M. Lang

Parametric assessment of myocardial perfusion by densitometric evaluation of digital subtraction coronary angiograms: a comparison with tomographic TL-201 scintigraphy results

Densitometric results about local myocardial perfusion are compared with those derived from a quantitative analysis of TL-201 single photon emission computer tomograms (TL-201 SPECT). Ten patients underwent conventional TL-201 SPECT at rest and after maximum bicycle stress and dipyridamole infusion the day prior to the investigation. SPECT was applied to provide improved spatial resolution for the detection of perfusion abnormalities. During the catheterization procedure four digital subtraction coronary angiograms were performed, two of the left and two of the right coronary artery both before and after pharmacologically induced hyperemia by intracoronary papaverine. The densitometric para…

research product

Compton scattering from the free and bound proton at backward angles above π-threshold

Differential cross sections for Compton scattering from the free proton at Theta(gamma)(lab) = 130.7 degrees in the energy region from 200 MeV to 410 MeV and far quasi-free Compton scattering from the proton bound in the deuteron at Theta(gamma)(lab) = 148.8 degrees in the energy region from 200 MeV to 290 MeV have been measured. The free proton data are in agreement with dispersion-theory predictions based on standard parameters. The difference of the proton polarizabilities has been extracted from the quasi-free data. Our result, - = [9.1 +/- 1.7(stat + syst) +/- 1.2(mod)] x 10(-4) fm(3), is in reasonable agreement with the world average of the free proton data if the backward spin polari…

research product

Untersuchungen zur Photoleitf�higkeit von alkoxysubstituierten Oligo- und Poly(1,4-phenylenethenylen)en

Investigations on the Photoconductivity of Alkoxy Substituted Oligo- and Poly(1,4-phenyleneethenylene)s The photoreactivity and the photoconductivity of the mono- and dialkoxy substituted oligo- and poly(1,4-phenyleneethenylene)s 1/1′a-n were investigated in order to optimize the photoconducting properties of these materials. Increasing the length of the side chains enhances the average length of the main chain during the polycondensation and decreases the band gap till the limit of convergence is reached. The highest photoconductivity was observed for the 2,5-dipropyloxy system 1/1′j. Longer side chains render the charge transfer from chain to chain more difficult. The measurements were pe…

research product

Double pion photoproduction off nuclei - Are there effects beyond final-state interaction?

Photoproduction of $\pi^{0}\pi^{0}$ and $\pi^{0}\pi^{\pm}$ pairs from nuclei has been measured over a wide mass range ($^2$H, $^{7}$Li, $^{12}$C, $^{40}$Ca, and $^{\rm nat}$Pb) for photon energies from threshold to 600 MeV. The experiments were performed at the MAMI accelerator in Mainz, using the Glasgow photon tagging spectrometer and a 4$\pi$ electromagnetic calorimeter consisting of the Crystal Ball and TAPS detectors. A shift of the pion-pion invariant mass spectra for heavy nuclei to small invariant masses has been observed for $\pi^0$ pairs but also for the mixed-charge pairs. The precise results allow for the first time a model-independent analysis of the influence of pion final-sta…

research product

A Compact Solid State Detector for Small Angle Particle Tracking

MIDAS (MIcrostrip Detector Array System) is a compact silicon tracking telescope for charged particles emitted at small angles in intermediate energy photonuclear reactions. It was realized to increase the angular acceptance of the DAPHNE detector and used in an experimental program to check the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule at the Mainz electron microtron, MAMI. MIDAS provides a trigger for charged hadrons, p/pi identification and particle tracking in the region 7 deg < theta < 16 deg. In this paper we present the main characteristics of MIDAS and its measured performances.

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Neutron Skin ofPb208from Coherent Pion Photoproduction

Information on the size and shape of the neutron skin on (208)Pb is extracted from coherent pion photoproduction cross sections measured using the Crystal Ball detector together with the Glasgow tagger at the MAMI electron beam facility. On exploitation of an interpolated fit of a theoretical model to the measured cross sections, the half-height radius and diffuseness of the neutron distribution are found to be c(n)=6.70±0.03(stat.)  fm and a(n)=0.55±0.01(stat.)(-0.03)(+0.02)(sys.)  fm, respectively, corresponding to a neutron skin thickness Δr(np)=0.15±0.03(stat.)(-0.03)(+0.01)(sys.)  fm. The results give the first successful extraction of a neutron skin thickness with an electromagnetic p…

research product

First Measurement of the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule forH1from 0.7 to 1.8 GeV at ELSA

To verify the fundamental Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn (GDH) sum rule for the first time experimentally, we measured the helicity dependent total photoabsorption cross section with circularly polarized real photons and longitudinally polarized nucleons in the photon energy range 0.68-1.82 GeV with the tagged photon facility at ELSA. The experiment was carried out with a 4pi detection system, a circularly polarized tagged photon beam, and a frozen spin polarized proton target. The contribution to the GDH sum rule in this photon energy range is [49.9+/-2.4(stat)+/-2.2(syst)] mub.

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Beam-Helicity Asymmetries in Double-Pion Photoproduction off the Proton

Beam-helicity asymmetries have been measured at the MAMI accelerator in Mainz in the three isospin channels $\vec{\gamma}p\to \pi^{+}\pi^0n$, $\vec{\gamma}p\to \pi^{0}\pi^0p$ and $\vec{\gamma}p\to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}p$ . The circularly polarized photons, produced from bremsstrahlung of longitudinally polarized electrons, were tagged with the Glasgow magnetic spectrometer. Charged pions and the decay photons of $\pi^0$ mesons were detected in a $~4\pi$ electromagnetic calorimeter which combined the Crystal Ball detector with the TAPS detector. The precisely measured asymmetries are very sensitive to details of the production processes and are thus key observables in the modeling of the reaction d…

research product

Intermediate resonance excitation in the γp→pπ0π0 reaction

The helicity dependence of the total cross section for the (gamma) over right arrow(p) over right arrow -> p pi(0)pi(0) reaction has been measured for the first time at incident photon energies from 400 to 800 MeV. The measurement, performed at the tagged photon beam facility of the MAMI accelerator in Mainz, used the large acceptance detector DAPHNE and a longitudinally polarized frozen-spin target. This channel is found to be excited predominantly when the photon and proton have a parallel spin orientation, most likely due to the intermediate production of the D-13(1520) resonance. However, the contribution of the antiparallel spin configuration, arising from other reaction mechanisms, is…

research product

Synthese von 2-alkoxysubstituierten Oligo- und Poly(1,4-phenylenethenylen)en und 2-Arylbenzo[b]furanen mit Hilfe der Siegrist-Reaktion

Synthesis of 2-Alkoxy Substituted Oligo- and Poly(1,4-phenyleneethylene)s and 2-Arylbenzo[b]furanes by Applying the Siegrist Reaction Alkylation of 2-hydroxy-4-methylbenzaldehyde (1) yields the 2-alkoxy-4-methylbenzaldehydes (2a-l) which can be easily transformed to the Schiff bases 3a-l. The intermolecular self-condensation in a strongly alkaline medium leads to the oligo- and poly(1,4-phenyleneethenylene)s (4a-i) with an outstanding regular constitution and overall (E)-configuration. The terminal N-arylamino group can be cleaved by hydrolysis generating the compounds 5a-i. An intramolecular condensation forming the benzo[b]furanes 6j,k is observed for 3j,k – due to the activated OCH2 grou…

research product

Measurement of Helicity-Dependent Photoabsorption Cross Sections on the Neutron from 815 to 1825 MeV

Helicity-dependent total photoabsorption cross sections on the deuteron have been measured for the first time at ELSA (Bonn) in the photon energy range from 815 to 1825 MeV. Circularly polarized tagged photons impinging on a longitudinally polarized LiD target have been used together with a highly efficient 4pi detector system. The data around 1 GeV are not compatible with predictions from existing multipole analyses. From the measured energy range an experimental contribution to the GDH integral on the neutron of [33.9 +/- 5.5(stat) +/- 4.5(syst)] microb is extracted.

research product

Densitometry and parametric imaging with quality control

X-ray contrast image series of the myocardium were studied using the approaches of densitometry and parametric imaging accompanied by quality control. Contrast angiograms were digitized at six predefined phases of the heart cycle. For densitometry, regions of interest (ROIs) were defined semi-automatically for all phases. The resulting six densograms were summed up and weighted according to their quality determined by a measure. Previously validated parameters such as rise time were calculated. The enddiastolic images were only used for the calculation of color-coded parametric images accompanied by pixel-densogram-quality information. An observer gives a score for the perfusion of roughly …

research product

First measurement of the helicity-dependent γ p↦pη differential cross-section

The helicity dependence of the (γ) over right arrow(p) over right arrow -+ peta reaction has been measured for the first time at a center-of-mass angle theta(eta)*= 70degrees in the photon energy range from 780 MeV to 790 MeV. The experiment, performed at the Mainz microtron MAMI, used a 4pi-detector system, a circularly polarized, tagged photon beam. and a longitudinally polarized frozen-spin target. The helicity 3/2 cross-section is found to be small and the results for helicity 1/2 agree with predictions from the MAID analysis.

research product

Helicity dependence of the total inclusive cross section on the deuteron

Abstract A measurement of the helicity dependence of the total inclusive photoabsorption cross section on the deuteron was carried out at MAMI (Mainz) in the energy range 200 E γ 800 MeV . The experiment used a 4 π detection system, a circularly polarized tagged photon beam and a frozen spin target which provided longitudinally polarized deuterons. These new results are a significant improvement on the existing data and allow a detailed comparison with state-of-the-art calculations.

research product

A European Observational Study to Evaluate the Safety and the Effectiveness of Safinamide in Routine Clinical Practice: The SYNAPSES Trial

Background: Safinamide modulates both dopaminergic and glutamatergic systems with positive effects on motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). The drug utilization study SYNAPSES was designed to investigate the use of safinamide in routine clinical practice, as recommended by the European Medicines Agency. Objective: To describe the occurrence of adverse events in PD patients treated with safinamide in real-life conditions. Methods: The SYNAPSES trial is an observational, European, multicenter, retrospective-prospective cohort study. Patients were followed up to 12 months with analyses performed in the overall population and in patients aged >75 years, with relevant comorbi…

research product

New techniques for visualization of losses due to image compression in grayscale medical still images

To evaluate the visual influence of irreversible compression on medical images, changes of the images have to be visualized. The authors have explored alternative techniques to be used instead of the usual side-by-side comparison, where the information contained in both images is perceived in a single image, preserving the context between compression errors and image structures. Thus fast and easy comparison can be done. These techniques make use of the human ability to perceive information also in the dimensions of color, space, and time. A study was performed with JPEG-compressed coronary angiographic images. Changes in the resulting images for six compression factors from 7 to 30 were sc…

research product

Parametric assessment of myocardial perfusion during interventional cardiac catheterization by means of X-ray densitometry-short-and long-term results.

X-ray densitometric evaluation of digital subtraction angiocardiograms allows an assessment of myocardial perfusion by means of the parameter 'MEAN RISE TIME' (MRT), defined as the time from the onset of local myocardial contrast medium opacification to the point of maximum opacification. Best results are obtained when the response of that parameter is compared before and after stimulation of coronary flow by papaverine. A prolongation of this parameter, especially after papaverine, was indicative of an impairment of myocardial perfusion, when compared to the results of TL-201 scintigraphy. In 50 patients with single vessel coronary artery disease the results of MRT pre and post papaverine …

research product

Helicity dependence of the γ→p→→nπ+π0 reaction in the second resonance region

The helicity dependence of the total cross section for the (γ) over right arrow(p) over right arrownpi(+) pi(0) reaction has been measured for the first time at incident photon energies from 400 to 800 MeV The measurement was performed with the large acceptance detector DAPHNE at the tagged photon beam facility of the MAMI accelerator in Mainz. This channel is found to be excited predominantly when the photon and proton have a parallel spin orientation, due to the intermediate production of the D-13 resonance. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

research product

A framework for PACS development in cardiology

The authors develop a framework for the integration of cardiology into hospitalwide picture archiving and communication systems (PACSs) by the definition of user requirements in cardiology image information systems. These user requirements have to be based on the consensus of users and industry. A topdown layered scheme is proposed for the development of documents based on user requirements. The structure of committees within the European Society of Cardiology that are working in this field is discussed. >

research product

Computerized estimation of quality standards for the X-ray densitometric assessment of myocardial perfusion

The densitometric evaluation of heart-phase-gated digital subtraction coronary angiograms derives different parameters which provide information about coronary blood flow, myocardial perfusion, and coronary flow reserve: appearance time, rise time, mean ascending time, and maximum intensity. The reliability and reproducibility of these measurements and of the derived parameters were investigated. Four digital subtraction coronary angiograms were obtained in ten patients, including two baseline measurements and two measurements under hyperemia induced by papaverine ic. Different reproducibility results were found for the parameters, depending on the heart phase of the densogram (diastolic be…

research product

Helicity Dependence ofγp→Nπbelow 450 MeV and Contribution to the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule

The helicity dependence of the single pion photoproduction on the proton has been measured in the energy range from 200 to 450 MeV for the first time. The experiment, performed at the Mainz microtron MAMI, used a 4pi-detector system, a circularly polarized, tagged photon beam, and a frozen-spin target. The data obtained provide new information for multipole analyses of pion photoproduction and determine the main contributions to the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule and the forward spin polarizability gamma(0).

research product

Compton scattering from the free and bound proton above π-threshold

The differential cross sections for Compton scattering from the proton have been measured at MAMI with three different detector setups. There is a good agreement among all the results. The theoretical calculation based on dispersion relations shows that there is no drastic change necessary in the parameters of this approach.

research product

Determination of myocardial perfusion and coronary flow reserve by densitometric measurements: a selective classification of regions of interest

To evaluate the functional effect of a coronary artery stenosis on the dependent myocardium, digitized coronary angiograms (DCAs) were recorded. The DCAs, acquired during heart catheterization, provide information about myocardial perfusion and coronary flow reserve of areas supplied by this coronary artery. For each analysis the myocardium is separated into different regions of interest (ROIs); 16 ROIs in the distribution of the LCA and 8 ROIs for the RCA. In addition to that, the ROIs of the diseased vessels are divided into ROIs which are proximal, within and distal to the stenosis. Using a semiautomatic procedure, densograms are constructed from which the parameter rise time is calculat…

research product

Experimental Check of the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule for H1

For the first time we checked the fundamental Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn (GDH) sum rule for the proton experimentally in the photon energy range from 0.2-2.9 GeV with the tagged photon facilities at MAMI (Mainz) and ELSA (Bonn). New data of the doubly polarized total cross section difference are presented in the energy range from 1.6 to 2.9 GeV. The contribution to the GDH integral from 0.2-2.9 GeV yields [254+/-5(stat)+/-12(syst)] microb with negative contributions in the Regge regime at photon energies above 2.1 GeV. This trend supports the validity of the GDH sum rule.

research product

"Table 1" of "Compton scattering from the free and bound proton at backward angles above pi threshold."

No description provided.

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