R. Guarino

Additional file 4 of Staying alive on an active volcano: 80 years population dynamics of Cytisus aeolicus (Fabaceae) from Stromboli (Aeolian Islands, Italy)

Additional file 4. Phenological phases in the studied s-pop of Cytisus aeolicus from Stromboli Island.

research product

1, 10, 100, how many floristic databases are there in Italy?

The Group for Floristics of the Italian Botanical Society (SBI) prepared a questionnaire to be distributed among all those concerned. On the whole about three dozens feedbacks were collected and analysed.

research product

Additional file 3 of Staying alive on an active volcano: 80 years population dynamics of Cytisus aeolicus (Fabaceae) from Stromboli (Aeolian Islands, Italy)

Additional file 3. Age distribution estimates in the studied s-pop of Cytisus aeolicus from Stromboli Island.

research product

Additional file 5 of Staying alive on an active volcano: 80 years population dynamics of Cytisus aeolicus (Fabaceae) from Stromboli (Aeolian Islands, Italy)

Additional file 5. Pollen grain images of Cytisus aeolicus from Stromboli Island.

research product

A syntaxonomical survey of the Sicilian dwarf shrub vegetation belonging to the class Rumici-Astragaletea siculi

Basing on literature data and unpublished relevés from Sicily, a survey of the syntaxa belonging to the class Rumici-Astragaletea siculi Pignatti & Nimis 1980 em. Mucina 1997 (= Cerastio-Carlinetea nebrodensis Brullo 1984) is presented. The class groups orophilous plant communities dominated by dwarf- shrubs, often with a pulvinate and thorny growth form. The class is represented in Sicily by two orders: Rumici-Astragaletalia siculi Pignatti & Nimis 1980, including the sole alliance Rumici-Astragalion siculi Poli 1965, restricted to Mount Aetna, and Erysimo-Jurinetalia bocconei Brullo 1984, including two alliances: the acidophilous Armerion nebrodensis Brullo 1984 and the basiphilous Cerast…

research product

Additional file 1 of Staying alive on an active volcano: 80 years population dynamics of Cytisus aeolicus (Fabaceae) from Stromboli (Aeolian Islands, Italy)

Additional file 1. Photo collection of the growing site of Cytisus aeolicus from Stromboli Island

research product

Additional file 2 of Staying alive on an active volcano: 80 years population dynamics of Cytisus aeolicus (Fabaceae) from Stromboli (Aeolian Islands, Italy)

Additional file 2. Diachronic trend of the isolated individuals and vegetation patches of Cytisus aeolicus on Stromboli Island (years 1937–2017).

research product

The SISV support to the implementation of a national manual for monitoring the Habitats of the 92/43/EEC Directive in Italy.

The 4th National Report ex Art. 17 of the 92/43/EEC Directive in Italy (period 2013-2018) will try to fill a number of gaps still affecting the former versions of the Italian Reports, where territorial data were still missing for large parts of the country and the assessment was mostly based on the use of the expert opinion. Similar inconsistencies also emerged in other European countries (State of nature in the EU, EEA 2015). In order to reach this aim, a nationally shared protocol for monitoring the vegetation-based Annex I Habitats is currently under development. The most prominent issues addressed by the ongoing project are: i) fixing standardized, updated and scientifically grounded me…

research product

Effects of temperatures on the spatial arrangement in Mediterranean annual dry grasslands

Some preliminary results of diachronic researches on the spatial arrangement and species richness in Mediterranean annual dry grasslands belonging to the class Tuberarietea guttatae are presented. Our results are based on 12 permanent plots, set in three places at different heights in Southern and Central Sardinia. Sites were chosen to have annual species richness and plant density not significantly different. The relationship between patchiness and temporal stability was investigated at the scale of the square plots. We used the mean abundance divided by the SD in abundance (S = xm/r), as the measure of temporal stability of populations (Tilman 1999) and the Shannon-Wiener index to evaluat…

research product


A syntaxonomical revision of the class Querco-Fagetea sylvaticae in Sicily, based on literature data and unpublished relevés, is presented. This class groups the mesophilous woods characterized by the dominance of deciduous trees (e.g. Fagus sylvatica, Quercus sp. pl., Acer sp. pl.), and more rarely by conifers (Taxus baccata, Pinus nigra subsp. calabrica), as well as by other broadleaved trees, such as Betula aetnensis, Populus tremula, Castanea sativa. In Sicily, these woody communities are widespread in the northern and north-eastern districts of the island, chiefly on the highest peaks (Madonie, Nebrodi, Peloritani, and Etna). This class is represented in Sicily by two, both flor…

research product

First overview on the 4th Annex I Habitats Report in Italy: methods, criticality, results and future prospects

Segnalazioni varie

research product

Il progetto ECONET-COHAST: Strategie per la conservazione degli habitat costieri di Torre Manfria (Sicilia merid.)

The coexistence of several lithological substrata, together with particular geomorphologic and climatic features, are determining the exceptional floristic and faunistic interest of the coastal trait between Gela and Torre Manfria. In order to preserve and enhance coastal habitats, such area has been chosen as case-study in the Interreg project ECONET-COHAST, which involves six partners from four EU countries (Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta). In this paper, the main features of the area are described and the approach followed in order to implement conservation strategies accounting for the local development exigencies is illustrated. © Società Italiana di Scienza della Vegetazione.

research product

A survey of the weedy communities of Sicily

As Sicily has been a central crossroads of human activity for thousands of years, it offers a major perspective on the Mediterranean weedy plant communities. This syntaxonomical survey of the Sicilian weedy vegetation groups together for the first time 30 plant associations, that have been described from the main and neighboring island in the last three decades. The surveyed vegetation is ascribed to the classes Papaveretea rhoeadis and Stellarietea mediae, whose floristic autonomy is here discussed, and to the orders Aperetalia spicae-venti and Papaveretalia rhoeadis for the former, Polygono-Chenopodietalia polispermi, Solano-Polygonetalia convolvuli, Thero-Brometalia and Urtico-Scrophular…

research product

Syntaxonomic survey of the class Pegano-Salsoletea in Italy

After a general outline on the syntaxonomical framework of the class Pegano harmalae-Salsoletea vermiculatae Br.-Bl. & O. Bolos 1958, the occurrence of this vegetation in the Italian territory is examined. In Italy, this vegetation is mostly found on clayish or marly substrata, particularly if slightly enriched with nitrates and chlorides. With reference to the Rivas-Martı´nez bioclimatic classification, the Italian stands have an infra- to thermo-Mediterranean thermotype (marginally up to the meso- Mediterranean one) with dry or arid ombrotype. In particular, this vegetation is well represented in Sicily, while in Sardinia and along the Italian Peninsula, it progressively becomes more rare…

research product

Syntaxonomical analysis of the beech forests from Sicily

The results of a phytosociological investigation on the beech forests occurring in Sicily are given. On the basis of literature and unpublished data, four well differentiated associations have been identified and classified within the Doronico-Fagion, alliance of Querco-Fagetea. All the surveyed woodlands are localized in the mountain belt of North and North-Eastern Sicily. The associations have been examined from the floristical, ecological, chorological and nomenclatural point of view. Besides, a numerical analysis applied to the phytosociological relevés emphasizes the differences among the associations.

research product

Genetic diversity in Sicilian Population of Quercus ilex (Fagaceae)

research product

Ellenberg Indicator Values for the vascular flora alien to Italy

Studies to date about plants alien to Italy have had limited focus on the ecology of this component of the flora. Ellenberg's indicator values are a useful tool to delineate the relationship between plants and environment, recognizing for each species a functional role as biological indicator; these values have been proposed for estimating the influence of the main environmental factors in determining flora and vegetation changes on a specific surface area. This contribution includes a list of 1206 taxa of plants naturalized in at least one administrative region or casual in at least three regions of Italy. In addition, some methodological considerations on the attribution and use of Ellenb…

research product

The endemic vascular flora of Peloritani Mountains (NE Sicily): Plant functional traits and phytogeographical relationships in the most isolated and fragmentary micro-plate of the Alpine orogeny

This study is aimed at (1) producing a complete and updated inventory of the endemic vascular flora of Peloritani Mountains, (2) defining the geographical limits of Peloritani, regarded here as a biogeographical district and (3) highlighting possible paleogeographic connections with other Mediterranean lands. The heterogeneity analysis of the endemic flora was performed by means of contingency tables, through the χ2 test. The endemic flora of this area consists of 129 specific and infraspecific taxa, of which 15 are restricted to the Peloritani Mountains. The analysis of habitats revealed that endemic taxa are most abundant on cliffs, rangelands, woods and garrigues. A large number of surve…

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