

Il progetto ECONET-COHAST: Strategie per la conservazione degli habitat costieri di Torre Manfria (Sicilia merid.)

R. GuarinoA. GuglielmoF. RonsisvalleS. Sciandrello


ICZMCoastal habitatTorre ManfriaForestryCoastal habitats; Gela; ICZM; Interreg; Sustainable management; Torre Manfria; Ecology Evolution Behavior and Systematics; Forestry; Plant ScienceInterregSustainable managementPlant ScienceEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicGela


The coexistence of several lithological substrata, together with particular geomorphologic and climatic features, are determining the exceptional floristic and faunistic interest of the coastal trait between Gela and Torre Manfria. In order to preserve and enhance coastal habitats, such area has been chosen as case-study in the Interreg project ECONET-COHAST, which involves six partners from four EU countries (Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta). In this paper, the main features of the area are described and the approach followed in order to implement conservation strategies accounting for the local development exigencies is illustrated. © Società Italiana di Scienza della Vegetazione.
