Armando Pérez Cañellas
Wigner function for a particle in an infinite lattice
We study the Wigner function for a quantum system with a discrete, infinite dimensional Hilbert space, such as a spinless particle moving on a one dimensional infinite lattice. We discuss the peculiarities of this scenario and of the associated phase space construction, propose a meaningful definition of the Wigner function in this case, and characterize the set of pure states for which it is non-negative. We propose a measure of non-classicality for states in this system which is consistent with the continuum limit. The prescriptions introduced here are illustrated by applying them to localized and Gaussian states, and to their superpositions.
Spatially Dependent Decoherence and Anomalous Diffussion of Quantum Walks
We analyze the long time behavior of a discrete time quantum walk subject to decoherence with a strong spatial dependence, acting on one half of the lattice. We show that, except for limiting cases on the decoherence parameter, the quantum walk at late times behaves sub-ballistically, meaning that the characteristic features of the quantum walk are not completely spoiled. Contrarily to expectations, the asymptotic behavior is non Markovian, and depends on the amount of decoherence. This feature can be clearly shown on the long time value of the Generalized Chiral Distribution (GCD).
Effects of dissipation on an adiabatic quantum search algorithm
According to recent studies (Amin et al 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 060503), the effect of a thermal bath may improve the performance of a quantum adiabatic search algorithm. In this paper, we compare the effects of such a thermal environment on the algorithm performance with those of a structured environment similar to the one encountered in systems coupled to an electromagnetic field that exists within a photonic crystal. Whereas for all the parameter regimes explored here, the algorithm performance is worsened by contact with a thermal environment, the picture appears to be different when one considers a structured environment. In this case we show that by tuning the environment parameters…
Wigner formalism for a particle on an infinite lattice: dynamics and spin
The recently proposed Wigner function for a particle in an infinite lattice [NJP 14, 103009 (2012)] is extended here to include an internal degree of freedom, as spin. The formalism is developed to account for dynamical processes, with or without decoherence. We show explicit solutions for the case of Hamiltonian evolution under a position-dependent potential, and for evolution governed by a master equation under some simple models of decoherence. Discrete processes are also discussed. Finally we discuss the possibility of introducing a negativity concept for the Wigner function in the case in which the spin degree of freedom is included.