S. Bhakdi
Strategies for Survival of Extracellular Pathogens
Publisher Summary This chapter highlights a simple listing of microbial factors that may contribute to extracellular survival. In addition, it outlines principles and discusses prototypes for extracellular versus intracellular survival strategies. Strategies for extracellular survival can often be equated with pathogenicity mechanisms, and counteractive measures can therefore form the basis for prophylaxis or therapy of the respective infections. These aspects are aluded throughout the chapter, since they investigates how basic research into microbial virulence mechanisms can lead to advances in clinical medicine. Most bacteria that cause extracellular infections cannot afford to be engulfe…
Pathogenität und Virulenz
Die Fahigkeit einer Spezies von Mikroorganismen, in einem Makroorganismus Krankheit zu erzeugen, heist Pathogenitat. Der Ausdruck Virulenz (lat. Giftigkeit) beschreibt den Auspragungsgrad der krankheitserzeugenden Eigenschaften bei einem gegebenen Stamm einer pathogenen Spezies.
Infection of the upper extremity by Mycobacterium marinum in a 3-year-old boy--diagnosis by 16S-rDNA analysis.
A 3-year-old boy developed several subcutaneous nodular lesions on his right arm. Based on the histological examination of one of these nodules furunculosis was suspected and cefuroxime was tentatively given. However, acid-fast bacilli were then detected in the tissue specimen and a few colonies of acid fast, gram-positive rods grew on blood agar. Definitive species diagnosis (Mycobacterium marinum) was rapidly achieved by automated sequencing of amplified 16S-rDNA and antimicrobial therapy was adjusted according to the available literature. After 3 weeks of treatment with clarithromycin, rifampicin and protionamid regression of the nodular lesions was evident.