Beam-Helicity Asymmetries in Double-Pion Photoproduction off the Proton
D. KrambrichF. ZehrA. FixL. RocaP. AguarJ. AhrensJ. R. M. AnnandH. J. ArendsR. BeckV. BekrenevB. BoillatA. BraghieriD. BranfordW. J. BriscoeJ. BrudvikS. CherepnyaR. CodlingE. J. DownieP. DexlerD. I. GlazierP. GrabmayrR. GregorE. HeidD. HornidgeO. JahnV. L. KashevarovA. KnezevicR. KondratievM. KorolijaM. KotullaB. KruscheA. KulbardisM. LangV. LisinK. LivingstonS. LugertI. J. D. MacgregorD. M. ManleyM. MartinezJ. C. McgeorgeD. MekterovicV. MetagB. M. K. NefkensA. NikolaevP. PedroniF. PheronA. PolonskiS. N. PrakhovJ. W. PriceG. RosnerM. RostT. RostomyanS. SchumannD. SoberA. StarostinI. SupekC. M. TarbertA. ThomasM. UnverzagtTh. WalcherD. P. Wattssubject
PhysicsParticle physicsProtonMeson010308 nuclear & particles physicsNuclear TheoryHadronFOS: Physical sciencesGeneral Physics and Astronomy7. Clean energy01 natural sciencesHelicity3. Good healthNuclear physicsPair productionPion0103 physical sciencesHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentInvariant massNuclear Experiment (nucl-ex)Nuclear Experiment010306 general physicsNuclear Experimentbeam-helicity asymmetries ; charged pions and the decay photonLeptondescription
Beam-helicity asymmetries have been measured at the MAMI accelerator in Mainz in the three isospin channels $\vec{\gamma}p\to \pi^{+}\pi^0n$, $\vec{\gamma}p\to \pi^{0}\pi^0p$ and $\vec{\gamma}p\to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}p$ . The circularly polarized photons, produced from bremsstrahlung of longitudinally polarized electrons, were tagged with the Glasgow magnetic spectrometer. Charged pions and the decay photons of $\pi^0$ mesons were detected in a $~4\pi$ electromagnetic calorimeter which combined the Crystal Ball detector with the TAPS detector. The precisely measured asymmetries are very sensitive to details of the production processes and are thus key observables in the modeling of the reaction dynamics.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2009-07-02 | Physical Review Letters |