel Corno d’Africa c’è ormai una produzioni stabile e importante su diverse migliaia di ettari. Questa specie continua ad avere un ruolo fondamentale, se non insostituibile, nelle regioni semi-…
The effect of soil volume on the growth of roots and canopy of Opuntia ficus-indica
The influence of soil volume on root development and canopy growth rates of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) was studied at Palermo University, Italy, in 2014-2016. In November 2014, 60 1-year-old O. ficus-indica cladodes were planted in pots containing five different soil volumes, 50, 33, 18, 9 or 5 L, in a complete randomized design with three replications. Root dry mass, total number of cladodes and canopy dry mass were measured after 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. The results revealed a significant effect of soil volume and sampling time and their interaction (P<0.01) on root dry mass, total number of cladodes and canopy dry mass. Root dry mass ranged between 23 and 206 g, with the highe…
Mucilage-Based and Calcium Ascorbate Edible Coatings Improve Postharvest Quality and Storability of Minimally Processed Cactus Pear Fruit Stored under Passive Atmosphere
The minimally processed fruit and vegetable industry showed rapid growth worldwide, primarily due to the increasing consumer need for ready-to-eat fresh products characterized by high nutritional, sensory and healthy value. The postharvest life of peeled cactus pear fruits is relatively short, due to the processing operations that affect fruit integrity and cause metabolic disfunctions, as well as pulp browning, microbial growth, loss of firmness, off-flavor development, and nutraceutical value loss. In this study, we investigated the effects of mucilage-based (OFI) and calcium ascorbate edible coating on minimally processed cactus pear summer-ripening fruit, cold stored under passive atmos…
Quality Changes of Tropical and Subtropical Fresh-Cut Fruits Mix in Modified Atmosphere Packaging
Application of passive modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) for shelf life extension of mixed pineapple slices, mango pieces and orange segments, was evaluated. Fruits of Ananas cv ‘Gold’, Mango cv ‘Keitt’ and Orange cv ‘Washington Navel’ were washed, sanitized, peeled and cut. Minimal processed fruits were packed under 2 different atmospheres, passive (air) and active MAP (70% N2, 10 %O2, 20 %CO2), and stored at 10±1 °C with 85±5% RH for 12 days. Changes in package atmosphere composition, weight loss, color, texture, pH, soluble solids, sensory attributes, were evaluated after cutting and at three subsequent stages of storage (the 3 day, 6d, 9d, and the 12 day). Color parameters L* and b* s…
Effects of 1-Methylcyclopropene on postharvest quality traits, antioxidant activity and ascorbic acid content of mature-ripe mango fruits
Introduction - Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is a climacteric fruit, very sensitive to prolonged storage with a relatively short postharvest life. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of 1-MCP treatment on the pomological and sensory traits, antioxidant capacity and ascorbic acid content in late ripening mature-ripe mango fruits submitted to a simulated shelf life at 20 degrees C. Materials and methods - Mango late ripening fruits (cv. Keitt) were harvested from a commercial orchard, located at Furiano, province of Messina (Sicily, Italy; 38 degrees 3'N, 14 degrees 33'E; 5 m a.s.l.). Fruits were treated with 1-MCP (0.005 kg m(-3)) for 20 h in 1 m(3) closed containers and then …
Influence of Cactus Pear Mucilage-Based Edible Coating on Marketability and Edibility Parameters of Minimally Processed Loquat Fruits
Loquat fruit, popular all over the world for its mild, subacid, and sweet taste, has been classified as a non-climacteric fruit with a very short postharvest life. The fruit decays quickly after harvest, and losses in titratable acidity, taste, and juiciness, and internal browning occurs rapidly during shelf life. The aim of our study was to assess the effects of cactus pear mucilage-based coating on quality, nutraceutical value, microbiological growth, and sensorial parameters of minimally processed white-flesh Martorana and orange-red-flesh Gigante Rossa loquat fruits during cold storage. The effect of mucilage edible coating on the postharvest life, qualitative attributes, and nutraceuti…
Evaluating carbon fluxes in orange orchards in relation to planting density
SUMMARYOrange (Citrus sinensis L.) is one of the main fruit crops worldwide and its evergreen orchards may have a great potential for carbon (C) sequestration, but no data are currently available. In order to understand carbon fluxes in orange orchards, an experiment was undertaken on traditional and intensive planting systems.The experiment used C. sinensis scions grafted onto Citrus aurantium (bitter orange) rootstock. One orchard contained 14-year-old trees of the cv. Tarocco Scirè (a blood orange) grown in a traditional system with 494 trees/ha. The second orchard contained 12-year-old trees of the cv. Newhall (a seedless navel orange) grown in an intensive system with 1000 trees/ha. Ne…
Ecophysiology and fruit production of cultivated cacti
Cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica L. Mill.) is cultivated in wide range of environments with the consequence of large differences in crop potential, orchard system and management. These differences may be related to temperature and rainfall range (water availability) but also to the day/night length and, of course, to soil characteristics. Cactus pear can be utilized in the subsistence and in the market oriented agricultural systems of semi-arid areas. It is able to supply fruit, forage, folder and vegetables in specialized plantations or in multipurpose ones. Fruits can be harvested from July to November in the Northern hemisphere-Mediterranean Basin, California and Mexico-and from January…
La frutticoltura biologica nella provincia di Palermo
Risposte qualitative alla lunga conservazione dell’ Uva Italia in post raccolta
CO2 fluxes of O. ficus-indica plants and single cladodes in relation to water stress
attività del gruppo di lavoro di Igiene in odontoiatria
Evaluation of fruit quality and antioxidant activity of kiwifruit during ripening and after storage
BACKGROUND: In the Northern hemisphere kiwifruit harvest time is conditioned by low temperatures occurring during the harvesting season while in Southern Italy minimum temperatures in autumn are high enough to support fruit growth and ripening. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of delayed harvest time on kiwifruit quality attributes. METHODS: The experiment was carried out in a commercial kiwifruit, 'Hayward', orchard located in Southern Italy. In this area, the conventional harvest time occurs 160 days after full bloom (DAFB), during the first decade of November. Fruits were collected from 130 DAFB to 192 DAFB. Fresh fruit and dry weight, flesh color, firmness, total soluble solids cont…
Influence of within-tree and environmental factors on fruit quality of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) in Italy
Introduction . Opuntia ficus-indica fruit quality was studied, in the main sites for cactus pear cultivation in Italy, with the ultimate goal of understanding the main sources of variability and increasing crop value. Materials and methods. A first study was carried out in 2006 on mature Opuntia ficus-indica trees, cvs. Gialla and Rossa, grown in ten commercial orchards located in the main sites for their cultivation in Italy. Trees were managed to produce an out-of-season crop in October, through the removal of the spring flush at bloom time, during the first week of June. Trees had a similar crop [(52 ± 10) kg of fruits·tree–1 ], and no more than six fruits were left on each of the fruiti…
Indagine sull'attitudine alla conservazione di frutti del germoplasma di pesco siciliano: prime osservazioni su montagnole, percoche, sbergie e tabacchiere.
Reducing postharvest decay in cactus pears by dip treatment with imazalil or azoxystrobin
Postharvest decay in cactus pear is a minor problem in fruit marketed directly after harvest, while it may represent a major cause of losses when fruit are cold stored or subjected to cold quarantine treatments. Unfortunately, to date, no postharvest fungicide has been registered to control postharvest decay of cactus pears. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of two globally known fungicides, imazalil (IMZ) and azoxystrobin (AZO), registered for postharvest treatment of various fresh produce species, to control decay on cactus pears. Second-crop cactus pears ‘Gialla’ fruits were dipped in 500 mg L(‑1) IMZ or AZO and stored at 1 or 8°C and 90-95% RH for 2 or 3 wee…
Cut-off di carica fungina e diagnosi di candidosi orale
The ethylene inhibitor 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) delayed ripening and improved postharvest fruit quality of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.). 1-MCP was used on the white flesh sub-acid loquat cultivars ‘Claudia’ and ‘BRT20’ to evaluate the possible effect on fruit ripening and to prevent negative effects of cold storage, like internal browning and flesh leatheriness. 1-MCP was applied at 2°C for 20 h and concentrations of 1 and 5 μl L-1. After 1-MCP treatment fruit were held at 2°C for 7, 14, and 21 days and then moved to 18°C for 5 days. Fruit flesh firmness, titratable acidity (TA), total soluble content (TSS), weight loss, internal browning and flesh leatheriness were evaluated at …
Food Quality, Sensory Attributes and Nutraceutical Value of Fresh “Osteen” Mango Fruit Grown under Mediterranean Subtropical Climate Compared to Imported Fruit
Mango is a fruit with a very short shelf-life due to its rapid ripeness after harvest
Evoluzione delle caratteristiche qualitative dei frutti di pesco lungo la filiera con l’ausilio del DA-Meter.
CO2 uptake of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. whole trees and single cladodes, in relation to plant water status and cladode age
Most of net photosynthesis determinations in Opuntia ficus-indica come from measurements on individual cladodes. However, they have limitations when used to scale up to whole canopy gas exchange, because a large variability of carbon assimilation may occur within the canopy, due to, among others, differences in cladode age and intercepted radiation or individual cladode response to abiotic stresses. The aim of this work was to evaluate the application of open gas exchange chambers, simultaneously applied around the whole canopy, to measure net CO 2 uptake, continuously over a 24 h period, in single Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. potted trees and in relation with their water status. Net CO2…
Growing cactus pear O. ficus-indica (L.) Mill. The contribution of the scientific research on plant ecophysiology and biology
Nuove introduzioni varietali di mango in Sicilia: qualità chimico-fisica e sensoriale dei frutti
Il recente boom dei consumi di mango (Mangifera indica L.) nel mercato europeo ha visto un aumento esponenziale delle superfici coltivate nelle aree vocate nel Bacino del Mediterraneo e l’introduzione di nuove varietà provenienti dai Paesi tropicali. Ai frutti importati dai paesi leader produttori, oggi si affiancano anche quelli siciliani che, potendo raggiungere in breve tempo qualsiasi mercato europeo, vengono lasciati maturare all’albero ottenendo livelli qualitativi migliori in termini di gusto e aroma. Obiettivo di questa ricerca è stato quello di valutare la risposta qualitativa dei frutti delle nuove cultivar in termini di qualità e di risposta all’ambiente di coltivazione mediterra…
Effects of passive and active modified atmosphere packaging conditions on quality parameters of minimally processed table grapes during cold storage
BACKGROUND: Table grape is a non-climacteric berry, sensitive to water loss and gray mold during postharvest storage. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of passive and active modified atmosphere packaging on quality parameters of minimally processed table grapes. METHODS: 'Red Globe' minimally processed table grapes were dipped in a sodium hypochlorite solution and irradiated with ultraviolet-C, before being packaged in a rigid polypropylene boxes, sealed with a micro perforated polypropylene film (PP) or a continuous polyethylene film, with: a) 5% O2 + 15% CO2 + 80% N (PET1); b) 20% CO2 + air (PET2). Samples were stored at 5°C for 21 days plus and additional 6-day period at 20°C to simulate s…
Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene on postharvest quality of white- and yellow-flesh loquat (Eriobotrya japonicaLindl.) fruit
Introduction. The effects of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) were evaluated on white-flesh cv. Claudia and yellow-flesh cv. Nespolone di Trabia loquat fruit. Materials and methods. Application of 1-MCP ((0.5 to 1) µL⋅L -1 for 20 h)) was monitored at 20 °C (7 days) and 0 °C (7 days at 0 °C and then 7 days at 20 °C). Results. Treatments with 1-MCP slowed fruit softening, depending on the concentration. Softening inhibition was greatest in fruit treated and held at 20 °C. The optimum concentration for softening inhibition at 20 °C was 1µ L ⋅L -1 of 1-MCP, while 0.5 µL⋅L -1 of 1-MCP was more effective at 0 °C. Conclusion. Treatments with 1-MCP inhibited titratable acidity loss in both cultivars. 1…
Evaluation of quality attributes and consumer preference of fresh or imported mangoes in Italy
Mango is a climacteric fruit with a very short shelf-life due to its rapid ripeness after harvest. Generally, fruit from tropical countries and directed to longer transportation (EU markets), are in general harvested firm, before complete ripening (mature-green stage). This harvest practice usefully for mango fruit storability and transportability, generally causes fruits quality and taste decrease. The present study was conducted to evaluate quality attributes and consumer preference of fresh or imported mangoes in Italy. Mango fruit imported from abroad (cv Keitt, Kent and Osteen) were collected from 2 different large-scale organized distribution markets (LD). Mango fruits (cv Keitt, Kent…
Seasonal characterization of nutritional and antioxidant properties of Opuntia ficus-indica [(L.) Mill.] mucilage
Abstract Opuntia ficus-indica fruit and cladodes are a source of mucilage, a carbohydrate complex, as well as of phytochemicals and other nutrients, useful in the food industry. Despite the environmental-based composition variability has been studied, there is no information on its seasonal variability, which is particularly important for its industrial use. In this study, some technological, nutritional, and bioactive properties of O. ficus-indica cladodes mucilage were analyzed during the seasonal growth period. Total proteins did not change during the whole period and the lipid content significantly decreased from winter to the onset of summer. The fatty acid profile showed high levels o…
La coltura del ficodindia in Sicilia: stato dell'arte e prospettive future della ricerca
The Influence of Fruit Ripening Stage at Harvest and Storage Temperature on ‘Bianca di Bivona’ White Flesh Peaches
‘Bianca di Bivona’ is a white-flesh peach cultivar, which ripens during the last week of July and the first of August. Its fruit are known because of their distinct flavor and aroma, which make them highly accepted, particularly in the local markets. However, nothing is known about their postharvest physiology and storage conditions. In order to investigate the effect of: (a) fruit ripening stage at harvest and, (b) storage temperatures, ‘Bianca di Bivona’ peaches were picked at mature-green, (60.0±1.3 N), and ripe stage (30.7 ± 2.1 N) determined by flesh firmness, and then stored at 0°C and 5°C (90% RH). Flesh firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, weight loss and DA index, me…