Sigbjørn Lien
Genome-wide association mapping for milk fat composition and fine mapping of a QTL for de novo synthesis of milk fatty acids on bovine chromosome 13
Background Bovine milk is widely regarded as a nutritious food source for humans, although the effects of individual fatty acids on human health is a subject of debate. Based on the assumption that genomic selection offers potential to improve milk fat composition, there is strong interest to understand more about the genetic factors that influence the biosynthesis of bovine milk and the molecular mechanisms that regulate milk fat synthesis and secretion. For this reason, the work reported here aimed at identifying genetic variants that affect milk fatty acid composition in Norwegian Red cattle. Milk fatty acid composition was predicted from the nation-wide recording scheme using Fourier tr…
Fine mapping of a QTL on bovine chromosome 6 using imputed full sequence data suggests a key role for the group-specific component (GC) gene in clinical mastitis and milk production
Background Clinical mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland and causes significant costs to dairy production. It is unfavourably genetically correlated to milk production, and, thus, knowledge of the mechanisms that underlie these traits would be valuable to improve both of them simultaneously through breeding. A quantitative trait locus (QTL) that affects both clinical mastitis and milk production has recently been fine-mapped to around 89 Mb on bovine chromosome 6 (BTA6), but identification of the gene that underlies this QTL was not possible due to the strong linkage disequilibrium between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within this region. Our aim was to identify the gen…
Northern European Salmo trutta (L.) populations are genetically divergent across geographical regions and environmental gradients
The salmonid fish Brown trout is iconic as a model for the application of conservation genetics to understand and manage local interspecific variation. However, there is still scant information about relationships between local and large-scale population structure, and to what extent geographical and environmental variables are associated with barriers to gene flow. We used information from 3,782 mapped SNPs developed for the present study and conducted outlier tests and gene–environment association (GEA) analyses in order to examine drivers of population structure. Analyses comprised >2,600 fish from 72 riverine populations spanning a central part of the species' distribution in norther…
Adaptation to Low Salinity Promotes Genomic Divergence in Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua L.)
Published version of an article from the journal:Genome Biology and Evolution. Available from the publisher: http.//dx.doi.org/1093/gbe/evv093 How genomic selection enables species to adapt to divergent environments is a fundamental question in ecology and evolution. We investigated the genomic signatures of local adaptation in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) along a natural salinity gradient, ranging from 35% in the North Sea to 7% within the Baltic Sea. By utilizing a 12 K SNPchip, we simultaneously assessed neutral and adaptive genetic divergence across the Atlantic cod genome. Combining outlier analyses with a landscape genomic approach, we identified a set of directionally selected loci…
An improved genome assembly uncovers prolific tandem repeats in Atlantic cod
AbstractBackground: The first Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) genome assembly published in 2011 was one of the early genome assemblies exclusively based on high-throughput 454 pyrosequencing. Since then, rapid advances in sequencing technologies have led to a multitude of assemblies generated for complex genomes, although many of these are of a fragmented nature with a significant fraction of bases in gaps. The development of long-read sequencing and improved software now enable the generation of more contiguous genome assemblies.Results: By combining data from Illumina, 454 and the longer PacBio sequencing technologies, as well as integrating the results of multiple assembly programs, we have …
"Islands of divergence" in the Atlantic cod genome represent polymorphic chromosomal rearrangements
- In several species genetic differentiation across environmental gradients or between geographically separate populations has been reported to center at “genomic islands of divergence,” resulting in heterogeneous differentiation patterns across genomes. Here, genomic regions of elevated divergence were observed on three chromosomes of the highly mobile fish Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) within geographically fine-scaled coastal areas. The “genomic islands” extended at least 5, 9.5, and 13 megabases on linkage groups 2, 7, and 12, respectively, and coincided with large blocks of linkage disequilibrium. For each of these three chromosomes, pairs of segregating, highly divergent alleles were id…
Genomic and functional gene studies suggest a key role of beta-carotene oxygenase 1 like (bco1l) gene in salmon flesh color
AbstractRed coloration of muscle tissue (flesh) is a unique trait in several salmonid genera, including Atlantic salmon. The color results from dietary carotenoids deposited in the flesh, whereas the color intensity is affected both by diet and genetic components. Herein we report on a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify genetic variation underlying this trait. Two SNPs on ssa26 showed strong associations to the flesh color in salmon. Two genes known to be involved in carotenoid metabolism were located in this QTL- region: beta-carotene oxygenase 1 (bco1) and beta-carotene oxygenase 1 like (bco1l). To determine whether flesh color variation is caused by one, or both, of these g…